Any reason to not increase the unhook chance?

I'm tired of getting left on hook in Solo because of incompetent teammates or proxy camping killers.
Why not make the unhook chance like 25%? Is there any good reason not to?
I think 25% would be a bit excessive, but I also think that raising to 10 wouldn't hurt... maybe 15, even.
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The reason it shouldn't be increased is because hooks need to put pressure on survivors. If a survivor unhooks themselves, whether by chance or by using Deliverance, it immediately takes a ton of pressure away from the killer because no one had to go get them. It's like temporarily having a 5th survivor in the match.
I understand your frustration with proxy camping and incompetent teammates, and the upcoming anti-camp system hopefully will be an effective deterrent to camping, but it's too soon to say whether it will be. As for getting bad teammates, that's something that no balance change can ever fix. That's just the nature of team games (and the matchmaking system having problems sometimes).
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a survivor on hook and a survivor having to stop what they are doing to go for the save is a big part of a killers pressure.
it arguably should not be possible without deliverance.
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As it is right now it may as well not exist. 25% is still a massive risk if you go to 2nd hook stage you're going to get tunneled out and the game is already lost. It would only benefit solo which indisputably needs help.
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You'll end up bleeding out on the ground then even more often eh
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Bring Deliverance? Slippery Meat? Slippery Meat gives you up to like 48% chance to unhook yourself if you go through all the attempts.
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I mean, that's a slippery slope argument. Should I also be able to repair at 4.0 charges per second because in one game I got 3 teammates who refused to touch gens? How would that work when you don't have a team of potatos? Do you think it would be too strong?
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The self-unhook provides no benefit with competent teammates. I don't see how that's a relevant comparison in any way.
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with competent teammates why would I not roll the RNG wheel with the reward of being completely negating the travel time of a teammate to to the hook + travel time back to their gen(assuming they were working on one and had to get off it to come unnhook me)? It makes efficient players even better. I can easily say "hold on, let me try the 25% chance to unhook so you can stay on your gen and you don't have to get me"
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Because allowing for even more self sufficiency makes the game even more campy.
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it wouls benefit swf WAY more. not even close.
also, do you want slugging builds to be popular?
I play trapper. and 25% was the base chance of escaping a trap each try. 25% is way too high of a chance
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Sorry mate and i really dont want to sound rude by any means.
25% its an insane OP number. And i mean broken as heck as never in dbd before lvls of broken.
Now in a more detailed reason.
Just with slippery meat that allow you to try 6 times to selfunhook it means that you will scape for free almost always at any time.
Hooks its the pressure killers have to makes other survivors stop doing gens and go for the rescue. If you remove that there will be no point in hooking so slug time or omegafacecamped waiting you to selfunhook.
Sorry if you have bad teammates but that its not the solution.
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Just for some numbers:
25% chance to unhook would be the equivalent of a ~58% that a survivor unhook themselves in the 3 attempts base.
Slippery Meat becomes 29% chance with 6 attempts for ~87% chance to unhook. With Up the Ante it becomes 94%.
If this change went through, Slippery Meat would be unironically meta and killers would be forced to camp hooks when the survivor is in 1st state, because the risk they can just unhook themselves is too high.
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And if we now add luck offerings you basically don't need to go for unhooks in first stage and can just continue to slam gens, that idea is just terrible overall. Deliverance or Slippery Meat already give you enough stuff to possibly unhook yourself.
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Luck Offerings and Up the Ante stack AFAIK.
The best Luck offering is 3% for the entire team x4 which is 12%
Up The Ante is 9% x4 for 36%.
25% base + 4% slippery meat gives you a base chance of 77% which ends up with 99.99% chance.
But with the proposed change, you really only need Slippery Meat and 4x Luck Offerings as that sets you to a 95% chance. If one person runs up the ante, that becomes 98% chance.
You would need to lower the chance of self hook to 1 attempt and it would still be a buff over the current 11% chance.