Xeno's Tail Is Annoying

Everyone else in these forums are just saying "Oh, just hold W!" since there really is no counter for it's tail after the cooldown buff. You can try and juke pallets and windows, but it'll just M1 you, or Tail Attack with it's no wind up, super fast cooldown. The flame turrets can't do dookie about Xeno's power because when it M1's to remove the turret, it only buys you so much time before it catches up like 5 seconds after and Tail Attacks you since the flames don't even work half the time... What are your guys' thoughts?
Buff alien
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I didn't have problem juking or being juked/missed the tail attack on both sides.
The cooldown is definetly noticible as if you miss on pallet you have to wait a bit before you can even start any action other than running.
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How is this different from Oni? Against a good Oni you're not allowed to get hit so you just hold W and predrop.
Also "super fast cool down" it has the longest cool down of any m2 killer in the game save Nurse. I swear people don't even know what they're complaining about.
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not losinging distance after a missed hit is a huge advantage of his current power.
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At least with Oni, you can out-maneuver his dash with gusto, but with Alien, it's not like it's stuck in a motion. It has complete control, and with even a bit of good aim, it can get some really unfair hits. I get what you mean by holding W, but if that's literally the ONLY counter, where you can't even use a T and L wall efficiently against a basekit Alien, there's a problem.
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And it doesn't help how if a Xeno has bad wifi, it can use that to it's advantage, and get unfair hits through walls.
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Xeno can handle T and L's pretty well but they're not useless I'd say. Best tiles against Xeno is probably shack, trash tiles, labyrinth tiles, and long wall jungle gyms so I'd look for those as they all provide high cover against the tail.
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use turrets.
tail isn't meant to be consistently countered by itself, it's a punishment for you for failing to apply any means of avoiding it - xeno's power grants killer the agency of getting a hit in close range.
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Correct and if you place turrets in those areas it can get you tons of distance as they can't hit the turrets with the tail easily without getting knocked out of their power and I'm glad(killer player in me) and annoyed(survivor player in me) not many survivors don't know about it yet
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Alright, so I learned a counter to his tail, which is to just hug a circular area, since the Alien's tail has a lot of collision, you can literally loop things without windows or pallets, and take it to the edges of the map.
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If this works, it's HUGE. That would be 1st real counterplay where you don't just hope killer is clumsy
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not the best idea, but you can waste more of xeno's time.
best way is to keep distance and break los as much as possible, while making your pathing through the turrets so they distract xeno and give you more distance or burn him out of the power which is equally good
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Hear that guys? Unrelenting is the most overpowered perk in the game.
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It's been a big counter to Killer with range since forever.
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Yeah but they are A tier and Xeno is S-tier, you can't 4k every game at top MMR with Blight and Nurse!!! /s
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The flame turrets provide a 41m motion tracker with beeping rate indicating distance, that works while Xeno is in tunnels. When you hear beeping that is rapidly speeding up, you don't sit there staring at the turret for 10 seconds while fuming about how it won't instantly kill the Xenomorph and uninstall his game, you do things like RUN and HIDE. Xeno has ZERO counter to this playstyle.
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No, I get that now, I already had an epiphany lol