The first DLC chapter i just refunded

I do not know why but this chapter and update in general feels so terrible:
- New survivor's perk Light-Footed. You can still hear footsteps even though they are silent. You can still hear heavy breathing of running survivor. And if the killer is using footsteps equalizer then he can still hear footsteps. In meta of 'hard to get heal' due to limited medkits' charges and sloppy butcher any perk that is active only when injured can not be used continuously and consistently throughout the match.
- Chemical trap. I could not activate this perk on some pallets and there have been no active button to use it. Also you need to complete half of a gen to procc it, feels too much for such a small reward
- Xenomorph is just weak, i bet in a weak or so back to facing nurse, wesker and blight on a constant basis
- Knight's addons got nerfed, Demogorgon changed. Blight terrorizing high mmr matches is still unchanged ( it has been 2 years since release)
- Characters look extremely soapy even with nvidia filters. As if they stole all the foundation from local MAC store.
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Shame refunding the chapter doesn't change any of that.
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Xeno is possibly low A tier and high B at worst but okay.
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you better make a forum post letting us know how upset you are, i don't think that's ever been done before.
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How was Knight nerfed? His addon were already terrible
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I'm actually having a blast today. Games have been... pretty random in terms of quality, but a new map to explore, and a new killer to run from, I'm having a lot of fun.
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the last 2 aren't at all related to the content of the paid dlc, but-
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how about the time distributed towards changes that no one asked for instead of changes people are waiting for 2 years ?
I mean to do something requires time? And the changes got released with the dlc so, why pay for something devs release if it does not adress actual issues in the game
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i also dont think there has never been a sarcastic person that has ever suggested to post letting others know how upset one is
wow, sarcasm, what could be cheaper. maybe your time wasted?
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the only addons he was at least decent with got nerfed.
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no okay, neither my opinion nor yours matter here, there are killers like wesker, blight, nurse, spirit and huntress and there are other useless killers. Xeno falls into second category. who cares whether a, b , c ,d ,e tier ? He does not have what it takes to kill.
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Im coming for you xd
Jokes beside, really enjoying the chapter so far.
Xeno feels like I want to add them as a main to pig and demo.
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Shhhhhhh... no logic allowed here!
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I would put Xeno around Huntress level though.
This sounds like a skill issue.
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"Blight terrorizing high mmr matches is still unchanged ( it has been 2 years since release)"
Is that the chapter's fault? Don't really get it.
Xeno is weak? He just been out for 1 day my guy, 90% of xeno players have no clue what they are doing and learning how to use M2 now. Just give it some time.
To me, it's pretty much a perfect fair killer. I'm having a blast playing it.
I do say xeno is somewhere around A tier.
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I haven’t gotten under a 3k with Xeno yet. Speak for yourself lol. Killer is fun as hell.
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she is not countered by turrets that turn her into m1 killer
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Okay? And Xeno isn't countered by indoor maps the way Huntress is.
It turns out even strong killers have strengths and weaknesses. Who knew?
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yes but he is still m1 killer, so what can you do in current meta as m1 killer?
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like there are 4 turrets auras of which you can see, you simply run to these turrets to disable his ability so he becomes m1 killer and has to chase you by simply hitting with m1 which allows you to drop pallets safely.
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Why are the last two bullet points related? You refunded a dlc because you didn't like the changes to another killer?
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Boy howdy do I have the perfect perk for you
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wow! how useful to get it by the end match vs skilled survivors. and vs bots does not really matter if they give you free hits, they will loose the game either way.
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last two bullets point show that developers prioritize things they should not, which means i should not be purchasing the stuff the release together with those changes? but yes it is unrelated.
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
Something tells me you don't know how to chase survivors
I seriously doubt it takes you until end game to benefit from stbfl ESPECIALLY as xenomorph
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The team that works on the chapter content and the balance changes aren't even the same.
And I don't waste my time reading every comment in a thread. You could have edited your original post if you wanted and people would stop mentioning it 🤷
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
If you're not in your power the majority of the time as Xeno you're playing them wrong.
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I played four matches as Xeno, including Adept, and sacrificed 16 survivors.
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It is hardly the devs' fault if you ruined the image with crappy filters.
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can you define what an m1 killer is real quick? just to make sure we are on the same page
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So you can tail attack the turrets and destroy them lol.
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Funny thing I tend to only use my power on the obsession while going for downs on others with the m1 for extreme jolt value
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That's interesting lately I've been using mostly the tail to corral survivors where I want them to go cuz it's such a good zoning tool. I'm sure Xeno has multiple viable playstyles it's just gonna take time to develop everything.