These are the improvements that need to be made for The Knight

- Adding Map of the Realm to The Knight as basekit and in return, nerf Map of the Realm.
- Manually cycle guards.
- The Knight can recall his guard that's on patrol at any distance. The closer he is to the patrolling guard, the shorter the cooldown.
- Combine Broken Hilt and Chain Mail Fragment, rework one of these Add-Ons.
- Add half of Call To Arms to his basekit then nerf half of this Add-On.
- Rework Battle Axe Head, Cold Steel Manacles & Treated Blade.
- Rework Town Watch's Torch and Ironworker's Tongs.
- After The Knight summons a guard, the patrol circle will instantly expand.
- A guard during a hunt should not run around a loop after a pallet is dropped by the Survivor.
- The Knight can now order a guard to break walls, generators and pallets when he's too close to it, so you don't have to move a few centimeters away to use your power.
My suggestion on the Add-Ons rework:
Town Watch's Torch
- During a hunt, all Survivors who are inside the guard's circle will be revealed to The Knight.
Ironworker's Tong
- When hit by a guard, reduce the repair and healing speed by x% until fully healed.
Chain Mail Fragment
- When hit by a guard, grant the Broken effect for x seconds.
Battle Axe Head
- When The Carnifex is on the hunt, when the hunted Survivor vaults a pallet, The Carnifex will break the pallet and continue the hunt.
Cold Steel Manacles
- When hit by The Jailer, the brand is marked on the Survivor. Every few seconds, the survivor will scream and reveal their Aura to The Knight. The mark last x seconds.
Treated Blade
- The Assassin is now silent. He doesn't make any sound during a patrol and doesn't show its patrol range. The Assassin doesn't show the Survivors on the HUD if he's on the hunt and doesn't scream.
Removed: "Increase The Assassin's hunt duration."
Added: "The Knight can now order a guard to break walls, generators and pallets when he's too close to it, so you don't have to move a few centimeters away to use your power."
Base kit Map of the Realm and Call of Arms is all I really want. And make placing Guards down not so finicky.
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Killswitch the knight to improve the game.
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You can not let knight manually cycle guards because then Jailor basically doesn't exist because they're objectively worse than the other two guards at anything useful and arguably you just spam assassin nonstop and then that's literally just a second killer in the game controlled by an AI, it's not a good idea.
Ideally Jailor needs to be reworked and map of the realm needs to be basekit and then knight needs a full add-on pass because I agree the greens are absolute garbage.
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Instead of buff assassin i would buff Jailor its the worst one. Something like in Jailor circle you run a 3% more. And dont think select your guard its fair it would bee full assassins.
Other than that yes to all.
At least i would love basekit map of the realm thats the minimum if i must pick one.
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Map needs to be made basekit and Jailer needs a speed buff.
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I agree on "Adding Map of the Realm to The Knight as basekit"
Because that addon makes playing him SO MUCH easier and SO MUCH MORE pleasant. It seems like bHVR took a good Killer power and then nipped it down to create addons. Sorry guys, but it really does look like that. I think bHVR has a problem with making Killers and that are downright unpleasant to play unless they use specific addons or are severely skilled with said Killer. Knight (Map of the Realm) and Deathslinger (Spit polish Rag + Wardens key) comes to mind with Guard range and reload speed.
I think bHVR could improve the game a trillion percent by removing addons that are grossly overused and normalizing the part of their Power which uses those, This is a way you can open up our considerations to different addons, instead of designing the Killer and that specific addon to be our only choice until we get good enough at the Killer or forever if we dont.
Please consider this point bHVR, I would be so happy if you made considerations to Killers based on this and made addons equal and not essential, even tho I asked for this many times now, but here we go again.
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I removed it. I thought about it all day, I don't think myself that was a good idea either with how many improvements The Knight is getting on this topic.
Thanks for your support, though.
It's unfortunately true. The Knight has a difficult time to apply pressure and activately hunt survivors without Map of the Realm. Call of Arms is necessary to improve the quality of setting up his guard.
I forgot to add the most important and frustrating part. Whenever you're too close to a pallet, a generator or a breakable wall, you can't activate your power unless you walk a few cm away from said object. That's what I hate the most about his power and I can't believe myself how I forgot to add it in the list. I edit my post and put it in the list.
I agree with you about The Jailer but not about not letting The Knight manually cycle guards. He should be a killer that has full control over his power and choose his guard by free will. This will immensely improve the quality of life of The Knight's power.
If you want to reduce the amount of use to one of his guards, I suggest to put a cooldown on it so you can't summon the same guard too often, or balance The Assassin. I think one of these two balance options will make The Knight not too oppressive during a chase? Perhaps a token system can be in place and then it goes on cooldown for example "The Assassin has 2 tokens. After he's summoned 2 times, put on cooldown for x seconds" then you have to use different guards? Any suggestions are welcome.
I think @ARTRA & @Snowball777 made good suggestions to turn The Jailer a useful companion.
I like that suggestion where you get bonus movement speed inside The Jailer's patrol vision circle. About selecting your own guard, read my above statement why I disagree.
Yes, The Jailer needs more of that. With Made For This often in play, he's basically running the Olympics!
Right? There are many more killers that suffer the same fate as The Knight. This is why you see so much use of Marvin's Blood then nerfed later by Behaviour. The Twins with their Toy Sword Add-On which also got nerfed later. My suspicion is, they look at their statistic and see these Add-Ons are used too much, so they nerf it.
Instead, this has proven me wrong, because reading the 7.2.0 | PTB patch notes, I can clearly see that The Knight didn't receive a nerf to Map of the Realm but instead they nerfed Pillaged Mead.
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Right? There are many more killers that suffer the same fate as The Knight. This is why you see so much use of Marvin's Blood then nerfed later by Behaviour. The Twins with their Toy Sword Add-On which also got nerfed later. My suspicion is, they look at their statistic and see these Add-Ons are used too much, so they nerf it.
Instead, this has proven me wrong, because reading the 7.2.0 | PTB patch notes, I can clearly see that The Knight didn't receive a nerf to Map of the Realm but instead they nerfed Pillaged Mead.
I would like to see changes, but I dont want to see nerfs without compensation. Killers are already so unpleasant to play and its hard to get a Kill.
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Anything to improve him. He's so god awful to play as. Why can't I see survivors when I'm using my power?
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Lots of good stuff here.
There's a few things I'd do a little different but overall he would just be in a much better state with all this. Just Map of the Realm and Call to Arms base kit would be so important. These two addons are basically required so there's currently no room to run anything else. In before they bake half into base kit and nerf the addons by 50%, no, we need the whole effect. If they gave half we'd still be forced to run them.
I wanted to also have an increase to guard hunt move speed based on the proximity of the survivor at engage. Meaning if they like walked into its radius there would be no change. However if you're skillful enough to land it right on top of them it would have a small speed increase. This increases his skill ceiling which he definitely needs, and buffs him at high skill levels without really buffing bad Knights.
How is that Knight bug where they run around the pallet instead of through it still in the game? We've been posting about this in bugs relentlessly since his release. Should've been fixed ages ago.
Knight really needs help. You could play him literally perfectly and he still feels like garbage. Doing exactly what you should be doing with him still rarely feels rewarding.
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These are really good suggestions! I wrote a post 1-2 months ago about wanting the Map of the Realm to either become basekit or half-basekit. Without it, it's sooo hard to not mess up your guard placement and not get value from the guard.
Also yeah, the Knight's green addons are quite bad. I never have a desire to use them. They need a rework.
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this post is like huge wish list for knight. i do not think they have time do all that.
I think main 3 problems with knight are
1) his detection radius for assassin and carnifex is too low, he needs map of the realm for these two guards to work
2) landing long range guards is unrewarding because survivor can outrun on all 3 of them.
3) He is added-on locked. He requires map of the realm and call to arms or dried horsemeat(to attempt to make Assassin get hits).
I agree with a lot of changes like adding half of map of the realm and call to arms base-kit. this solves problem 1 and 3. I think his jailer guard needs be changed to something like applies hindered by -5% and exposed for 30 seconds so that they can buff the carnifex and assassin to have greater movement speed when the patrol radius is larger then 10 meters. this would resolve problem 2. just be aware that his guards hitting survivors is similar to spirit's phase-walk gameplay that some players disliked playing vs.
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No. Stop with these killswitching suggestions on killers who're terrible. Do you also wanna killswitch Trapper because he's the weakest killer in this game?
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Are you being sarcastic or serious?
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Lol no. You act like that addon is crazy op or something. It's pretty average, it's just makes his most fun play style function.
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So by this logic old Rat Liver on Demo was OP right? Every Demo ran it on all their matches. That grey addon must be op.
The fact that many people run an addon doesn't make it op. It generally means their kit has a design flaw that the addon fixes. This applies to many killers.
Is Haddies Calendar on Dredge op? How about increased stalk on Myers? Festering Carrion on Artist?
You're conflating correlation, with causation.
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Yes. He is awful to play against. I refuse to look at the ground the entire game. He is one of the most unfun killers they have in this game to play versus... and it sounds like, to play as. They should change him.
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i think the max distance of 10 meters could be base-kit but not really speed. he feels fast enough in ghostform in default from my experience to not need it.
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I just don't see how the speed comes even remotely close to being too strong in any scenario.
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Not being able to look down sounds like a skill issue.
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But killswitching is only for gamebreaking bugs, not killers who're bad. That's not how it works in this game. If you don't wanna play against Knight then don't play against. And I agree that they should change him to make him more better.
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I'm happy to see someone with some genuinely good suggestions on how to fix Knight. It makes my own WIP post that aims to re-work Knight completely seem a little less daunting.
Good job!