General consensus on indoor maps?

I've done a quick search on the forums by 'indoor' and it seems that community basically hates them? I was wondering because right now we have plenty of outdoors map and variations but tbh I have a blast playing Lery and RPD (the Game is pretty annoying every single time I play it) so I just wish we would have more variation and more indoor maps, even mixed would be fine, but most outdoor maps have only a tiny percentage of them being indoors.

There are tons of options on how indoor maps could be designed, and I just can't help feeling since the last ptb that using the Nostromo as a complete indoors map was a missed opportunity. And that got me thinking 'well, yeah, actually we don't have that many'. RPD's two variants, Lery and The Game (excluding Hawkins since it's no longer available).

So, again... What is the general consensus on this kind of maps?



  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,491

    I don't prefer indoor maps neither as Killer nor Survivor except for the atmosphere.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030
    edited August 2023

    I like them, rpd sucks but the rest are nice

  • KaTo1337
    KaTo1337 Member Posts: 605

    I am actually kinda mad that they havent used Alien for a PURE Indoor-Map at the spaceship. Such a waste of potential (the new map is ok, far better than Borgo and Toba, but after Hawkins-Loss there was 0,0 compensation. And no, I dont count the RPD-Split.

  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510

    I hate them, both as survivor (hard to plan paths, locate pallets & gen, terrible vs stealthy killers) and as killer (crows are usless, navigation is painful as billy, no trickshot as huntress, ...)

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    I like Midwich and Lery's fine enough, but I hate RPD and The Game. Though I still have trouble finding generators on Midwich half the time.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030

    Yeah I'm really disappointed on that, especially with how the first alien movie was claustrophobic

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,949

    It depends. I don't mind them as a survivor but when I play Billy indoor maps are always boring to play. There are very few chances to play around with many killers powers other than brute forcing.

    The worst offender in my opinion is RPD. Brute force your way through, turn off your brain and you will probably perform pretty good. But try to get a bit more creative and go for ambitious plays and it won't work out.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    It really depends on the killer for me. Some killer powers feel really bad on indoor maps. I never want to see RPD on Billy or Nurse. But I'm happy to get RPD/Midwich/The Game on Hag.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    You missed Midwich.

    The problem with indoor maps is that they don't really work well with the gameplay. You cannot really use crows or scratchmarks to track survivors, some indoor maps have the haddonfield fence syndrom where you know exactly where the survivor is but you have to go around and waste so much time that they are basically at the other end of the map.

    I hate every single one of them because they are all terrible. For killer and for survivor, and I don't think not liking them has anything to do with being killer or survivor sided, they just limit gameplay in some very annoying aspects.

    The Game - 20 safepallets basically pallet kick simulator and most of them are so safe and have good visibility that you cannot mind game them as an m1 killer, fairly good visibility in the upper floor, but rather bad downstairs.

    Midwich - hold W simulator if you see the killer on the other end of the corridor, the loops itself are mostly alright but it has the same issues as every other indoor map that you cannot really track survivors with crows and far away scratchmarks, also sometimes getting up or down just takes way too long because of the limited stairs and drops, so you can be right below a gen that is being worked on but you need to walk for another 30 seconds to get there.

    Lerys - haddonfield fence problem when there is a room with limited openings and it can spawn some ridiculous window alignments that makes it really rough to chase, same as all maps with rough time spotting scrath marks in the distance and tracking via crows.

    RPD - has some really annoying safe pallets and once again the haddonfield fence issue that oftentimes gives survivors so much of a headstart.

    As survivor those maps often seem to be confusing in finding generators or which tiles have already been used and as killer they are really annoying from a tracking standpoint and getting to places since you often need to walk a rather massive way to get to a point.

    When I play survivor on the game I just never feel like I outplayed the killer when I last long in chase because I don't really have to think about a clever way to loop them or where my ressources are because there is just so many of them and they are all safe. It is just so boring. With Lerys it is often weird as to which door is open in specific rooms and if got lucky so I can reach the tile in time before getting hit.

    Just in general as killer as well as Survivor Indoor maps are terrible, you oftentimes just don't see farther than you can throw which makes it really annoying guess when the killer is actually coming or how far the survivors will get and how many possibilities they have to hide.

    Sure those maps are great for stealth killers but that again enables some boring gameplay where you basically no visualy or audio until you get hit or grabbed (which basically never happens bc of whatever anymore?), so the chase ends before it begins.

    I'm really glad they didn't make more indoor maps, because none of them are fun to play on for me, neither as killer nor survivor.

  • thisislastyearsmodel
    thisislastyearsmodel Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636

    Yeah, the fact that a survivor can run around the main staircases for ten minutes and then drop the incredibly safe pallet is awesome!


  • thisislastyearsmodel
    thisislastyearsmodel Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636

    I don't like them for either side. I find them either incredibly boring or so chaotic that the game is annoying. Midwich is miserable as survivor, The Game is miserable for killer (pallet town), Lery's is imo miserable for both sides LOL

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I mean sure they are probably great from a visual standpoint, but that is something I really don't care about, I want good gameplay and not something that looks good but plays awfull.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    It is not about the safe pallet my man, it is that you can see the killer, possibly even stay out of chase and have him chase you for 60 cm/s gain around a 40m long path that ends in a god pallet he eventually has to kick...

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Also Midwich has at least 2 god pallets (I don't know if you can count the two in the courtyard, but I think they are rather strong. The game has around 15-20 god pallets, Lerys has I think also 2+ and RPD has at least 5-6 god pallets (long table room, main hall, some others that are harder to describe).

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Now image an M1 killer like pig, there is no fun in such a chase.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    The point of it being called a god pallet is that you basically have to kick it when it is dropped because you are not able to play around it unless the survivor has no clue what they are doing. Sure some killers can maybe down you before you reach that pallet, if they have stealth or hit you over it with their power, but what do you when you are chasing someone and they are only holding w and then dropping the pallet and then doing that another 15 times until the game is basically over.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Enduring Spirit fury get's countered by pre dropping, Brutal Strengh is not enough because you basically have pallets back to back, there is even a rather old clip of Hens where the killer gets spirit fury, but the pallets in the game spawn so dense that he just has two pallets back to back and can drop another one before he gets hit, stuff like that should never happen.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    I love them as survivor, it’s fun searching for new loops and totems on those maps for me. But I absolutely hate them with a passion as killer, they always seem to bottleneck so many fun powers, which only stealthier killers having a good time.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I wouldn't call Pig scary, her Dash is kind of outdated and barely works because people just run away as soon as you crouch and for some god awfull reason her reverse bear traps are what makes special now and not the chase power, which I find really sad.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Dude, the game has 25 or so pallets 15-20 being safe, it does not matter who you chase, they are all able to drop pallets, this map is just terrible, you can be the best looper in the game a god pallet cannot be mindgamed try mindgaming shack pallet as an M1 killer and look how long you take to get the hit and now take that times 10 for the game, what do you expect people to do there? You don't need to be good to play on the game, this map basically makes it impossible to apply your skill because there is no skillfull way to drop a safepallet...

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    What has it to do with a comp setting when two pallets just happen to be there back to back??

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,208

    I enjoy the indoor maps, overall prefer them, but they play quite differently and can see why people might dislike them.

  • HarlockTaliesin
    HarlockTaliesin Member Posts: 763
    edited August 2023

    I'd very much like indoor maps, but so far none are conducive to both survivors and killers. Their designs suffer in one aspect or another.

    Midwich: A hook desert for killers and can be difficult to locate gens/totems for survivors. Otherwise a big square. Easy mode for Nurse and Doctor.

    The Game: For most killers, pallet, pallet, pallet, pallet, window, pallet, pallet, pallet, pallet, fall through floor, pallet, pallet, pallet, etc. For survivor, you can get trapped in certain areas if the breakable doors are up and it can be easy to get three-genned depending on RNG and which pallets get broken. Easy mode for Nurse, only a little more difficult for Doctor.

    RPD: Just awful and widely disliked by both survivors and most killers. Lots of small rooms/hallways broken up by sharp angles and pallets/drops. Two gens spawn in the lobby. Plus since it got split this PoS is now twice as likely to show up. Mostly easy mode for Nurse and Dredge, a bit more difficult for Doctor.

    This isn't to say that the outdoor maps are all that inspiring, just that the indoor maps are so much worse.

    I really wish they'd try outsourcing their map building, or have guest map makers like they have guest cosmetics designers.

    Edit: Forgot to add Lery's. I don't even know where to begin with this. Although it can be problematic for both sides, it's absolute hell for killers. If you're an M1 killer without any special abilities to get around fast or down fast, just AFK. You'll have so much more fun.

    Post edited by HarlockTaliesin on
  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,127

    Hate Lerys with a passion. The rest are fine

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I would disagree about RPD being easy mode for Nurse ^^ Your Blinks get swallowed so often, this map is really terrible as Nurse, arguable her worst, even worse than Lerys and Nobody wants to play Nurse on this :D

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,105
    edited August 2023

    You remind me of Sluzzy with your bad takes.

    DBD at the highest level is survivor sided. The only reason killers can perform well in pubs is because of bad matchmaking and throwers (suiciding on hook).

    Post edited by Murgleïs on
  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    rpd Is absolutely horrendous it’s the only time I’ve died on hook because my teammates genuinely didn’t know how to get to me because it was that confusing

  • thisislastyearsmodel
    thisislastyearsmodel Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636

    It's the principle. The staircases are the perfect distance apart that you can get at least three loops in, more if you're facing a 4.4 killer, and then be totally safe still. Also, that map has at least 3 god pallets.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Most people tend not to like them, but in part that is because there is more to learn, and when you lose because you didn't know how to play it feels bad. Lery's has a bunch of windows, which limits many powers, but it also is the smallest map at 6272 Sq/m, with the 2nd smallest being Midwich at 7,264 Sq/m, and the honorary indoor map Toba Landing at 3rd smallest at 8,320 Sq/m (with Nostromo set to be in between Midwich and Toba). The smallest 'proper' outdoor map is Coal Tower at 8,448 Sq/m. The smaller the map, the better it typically is for Killer, because you spend less time seeking and more time chasing. So while for Survivors, the map is small and favoring Killer, for Killers, it is hard to use many powers, so it feels like hold-W in a maze simulator.

    Also many indoor maps have limited (Midwich) or excessive resources (Gideons), so when you are indoors, it either feels like you run out of pallets in 10 seconds, or 10 years. So when someone complains about pallets on indoor maps, you can tell if it is a Survivor complaint with Midwich, or a Killer complaint with Gideons. Along the same lines, new (and even experienced) players can have a nightmare of a time to find totems in the case of boons or hexes, yet you can also get your Devour Hope to spawn in the Midwich Library that every Survivor runs past 3 times in a match.

    With multi-story maps, the best way to survive is to pre-run. But if the Survivor pre-runs the wrong way, they lose massive time in chase. At the same time, try chasing someone as Deathslinger on Midwich when they pre-run the correct direction, it is pain. As a result, some Survivors have to resort to hiding to not risk the pre-run. Indoor maps have plentiful hiding spots, and if the Killer didn't bring Nowhere to Hide, it can be a pain to seek them out. Although if the Killer is aware enough or brought good perks, it makes it a cakewalk.

    To add on to the learning aspect, Gideon's is one of the only maps to have generator tied map changes. People can easily find a gen or approach from the correct side as Killer, if they know the map spawning logic. I forget off the top of my head, but I believe the top floor has the gens ONLY spawn clockwise from doors, and the bottom floor has the gens ONLY spawn counter-clockwise from the doors. Once the gen is completed the door opens. Knowing this helps immensely for both sides. Not knowing this makes the map feel all the more like a maze.

    I personally enjoy them for variety sake, and it is neat to learn 'how' Gideons works. At the same time you can see in each situation how if you are on the bad end of it, it sucks miserably. Due to most people having built-in Negativity Bias, both sides are remembering the time the indoor map was painful, but not realizing when it made the match easy for them. Also I feel as though indoor maps are good for hit and run Stealth Killers, but are bad for Ghosty. You need to 99 stalks as Ghosty, and they can see/hear you on indoor maps when you can stalk them, making that harder. Outdoor maps you can get an easy 30-40m stalk and they never know any better. Even if you get the 99 stalk on an indoor map, they know, which changes how they play.

  • Melinko
    Melinko Member Posts: 291

    If only you could know that you were being sent to the map with all the terrible pallets before picking your perks.....

    Take pallet perks and end up outside and you've wasted your build.

  • GreyBigfoot
    GreyBigfoot Member Posts: 954

    They're killer-sided in low skill lobbies, then become more survivor sided as the player skill increases. With a certain killer build or stealth tactic, it can come back into the killer's favor but not really. An important thing is, even when it's survivor sided, people seem to not like indoor maps much.

    All of those maps have a few god pallets that must be broken by the killer, some have a lot of pretty safe loops. On Lery's there's potential for really strong windows to spawn from RNG. Lots of walls can help survivors just as much as it can killers. One's with multiple floors can be a nightmare to defend as killer (or a breeze if you're Nurse/Demo/someone who teleports)

    The only real thing that survivors suffer from is that newer players can have trouble finding generators and are wandering for a long time.

  • Stroggz
    Stroggz Member Posts: 504

    I like RPD after rework. And maybe midwich, if not for hook placement.

  • Satelit
    Satelit Member Posts: 1,377

    I don't hate the indoor maps,I used to hate Hawkins but thankfully it's long dead and buried.

  • thisislastyearsmodel
    thisislastyearsmodel Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636
    edited August 2023

    This is your argument for every issue anybody ever makes about anything related to playing killer.

    Please go and actually play the role at high MMR before you try to act like bringing Brutal Strength is the solution here.

  • thisislastyearsmodel
    thisislastyearsmodel Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636

    If you'd like me to stop replying to you then stop being so brazenly one-sided.

  • Melinko
    Melinko Member Posts: 291

    Practice does not make perfect, it only makes permanent whatever we do repeatedly.

    Therefore, only perfect practice makes perfect.

    And in this game, you are never going to practice perfect....

  • Z0mbiv0r
    Z0mbiv0r Member Posts: 322
    edited August 2023

    Wow, I posted it yesterday an hour or so before going to sleep and I honestly thought this topic would be left unanswered, but so many answers. I overslept a bit and I have to go to work in a bit, but I'll answer what I can and read the rest later.

    On the above poster, I think that's 'bad' design as in designing an indoors maps doesn't actually have to be always narrow hallways. It's true if talking about the Nostromo there wouldn't be much space left for designing while staying faithful, but you can always create a museum gallery, a lab with spacious rooms, a priory with an inner cloister and more like that.

    Edit: I somehow forgot about Midwich, but I really love that map too and I think it has good design to play as billy and huntress (and anyone else).

    Edit 2: @Archol123 , true about crows in indoor maps, but I don't think it would take much to include rats which could act the same way as crows. Also, about mobility and knowing where someone is but being unable to move swiftly to them, that's bad desing, I think. You coud have destroyed walls and ceiling to create pathways to make it more 'navigateable'. Most other issues you mention (pallets, windows, even Midwich's corridor) could be solved by tweaking them a bit with a better design, although I wouldn't really change them that much. Of course I'm still biased because I usually have so much fun when playing on Midwich, RPD and Lery, either as killer or survivor.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,105

    I do play DBD for fun but also acknowledge that the reason survivors don’t escape is because they don’t really try.

    Throwers make the game easy mode for killers, not because the game itself is balanced that way.

  • Z0mbiv0r
    Z0mbiv0r Member Posts: 322

    So after reading through all of it, I feel like most of the complaints come from pallet spawning, which imo should be easily solved by the devs tweaking those maps, which I think they did state they were going to do (not specifically indoors maps but maps in general).

    I still think indoors maps are more unique and fun than outdoors ones, and I would really love to see them explore more risky designs. I have a few designs of my own which I think could be actually functional and fun, including

    ·An abandoned building with several apartments, a lab area, some narrow and dim lighted corridors and an outdoors garden like area in a corner, from a chapter which included The MadMan, a sort of Dr Jekyl / Mr Hyde killer.

    ·A small shanty town area with several indoors locations in the shape of abandoned shops and small apartments, connected by narrow alleys and some wider areas like a plaza with a fountain, from a chapter which included The Enforcer, a crooked ex-police officer who used to take part in police brutality.

    ·A cathedral in ruins, with an inner cloister, the main chapel with two floors (a bit like the main hall from RPD) and a crypt, from a chapter which included The Possessed, a young boy who could bring out the demon possessing him to attack survivors.

    ·A castle, again, in ruins, with a courtyard, the court room, a stable, the dungeon and a demolished tower, from a chapter which included the Vampire.

    And then you could have, as I said, things like a Shipyard, a Museum, you write it. I don't know, I just think this game is lacking variety in maps. And I do think it could be extremely fun to explore diverse ways of bringing some indoors map which wouldn't just be mazes with all narrow corridors and small, cluttered rooms.

    You could have the Nostromo, for instance. How cool would it have been to have an actual, dark spaceship?

  • Snowball777
    Snowball777 Member Posts: 143

    They suck, and feel bad to play as Killer.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    From an visual standpoint sure would be great, but I don't think the gameplay would be good. Narrow paths don't go well with many killer powers in the sense that you cannot avoid a hit against a huntress when you cannot dodge. Tracking is hard in indoor maps, it is much harder to cut survivors off and if it doesn't work they get massive distance which often makes it not even worth to try.

    I can understand that you want visually appealing maps but that doesn't really give me much after playing like 10 times on it, it could be a completely white map with only boxes and walls for loops and if it plays good I would prefer it over the Mona Lisa of visually appealing maps. It is all about the gameplay and just because RPD looks good does not mean that it is not a terrible map from a gameplay standpoint.

    Also the most relevant complain is not the pallet spawning (maybe except for the game, but this map is an atrocity of itself) but the lack of long range tracking, crows, scratch marks in the distance, being able to see survovors from afar and trying to cut them off, that is just something that is basically impossible on indoor maps which makes them very frustrating to play on in general. Also many killer powers rely on line of sight which is also easily broken on those maps. They just create so many issues from a gameplay point of view and all I hear in favor of it is how cool it look visually... Man that's just not worth it... The great looks wear of fast and then you have gameplay like old cowshed and the game. The priority should be gameplay above looks.

  • Z0mbiv0r
    Z0mbiv0r Member Posts: 322
    edited August 2023

    So you think there is actually no way indoors maps could be fun to play in anyway? I mean, I understand your reasoning, but pallets just need tweaking, crows can be replaced by rats (not sure if that's possible and they wouldn't work exactly the same because you wouldn't see them flying in the distance but you could actually see them scattering away or could work with spies from the shadows), loss of tracking scratchmarks in the distance is unevitable, but if the map is well thought and designed, it wouldn't really affect the game that much in every circumstance (when in narrow or enclosed spaces, yeah, but there would be other instances in which you are not), narrow espaces could be given windows (only they would have to give them a different appearance than just plain windows) to jump from or simply adjust the space so it is not so narrow that you cannot move one inch for 10 meters...

    What I try to imply is that, yeah, I think all your reasoning is perfectly valid and spot-on, but I think it's not something that is impossible to work around. Breaking LoS is an important part of the gameplay too, so I think that's when variety comes in play, and it would also encourage usage of different strategies and builds for both killers and survivors.

    But I do understand now that it would be maybe a massive amount of work with a high risky of being criticized so not worth the effort.

    PD: I just feel that most outdoors maps are just skins and that indoors ones are which bring variety and hence why I feel them as something fresh, but obviously that's just one opinion, and I'm not precisely good at the game.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited August 2023

    I prefer indoor maps on both sides and think they are overall more balanced. The indoor maps actually play different than the outdoor maps which are most of the time the same loops with a different skin on them. Most the outdoor maps just play the same. The indoor maps also tend to not have as much busted loops as the outdoor ones. Finally indoor maps actually make some of the weaker killers better which is a good thing. Outdoor maps tend to let you see the killer coming from a mile away encouraging hold w game play which no one likes.

    Post edited by Blueberry on
  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    The rats idea is not that bad actually but the problem is visibility because you would need to be able to see them at some distance to allow them to be viable, and far enough so you don't trigger them yourself and by design of most indoor maps you cannot see too far any direction. If you design a huge Hangar ofc you don't have that issue but then you don't really have an indoor map anymore either, you just slapped a roof on an outdoor map.

    It is just that you have basically no I dictation at all where the survivors are moving to in the distance on indoor maps whereas you can know on an outdoor maps if you look out for signs, it rewards skill and that doesn't happen indoors... Which is sad.

    I don't agree on the skins argument because the tiles on the maps and their main buildings are fairly diverse, ofc I would not mind more different types of tiles to be added so long as they are not the type of useless windows pallet gym they first added when talking about new tiles, they should be somewhat balanced and be neither free hit nor free escape.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Less busted loops?? - let me introduce to you the game

    Hold w gameplay - have you seen the midwich corridors??

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Let me go into more detail.

    We have a total 4-5 indoor maps, depending on if we count RPD as one or two maps: Lerys, The Game, Midwich, RPD 1 and RPD 2.

    They all have the general indoor map problems + map specific ones.

    Out of all indoor maps 1/5 (the game) and arguably, but not so much anymore (RPD 1+ RPD 2) have completely busted loops 15+ safe pallets on the game and a lot of really strong loops on RPD. And you're telling the outdoor maps have more busted loops when we look at it percentage based?

    Midwich is hold w simulator at its best big maps are a problem yes, because basic m1 killer only makes 60cm/s when closing the gap to a survivor it is really important to be able to cut the survivor off, which the midwich corridors make impossible, you see a survivor on the other end of the corridor? good luck dude you gonna spend minutes to catch up to them, the game will end before you get the down if they do it properly.

    I also disagree that they make weaker killers better, the problem is since they are all rather winding killers with above average map traversal or teleports are favored where as especially on maps with multiple floors m1 killers just take ages to go to places, take midwich for example you can take like 30-40 seconds just to reach the generator right below or above you when you hear the survivors working on it and then they might already have ran off into oblivion.

    As for holding w in outdoor maps, if the map size gets corrected then this won't be much of a problem anymore also there is oftentimes enough line of sight blockers to approach them without getting spotted from 40 m away, unless you're on blood lodge I guess but that's 1/28 or so, so I guess it's fine, but I agree that outdoor maps should have some line of sight blockers, not like Singularity s map or the reworked red forrest, bc that is just too much but some more are alright.

  • Z0mbiv0r
    Z0mbiv0r Member Posts: 322

    I always have fun when playing killer in indoors maps precisely because of those reasons, it feels like anything can happen, but of course I understand that diverse MMR's might go differently.

    I'm sad we don't have more indoors maps and I wish there could be a way to solve those issues, but well... It is what it is. Thanks for your insight, @Archol123 , it really has been interesting to read you. Let's see if in the future they can bring more variety to outdoors maps while still allowing for being able to track survivors by crows flying away and scratchmarks.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I'm the opposite, I basically never had a fun game on an indoor map, but I guess it is fine if other people enjoy it. Glad I could help ^^

  • totallynotamegmain
    totallynotamegmain Member Posts: 658

    This guy made a great video explaining how the game and RPD are easily abusable along with 2 other known problematic maps.