Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Is this a bug or an early implemented feature?



  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723

    I very much think so! There is also another one I've seen on Twitter that is some bloody VFX whenever you level up a character's bloodweb. There is a splash of blood surounding the character.

    SAF3TYRA1LS Member Posts: 178

    Amazing, heartfelt, emotional, tear wretching story. Especially the last part.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    My feedback: keep the prestiges hidden. I don’t see people dodge lobbies anymore based on prestiges. I think that is a good thing. I can also play my high prestige characters again.

  • Asian_D_lite81
    Asian_D_lite81 Member Posts: 3

    I can still see prestige but my wife can't. Thought it was a bug, because it's not in the update notes.

  • chibizodo
    chibizodo Member Posts: 162

    I’ve noticed that the gens also look weird when you have that and I personally don’t like the look of it

    I personally don’t like the look of the gen display that the perk display is giving off

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723

    Lmao they're really testing differt things with different groups of players! I don't mind how this looks, it's more clear for many less experience players. Visually is easier to understand I guess, so it's just whatever is easier I guess.

  • chibizodo
    chibizodo Member Posts: 162

    That’s fair I just don’t like gens looking like 0/5 that looks tacky to me, the perks in the corner correlate to the gen progress in that screenshot, if you have the perks on lobby then you have the updated gen hud

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723

    And what do you both prefer? It will be helpful for the team if you give them your feedback here!

  • hennesyhufflepuf
    hennesyhufflepuf Member Posts: 20

    Hopefully we can also get an option to see who’s in a SWF and who’s solo in the pre game lobby down the road?

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723

    Directly no. Awful. This is not a team vs team game, it's a 1v4. Stop trying to give overloaded information prior to the matches, please.

  • hennesyhufflepuf
    hennesyhufflepuf Member Posts: 20

    We can’t even see this when we play survivor, you’re saying that’s too much?

  • chibizodo
    chibizodo Member Posts: 162

    As survivor what kind of advantage does this give? There isn’t a point to know who’s with who imo killer especially shouldn’t bc they’ll just dodge again

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723

    Yes. Some way or another it's going to push some kind of lobby dodging or shopping by one side or the other. The only thing that solo survivors need in the lobby is to know the loadout of their team mates for the sake of synergies and not countering each other with perks (for example, somebody brings boons and somebody else brings totem cleansing perks such as Inner Healing, etc.)

  • hennesyhufflepuf
    hennesyhufflepuf Member Posts: 20

    That sounds like that would cause issues too. TCM has that problem right now

  • Zenislev
    Zenislev Member Posts: 160
    edited September 2023

    Not being able to see prestige levels is miserable. I know people like to pretend like levels don't mean anything, but they're an indicator of time spent in the game which you can use to get a rough approximation of the skill of the people in the lobby. If I load into a lobby and see that I'm going to be totally outclassed, I duck out. I'm not going to pretend like I'm the greatest killer ever. I shouldn't be getting matched against people who have more playtime than everyone else in the lobby combined, and yet I am anyways. I should't have to be matched against people that I know are going to stomp me into the dirt, because they're upset that their queues are a little longer. This new system is absolute trash and it should be rolled back.

    Of course, the unfortunate part is that the devs absolutely love coddling survivors so this is going through. If the devs cared about fairness at all, we'd be able to see who's in a SWF or not at the very least to make up for the fact that we can't judge lobbies anymore, but that's not going to happen either.

  • hennesyhufflepuf
    hennesyhufflepuf Member Posts: 20

    it’ll solve dodging, but then killers will just dc. Had it happen to me 3 times in the last 2 sessions I’ve played. Once last night, 2 earlier today.

  • chibizodo
    chibizodo Member Posts: 162

    It won’t solve dodging at all, I know friends who dodge if they know people are grouped they won’t play against a swf, they dodge and backfill just like now

  • hennesyhufflepuf
    hennesyhufflepuf Member Posts: 20

    Maybe MMR improvements would help? I See the pros and the cons, but idk have to see how it is from killer perspective next time I play. Mainly been playing survivor due to bloodpoints bonus at times I do play

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723

    That's clearly not the problem of TCM lmao. This feature is already on DBD mobile and it helps solos to coordinate with randoms and get good synergy perks. To think that showing who is solo and who is SWF would do more harm than good is really naive. If anything, that's the problem with TCM, like in any other game people are just scared of duos/teams and prefer to face solos. Again, too much information about premades ruins the experience for everybody out of fear and discrimination towards solos because they're seen as weaker and people avoid them and restrict themselves to which seems more beneficial.

    Again, terrible idea.

  • chibizodo
    chibizodo Member Posts: 162

    Pregame lobby? You mean get rid of SWF? If they got rid of SWF the game would surely die bc I like to play with friends lmao I’ve been targeted for being a SWF ghostface killed us all and let the random go bc he saw we were all friends on steam lmao it’s happened twice now 🤣🤣 or do you mean you don’t see the lobby your playing at all lmao you find out when you load into the game haha

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,282
    edited September 2023

    I meant "game found" lobby. Sorry if I said it wrongly :) Basically I want to be able to click ready just 1x

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723
    edited September 2023

    I hope that you understand that if this happens is because somebody who probably has higher MMR than you as killer thought the same and he was probably more capable than you of fighting that team, but they dipped and now due to how queue works (fast queue times over skill level matchmaking) now you got there, and after that probably somebody that is more baby than you will get the spot and it becomes a vicious cycle.

    You are so wrong. Devs care about fairness indeed, because this update is going to put everybody to go oblivious and blind to the match so there is no discrimination and nobody get targeted nor abandoned due to their prestige (solos will not go jumping from lobby to lobby until they find team mates they consider have the "suitable prestige" nor killers will be hunting for babies, both mentalities exist and are too common and make MMR even worse than it is.) The killers should not have access even to the profiles of the survivors, let alone see if they're in a SWF or solo. Be serious, everybody and their mothers would again start lobby dodging and shopping as killer until they face solos. People who think that feature would be a good idea are just naive, it's such a horrible thing that would be implemented.

    Killers already can see the accounts of the survivors if on the same platform + even their items. People already dodge because of the items too. "4 flashlights/toolboxes/medkits ugh i'm out". All this information harms the game and the mentality of players. There is a reason why survivors can't see the killer they'd face, it would be hell as well. Nobody would stay in a Nurse, Blight, SM or any killer that displeases them.

    Learn to leave the anxiety of the pre-game aside and face the games the matchmaking gives you, and from there matchmaking will be able to be actually improved.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Zenislev
    Zenislev Member Posts: 160

    The solution to the problem isn't to give killers less info, it's to let the survivors wait longer. If you don't understand why information is more important to the person playing the 1 in the 1v4 game, then I don't know what to tell you. Ideally the game would show you your MMR, along with the MMR and play times of the survivors you're going up against, as well as who's in a team so that the killer can decide which games are worth slogging through and which aren't. That would be fair, but I'm not going to pretend like that isn't wishful thinking on my part.

    I've brought this up before in discussions like this, but I find it absurd that fighting games don't have a problem giving you all the information you could possibly want before a match. If you're playing street fighter 6 for example, you can see the opposing player's rank, their connection type (which is a much bigger deal in fighting games than it is in dbd) and you can open up their profile to see a detailed breakdown of where they stand as a player including how many matches they've played, both on a per character basis and in total, and their win/lose ratio, again, both per character and in total, and you know what, dodging isn't really a problem there because the game's reasonably balanced, and the matchmaking is mostly fair. God forbid you do anything like that in this 1v4 game. That just wouldn't be fair to the 4 players I guess.

  • chibizodo
    chibizodo Member Posts: 162

    I’m sorry you are finding it miserable you can’t dodge every P100 you see but as a P100 survivor I feel relieved I can play the game without predetermination on my skill level, or killers won’t change their play style bc they see I am P100, it’s just a number, it’s miserable to get targeted for playing my favorite character, it’s miserable to get called names and harassed bc I don’t meet expectations of what a P100 should be like. You think it’s fun to get harassed and targeted bc of a stupid number above your head? To be held more accountable to certain situations than someone with lower prestige than me? If the P10 gives up on hook and I do the same guess who gets the harsh comments, the higher prestige.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723

    I strongly disagree with you. DbD is not a comp scene pro esports 3 tournaments a year in South Korea stadiums kind of game, hope you understand that. The only points of MMR is to avoid babies from getting matches with more experienced players as often, but lobby dodging doesn't help the cause because those lobbies have to be filled with somebody and disadjusts MMR. The less information regarding somebody's skill level prior to the matches the better. Survivors only need to see their team mates perks, and killers should just see the characters people are playing. If you like that kind of competitive esports mentality and games, there are plenty of others in the market. DbD is not built to do that and is extremely hard to get to that point solely for the asymmetrical nature of the game (and even like that the balancement team has done wonders with years to fix most of the abusive stuff from both sides that was in the game, and they still have a lot to polish.)

    But anyways, point blank period end of my participation in this discussion with you because we are just not going to agree and I am done trying to make a point that you are not getting, and I get yours but it's just awful and harmful for the game (and it shows, since they're literally making updates to fix the issue that is being caused) and we are leaving the whole point of this discussion thread. Have a nice day!

  • nikodemo
    nikodemo Member Posts: 786

    great change. keep it. there's no reason to have that info there and it only leads to weird prejudice issues and lobby skips.

    thank you!

  • Zenislev
    Zenislev Member Posts: 160
    edited September 2023

    This is exactly what I mean. Why should my games be worse because your feelings are hurt? Whether you like it or not, the number over your head says that you've dedicated a considerable amount of hours to the game. Whether the community has an issue with that and treats you differently is really not my problem. Take it up with the people harassing you, hell, you can report them if it's bad enough.

    Either way, it doesn't matter, this is going to go through because the devs want to coddle you and the other survivors like you, so congratulations, you win, now my games are going to be worse, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to be upset about it and that I'm not going to voice my discontent. This change is a mistake and if the devs are gathering feedback I want them to know that.

  • Zenislev
    Zenislev Member Posts: 160

    Do you think everyone that plays fighting games is an esports pro? My dude, the average fighting game player is as hardcore and competitive as your average DBD player. They aren't going to tournaments, hell most fighting game players don't know what EVO is, let alone compete in it.

    That aside, it's not that I don't understand your point, it's that I disagree with it. Your idea is what's going to make the game worse. This update, when it inevitably goes through, is going to make the game worse. More information is a good thing, not a bad thing.

  • chibizodo
    chibizodo Member Posts: 162

    Bc I want to have fun games too? You think it’s fair that a killer tunnels me out or plays differently bc I have a P100 above my name? That I don’t get the play the game and have to watch everyone else play while I’m stuck spectating? You treat the high prestige differently so you are part of the problem, the dodging is the reason, the prestige being shown is the reason. I’m not asking to be coddled bc I chose to p100 my favorite character, im asking for fairness in my games just like you want fairness in yours.

  • Zenislev
    Zenislev Member Posts: 160
    edited September 2023

    I'm sorry your feelings are hurt when killers play the game, however your desire to have "fun" games shouldn't be more important than having fair games. If this game's matchmaking and balancing was worth anything, we wouldn't be having this discussion, but in the absence of both of those things, I'd rather killers be able to balance the game themselves, since most aspects of the game are stacked against them as it is.

  • chibizodo
    chibizodo Member Posts: 162

    Fair games are fun wdym?? So bc I am P100 that means the killer should treat me differently than the P10 in the same lobby?

  • chibizodo
    chibizodo Member Posts: 162

    Yeah this dude only wants fairness for himself not the entirety of the game, prestige has a stigma that’s just the truth. As much as we can say Prestige isn’t skill people are still going to treat it as such. I have 5k hours and 1 P100 bc he’s my favorite character I refuse to be bullied off him so I just take the abuse I get from killers.

    only killer enjoyment is suppose to be notated, my fault I forgot we only pay attention to one side when it’s a 2 side player base.

    killers have targeted me with specific load outs, they’ve face camped me tunneled me dc’d when they finally hooked my 3rd hook have even called me names bc they tunneled me and I was a terrible P100 bc I couldn’t prevent it.

    both sides deserve fair games and this guy is just twisting everything so the survivors wanting fair games are thrown in bad light when it’s the killers with his mentality that is the problem. That is the entire issue that prestige needs to be hidden.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723

    Nobody could have said all this better! I relate to your experience a lot, and my games have been also better now playing my high prestige characters again most likely because I went up against people who also got this update. The result of the games have been the same in regards of kills and escapes, the targeting just has felt actually tactical by killers and not pre-set from the lobby.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,282
    edited September 2023

    So you proclaiming you would loose (are you sure?) is good reason to probably create a game where 1 side will get absolutely destroyed. Well. That's what I call being selfish

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Zenislev
    Zenislev Member Posts: 160
    edited September 2023

    This is why bad decisions like this go through. There's a whole legion of survivors who are only interested in their games going well regardless of what it does to the health of the game, who dogpile anyone who says otherwise.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,282

    The problem is - that survivor got so bad, that I play more killer then survivor these days ;) but go on with your copium that it's just survivor mains perspective

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,343
    edited September 2023

    Some of the best news in a while. I still want backfill logic to just.. not exist and to instead potentially wait longer to find a replacement player with normal matchmaking, but until then anything that reduces dodging is a great call as it seems like the #1 source of absolutely awful matches.

    Hopefully a sign of a drive of complete obliteration of all non-essential (basically everything but survivor choice and item choice imo) information that lets genuine entitlement to stuff like Steam profile information and the creepy privacy shaming that's way more common than it should be in the community be a thing!

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723

    The reason why I use anon mode is because of this basically. I don’t want to feel stalked before all my games and it to be used as a way to dodge me or want fo face me. I don’t want to give any information like that to the killer nor to my solo team mates. At the end of the game it’s fine because you can add people you clicked with or that you had some sort of funny interaction with or whatever (I have made tons of friends in this game this way and I love it.) Pre-game lobby information ruins the mentality and is so destructive for a lot of people with stalking boyfriend complex and I hope everybody realizes it now + learn to play the game going in fully blind.

    I can only be thankful for this new feature, really. A lot of people will finally have fun again playing with their most loved survivors with high prestige, a lot of people will realize how dumb is to have a mindset about the match early on based on prestige numbers, and a lot of people will as well get better quality matches (doesn’t mean a win or a loss, means more skill bases adjusted.) Hope finally more people will enjoy the game for what it is!

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    You could be literally me. I never really cared about prestige to begin with.

  • dera4a
    dera4a Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    Worst feature ever... Not only did you make this broken ass killer xeno which is total pay to win but I cannot see the prestige of the people I play with/against? Yeah sounds about right, 3 p100 in my match, vs a newbie killer 1-3 prestige. Sounds very fair and I can't even see it now and dodge the lobby. Instead, I'm getting bullied by people with 10k and more hours in the game which are teabagging and being toxic all game and afterwards... Screw this #########, stop nerfing survivors for the crying killers and maybe bring some balance to the game instead of doing such bullshit features that aren't fair at all and pushing new pay-to-win DLCs like the last one... Takes all the fun outta the game, so great job, great decisions...

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800
    edited September 2023

    wait am so confused

    this feature is supposed to help Survivors how is it nerfing Survivors?

    also how are you saying you're a newbie killer and at the same time complaining about xeno you should be happy there's a strong killer to play right?

    many questions.

    plus I'd like to say that when mmr was implemented and before the prestige rework you could only see grades i think and grades were only for monthly rewards yet people took em as a measure of skill and were complaining about getting queued with iri 1 players when that meant absolutely nothing and wasn't a factor in matchmaking.

    then it was prestiges, which were only meant as a way to show off your commitment to a character you like but people still took it as a measurement of skill (even if sometimes it could actually correlate to this) and started dodging or harassing high prestige players so imo the necessary evil is that nothing be shown at all so people (me included) stop freaking out about numbers on the screen and just play the game and focus on improving the mm system itself.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723

    Let's hope that the player cards they said they'd implement later this year don't follow the same path now that they understood the problem of too much information given before the matches (prestige in this case)!

  • A_N_G_E_L_81
    A_N_G_E_L_81 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 5

    I am one of the ones that cannot see the prestige levels. I have only been playing for 6 months now but I liked being able to see the prestige levels in the pregame lobby. I hope they bring it back. And for the people that disconnect because they can't handle the loss, too bad. I wish the penalty time is increased significantly.

  • bravo37
    bravo37 Member Posts: 7

    If matchmaking is such that is so disproportionate in player skill that says something about a declining player base, so hiding the fact that you either have a problem with new player numbers or departing seasoned ones or mid level ones walking away from it, I dont believe this is the fix to your problem.

    I'm relatively new, started slightly before que times were terrible in my limited experience, a few months before the 7 year anniversary, so I'm not what you'd call good at the game by any stretch. During the first few months of playing the game was engaging, as a killer, and I found the matches to be rather close. As a survivor, random teams seemed 50/50 whether I'd get some sandbags or players that didnt even know how to use perks yet, or we'd get your random p100, so thats always been just a mixed bag it seems, but for the most part I don't seem to recall being utterly outclassed by a killer before this either playing survivor.

    Lately I've had nothing but survivors with the ability to endlessly loop, gen rush, and whether they are random or a group of friends out to troll completely one side a match to where I'm close to hanging up the game altogether. I'd say the not very fun matches I've had in the past week or so are 3 to 1 in ratio. I don't play games to be frustrated, so this newly implemented feature makes it fun for your veteran players. Not players like me.

    You're absolutely right at this point I'd lobby shop. As a guy who's trying to develop skill and learn the game, I don't find an environment where I'm completely dominated for most matches conducive to learning and enjoying the game.

    I'm sure all the higher level players who are doing the destroying of killers or high ranked killers who are getting a group of babies are absolutely loving the idea.

    I'm certain if you look at the data you'll see their ranking going up steadily as newer players like me stagnate or get worse.

    This is not a welcome change, as I absolutely would leave a lobby after waiting 5/10 mins to join up with a group of level 50+ flashlight holding survivors.

    You as a developer need to find some way to either retain a player base or be more inviting to newer ones. Not put a bandaid on the problem by masking a disproportionate skill level in matchmaking.

    From the player perspective, if you're enjoying the total domination of lesser skilled players as a skilled and seasoned one, especially due to this change... well I don't see how that's that's very fun at all.

    If you're wondering why a killer would go sit in the basement and wait out the time after being flash-banged, permablinded, head-on at every locker, pallet stunned at every corner, and has gotten perhaps 2 hooks in 4 gens, this is why. This cannot be an engaging experience for them either.

    Seems to me this speaks to a real problem of a good game hemorrhaging players and not gaining new ones, so my suggestion is focus on how to compete with that rather than just masking it with the inability to see how one sided match ups have become lately.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,491

    We literally had RANKS visible for a long time until they decided to make them hidden and nothing apocalyptic happened. Trust me, you'll survive.

  • bravo37
    bravo37 Member Posts: 7

    Nothing in my post stated anything apocalyptic was occurring. I've simply noticed way more one sided matches, with me the one being outclassed, since they've started messing with this mechanic. Sure, I could keep playing, if that's what you mean by survive. But it ain't fun, and I'm not the only one who thinks so. My point is which is the lesser evil, which drives away more players... Catering to those who want to shave a few minutes off of a wait time? Then expect those of us who are mostly frustrated with the game to lose interest.