Promised anti-camping mechanic
My suggestion?
This is the system BHVR have said is coming later this year. I just inserted some values into it.
Besides with the values I used, none of what you said would be true. If you weren't within the zones for the entirety of the hook state, aka actually facecamping, you would have nothing to worry about.
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How do you know you’re not in the zones, will there be an indicator? You for certain will be for a little bit right after Hooking the survivor, will there be a grace period, or should you play hotfoot?
And how would you then address the resulting complaints of getting camped by blights or nurses who just tunnel off hook, or Killers who return to the hook periodically once they see a survivor coming with the understanding that the buildup is now slowed?
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Actual abusing, or 'hard throw the game to make this interaction fire' abusing?
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You might want to ask BHVR.
You can't dismiss a solution to a problem just because "but Blight and Nurse exist". Nothing would ever get done.
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Yes you can when it revolves around the concept of high mobility. Because it’s something that a lot of players like, going fast. I could have included Wesker and his Bound. Spirit. Or range, like Huntress with a good line of sight.
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I hope killers will have an indicator. But we'll be fine without it. They said the anti-facecamp feature will have a 16m range - exactly the same as Kindred. Any decent camper is very familiar with that distance anyways.
The returning to the hook variation is not facecamping. That's tunneling and proxy-camping. The anti-facecamp feature isn't meant to eliminate those strategies.
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So I guess the only option is to delete those killers huh.
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Or come up with a solution that also involves obscuring the whereabouts of the survivor…
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That would be an anti tunneling mechanic, and already provided by Off The Record.
There's no reason why these should be mutually exclusive.
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Then it’s merely flavor that will piss off the Killers for “getting nerfed”. While also adding “bad boy zones”.
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I’m pretty sure the survivor is near the Hook when unhooked. I still know where they are, especially if proxycamping with respect to the new ranges dictated by the new anti-camp measure.
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Then I don't understand what you're asking for? It seems to be the impossible, and if the impossible isn't possible then nothing should be?
Do you want unhooked survivors teleported to the other side of the map? No wait you want teleporting hooks don't you?
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Player teleporter. Not Hook teleporter, I play Executioner, a Hook teleporter won't end well.
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I disagree. It'll eliminate (or heavily punish) facecamping - a rather dull and not very efficient, but rightfully disliked practice. It wont affect the highly interactive and very efficient macro-approach often referred as 'hard tunneling'. I'm personally very happy for that, as it's a pretty fun playstyle, especially once you start to regularly face groups of survivors who know how to play around it instead of giving up as soon as they realize what's happening.
Once the feature goes live, I'll read the lamentations of mediocre killers claiming that "killer got nerfed" with the same glee I'll feel about the survivor complaints that the anti-facecamp feature only eliminated facecamping, and they are still subject to proxy-camping and tunneling. I'll have a hard time resisting to point out their "skill issue" in both of these cases.
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I'm the kind of CoD of advanced warfare player that would setup anti-infantry mines to make sure a chokepoint was just that, a choke-point, given player interaction and more than enough anti-infantry mines,
DBD doesn't have that.... Yet.