
Can you consider making Spirit’s default 15 second cooldown to a 10 second cooldown? Basically the current Rusty flute and Rin’s broken watch combined. Also it would be nice if duration add-ons would incur the proposed 10 second cooldown regardless of how long they let Spirit be in her power. This change would make her 176% movement speed more impactful as she would recover her power quicker than before and pairing it with duration add-ons would give her better map presence. It would also be nice if the brown duration add-on were added to her basekit seeing as it would pair really well with the overall less recovery time and making the 176% more useful since being inside her power would take longer and not just 5 seconds. Besides, i don’t see this causing issues, the survivors already know when and where spirit is phasing with the loud pinpoint accurate directional audio that’s so not vague like you claimed, it’s hilariously easy to track might as well make Spirit visible but oh well
P.S, The Yakuyoke amulet absolutely needs a buff now either by removing the speed debuff or making the cooldown take 10 seconds instead of the painfully long 25 seconds or just rework it into something else entirely that’s useful.
All the pathetically weak stuff in the game, and you ask for a Spirit buff? The 3rd best killer in the game?
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I disagree that she’s the 3rd best killer in the game but this change i proposed would make playing Spirit more enjoyable as you would have good map pressure and potential to catch up to survivors since you would have the brown add-om added into her base-kit and along with other duration add-ons, she’d be excellent. All her good add-on got gutted for the 3rd or 4th time now and it’s ridiculous that there no proper compensation for all of that on top of the stupidly easy to track directional audio.
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why are we buffing top killers?
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To make them more enjoyable to play as?
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And in doing so we make her more miserable to face. I enjoy spirit and dont mind going against her either but this is not a good thing to do. SO many other killer are way more deserving of a buff than spirit.
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I think she is fine as she is, she does not need any buffs. I would agree if you had some quality of life changes, but not when you propose just straight up buffs...
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No it won’t make her miserable to face as she literally gives away her location in phase and they’ve taken so much from her that a few adjustments would make her “unFuN tO gO AgAinST “ yeah no i hate the directional phasing noise with a passion but that hasn’t stopped me from finding her fun to play as and the changes i’m asking for are minor considering what they did to her add-ons.
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I'd be a nice change of pace.
Maybe we can make Nurse be like Spirit and not be able to see survivors while charging her blink
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I don’t agree in the slightest. She needs those changes to be able to keep up in chase and overall map pressure. They’ve taken so much from her that i what I’m proposing is the least she could get. I suggested some QOL changes a while back but even then people got mad and said that’d she didn’t need them. It’s honestly more of a personal issue they’ve got with Spirit as a whole rather than her being the problem but that’s just my opinion.
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I’m glad you agree. Also that would look weird xD but i’m not a nurse main so i can’t say much about her.
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What you are asking is not a simple qol change, it is a massive buff to one of the best killers in game.
She doesn't need buffs, much less of that caliber.
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I disagree. It’s the least she could receive in compensation considering what they did to her addons especially the amulet my god is it awful now sigh…
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If you're saying that you're having trouble as Spirit with map pressure then you're doing something wrong. I'm sorry but this sounds like a genuine skill issue. I would buff every single killer in the game except two [Nurse/Blight] before I buffed Spirit.
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Better keep dreaming.
Just use the buffed cooldown add-ons if you want that reduced cooldown.
They were buffed for a reason in the same patch that nerfed her other add-ons.
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This is about as absurd, as demanding base survivor speed for survivor be 115% (4.6m/s), because that's just QOL after they took so much from survivors (real infinite loops, permanent hook sabotages, literal instant heal and insta repair, double window at shack, hatch escape for all 4 survivors and so on) from the inception of the game.
Spirit is still one of the best killers in game. She needs no buffs. If we are talking buffs - let's talk meyers (minus his OP addons), Freddy, Trapper, maybe clown or pig. But absolutely not spirit (or blight or nurse)
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As a Spirit main, she may need a more accurate spatial audio, but no buff at all. She's fine as she is right now.
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She is the 3rd strongest killer in the game, she needs nothing to keep up in chase, she moves at 176% ms without addons, even if survivors know where she is she can just force them around the loop one way and then change directions and catch them before they reach the pallet or the vault, when using her power in chase the duration/recovery really didn't add much to how fast she would get the hit at a tile but only how long she had to wait after that.
As for the map pressure, she gets downs really fast, that's more than enough, there is no reason to give her blights map traversal or something else ridiculous like that.
They have nerfed MDR + Amulet because it was completely broken to the point of being probably one of the top 3-5 strongest addons in the game, there is no reason to get anything for nerfing such a absurdly broken addon, despite the nerf she is still the 3rd best killer in the game, so why would we need to give her anything?
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TBF her yakuyoke amulet does not make sense now and is weaker then her yellow duration addon. That's the only part I agree with OP should get buff (or rework - just make it something useful).
But does that have a priority? Hell no. Check like all Pyramidhead's addons before you look at violet amulet
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As far as I am aware the amulet basically only got used with mdr, but yeah I agree that combined they only give the ms of the yellow addons but an additional 3.5 seconds duration, which is quite a lot considering her next best addons gives only 1 second as far as I am aware.
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Why aren’t you acknowledging how bad the 25 second cooldown is or the 15 second cooldown when half of the power bar is used?
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The 176% doesn’t mean anything when survivors just keep holding forward not to mention you have to account for the hit recovery time as well as the headstart a survivor gets when they are hit AND the activation part of her power. You’re over exaggerating her strengths, she is no where near as good as she once was.
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It’s absurd how pinpoint accurate the directional phasing noise is for survivors and bug-free whereas Spirit has to listen unbelievably hard just to be able to hear the quietest noises…
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i’m just going to have to agree to disagree. In my opinion the comparison you made makes no sense as survivors are extremely strong when played well whereas Spirit even if played well has limits and restrictions and gives way too much information.
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It still isn’t enough. Her map presence sucks without duration addons and considering those got unjustly nerfed, i’d say what i proposed is only fair.
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Who are you to tell me how to play Spirit when i’ve been playing her exclusively since late 2019? This isn’t a case of me playing bad, it’s just Spirit doesn’t have enough to keep up with all the nerfs and compensation she didn’t get in return.
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Um what’s so funny? Make me laugh as well i need one 😪
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Time invested does not equal skill. That's all I'll say.
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Not necessarily but in my case I’m confident that i’m pretty good with Spirit. I won’t be gaslit into thinking that i’m doing something wrong with Spirit when the problem lies with the constant nerfs to her and sound bugs. 🤷🏼♀️
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They could reduce the cooldown and reduce her movement speed to balance it out. That would make her power available more often whilst not buffing her overall.
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I don’t think reducing her movement speed is a good idea as it’s already slow as it is. Look at the speed debuff the purple amulet gives, it makes Spirit really really bad. We’re trying to make her 176% more viabke and usefu.
but thanks for your input :)
P.S: remember that Spirit has a constant pinpoint accurate directional phasing noise and really good survivors rarely if at all fall for the “ go one way then quickly go the other way “ method.
If Spirit’s directional phasing noise was made omnidirectional or ( silent , this one could be an iri and would only work in the terror radius ) , i wouldn’t be asking for any of this as that change alone makes her a threat because she’d be truly unpredictable.
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I won't argue with you that sound is terrible right now. I've had people not using Iron Will right next to me and they don't make noise.
However, I've also played enough Spirit to know that even mediocre Spirits can do well with her given the right perks and add-ons. Unless you're playing her totally nekkid, I really don't know what to tell you.
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I think Spirit is fine how she is... outside of a few minor issues.
Spirit feels like they rely a lot more on addons, however the addons that they do have provide such a significant advantage that they make her quite strong.
I personally have no idea how BHVR could balance this out to make her basekit feel better to use without making her basekit or addons too overwhelming.
(Also like 90% of the Spirit mains have been huffing copium ever since the addon nerfs but realistically I think some of it was warranted since many addons and mechanics involving addons were overtuned and definitely needed adjusting. I got nothing against Spirit mains, just this is like the 10th thread this month Ive seen about buffing her.)
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Because that's just how it works? And was intended to work from the beginning? The more you use of her power the longer the cooldown, so you should not overuse it, but in small bursts.
Which is why you don't use her power to necessarily catch up but to get a hit in a loop. You making this look like she is a mid tier killer, she is still the 3rd best killer by far. Yes you might need to run recovery together with speed or duration but she is still very good.
And still very good spirits have no problems to exactly hear where the survivors are and just hit them without anything they can basically do.
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That's just straight up wrong, she is a top tier killer and just like Nurse or Blight if you are good with her you should win the vast majority of your matches. If you only used yellow addons until now she got slightly worse because duration no longer gives recovery, and her basekit didn't change at all, there is still Hens333 video of the spirit showcase and the first game without addons would be still the same as it is now.
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Yeah and then it would be the same garbage guessing game it was before where even comp players admitted that all you could do was just drop pallets and make her guess, it was miserable and boring to go against that.
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I agree however that audio is often a problem in this game, I've had a bug a few times now where survivors just didn't make any sound, not even when they hit, that was a miserable spirit game, still won, because I can still see grass moving and stuff but it was not fun, that's like a more general problem, it just effects spirit a lot.
But besides that Spirit is still really good and it does not need too much to perform decent with her, so if you have spend the last 4 years playing spirit you shouldn't have any issue winning the vast majority of matches with her, I always play her from time to time, not a lot but even I win like 85% of the matches. If you are good on basically every killer you will the vast majority of your matches, it is not necessarily that you've mastered the killer but that matchmaking is rather bad, therefore if you're struggling to win matches just because her duration does not give her recharge anymore then I'm sorry, but that's a skill issue.
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Yes. Spirit was bugged several times and those bugs affected both sides. Like I absolutely hated that one bug where survivors became invisible even outside of phasing until you started to phase again - that one was also miserable. But these things should go to bug reporting sections - or if you want to make it feedback section - complain about QA of "spirit-development team".
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Maybe, but I don't think she needs another busted addon, her green recharge one got buffed and her yellow ones are still great, so aslong as those addons are alright I don't think the amulet should be a priority for buff/rework.
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I didn't encounter that bug, but yeah sounds awful XD
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I would not go that far, it still gives you a huge amount of duration... But I agree that you cannot easily neglect the ms reduction, with mdr together it is still quite good, just not as busted as it was.
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look like all survivors are upset about your proposed buff. I suggest different buff. Make spirit 115% m/s. Now you will feel less powerless when your ability is on cooldown.
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And again. Why would you buff spirit specifically? Makes about as much sense as buffing SWF specifically
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I play mostly killer and I still think it is not a good idea to buff spirit, and if you make her 115% you might need to give her a bigger terror radius as well. Also I hate this kind of mentality to discredit someones opinion because they are a survivor or killer, an idea is not less good or bad just because you play survivor or killer, also basically everyone plays both.
Managing the phasing is kind of ressource management if you waste it, it is your fault and you need to deal with that.
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Shoot, I'd argue that yellows are her best. Movement speed during phase and charge speed are insanely powerful together.
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By charge speed are you referring to the worse version of the green flute?
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are you saying that for conventional purposes? deathslinger is 110% m/s with 32 meter tr. spirit can be 115% with 24 tr. she can be m1 killer when her power is on cooldown.
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@ProudRinMain sorry for off topic but I wanted to ask you as an experienced rin. I didn't start playing this game long ago, but I was lucky enough to play the previous Rin. with the new Rin it became harder to approach the survivor and I didn't understand why. but thanks to you I realized that the thing is that the principle of hissing has been changed... do you think an addon called Furin will help to confuse the survivor? thank you😘
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And he is also a ranged killer without a lullyby, so already kind of the exception.
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You can still play her on many loops even as a 110% killer and her cooldown isnt that long to begin with, especially if you run recharge addons...