Why have objective bloodpoints still not been buffed?

I_CAME Member Posts: 1,238
edited August 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

1250 base for an 90 second gen is a bit silly when compared to other scoring events in the game. There is a reason everyone ran prove thyself and it usually didn't have anything to do with the gen speeds as evidenced by how the use of this perk has declined massively since the BP bonus was removed. Survivor bloodpoints are already lower than what killers get on average due to the nature of survivors competing against each other for them. Only one person can get the unhook, only one person can be in chase, etc. Very often the only thing a survivor can do is a gen and you get practically nothing for doing them. Would it not make more sense for an 90 second gen to give 2500?

Post edited by I_CAME on


  • thisislastyearsmodel
    thisislastyearsmodel Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636

    Truthfully I'm not sure why it's not much higher than it is. Gens take 80 seconds, it wouldn't be crazy to assume that 1/4 of a gen would net at least 1k points.

    This is the biggest reason I started playing killer, truthfully; the gains are so much higher and for no reason.

  • Yoshirama
    Yoshirama Member Posts: 367

    Yeah, a killer can tunnel someone and still make a lot of BP

    You can outrun the killer for 5 gens and barely make any BP

    And at least in my region, survivor BP incentives are always 50% in the morning, the rest is 100% for killers

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,238
    edited August 2023

    Not just that. Killers can flat out lose and still get 30k base bloodpoints before any bonuses. Survivors lose and they get barely anything. I get around 70-100k per match when I play killer. This is regardless of whether I win or lose. This number is far higher than what I get on survivor. Speaking in terms of averages of course.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    It's weird that they don't understand this the amount of bp you get as survivor makes playing feel utterly pointless, especially if you're solo only like me not playing in swf, removing bp from prove thyself was a disgusting change

    A solo gen should give 2500 or more, escape should be less than 7000 with more ways to earn survival points, lot of design issues like being chased by a wraith or sadako you're mostly not in chase = 0 points, you're fighting with your team for unhooks... it's really bad overall

  • Yoshirama
    Yoshirama Member Posts: 367

    Especially because most of the points need killer intervention

    So if the killer is AFK, you barely do points, but if survivors afk, then he can kill and gain a lot of points.

    Also, theh should make that tunneling and camping penalize points so killers like that barely make points

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,233

    I agree that the base gen BP should be doubled to give 2500 when soloing a gen 0-100% with no skillchecks. It might even be worth doubling co-op gen BP as well. People were running PT because the double gen BP, but they removed the BP boost, while not adjusting the base value AT ALL to properly compensate. They should revert the BP bonus back onto PT until they actually fix Objective BP values.

    On a similar note I find it silly that Booning a totem can give a repeatable 1500 BP, but cleansing a totem gives a max 1k BP per totem (1.5k if a hex). If anything the values should be swapped, 1k to boon, 1.5k to cleanse, with a doubled value if it was a hex.

    I used to bring the following build for BP as Survivor: Deliverance for Survival, We'll Make It to incentivize unhooks and healing for Altruism, Prove Thyself to co-op the gen with the person I rescued for Objective, and a Boon to cap off Boldness if the Killer didn't chase me enough. Sadly Objective is still all too difficult to cap now without PT. Its a joke you don't have to go out of your way to get all BP categories as Killer, but Survivor gets less than half even when actively attempting to cap them. The best solution I can think of is to uncap categories (maybe with diminishing returns of half BP after the first 10k), and cap the earned BP at 40k (before boosts).

  • lifestylee
    lifestylee Member Posts: 261

    80 second gen? You mean 90?

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,212
    edited August 2023

    Couple of takes to add here:

    1: Yes, survivor is much more difficult to gain BP in general. A killer will get at least 20k even if they lose, while a survivor can be tunneled out and walk away with about 2k.

    This is largely out of the survivors control. If you do get found first and the killer tunnels you, yes, you can still play to the best of your ability and run the killer for as long as reasonably possible, stay on the hook for the full duration, but you won't have any opportunity to earn Objective or Altruism points.

    This should be bolstered by additional 'Distraction' points earned for occupying the killers attention while your team mates smash out gens, and provide you with a fraction of the points for those gens getting repaired in the Objectives category.


    2: If you understand how score events work, you can optimise your score and still make up quite a bit of Objectives.

    Yes you technically get 'only' 1250 for completing a gen. However coop points essentially grant you double bonus points. A full gen would give you 2500 coop points. So you can still coop a gen and score 3750 in 60 seconds, instead of spending 90 on your own to get just 1250.

    Prove Thyself doubled coop points, so really PT was by far overcompensating, as it would award you 6250 for a single coop gen. When you should be completing 2.5 gens each on average to repair your fair share of the generators, this would have overcapped the 10k limit for Objectives at around 1.6 gens.

    Without the bonus from PT, 2.5 coop gens will still get you to the 10k cap. Which means you still have a huge incentive to coop on gens for BP, and that means PT is still a valuable perk to bring if you want to max Objectives.

    They could double base BP for gens, so that you get 2500 ad 5000 for a coop gen. That could be a fair buff to Objectives BP. This would still require you to complete 2 gens to max out, which isn't unreasonable. but double base BP AND double coop BP, that would give you 7500 for ONE single gen repair. That's more than before with the use of a perk, and way more than any other category for either role. That would be like killer maxing out Sacrifice for scoring about three hooks. If survivors only needed to do one single coop gen each, then that's only 2 gens max per game getting done while everyone runs about trying to score chase points expecting the other survivors to pick up the slack on gens. That's not healthy.

    Post edited by Seraphor on
  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,161

    I also think that the objective points should bet upped. I always used to run Prove Thyself during events, just because it enabled me to max out the objective category. Without it, good luck :\

    And now.... yeah.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    No idea after prove nerf they should definetley be buffed that was main reason people used prove to fix game flaw.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    Campers already get less points unless the survivors just give to them hooks and not do saves/trades smartly. Tunneling also should not be much point for killer if he chases too long one survivor. So that again is fine survivor just need to loop better. And other survivors should not stay in gate and let killer hit them instead just leave. I have seen killer jumping from 10K earning to 20K that way.

    Tunneling could get some nerf but killers need compensation buff. I would make noed basekit so then survivors have to cleanse all the totems adding secondary objective.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,233

    The problem with grouping on gens, is it already is heavily Killer-sided. If you are going against a casual/weaker Killer, that isn't a problem, but if you are going against a sweating Killer, you are better off splitting on gens except to break up a 3-gen.

    Grouping up on gens gives 15% gen slowdown (That's half a Pentimento, and 3/4s of a maxxed out Thana). If the Killer interrupts the gen, 2 people are now disrupted instead of only 1. Double gen BP isn't nearly enough of a reward to give that much of an advantage to your opponent. Also, even if you duo a gen, the other 2 Survs likely will solo gens, or the normal gameplay (Surv A on Hook, Surv B in chase, Surv C going for rescue+heal, Surv D on gens) will force people to mostly solo gens anyways.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,212

    So then nerfing PT was a good thing?

    Coop gens isn't nearly as detrimental as you make it sound. Getting one gen done in 50 seconds can often be more beneficial than having two going for 90 seconds, particularly if the killer interrupts between the 50 and 90 second mark.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,233

    PT always has been a Killer perk imo. It only tricked foolish Survivors into grouping up and giving the Killer free pressure (or when I wanted to 'farm' my teammates for Objective BP to reach the illusive 40k Surv BP). The logic behind the PT nerf is sound, remove BP so people don't feel like they need it, but only if the core issue is addressed. The core issue (Objective BP takes too long to get) was NOT addressed, so the nerf was poorly done. If someone is starving, but you don't want them to eat junk food to alleviate their hunger, you don't prohibit them from eating McDonalds while also refusing to provide them with a fresh foods store. Give them the fresh foods store, then you can prohibit McDonalds. Put the BP back on PT until they fix the Objective BP rates, then they can remove the co-op BP from PT again. Overall though the PT nerf is a buff to Survivor in my eyes, as people wanting to rush gens will run Deja Vu instead. If we were to expand to other 'meta' picks, this would also include MfT and Resilience, yielding a 15% solo gen boost.

    If the Killer interrupts the 50s duo-PT gen, they can apply Pop/Eruption, or at the very least get 2 people shoved off of gens by taking 1 action, and burned a perk slot for the Survivors. This also makes the Survivors have at most 2 on gens, and free intel on the rough location of the 3rd. If instead the Killer interrupts the 90s solo gen, there are no burned perks, there can be at most 3 Survs on gens, and no intel on any of the Survs other than the one in chase.

    The only time it isn't detrimental is when the Killer is actively defending a 3-gen, and it breaks up their strategy. Arguably it is better to have 1 person harassing the 3-gen from the onset, but playing safe enough to not give free hits. The remaining Survs pump the 4 other gens, then the team starts to push duos on the 2 edges of the 3-gen. Forcing an early break will cause mistakes and hooks to pile up before even cracking the 3-gen, and potentially allowing a cross-map 3-gen to still exist.

    The other issue is BP has caps per category. Even if I were to duo 2 gens with base BP and coop BP doubled, that doesn't get me any more than the 10k. This frequently happens with Brutality and Deviousness on different Killers. Survivors aren't going to stop pumping gens just because they reached the Objective cap, just as Killers aren't going to stop hitting Survivors when they reach the Brutality/Devious cap.

    As a caveat, I could understand the argument against doubling both if we were to also uncap categories. That would allow overflow BP from other categories to reach an overarching 40k match cap.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611
    edited August 2023

    Honestly it's silly how it's rare to get 20k BPs as survivor (without any bonus), but you're basically guaranteed over 25k BPs as killer as long as you're not AFK.