Map repeat prevention and new chapters

Am I the only one that thinks that the map repeat prevention should be disabled for the first 2 or 3 days when a new chapter comes out? I've played around 8 or 9 matches of the new update already and I've seen the new map ONCE land didn't even get to play on it because the killer DCd on loading screen.
And this problem is obviously being caused by the fact that every time I load into a new lobby, at least one other player has played on the new map recently, therefore preventing the other players from playing on it.
Well you certainly wouldn't be able to tell
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Already a thing. Repeat prevent turned off during the increased %s.
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You clearly need to raise the chances more. After playing on Coldwind 3 times without seeing the new map once, I'm done trying. Back to TCM.
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Have fun. Not sure why so many people are throwing that statement (Back to TCM) like it means anything. If you don't like DBD then just don't play it. Everyone acting like TCM is so much better or something. I get it DBD/devs irritate me as well but TCM has no shot what so ever head to head. Hell the progression system alone is why I went running back to DBD. Played less than 10 games and had Sissy maxed in SP. Just need to top off her power and done. Lame.
TCM does 2 things better than DBD yes that's it 2 things.
- 3 killers makes playing a whole lot less stressful. In that same note DBD is designed/balanced for 1 killer in mind so technically a non-comparison.2
- Survivors multiple objectives. Which should be the case since it's balanced for 3 killers so again non-comparison.
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I didn´t get the new map once until now...
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once on the new map. five times on rpd.
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only once on the new map so far and only because someone brought a map offering to force it.
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Also no map offering in the first 20 bw of Ripley and Alien...
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Though a slight increase wouldn't be bad, I'd actually prefer it to have similar suppression as any other map. When they revamped and split RPD into two maps they put them on heavy repeat to the point that I (besides the map being objectively awful) I can't stand it anymore. I'm at the point where I'd rather DC on spawn into an RPD map, as both survivor and killer.
I'd really like that not to happen with anymore maps.
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I would still prefer map prevention.
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You would, actually. Pay more attention.
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And if memory serves me right, it's disable for the whole week or two weeks?
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I can tell.
Anytime a new Chapter releases or they turn off map prevention I get Grim Pantry too many damn times in a row.
God I hate that map with a passion.
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Paying plenty of attention, and I've still only played the new map without the use of an offering once.
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Seems weird to me.
I see nostromo wreckage less that I would like. Love the map.
Does it work as intended right now?
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To add some quick clarity, when a new map is released, we boost the chances for the map to appear. This boost only makes it a little more common, but it is not meant to give you the new map every match or even every other match. The boost gradually decreases over the new week until the map is back at its usual chance to appear.
Maps which are boosted are already exempt from map repeat prevention, since preventing the boosted map from appearing would defeat the purpose of boosting the map.
It's a tricky situation. One the one hand, we want people to be able to play the newest maps. But on the other hand, boosting it too much means playing on the same map constantly, which can get stale very quickly. People also want to see how new Killers/perks/etc. perform on other maps. We aim for a middle ground where it's a little more common, but if you really want to see the new map, your best bet is to use the offering to guarantee it.
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When I play all night long but only get the new map to show up a single time, maybe the boost chances are a bit too low, especially when I get Azarov's realm maps 3 times in a row. Or at least, boost the map offering chances for the new map a ton in blood webs when you're boosting the map chances so we have the option to get some that way.
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I'd sooner see both boosted maps and map offerings get permanently removed. Imagine if some godawful hell hole like garden of misery gets boosted? 🤢
Lets face it BHVRs record with new maps has hardly been good in the last few years even if Nostromo is a significant improvement.
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It's more about wanting to have a chance to get the map related achievement done on the new map without it taking weeks.
On another note, not sure if I was just unlucky or not on day one, but I've been getting the new map a lot more and it's great to see it that often right now.