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I still haven't heard a good argument against basekit Kindred

Seriously though I can't see why survivors can't NOT have base kindred which could help lessen the gap between the balance of SWF and solo queue players. Most of the time when I make this suggestion people come out of the woodwork claiming that kindred is suddenly this OP perk on par with dead hard and old DS and the conversations then devolve into killers comparing powerful perks to simple aura reading perk that needs a hook state to activate and needs the survivor to remain on hook to keep it up.

SWF players on coms have real time updates on where the killer is at all times without needing to be hooked to see them and have others be warned of where they are going so for dedicated SWF teams they wouldn't need the perk at all and it doesn't detect stealth killers or killers who use undetectable addons or perks so I'm still confused on why people are against solo survivors having a perk slot free and just making kindred base kit because at this point it's a requirement.

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  • Member Posts: 1,158

    Maybe before, but since they added the Icons, now it would just be overdone.

  • Member Posts: 658

    Nobody’s pretending there is a good argument against it, and if they are they are either trolling, or one of the people who thought insta blinds, insta heals, pallet vacuums, unhookable survivors, traps under hooks, etc were “balanced”

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    I mean you could say it benefits SWF that don't play with 4 men already but I guess that would be fine. The problem overall is most likely that giving survivors increased efficiency makes it even rougher on killer and probably result in a lot of re-balancing to do, but besides that point I agree that it is not a bad idea.

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    I'm all for it. Decent sws have kindred via comms. And stupud unhooking where multiple survs are hangong around hook are one of the main reasons solo q games can go down the toilet so quickly.

  • Member Posts: 143

    You can have it if Killer gets an FOV slider and Shadowborn gets reworked.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    sidenote... also see the killer ping. why is that not a thing?

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    "it still worked out" yeah because people were absolute trash at the game back then, the game had literal infinites, fast vaults out of 0 momentum and many more different dumb things, if any semi decent player of today played on the old version of the game no killer besides Nurse would ever win a game, the game changed, people got better at it and balancing has to also change according to this.

  • Member Posts: 1,584

    This won't fix the gap because the greatest advantage of swf has always been avoiding the terrible matchmaking system by ensuring you have 3 good players on your team.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    You are lucky if all the friends you play with are good at the game ^^ I always had at least 1-2 really terrible players in my 4 mans :D

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    Because we now have UI icons, for one.

  • Member Posts: 5,955

    Uhm... 6.1.0 was about 1 year ago.

    But people were so much worse back then than they are now. Sure. Because after 6 years people still didn't know how to play the game.

    I've only played this game since shortly after the Twins' release. There weren't any more infinites back then than there are now (although I am still glad that some loops from back then no longer exist). Arguably less considering that you can lose chase with a killer on GoJ's main building.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    I thought you meant far back when there were barely any usefull perks so everyone ran BT like reeeeeally far back in the beginning of the game 5-6 years ago and so on?

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    As for the basekit perks thing it is not about the perks but about the issue that lies beneath, why did they add basekit bt? Because if you don't run BT then you basically farm someone off of hook and having only 3 perkslots left limits your possibilities in perk builds by quite a lot so instead of this killer vs survivor mentality how about we think about the problems the game has and how we could fi x them?

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    Constantly adding perk effects as base kit solutions regardless of what side they favor ultimately flattens out the game and removes the need to actually make strategic build decisions based on the pros and cons of what type of gameplay experience you're seeking. To zero in on the subject of base kit kindred, what exactly are you hoping to achieve with that? If you're goal is to make more team synergy then people don't even synergize when you go out of your way to run kindred or bond as a perk. If the goal is just to generate more information for the team it doesn't actually do that great of job compared to the hud, audio, and visual cues the game gives already.

    Everyone knows you're hooked, most people can guess that the killer is patrolling, chasing, proxing, or just face camping you based on the other tools at your disposal and tiny bit of effort in using a few brain cells worth of deductive reasoning. When it comes to making the save while keeping maximum efficiency, that's a lost cause. Dedicated teams manage that cause they tend not to care about any of the things that randoms care about like completing dallies, tome challenges, pushing their emblem scores. In all my times where I've run kindred it has never made a tangible difference at any perceived MMR level I've been in. At most it just gave people reasons to not even bother attempting saves in a timely manner. If they saw the killer was there, they didn't come which makes sense, but if they didn't see the killer cause the killer legit left and wasn't proxy camping they didn't come until I was basically in second state on my first hook.

    So from my experience making that base kit doesn't seem worthwhile and constantly making perk effects base kit harms the value of perks in general while not solving the actual issues you want addressed with proper solutions.

  • Member Posts: 107

    No one is asking for every perk under the sun to be usable as basekit, Kindred is an information perk that is pretty much almost required to use if you play solo and can often feel like an annoyance because trying to experiment with different builds can be a chore if you have to place perks that are pretty much required. It doesn't detect stealth killers or killers who are undetectable anyway it's literally just ONE perk that's a QOL change over all the dozens of perks survivors already have that people want to try out.

    SWF players don't have to worry about this because they have Kindred 24/7 via coms and can give real time information about the killer's position EVEN when they are in stealth or undetectable without the need to sacrifice a hook state to do so. Kindred is not useful to them at all if they have coms.

  • Member Posts: 3,333
    edited August 2023

    Everything is a give and take in this game. Players need to learn that and accept that when it comes to asking for base kit variants of perks. Base kit kindred isn't a QoL change in the truest sense as it doesn't address an issue, but rather just absolves players from making decisions. As someone who plays solo survivor exclusively when not playing killer because none of my friends want to play this game anymore, kindred isn't required at all. Having it base kit isn't going make teammates play any better than if you just ran the perk, but you don't need to run perk either just run whatever build you want.

    I've said before in other threads, but no amount of feature creep will bring the solo survivor experience up to the same level as SWF experience. They would need to actual in game voice comms and even then in solo play you're most likely still going to be disregarded by chaotic teammates doing their own thing. At some point you just have to play the game and just do what you want as best you can. Experiment with builds and just toss the notion that you NEED kindred out the window because clearly it's holding you back from enjoying the game. I could understand if Kindred provided a feature that relates to accessibility in some way like the way people used spine chill, lightborn, or shadowborn. Just having extra info to have it under the notion that it somehow gives you any equal footing with a group of players who as a survivor you don't have to play against just doesn't seem right.

    That's not even taking into account the minor balance issues that do exist if kindred was made base kit. Not every killer can opt out of it nor should they inversely be forced to makes around trying to opt out of it due to it being made a default feature. Is it gamebreaking? No. Yet, isn't exactly fair to alter that particular game dynamic when the outcome is that the actually oppositional side of the player base has default worse gaming experience. Survivors are not hurting for information, no side is hurting information as matter fact. Also, I've seen people ask for basically every thing as base kit at one time or another. There was a period where some folks wanted base kit ruin, base kit reassurance, base kit unbreakable which they tested and was a mess to say the least. People ask for all kinds of things and sometimes they end coming dangerously close to being implemented.

    Post edited by ReikoMori on
  • Member Posts: 1,129

    It could be added but not for “bridging the gap between swf and solo”, that’s a fool’s errand.

  • Member Posts: 775

    If basekit Kindred comes, killers should have some compensation for that, right?

    The only reason I don't agree with basekit Kindred is BHVR will ignore killers getting nothing at all.

  • Member Posts: 4,655

    Goes to show how much swf destroys in this game.

    If we close the gap between swf and soloq completely, this would mean, that the buffs that killers would need are insane. Something like 120% movement speed and 20% pain res on every Gen map wide for every hook. That's how dumb it is to see the killer all the time and spread out on gens.

    I dont think the game would recover.

    Swf is busted if played right. It literally destroys the balance of the game and can't be destroyed because it helps the game stay alive.

    This is the grave bhvr digged back when the created the function to play with your friends.

  • Member Posts: 857

    As you can see from this thread, there isn't a good reason. Just the usual skill issue killers complaining they can't 4k against a team that's not completely braindead.

  • Member Posts: 107

    Especially since this wouldn't even affect stealth killers, or killers with undetectable perks, people forget that pretty much every survivor going solo runs this perk so it's basically base kit for them and the fact that they don't notice this still or never bring up how OP kindred is proves that it really doesn't affect them.

    Any time I bring up base kindred people compare it to actual perks that are problematic from survivors despite kindred never being that strong and requiring a hook state to even stay up to begin with

  • Member Posts: 107

    I get you but see it's just kindred, that's all. Kindred is required when playing solo and camping killers don't care if they are seen near hook most don't even know the perk exists because regardless of the aura reading terror radius exists. Around stealth killers people naturally assume they could be camping the hook anyway because the playstyle is so common and boring to go against but kindred doesn't even detect them anyway.

    It doesn't close the gap completely, but kindred needs so much to work that having it base kit doesn't matter because that survivor is already on the hook anyway.

  • Member Posts: 107

    Also this is a better compromise than whatever anyone has suggested honestly

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    If you want a reason against basekit Kindred, then just equip it for a couple of rounds.

    Enjoy watching your teammates ignore you or the basement bubba aura that suddenly vanishes.

  • Member Posts: 758

    but the survivors got their audio visual settings

    it's not entirely fair to give 1 side features without which many people literally cannot play and at the same time punish people without problems with motion sickness by strengthening survivors

    it's more likely that the killers get corrupt and the survivors get kindred

  • Member Posts: 107

    Corrupt literally blocks their only objective when killers can still camp and hook and chase with kindred on as they have been doing since the dawn of time

  • Member Posts: 758
    edited August 2023

    how does corrupt corrupt interfere with the goal? just spend 15 seconds and reach the unclosed generator

    and I'm very interested in how Corrupt will allow camping if it turns off after the survivor falls

  • Member Posts: 547

    So is assuming that just because some SWFs can always reliably convey the location of every team-member, the average group of friends can also do that.

  • Member Posts: 2,336

    I feel basekit Kindred isn't the right call but I'd be for briefly showing all the survivors each others auras when the hook bubble animation is playing. All it would serve to do is show who is available to unhook and I feel that alone would be all that's needed.

    I feel for anti camp there should be a different solution other than to rat out a camping killer by having 100% uptime on their aura without a perk. Maybe an icon on the hooked survivor to indicate a killer is in proximity if they've been lingering for prolonged periods of time. The idea is just to know they are camping so you can make a decision on whether to continue gens or go for the save and not abuse the aura reading for an easier save.

    I just feel aura reading should be reserved for perks and addons mostly. Also feel it doesn't solve anything making it basekit even with solo in mind.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    ...No? That isn't how the slippery slope fallacy works at all.

    But to tackle that idea, they don't need to, that isn't the point of basekit Kindred. The point is that when someone's hooked, all but the most checked-out of teams can muster up a quick "I'm close, I'll save", which is something that solo queue teams either have to guess about... or run Kindred so they can actually make decisions.

  • Member Posts: 4,655

    I also get you. Camping is boring. However, it is sometimes VERY necessary to counter efficiency of survivors.

    3 survivors on 3 different gens at the beginning of the match. Chase takes around 80-90 seconds (very realistic with mft and problematic maps). The killer WILL lose 3 gens for one down. I'm sorry but if you are not a strong chasing killer, you need to camp at that point or you lose.

    This happens often. I didn't even count in toolboxes or deja vu.

    I generally dislike making perks basekit. Now that bt got added to the basekit everyone asks for : can me make this basekit?

    The game loved for 6 years without basekit bt or basekit kindred.

    I would love to have basekit lethal pursuer or basekit corrupt intervention. But I say no to that.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    at that point you still do not need to camp.

    you still have 4 gens left untouched and can win by defending it well enough.

    unless you also consider that camping, which fair enough.

    also, in my experience... rarely will people spawn and go do the gen right next to them right away. takes a bit of time for some reason... or people spawn together so they do the 1 gen together.

  • Member Posts: 4,655


    With what killer do you defend that?

    Needs to be some kind of strong chaser.

    And the Gens must be close.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    if people spawned and started working on whatever gen is closer to them. they likely 3 genned themselves. it's just how it usually works out since survivors tend to spawn away from the killer. the 3 gens closer to the killer at spawn are likely untouched.

    and I think every killer can defend a 3 gen. some better than others, but certainly doable for all. specially since you got a hooked person, now is the time when survivors start making mistakes.

    but if you do get the 90ish sec 3 gen pop. AND they are spread out. in that case, you might need to camp.

    or hope the next chases are pretty fast.

  • Member Posts: 1,410
  • Member Posts: 944

    I don't know about basekit but would be nice to delete that stupid massive bubble when someone is hooked, I never use kindred because I can't see killer aura for 3-4 seconds with that thing, it was not like that before

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