I am once again asking advice for how to play Singularity

Here we go again. I'll try to keep it brief this time and say my issues with Larry and so on. Before we start, I'm on console, so I get it, I'm gimped but I accepted that ages ago.
- EMPs
Not that I think they're OP by themselves or anything, they just feel so plentiful. By the time I down someone, the other 3 are grabbing EMPS, the 4th has one printed, and the other 3 are printing so you can end up with up to 8 EMPs in a trial at once unless you force them to burn through them fast. Except, a single EMP can cleanse infection and take out multiple BIopods, so how are you expected to outpace them? They're not hard to find.
Am I supposed to run Sloppy and adopt a hit-and-run playstyle akin to Wraith or Sadako, tagging them and dropping, allowing the Infection to spread mid-heal? What's the idea here?
- Chase Power
His actual chase... isn't that good. The 75% action speed is nice but does little when they can still effectively chain tiles. His OC Endfury can easily be outlasted by just looping tightly (especially if they're injured with MFT), and even if they can't do that, pre-dropping is an option.
I know a few tricks like making a survivor stand still for a moment so you teleport on top of them, 99 the lock on to trick them into vaulting, etc etc. It just ends up feeling like Billy where it's a bunch of hassle for the killer and easily countered by survivors.
- Lock on
I know this one will probably lessen with experience, but holy hell, it is annoying to get a lock on almost full, only to be obstructed by a branch or something and have it reset completely. I know there's a brief linger, but damn, is it annoying to have it reset completely instead of a quick decay or something.
Just imagine that this tin can doesn't exist. This is the best advice.
But if you still decide, then for the most part it is played from a triangle, moreover, for an effective game you often have to play as stuffy as possible, because in the chase it does not represent anything because EMP is literally an OP created to protect the survivor in all dangerous situations and smooth out absolutely all the acute the angles of the killer (so literally all his power is made), I personally hate him because of this, for me he is too neat and sterile to insanity, despite the fact that he is quite an interesting killer if there is an ability of course
Well, or better advice:you should have a purple speed add on in every match and preferably an extension addon too. And for fun, you can take a rainbow addon that imposes infection on everyone at the beginning of the match, but personally I strongly advise against playing for it
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Use the biopods during chase. When you get to a loop shoot a ball infect them and then chase.
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Just go to YouTube guides on him/google too. Don't depend on others so heavily
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Basically perma agro with it. You put pods in front of the survivor to infect them and then you CAN right click normally to Tp to them but you can still also pod in front of the next tile to make you teleport between them and the tile.
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Put up a few biopods in a high place where you know survivors will mostly run through and use the rest during chase.
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How I play Singularity is similarly to how I play other killers who play hit and run or apply status effects effects (Like Wesker or Nemesis)
Just because hes 115, doesnt mean you need to commit to every chase. (that goes for basically every killer, learn when to drop chase) I like to follow what I like to call the '30 seconds rule'. If I cant get a pallet, strong breakable wall, or a hit within 30 seconds of chasing a Survivor, I dont even bother. Now what youre able to do as Singularity if youre unable to get any of the 3, is to slipstream them to make them chose between getting an EMP, or leave it there and risk getting TP'd on at any point. Doing so will slow the game down and make them use up their resources. This will open up more and more opportunities to snowball as the game progresses. (Another thing is after getting a hit, try to slipstream them if possible but its not necessary to commit to the chase.)
Things to keep in mind is to be aware of your surroundings. While chasing somebody, try looking out for other Survivors or use perks to find out where others could be. You can very easily apply slipstreamed to other Survivors who are busy doing other things and barely lose any distance on the Survivor you are currently chasing.
To get maximum value out of 1 pod and to keep pressure on Survivors, its best to play territorial sort of like Hag or Trapper. Not necessarily a 3 gen, but take like half of the map and don't go outside of it if you can help it (makes keeping track of gens much easier, and if you get in a chase you'll more than likely already have a pod set up which just saves a bit of time)
One thing that makes this particularly difficult are indoor maps. They are notoriously bad for him as the several LoS breakers not only make it difficult to juggle between Survivors but to even slipstream a Survivor youre chasing.
Good perks on Singularity that come to mind:
Save The Best For Last - Makes it much easier and gives a bigger window to apply slipstreamed to a Survivor after a hit. Doubles Up to cut the distance gained after a hit as well
Sloppy Butcher - Hit and Run playstyle and Sloppy go hand in hand, and is particularly strong on Singularity as the extra time to heal leaves a bigger window to apply Slipstreamed to 2 or multiple Survivors.
Discordance: The information provided is much more than youd realize. Going up to a gen where 2 people are can allow you to essentially pressure both of them at once. You can do so by leaving a pod (or multiple) that covers all sides of the gen, and chase one of the Survivors off. While chasing them, go to your pods to apply Slipstreamed. Depending where on the map you are and where the Slipstreamed Survivor is, it might be beneficial to teleport to the Survivor on the gen
No Way Out - Playing for the late game is probably the best way of going about things. Buying yourself a whole minute to set up pods at gates to keep an eye on them, as well as getting rid of EMP's can be the difference between a win or a loss
Surge - Perk is perfect for the territorial playstyle, and you can never go wrong with bluetooth gen regression
BBQ and Chili - Once again, all about gaining information and letting you know where you should be heading next, but also where you could be applying the most pressure with your pods
Coup de Grace - When you teleport to some one and become overclocked, a lot of Survivors will try to squeeze an extra loop to try and prevent getting hit since not only can you not be stunned, but you break the pallet much faster as well. Coup de Grace can punish that greed.
Surveillance - Essentially the same reasoning as Discordance, but gives you a more precise way of knowing when that other Survivor is hoping on the gen
Mindbreaker - Sprint Burst is one of your greatest enemies, preventing them from using it after TPing on them can be the difference between getting a hit or not
Hope this helps at least a little :)
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I mean...he's really, really bad, unfortunately. You can take the time to set up around gens and use those pods to tag survivors, but you're going to get EMP'd the first 4 times you do it at a minimum.
That leaves you with using the pods in chase, but it's so wildly inefficient to use this power in chase. You're not guaranteed hits off Overclock if the survivors are decent. You can turn the game into a pallet breaking simulator, but the gens will be done by the time you take out the resources.
This is the only killer on the roster I can't consistently win with. I don't have issues hitting survivors with the biopods. People say he's difficult and I completely disagree. He's just bad. I win more games on Huntress without landing half my hatchets.
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I wish I could get a refund for this killer.
Post edited by Murgleïs on0 -
EMPs need to be reworked. They are way to strong still. It renders this killer to an M1. He is at his strongest when he can teleport on top of people and end chases in seconds. I wish you could tag survivors with your weapon as well as the biopods. I also think that Singularity should be able to disable the supply cases for a short time like 30 - 60 sec.
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Give more EMP boxes but make them a finite resource. This way survivors will need to be strategic about when they will use them. Maybe that would make him too strong though?
Edit: Or survivors can each retrieve one EMP but they need to charge it up to be able to use it. Or it goes on cooldown of some sort to charge back up.
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We tend to play him as a m1 killer most the time so anything for them helps bender. Set cameras in places survivors wouldn't normally look or in areas that get the best view to see them, not necessarily to tag them such as the front and back of the ski resort, in trees, etc. Keep an area and replace cameras as needed as survivors have a harder time wrecking everything if its constantly replaced, just don't go out of your way to do it. If possible in chase, shoot on 1 side of a loop and you can usually tag them and have access to overclock as needed unless multiple survivors come to aid with emps. Just for the record, he can go for a chaser but it requires alot more effort than its usually worth and requires alot of sweating and good camera placements.
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surprise that your struggling with him. singularity for me is like playing chess dbd. you have to manipulate the chess board with survivors as pieces to win. i can win with him consistently but he is like big mental drain for me as killer. you have to constantly rotate bi-pods to infect survivors inside and out of chase to combat the auto-generation emps while winning chases with overclock.
i feel like dev took chess merchant joke and turned it into a killer.
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The issue is once they used em all 3 gen strategy will be nightmare.I vote for making EMP to cleanse only the person using it and not the others but keep woth cancellibg biopods. I would make it really good killer