Alien is Broken Killer. Fix or our entire team stops playing.

Wolfganguntoten Member Posts: 7
edited September 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Alien is ridiculously broken. Fix it or me and everyone I run with all agrees we aren't playing anymore. He hits through windows through pallets and even when crouched BEHIND a pallet. This is the most broken toxic killer I've seen in this game over the years. He sees you and there is no escape, no dodging only 10 seconds until he beats you down. I made an account just to say how much this ######### sucks.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,244
    edited August 2023

    IDK, for now he feels a little underwhelming to me right now. His hits are pretty unforgiving (but on the other hand - he can get hits where most killers can't if player hits the right spot - similar to death slinger).

    Maybe when players get to know him better he will be challenging (because he has the kit, I just hope he will not share singularity's fate of being too hard for people to want to master him).

    EDIT: fix of too convoluted sentence

  • NewPlayer100102
    NewPlayer100102 Member Posts: 515

    I think I want to buy it now.

    I mean, like send money to Behavior for making this thing.

    That secondary effect, its exactly what I've been dreaming of.

  • TheTom20
    TheTom20 Member Posts: 403

    Watch videos an streams so you can learn an improve

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 939

    another zero fun killer with new sadako, knight and chess merchant, Idk what happened at bhvr, killer mains took over

  • Feneroe
    Feneroe Member Posts: 203

    This is a case of your team not adapting to a new killer after a couple games and crying for nerfs instead. The tail attack is an attack in a straight line that can be moved slightly around before it retracts to injure, just like Nemesis. Instead of crouching, either keep running or move more left or right.

  • playhard
    playhard Member Posts: 279
    edited August 2023

    yes agree with survivor can consuming and opened the box with many times they can always get a advantage and losses tail attack xen which is not good

  • Zaydin
    Zaydin Member Posts: 275

    They do. It takes being hit by flames for a few seconds for a turret to knock the Xeno out of Crawler mode.

  • DecoyWolff
    DecoyWolff Member Posts: 31

    I've seen too many pull a Pyramid Head where they just run head on towards and never react until you actually make it close enough to the window or pallet that they can still hit you

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 2,944

    The hitbox is like Nemesis, it lingers, people often forget that or just dont know it yet. At the very least, better visual feedback needs to be provided so Survivors/Killers know exactly where the collision area is.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 1,793
    edited August 2023

    The worst part is it feels like a soloq check. Did the team all split on gens and set up turrets? Win. Did 1 person forget to do that? 4 man death due to the person who forgot, will continuously will give the Xeno free hits and turn the match into a 3v1 at 5 gens. Killers that require stuff from the Survivors are all the more powerful when they get an early kill, and 80% of my soloq Xenos hard tunneled people off hook for a free win.

  • pizzavessel15
    pizzavessel15 Member Posts: 534

    want to know why crouching doesnt make you invincible to the alien? because it isnt nemesis. quit using other killers power counters on other killers expecting it to work

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    This. Alien has plenty of counterplay. Use turrets to take him out of his power. Predrop pallets and mindgame to avoid the whip. If I can run it for 3 gens so can others. But no, this community starts whining less than 24 hours after it comes out. Instead of learning how to play against him, they start demending nerfs because it isn’t a M1 killer you can mindlessly loop.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    I suggest that people stop complaining and actually play the game and learn to adapt. After a couple of weeks we can have a discussion on balancing.

  • AlanShin
    AlanShin Member Posts: 24

    Knocked down by Xeno in 10 seconds? Well, I can only say that you're playing really poorly. Even beginners who haven't played for more than 50 hours can survive longer than 10 seconds

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,540

    Skill issues

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 931

    Alien are not to strong against survivors that know how to play

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,244

    I mean at least yesterday night I got killers that were bad with the ability (probably because of time of day and because how new he was).

    Today - it feels there's no missing ability and there's no hiding. If you are within 5m and ghostface/meyers would be able to stalk you, then you get hit. 1/2 a time you want to predrop you will get hit anyway (because drop animation and then running to LoS block takes more time then running around basically any loop). If the loop is anything shorter then jungle gym, you get hit (so otherwise strong survivor maps like shattered square are instant GG). Turrets can be reliably and comfortably destroyed for a very short M2 cooldown. There's no position/ambush spot that would buy more time then that. And when he gets to you, you have 0 agency. Like. What am I to do as survivor? There's literally no good decision against the killer. Even juking his M2 does not work because of lingering hitbox and almost no warning of his M2 use. I want to know intended counterplay. Because even nurse has one (try to LoS block). This killer? Once killer-player learns to hit his ability - there's literally nothing you can do

  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475

    Don't you guys know that is the rinse and repeat every PTB ?

    If not i'm trying to clarify:

    1 - PTB (Marketing and some weird fixes)

    2 - Buff the killer to Sell DLC

    3 - Streamers go crazy ("Found My new main ...")

    4 - After sold a lot -> Nerf to the ground

    5 - Streamers dissapointed

    6 - Rinse and repeat

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,244

    what is the counterplay? I played quite a lot of games against him. I found no counters. And I was using turrets since PTB (right now turrets buy you literally 1 miss CD's time for quite a hefty time investment). I want to know the counter play, because I can't figure anything after trying multiple different things

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 8,982

    Turrets will always buy you distance when place well, because it either forces the killer to path around them or use the tail attack to destroy them going into CD.

  • darksouls3600
    darksouls3600 Member Posts: 229

    Stop playing, like... If you stop playing, no one will care, some people left the game will not hurt BHVR, players left games at all time, cod, Fortnite, etc. Of course DBD have less player, but... Yeah... You are not the first

  • vsuave_7
    vsuave_7 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    With the right perks and add on the turners ain’t ######### fam stop lying cus you main him ,I agree it’s fun to play as him but too dam easy I win most of my games playing killer shocker.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,206
  • nekomrade
    nekomrade Member Posts: 10

    crazy how killer mains just wanna bully every survivor and then complain that survivors are “whining” when they call it out.

    alien is definitely broken rn, if you aren’t winning every match with them ur just a bad killer.

  • saintjimmy456
    saintjimmy456 Member Posts: 185
    edited August 2023

    The only thing I don't like about Xeno is that you can miss a hit with the point of the tail, but if you step to left or to the right right, and the body of the tail during animation touches a survivor, that counts as a hit, even though you missed the direct hit.

    Same for missing a direct hit with the point of the tail over an obstacle or pallet. If you quickly lower the tail and it touches a survivor, that counts as a hit.

    Surely a body shot with the point of the tail should be the only tail attack that registers. Feels like all of the tail is registering as a hitbox.

    Imagine if you missed a shot as Deathslinger and then stepped to the left and the rope touched a survivor and that counted as a hit and you catch them. Doesn't make sense.

    Fix that issue and I have no problem playing against it.

  • Amaroq64
    Amaroq64 Member Posts: 106
    edited August 2023

    Just because it can be outplayed doesn't mean it's balanced. Streamers with 10,000 hours can outplay hackers, that doesn't mean hacks are allowed.

    Since Alien can see you in tunnels, see you when it emerges from tunnels, equip addon that sees your turrets, equip legion's "see if two people are on gen" perk because a youtuber told them to, run at you from across the map when it couldn't see your aura, etc etc etc...

    The only counterplay is hide far enough from the gens and tunnels until someone gets chased anywhere on the map. Then when they get hooked, hide again until there's another chase somewhere.

    The alien will disconnect when it isn't autowinning anymore, and might disconnect you with it and get you banned from matchmaking for 15 minutes.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 8,982

    That's not true.

    No one really complained about Singularity being too strong on release.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,206
  • tubalcane
    tubalcane Member Posts: 153

    Too bad some of us who quit because of the easy mode survivor had already quit, and now come back for the Alien - easily offsetting mediocre survivors who thought they were really good but really the game was made easier for them. Now that they have a challenge they'll quit in droves!

    I just quit for a while. Some killers disappointed in the survivor ease are coming back to take your place with a competitive killer.

    For the record i've just done three rounds with him and lost all 3 (only 2 kills each), so its not about easy wins. if they nerf the alien, they should also nerf MFT, Pallets, windows, and other easy mode actions to keep it fair.

    Dead By Daylight - Always a Pallet or a Window When You Need One!™

  • darksouls3600
    darksouls3600 Member Posts: 229

    you don't like Nemesis? is the same thing with nemesis, but xeno don't need a 3 hit to down a survivor, but the counter play is the same, pre drop and try to bait, it's probably intentional, if was a issue they will correct it before launch in the PTB, because everyone was aware of this tech in the first day of the PTB when they discovered that was like Nemesis whip of love

  • Frumpbeard
    Frumpbeard Member Posts: 51

    Xeno has the camera locked horizontally when using the tail so yeah just move side to side a lot.

This discussion has been closed.