Distortion needs a slight nerf



  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    Ikr, it would honestly still be a really good perk even post nerf XD

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    Really? 😱

    I hope they fix it soon then. Right now Aura perks aren’t really working at all during certain matches for survivor who run this perk 😂

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95
    edited August 2023

    Okay great. Thanks for letting me know.

    I had looked over the description of the perk and didn’t think so but I can be wrong sometimes so yeah 😂

    Killers do have a lot of Aura perks but I feel like for a lot of killers they aren’t as OP. Nurse and Blight just ruin everything for the rest of the killers and it sucks…

    Do you use Distortion a lot in your games?

  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 862

    Distortion and your buffed hex 3rd seal are definitely not equivalent to each other. And the devs would never make a permanent blindness effect. It happened once with a bug with fearmonger and legions add on blindness and they quickly fixed that.

    And if you fear distortion so much, use an undetectable killer so they dont gain it as often. Use gearhead to make them deplete it faster. Not difficult at all.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009
    edited August 2023

    Yeah, I'd still use Distortion even if its recharge was nerfed a little bit. But a lot of people are oversensitive so if you suggest even small tweaks, they freak out like you're asking to eat their children.

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95
    edited August 2023

    In Distortion’s current state, it pretty much is like infinite blindness towards survivors. I’m not asking the devs to nerf it to the ground, I just want them to make the tokens build up slightly slower so I can use Aura perks on non-stealth killers.

    I don’t know my exact MMR right now, but almost every match I play has 2 to 3 distortion users and it almost completely nullifies aura reading perks.

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    Yeah, I don’t think many people remember when it only came with 4 tokens and didn’t recharge. The fact that it comes with 3 tokens now and you can recharge them is pretty powerful for a perk that completely nullifies a killer’s perks. Especially in its current state where you don’t really have to go out of your way to recharge tokens.

  • Pavel_Ch
    Pavel_Ch Member Posts: 241

    yes, it works just as well as lightborn. You don't want to weaken the lightborn so that the survs can use their lanterns at least once in a while, do you? that's the point, the distortion works as intended.

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95
    edited August 2023

    I honestly think lightborn should be nerfed to just giving a longer duration before flashlight blinds can happen. The fact is though that lightborn counters an item, not perks. Survivors can pick up another item during the trial, Killers can’t switch perks mid trial.

    Please tell me why distortion is a perk with tokens? Is it because the devs intended it to be up for the entire game? Or is it because it was meant to run out of tokens after a lot of use. The original distortion didn’t even have token regen, it just had 4 tokens and you were done.

    I’m really not asking for much here, just make the token regeneration slower. Aura perks should be countered to an extent by this perk, not completely blocked.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,385
    edited August 2023

    Regarding the why the perk has tokens.

    Those who run Distortion usually also pay close attention to their tokens and know when and how to recharge them. (Kinda how killers who have a Scourge Hook will go to great lengths to make sure they get one when they want to.) If they don't run out of tokens that is because they are close to you a lot. There are plenty killers/perks where you run out of tokens regularly if you don't pay very close attention - and some where you always run out of tokens.

    If you don't mind my asking; which killer(s) and/or build(s) are you using that gives you so much trouble with Distortion?

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    I’m using Nemisis with Lethal and No where to hide. I usually tend to find survivors with distortion on a gen so I kick the gen (Removing one stack) and start chase. Throughout the chase, they rebuild their tokens so that they cannot be found again. This means no matter what I do, distortion is constantly up making 2 of my perks useless.

    Tokens are easy to come by because there is no requirement other than being in the killer’s terror radius which happens naturally. Having it be like stakeout or making it so it only builds tokens based on chase would make it require more effort, which would be a good thing. It would still allow for regen though and give people distortion for most of the game.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284

    As for lightborn vs distortion perk argument - Blast mine, residual manifest, flashbang are not perks?

    As for reason for tokens - it forces survivor to be close to killer to recharge them. Otherwise you could be hidden in a corner of a map and hold the game hostage for an hour without a chance to counter that.

    NWO is a clutch of an aura perk. I know, because I used it a lot too. IMO it's the main reason why so many distortions are in game now (disregarding overall perk nerf that happened over several patches now).

  • thisislastyearsmodel
    thisislastyearsmodel Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636

    Meh. I'd rather people run distortion because that's one perk slot less for prove thyself, MFT, resilience, FtP + Buckle Up, etc etc etc.

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    Didn’t know that lightborn countered those but I’m running lightborn from now on lol

    I changed my nerf for distortion at the top just if you want to check. The only thing I really think it needs is to build tokens only in chase or while hidden. Honestly if it were more like stakeout it would be more balanced.

    Tokens for just existing while in the killer’s terror radius is overdoing it. People should at least have to be consciously going for the tokens for the regen.

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    I appreciate the counter suggestion but I feel like all of the survivor mains would hate it because it would nerf MFT by proxy lol

    Even it the token regen got nerfed as written in the description, it would still be a really good perk. The fact that it has recharge at all it much better than it was originally. Survivors would just have to use a few more braincells to get it to recharge.

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    Honestly I feel like the survivors are the real killers in the game sometimes lol

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    You're trying to compare a killer wasting 1/4th (25%) of their perk slots to counter 1/16 perks (6.25%) (1/20 (5%) if you consider flashlights / Items as pseudoperks) to a survivors "wasting" 1/16th of their perks and being able to counter 25-100% of a killer's build. Mathematically speaking distortion is 4-5x better than lightborn in terms of value.

    Not to mention most times lightborn is brought is against flashlights, and in that case survivors are free to exchange their pseudoperk for a toolbox / medkit *while in the match*

    Distortion token generation requiring active chase, OR NOT being able to regen while in chase would be a fine enough balance change that wouldn't "kill the perk"

    You'd still get your Anti-Lethal value , and 2 extra tokens for free.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    As a distortion user, I wouldn’t mind this nerf. It wouldn’t kill the perk and it would move the perk towards a direction of a stealth identity, which is what it’s supposed to be.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    What about the downside of Distortion not lasting long against killers with suppressed terror radii or stealth killers? If it's to be nerfed against regular killers with standard terror radii, then it should be buffed against the stealthy killers/perks.

    Maybe have the perk still regain tokens from killer proximity regardless of their terror radius. However, this would make it easy to detect a nearby stealthy killer, so Distortion's progress bar should not show its progress during. Instead, show the progress jump to the new correct value afterwards. Just like how Solidarity (Renewal?) works, where healing another survivor does not show the perk gaining progress, but it jumps up a big chunk after stopping or completing the heal.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284

    Ah right. Because distortion removes visions for all 4 players. Oh wait. It doesn't. It's as if distortion has 1/4th of the strength of killer's perk. Who would have thought. Still I am sure you won't see this because of bias

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,905
    edited August 2023

    Distortion charging in chase is a given, and should removed. I was stunned when I saw it allowed it while I used it... otherwise perk is absolutely fine.

    I would like an alternative info perk that informs you when your aura is being read by the killer though....

    Perhaps Spine Chill could be changed to simply grant its extra action speed effect whenever your aura is read for the aura duration +5 seconds. It lights up when aura is read, then counts fown when the aura ends. Seems a fitting rework to that perk to peel it off the bottom of the trash can.

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    So you get proven wrong with Cold hard basic math, and still try to counter argue... and im the "biased" one?

    Make that make sense cause it surely doesn't seem distortion isn't "1/4th of the strength" when a single perk can hard counter entire builds.

    We're not talking about "countering" in the way that coulrophobia makes healing builds *less effective* we're talking about countering in the way that a killer bringing an aura build is effectively perkless if survivors bring distortion.

    Again, this post is just asking for distortion tokens be a little bit harder to generate, either requiring active chase OR not generating while in active chase, distortion would still be strong without full hard countering aura builds.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284

    So you are trying to say that 1 distortion means you will see 0 people with your lethal pursuer (meaning your perk got really countered by 1 survivor perk)? Or to actually have killer wasted perk slot you would need to use 4 perks instead (1 distortion on each survivor).

    Are you trying to deliberately not understand?

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    This sounds like a good suggestion! Honestly think that would be perfectly fine as long as the survivor isn’t in chase with the stealth killer. The issue is that some stealth killer chases don’t count so it would also need to be adjusted so that the tokens don’t regen while in chase with the stealth killer power active.

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    It does depend on how many survivors are using distortion. However, the survivors using distortion in its current state tend to have tokens for the entire game which is too much. Making token regen slightly slower would still make it possible to have tokens the entire game, just with more effort on the survivor’s side.

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    Hi Unknown. I’m really sorry to hear about your situation and I hope everything is okay.

    I don’t want distortion to be useless and I think it should still be viable for stealth. It just regenerates tokens regardless of effort on the survivor’s side right now because survivors can play normally and still keep their tokens up with little to no worries for the entire game.

    I changed my mind on increasing the recharge time or decreasing tokens, I just really want to see distortion being like stakeout where you can’t regen during chase.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited August 2023


    If the killer has 4 aura reading perks then the survivors will likely run out of Distortion tokens faster than they can regain them.

    Bad enough that Hex: Undying eats Distortion tokens for breakfast and Eruption consumes TWO of them.

  • DrKetchup
    DrKetchup Member Posts: 162

    Lethal Pursuer Nurse. Address that, by maybe making Nurse unable to use aura perks, and yes, Distortion can be nerfed safely.

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    Realistically though, it is kind of bad to force killers to run 4 Aura reading perks to get value out of the Aura reading perks they really want to use.

    If distortion were like stakeout, it would still be up for most of the game but would not recharge tokens as fast. I don’t think that would be killing the perk, it would just make it more geared towards stealth like it was always meant to be.

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    Distortion would still work against Lethal Pursuer nurse. We want to nerf the recharge time, not the tokens handed out at the beginning of the game.

    If it were like stakeout, it would still counter Aura perks but just wouldn’t recharge during chase. The fact that it recharges during chase right now makes it a general 100% counter to most builds using Aura which stays up for pretty much the entire game.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    William SN was saying that if a killer only had 4 aura perks that Distortion would shut them down and make the killer perkless.

    I was pointing out that the killer would not be perkless, as that many aura perks would likely chew through tokens faster than they're regained.

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    Disregarding William’s argument. I run 2 Aura perks per build usually (Lethal and No Where to Hide are my main go to Aura perks)

    When I run these perks against a distortion user, they tend not to proc for the entire game. The main reason probably being that when I find and chase the distortion user, they get all of their tokens back.

    I really just want them to remove the token regen from chases. That isn’t that much of a nerf and it would make it impossible to keep tokens for the entire game. The best state of the perk would be where it is up around 60 to 80% of the time naturally and 100% when survivors go out of their way to regain tokens.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,385

    NTH is very easy to outplay with Distortion though, especially on a non-high-mobility killer like Nemesis. - And even if it was only possible to regain a token out of chase AND it took 20 seconds..... the survivor on that gen who has distortion would still not run out of tokens before the end of the match if they know what they're doing (they would also not be found if you don't make it a point to turn every stone - quite literally. In which case they already wasted about as much of your time as an average chase for one health state is).

    I'm not ruling out that Distortion may need some changing somewhere down the line / there might be a better version of the perk - but none of the changes that have been proposed so far would solve your problem.

    Also, while I'm aware unsolicited advice is rarely wanted, may I suggest to switch out NTH for Gearhead, Darkness Revealed, the Jill's Sandwich add-on (2stacks lost; 12 sec duration), or Hex: Undying. Why these? Because they eat away at stacks without recharging them at the same time - they can also be used somewhat frequently.

  • Luckyfer
    Luckyfer Member Posts: 80

    The killers took our sabotaging,our flashlight,our solo gameplay,our hatch...our generator and our medkits and toolboxes.

    And ofc,it's not enough,they also need to take anything stealth related.

    I wouldn't be surprised this guy puts a forum post with the "Are pallets really necessary?".

    How about you try this...GET GOOD at the game and stop asking for nerfs for the most "meh" perks ever!

  • Stormtytan
    Stormtytan Member Posts: 23
    edited August 2023

    I'm guessing the OP doesn't play as a survivor much, if at all. There are few things more frustrating than having a killer hook another survivor/kick a generator/etc. and then having the killer beeline straight towards you.

    Speaking as one who plays both sides of the proverbial fence, I can tell you that, as a killer, I rarely see it used. Why? because it only counters one or two of your perks for ONE survivor. If you're using three or four aura perks, it's ridiculously easy to overcome Distortion -- if you know what you're doing. And those supposed two perks are still useful against the other three survivors. IMO, there are far more reliable ways to find a survivor while simultaneously still giving them a chance to hide.

    When playing as survivor, I feel as if I NEED to run Distortion just so I can have a chance at hiding from the killer....but even then, it's useless for most matches as most killers don't even run with aura perks. IMO, if you're using an aura perk, it totally destroys one of the survivors' few defenses...being able to hide. And even with only two aura perks, there have been multiple times where I've run out of charges. Other players are right in pointing out that, against the more silent killers, Distortion is heavily crippled. The only time you CAN effectively recharge them would be during a chase...and if you nerf it with a longer refill time, it will effectively make the perk little more useful than when it didn't refill at all, back when there were far fewer aura reading perks. After the first few minutes of the game, it became completely useless.

    As a killer, I never run with an aura-reading perk unless absolutely necessary (such as for quests). I personally consider them to be "noob" perks used to counter a lack of skill. I DO, however, run with two perks that allow me to track survivors via other means...each of which can be countered by another perk, which (surprisingly) is very rarely used, and each of which only work in certain scenarios. Given how many other ways there are to track survivors (via other perks or just by paying attention in a game), I am incredulous that you feel the need to nerf such a perk. If the survivor you're chasing takes so long to catch that they're refilling their Distortion, then you're taking way too much time on one survivor.

    I think the real problem here is that it counters your specific build. There's a reason why perks like BBQ, Lethal Pursuer, and other aura-reading perks are considered meta.

    You keep reiterating that you only want the refill rate to be extended by 20 seconds or not apply while in chases. That is far more damaging to the perk than I think you realize.

    As a side note, I often see survivor mains decrying all the nerfs to survivor perks and buffs to killer perks. I see the opposite with killer mains. This is what I can tell you: I find it far easier to play as a killer than as a survivor unless I'm up against a strong swf group....and I'm better at playing survivor than killer, assuming the killer isn't tunneling or camping (which I also consider to be noob tactics and try to avoid as much as possible).


    Oh, and for all you survivors who like to play Bill Overbeck...I can hear you coughing. 😈

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    Lets go over the most common Aura build, according to Nightlight its BBQ, Lethal, Darkness and Iron maiden. this is clearly a huntress/Trickster Build, so 24m TR, 4.4 Killer.

    Distortion fully deletes Lethal.

    if distortion user is within 40m of the BBQ hook , they are likely regening a token WITHOUT spending the token.

    Darkness revealed can only be used every 30s, a good portion of gens are not close enough to lockers to proc DR and as such very rarely consume a Distortion token, even IF it does proc, you still have 2 tokens spare, or 1 spare if Lethal was used and you didn't somehow regen it.

    If the killer happens to check the gen where the distortion user was, the 24m TR in the worst possible case scenario grants you 5.45 seconds of token regen on gen check , and another 5.45 on exit , in the WORST CASE of a killer B-lining to the gen and B-lining away, you still regen close to HALF a token for essentially free.

    Its very clear that distortion will for the most part, always provide a 1 perk full counter to aura builds. Not to mention out right deleting LP's main effect.


    Again, making it so distortion requires active chase, OR not allowing it to regen while in active chase would be a very healthy nerf to the perk that doesn't "kill it" like every other distortion user is claiming.

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    Uh huh, that's why I still get flashlight blinded 10 times a game by some random smuck and people manage to sabotage hooks to cancel my progress. Please stop overreacting and listen for a minute. I play both survivor and killer for one thing so why would I want survivor nerfed to the ground. (75% killer, 25% survivor) You are acting like I am making the perk useless when in all reality the one (used to be 2 but I updated my post based on discussions) change that I am asking for would still leave distortion pretty viable in games.

    I'm more casual because I have a full time job so I don't have hours on hours to perfect every loop or learn every nook and cranny of a map to find survivors just because their perk recharges without them having to use their brain cells. If this is your response, try playing killer for a while to see what I mean. It's kind of miserable right now unless you know how to play Nurse, Spirit, or Blight.

  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    Hi Stormy, OP here to get a few things straight.

    1. I play survivor 25% of the time, usually based on the bloodpoint bonuses but as well as for filling out archives. I'm a P11 Yui main who is working on collecting all of the survivor perks.
    2. Aura perks are not noob perks. I know it is a common misconception but they remove the RNG from finding survivors which is really valuable for keeping pressure on survivors, especially in lobbies where every survivor in their right mind is rushing a gen these days.
    3. I changed the description at the top for the nerf. I realized through discussion that just making the perk like stakeout would suffice. The reason being that regenerating the perk at all times when in a killer's terror radius makes it less like a token perk and more like lightborn where the perk just stays there. Survivors should be able to have the perk up 100% of the time if they really want to, but they should have to do some extra work to keep those tokens stockpiled.
    4. For the stealth killers, I talked with another person in this discussion about it and we agreed that it would be good to have hidden token progression within a certain range for stealth killers so that it doesn't notify the survivor but gives them progress while they are hiding.

    I'm really trying to respectfully state my opinion on this forum but so many people just lash out instead of trying to have a conversation. Let me ask you a question now. Including the change for stealth killers, why would this nerf ruin distortion?

  • NaeMarianna
    NaeMarianna Member Posts: 7

    Well isn’t SUPPOSED to be a counter for aura seeing perks? like I get what your saying about how they should get tokens but once they have them it’s still going to counter your aura seeing perks almost the whole game which is what it was made to do

    just like perks like light born are meant to counter survivors and make them bringing flashlights completely useless

    like most perks have counter so I don’t see the issue

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    SN William made a point. I made a counterpoint. Then you butted in, and disregarded SN William's statement, just to once agains say the same thing you've been saying ten times throughout this thread?

    Got it.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited August 2023

    Iron Maiden does not reveal the survivors aura.

    "Distortion fully deletes Lethal."

    I wish it did. I cannot count how many times I spawn into a match next to someone who doesn't have Distortion and I get caught by the killer who comes toward me looking for the survivor I spawned next to. Distortion does not hide the aura of every single survivor.

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,656
    edited August 2023

    I want it buffed. I respect your opinion but the way to earn tokens is ridiculous. I could live without the perk completely if Lethal Presuer was nerfed.

    Also, Survivors should get the notice that the killer is running lightborn if they try to blind them like they used to.

    I hate using distortion at all. I feel I have to because I'm high prestige and if I don't use it, 7 times out of 10 the killer uses LP to down me, hook and camp.

    I guess my real problem is with LP but I wanted to chime in.

    If I may ask, do you use LP? If so, do you hunt specific players based on prestige, Items they brought, whoever is closest? Thanks for reading my rant. I saw way too many LP matches last night.

    Edit: I'm not kidding when I say I'd rather die due to old NOED then see LP as it is now.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    It's a feedback cycle.

    I see so many killers nowadays using aura perks. I equip Distortion. I adapt.

    If killers see so much Distortion they can replace their aura perks with other tracking perks or play killers like Doctor or Legion whose powers are not affected by Distortion. Adapt.

    Eventually survivors will stop equipping Distortion. Then the cycle continues.

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    Nobody claimed iron maiden revealed auras, its just part of the most popular aura build. *You know, a real world example*

    Distortion does delete lethal. just because the killer happens to check your area first, doesn't mean it "didn't work".

    Again, this post is just asking for distortion to either only regen tokens while in a chase, OR NOT regen while in a chase.

    You'll still be able to hard counter lethal, but you'll have to put more effort into regening tokens, its a perfecly reasonable balance change.

  • kit_mason
    kit_mason Member Posts: 390
    edited August 2023

    this would make distortion even more useless against killers like Sadako, Wraith or Ghostface, who already are adept at denying stack buildup.

    i think it would be fair to slow the stack gain in chase, but removing stack gain in chase entirely would make the perk even more enemy-dependent than it already is. because remember - if the killer has no aura reads, Distortion is a dead perk slot. it's not like Lightborn or Franklin's where you can take it adaptively, you take Distortion without knowing if the killer has aura reads in the game you're going into.

    In the current killer meta, with perks like Lethal, No Way Out and BBQ still very prevalent, it makes sense to bring, but it's never a guarantee.

    Post edited by kit_mason on
  • CarbonaraCharlie
    CarbonaraCharlie Member Posts: 95

    That’s the whole point 😂

    It will still counter Aura perks but just regenerates tokens slower. It’s fine if it counters the perks for the most part but not if there is absolutely no effort on the survivor’s side.

  • Stormtytan
    Stormtytan Member Posts: 23

    Hi, Charlie,

    I'll answer these in order.

    1. It's good to know that you're not just a killer player. One truly needs to work both sides of the proverbial fence to get a better idea. Have you used Distortion? I can't remember if you mentioned doing so before. I think you'll find that the disparity truly shines when you compare the smaller maps to the larger ones. A killer using two aura readers in a larger map will quickly deplete my distortion, and unless I'm actively seeking out the killer, it becomes useless very quickly. If they're using 3 or 4, well...yeah.
    2. That's exactly it. They remove a key factor of the game -- being able to hide from the killer. This is why I consider them noob perks. As for gen-rushing....I do see it from time to time, but not nearly as often as I expect. Perhaps it has to do with the times of day that you and I play? There does seem to be a pattern there, if I remember the examples BHVR provided prior to the massive perk adjustments.
    3. I get that you changed what you wanted nerfed. I still think it's too much. We'll have to agree to disagree on this, I think.
    4. I'd be more amenable to an uptick of, say 10 seconds, in return for stealth killers better affecting token regeneration. BHVR would have to hide the progression on the perk to do that, though, and that could be an issue as well. I try to keep track of how far I am in getting another token. This would blind the survivor to that, which very much changes the dynamic of the perk, switching it from being actively monitored to more of a "fire and forget" perk.

    Either way, I think 20 seconds is just too much. Look at what 10 seconds did to the generator. It made a massive difference. Given that Distortion only affects aura readers, it is useless for all of the other perks out there.

  • Stormtytan
    Stormtytan Member Posts: 23

    It does not fully delete Lethal. Another survivor next to me is nearly as pinpointing as not having Distortion in the first place. I have to move away from that survivor and hope it's not toward the killer in order to have a chance of not getting caught...which counters the idea of survivors working together, btw.

    Regarding BBQ, don't you mean 24m? That's the standard killer's terror radius.

    MOST generators are well within 8 meters of lockers, with the exception of a few hanging out in a cornfield...

    Close to half? Closer to 1/3, actually, though I have no idea how you came to the time of 5.45 seconds in the first place. Do you have a link that could confirm this? And you're assuming the killer doesn't see the survivor from a distance, which is quite a possibility. You're also assuming there's only one survivor on the gen in question, or that they BOTH/ALL have distortion. And just how likely is a killer NOT going to check the nearby lockers? There's two tokens lost for (taking into account the extra time to check a locker) 2/3 regen. Sorry, but your worst-case scenario isn't even close to reality. There's no guarantee that the killer won't walk around the tree/outcropping/whatever and see the survivor despite Distortion.

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    Again, distortion does delete lethal, just because the killer happened to check your area and found you, doesn't mean it didn't delete lethal's effect.

    Regarding BBQ , you're wrong on 2 layers... BBQ is default 40m radius , Standard killer TR is 32m for 115% and 24m for 110%.

    Basic math tells you that it takes you 5.45 seconds to run 24m if you move at 4.4 meters per second (32m/4.6ms = 6.95). The closer to half portion comes from basic game knowledge and knowing that if a killer has to make turns and bends around obstacles and tiles, then by logic alone its going to give the distortion survivor more time in the TR radius in order to regen tokens.

    Claiming distortion "doesn't work" because your teammate didn't bring it too is an invalid argument, if it had a token it still prevented the killer from knowing where YOU are. Arguments based on "well the killer used his eyeballs and saw me hiding" are also not a valid arguments.

    Again, this post is just asking for distortion to either only regen tokens while in a chase, OR NOT regen while in a chase. Tokens regening just for the killer existing on the map is inherentely too much free value.