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Buried Underground Challenge Bugged.

It's probably bug which affects basement hook challenges, because other peeps did reports regarding basement challenges being bugged.
• Platform
PC (Steam)
• Description of the issue
Cannot get progress in "Buried Underground" challenge, because game isn't counting basement hooks. Tried this on 2 different matches, restarted the game too. Didn't work.
• Steps to reproduce (if possible)
• How often does this occur
Same here. Hooked 3 survivors in basement (main building of Garden of Joy) and still have 0/6
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Same, 3 different matches, I already did like 4 basement hooks and got no progress
Post edited by Pumayito on4 -
Same, 2 matches first on Toba Landing with four basement hooks second on Ormond with two. Both times were Myers and I did take monsterous shrine. But I am going to try a try another daily as Artist without Monsterous.
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I'm glad it's not just me! I played several matches to get this and even used Scourge: Monstrous Shrine to trigger it but I have yet to get any progress on it.
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3 basement hooks, 0 progress.
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year this challenge is buggy. I hooked three survivor in one game in the basement but the game did not count it for the challenge. Today was the same issue.
This is really annoying and hopefully the devs will fix this issue
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I swear basement hook challenges break every few updates.
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Oh I hear all your pain! I completed the challenge in one game, altrustic players, and it didn't count it. Now I just played a game as Alien and I hooked at least 4 in the basement, could have been 1 or 2 more, and the game didn't count them towards the challenge. Very frustrating.
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The curse of the buggy basement has reared its ugly head once again😭
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I found that it works on RPD.
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Same I play on PS4. I legit hooked two survs to death in McMillian and no progress. Have also done it in Ormond and Dvarka. Seems like an every map problem lol.
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Just killed all survivors on basement hooks . Please fix your game BHVR !
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Had this same issue did it like 4 to 5 different times, only map got it to do it on is rpd and I'm on the ps4.
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Ran into the same issue. No progress across 3 separate games. Even tried to force the issue by playing basement bubba, and despite getting a 4k in the basement, 0 progress.
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Can confirm this on PS5
Tome 1 - Tier 3 - Buried Underground
Seems all tomes tracking for basement hooks are affected.
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works on RPD
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Had the same problem Tome 6 Buried Underground. It did work on RPD.
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Same here. Had a match were one hook counted, but couldnt get progress before or later.
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Played a match on borgo, hooked 6 times in the basement, 0 count. The ingame counter didn't show up either.
Hooked once on Shelter woods, no counter.
Also, there's thread after thread when searching for "buried underground dbd" that go back 3 years with the same issues. Kind of insane. Just remove basement hook challanges if you can't figure this bug out in 3 years please.
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it's that meal spaghetti.
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Can confirm even after today's update/patch, the glitch is still in effect. I was on Haddonfield and only got two basement hooks. Wasn't really trying too hard, but was shooketh to see no progress whatsoever
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Just experienced this bug as well. Got 4 - 6 basement hooks with the challenge selected and received no progress. Was playing Deathslinger on Disturbed Ward using 3 Scourge Hook perks, including Monstrous Shrine.
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Same; mother's dwelling, was playing nemi. No progress notification, no progress after the match.
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Have hooked well over 10 survivors on basement, nothing.
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BHVR knows it's bugged but keeps putting the same cut and paste challenge in every tome.
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Can confirm that RPD works
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anyone see this work on any other maps besides RPD? the killer I'm trying to use for it doesn't have RPD offering.
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great, so the only map where you can get this basement achievement is the one where nobody ever goes to the basement. fml.
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FINALLY got it at RCPD. Now let us never, ever speak of the RCPD basements again.
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I came here to report the same issue. I love how it's the map with the hardest basement locations that doesn't have the bug lol
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i'm getting the issue aswell
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I just had a game where I hooked 3 survivors in the basement and the challenge did not count any of them I’m a PS4 player.
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Just reporting I have the issue as well: works on RPD, no where else.
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Same problem, but I have somehow only got to do one more which is kindbof double annoying lok
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Same here, didn't count yesterday on Farm maps yesterday and neither today on Crotus Prenn.
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Same here, Tried on the new map (Alien DLC) and on Mount Ormond
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Wondering if the Basement location has anything to do with this?
When people have gotten no progress is this in main building, or shack etc...
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I tried shack back then, no luck.
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Looked at the notes and no mention of it.
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same issue for me, ive tried it a few times with dredge and trapper and no success.
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Same issue here as well, with Flashlights being disabled I'm kind of stuck.
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Still broken as of this morning, 0 credit for survivors hooked in basement.
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They never ever work. Once there was a buried underground that didn't work, after an update it started working. I thought that meant the others would work, nope. I figured new tomes would have the version that works, nope.
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This is pathetic. They just released an update through which there SHOULD have been a fix for this, as it's been going on for some time now. Now I'm finding other challenges in the next chapter of the tome aren't working either. Very discouraging and infuriating.
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WORKS ON RPD! Did multiple maps as Bubba - no dice. Went to RPD (via my offering) and got all 6. I never thought I'd say this, but...hurray for RPD!
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I hooked survivors on borgo in the basement as cenobite and nothing was counted. Please fix this challenge from your current rift pass that people paid for.
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PS5, Freddy, Alien Map, 9 Basement hooks, none counted, as of September 29th 2023.
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I tried main, so the bug persists. Super annoying for people who paid for the rift and could use the challenge for easy progress. :/