One step forward, two steps back.

We waited years for Dead Hard to finally eat a well-deserved nerf, only for another dumb perk to rear its ugly head just two months later. The devs just don't learn from their mistakes, and it's infuriating. Right when I thought the game was heading towards an equilibrium where all the unfair, frustrating mechanics were being patched out of the game one by one, the devs go ahead and introduce new, even more frustrating mechanics. Now we've got a perk that buffs the one part of chasing that absolutely did not need and should not have received a buff- looping. In a very significant way; getting just enough speed to get another loop or make it to a pallet/window you wouldn't have otherwise reached adds up fast.
How did this make it into live? How is it not nerfed yet? Why didn't anyone speak up and say "Hey, don't you think a permanent Survivor speed boost is something we should be more careful about implementing?". I'd understand if this was an old, outdated perk from back when the devs were a small team that didn't know what they were doing, but this is 2023 and it feels like we're still repeating the same mistakes.
God forbid I want to play a Killer not named Nurse, Spirit, or Blight. God forbid I want the game to see fundamental improvements instead of implementing broken mechanic after broken mechanic. I doubt any new content is going to interest me until I see a Made for This nerf in the patch notes.
Sure, its strong. But on the other hand... The other Meta was stale and boring too.
I dont know what the use rate is, but I doubt its that bad or else bHVR would have done things.
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I'd imagine that thought did come up during the design phase, since they slapped two separate restrictions on it.
Not sure why it has Endurance, though, that part feels overtuned to me.
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What makes you think BHVR deals with frustrating perks in a timely manner? Dead Hard went untouched for months or even years at a time.
MFT's use rate is about the same as pre-6.7.0 Dead Hard, by the way. So on that front, we're back where we started.
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Who is genuinely having issues as killer with MfT?
Because I barely notice it and often find on the scoreboard that the MfT user is the one I killed.
Much more preferable to Sprint
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Can't agree more, literally my thoughts
(Pulsar drop in with "Meh, it's fine, just remove endurance part" in 3, 2, 1...)
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I do notice it sometimes, but that's usually when it's being paired with another source of Haste. Other than that, it's mostly the occasional whiffed swing that I correct for in the next chase.
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That all depends on when it was decided that Dead Hard was growing too much again.
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Well, Dead Hard started being meta around 2020, was reworked in July of 2022, and was finally nerfed in April of 2023. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I'd rather not have to wait 2-3 years for a problematic meta perk to finally get looked at.
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I think if they would fix matchmaking it would fix these issues with people getting frustrated going against the same perks repeatedly. Pretty sure the MMR is non-existent, matches seem based on perks and challenges tbh. Pick a challenge to be in the killers terror radius forever without being caught - here's 3 scratched mirror Myers for ya, in a row! Oh you just got a challenge to run away from your gen without being hit? Queue all the killers running fearmonger! The only time I get a really random killer matches is if I'm running random perks that aren't meta. I don't run MFT unless it's with a challenge because 9x outta 10 it means I'm gonna get in a lobby with sweats lol.