Please buff Grim Embrace, Killers should be rewarded for spreading hooks evenly.

60 seconds (buffed from 40) of Gens being locked for hooking each Survivor once is a good trade off that ensures Killers are rewarded for not simply tunneling someone out of the game.
Sure it CAN be used after tunneling someone, but at that point most gens are either done or the game is basically won anyway, so it'd be a waste of a perk to bring.
We need more perks that reward Killers for acquiring many hooks on each individual Survivor!
My idea to give it a minor rework would be
Grim embrace can now trigger twice per match (still have to hook each survivor once each refresh)
Grim embrace now reveals the auras of ALL survivors instead of just the obsession when it triggers
The perk would still be bad but it would become the most gigachad slowdown perk in the games history.
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Problem is this perk very unrealistic, you don't to chose who to chase.
As a buff, i would suggest reveal the furthest not yet hooked survivor via killer insticts. And increase duration up to 60 seconds.
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Problem is the perk only works if you can find all the Survivors at the right time, it also means you cant switch to someone else.
This perk would be so great if there was another perk which could be synergized with it. A perk that reveals the aura of the least hooked Survivor.
if that was the case buffing this perk to activate twice a match and you might have a meta strategy.
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What if Grim Embrace revealed the auras of Survivors who haven't been hooked yet upon hooking another survivor?
It'd encourage spreading hooks while making the perk easier to activate. Sounds like a win-win situation to me.
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What if Grim Embrace revealed the auras of Survivors who haven't been hooked yet upon hooking another survivor?
Do you mean every time? like on every hook and not when the perk activates?
That would make this perk better than BBQ & Alien Instinct. It would be a pretty good Aura reading perk with a build in Deadlock.
That might just be too good really. bHVR would never implement this, if they did Im going to eat my socks.
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I don't think it'd make it better than other aura reading perks, as it'd ramp down in effectiveness as you hooked more survivors. If a Survivor gets hooked at all then they wouldn't be revealed by Grim Embrace anymore.
It'd be really effective at the start of the game but it would eventually do nothing as the match runs its course. BBQ and Alien Instinct work exactly the same every time, but this proposal wouldn't.
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Oh so you mean, the perk activates only 1 time so when everybody have been hooked its all over?
So its a perk to make it easy to start the game and it buys some time in the middle of the game?
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Yeah the gen blocking would still be a one and done thing. It's just hooking a Survivor would reveal all unhooked Survivors to the killer as well. Once every Survivor has been hooked once the perk would be used up.
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yeah yeah, i can see that being a thing.
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I like the double proc, but I would have it only work while no one is dead (that way you can't be rewarded for just purposely tunneling someone out after the first proc). Also I think the all Survivor aura thing should be the Obsession final hook reward, so maybe you plan out to get the big reward by saving the Obs for later. Alternatively maybe the Obs being hooked gives 15-20s of incap on all Survs, so they can't just heal next to the gen while waiting, but not long enough to be like busted Eruption.
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Oooh I like this more
Have it reveal the aura of the Survivor/Survivors with the least hooks for 10 seconds or so when hooking someone
Encourages spreading hooks and can give a double proc of 40 seconds of all Gens being paused
Sounds very fun