Is Nurse Broken?

caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 711

In your opinion, is nurse overpowered and why? or do you find her to be balanced for the most part?

I think that shes balanced, though could use some tweaks. She has lots of counterplay via mindgames and jumping into a locker, but i feel most people never learn it because its completely different from regular dbd, leading them to think shes uncounterable. which isnt an unfair assumption to make considering she literally goes through walls. I think most of nurse's issues are more issues with the game itself than nurse, like bad MMR, tunneling and the soloQ problem

I also generally find her core design to be some of the most underrated. Shes one of the hardest killers to master, and the only killer to directly force you to use power to win. shes the best chaser in the game, covering short distances very quickly. However she has the worst map mobility, which offers counterplay by playing for distance and makes her a purely chase killer with horrendous macrogame. Its a common misconception that nurse is actually a really fast hypermobile map traversal killer like blight, but when you do the math its simply not true. On any non indoor map her mobility averages out to about 4.2m/s. And on indoor maps where her mobility is cracked, her chase is the worst it could possibly be. With the one exception being midwich which.... already needs to be changed. Plus after her addon pass, she lost all the crazy broken addons bad nurses crutched and starstruck nurse got deleted.

if she were to be nerfed, they should bring back lightburn for her+bring back pallets going through fatigue, then fatigue still happening after. Offer more counterplay and make pallets do literally anything.



    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    i think she's unbeatable in pubs a capable nurse is just gonna destroy evey public lobby she's in.

    some of them are on a +700 winstreaks she's a killier that's once mastered Survivors' input matters very little.

    but then again only a few people in the game really got to that point with nurse and she's an unpopular killer in general so with her best addons nerfed and her m2 being special attack idk if she needs more nerfs.

    but i do like your ideas they don't nerf her directly but add some counterplay from the survivor's side.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 711

    Thats true, someone whos really mastered nurse will probably 4k almost every game. at least thats a skill diff though, and mastering who takes a crazy amount of time and dedication. Its still surefire loss but its at least a respectable one. If I were to nerf nurse directly I would probably do what I mentioned and maybe make it so she cant tp through floors. maybe.

  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505

    i think adding back stun-fatigue would be good for stuns in post blink (i think you suggested this), i think having stuns deplete her charges would also be good (all stuns - head on, ds, pallet, flashlight/pallet save, wiggle off, blast mine, everything), and being able to stun her mid fatigue (rather than her gaining a skull of titanium capable of withstanding the almighty strength of the PALLET)

    maybe also blindness while charging a blink since auras completely delete any counterplay from survivors but thats not 100% necessary imo (but it would be nice)

    but i dont think shes op in her current state

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 711

    I agree. I never understood why the devs removed stun-fatigue. Lightburn was at least for general consistency across the the roster, but this was just a bug that was healthy for the game.

    nurse losing all her charges on a stun would actually be great. DS would actually do anything at all against her and it would open up more perk variety and strategies. I can see it now... the head on meta.

    In a roundabout way I find nurse's use of auras as a healthy part of her kit. It doesnt have much counterplay.... but at the very least its taking a slot for another regression perk. As long as aura perks are equal in power to hard slowdown on her, we dont get 4 slowdown nurses. I like that she doesnt get permablind in your suggestion, just while charging, though. That way she still uses aura perks effectively but there is time to react and change your movement. If it were to be changed this is definitely the best option.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 909

    I find it extremely annoying when she doesn't teleport and instead just stays in the same spot for some reason

  • Hanuka5
    Hanuka5 Member Posts: 162
    edited September 2023

    Yes she is and shes unfixable.

    She allready has a very high skill ceiling what makes it for newcomers very hard to play. But her power makes her unbeatable if played correctly, and you kinda cannot fix that without destroying nurse.

    I mean shes allready slower as a survivor, and if that cannot stop her from beeing the strongest char, what can?

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,215

    Yes, Nurse is broken. I feel like if she has 1 blink tops, she would be fair. If you ignore walls, pallets and windows, then at least be skillful enough to compensate.

    Also, it's not absolutely true that she's hard to master. For some people, yes. But I've seen people who've become insanely good with her in less than a week of practice.

    1 blink Nurse basekit might just be the thing to make her balanced.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,286

    I like this one.

    If it was possible (and I have exactly 0 idea how), I would also think about some buff to her that would help beginner players only - so that she is easier to pick up (no idea what that would be though)

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,232

    The only thing I can think of is that it would be a nice quality of life feature to show the remaining time for the chain blink window somewhere, either on the power gauge or on a progress bar in the bottom center of the screen. Experienced Nurses know the timing and wouldn't need it but it might help newer Nurse players.

    Other than that, I think Plaid Flannel does a good enough job of helping new Nurse players learn blink distances and I actually would not want that indicator to be basekit since for an experienced Nurse the indicator can actually be distracting/get in the way.

  • sickdeathfiend
    sickdeathfiend Member Posts: 156
    edited September 2023

    Grossly overpowered and mostly unwinnable in soloq especially, but she is definitely fun to play as. It's fun teleporting around and getting those hits and things. My suggestion would be to not touch anymore of Nurse's abilities as it might ruin her gameplay too much, instead I'd offer to ADD some new counter play features instead!

    My suggestion would be to take the old idea of being able to 'burn' the Nurse's power with flashlights, but in a new mechanic. The new mechanic would be Oil Lanterns that would randomly spawn around the map. When a Survivor interacts with an Oil Lantern, they turn it on and equip it as a special item (like the Emp, Video tape etc).

    Once the Lantern is on, it begins burning its fuel source and will eventually run out after awhile. The Survivor can either place it back on the ground for someone else to pick up later, Or they can throw it. Activating the throw will throw the lantern in an arc from the angle of their camera exploding like a Molotov Cocktail. If the nurse is directly hit, it will burn her out of her power temporarily. If the Lantern is thrown on the ground somewhere, it creates a Fire area of effects for a limited time that can burn the Nurse out of her power if she hovers into it.

    Throwing the lanterns at specific spots can create more counterplay and interesting mind games to counter nurse, (Ex:line of sight nurse around corner, throw lantern on ground and double back only for Nurse to teleport through wall into the fire). Hitting nurse directly with the Oil Lanterns would be more difficult but rewarding.

    Want to also add that the explosion on the ground would be more subdued as it's not an actual bomb/moly cocktail. It would mostly be lots of light with very low flames, and bright shimmery smoke. This way it would look right for survivors not to be hurt by it even if they are standing on it, but the heat/light still bothers the nurse.

    In conclusion I know they would never do something like this but seemed cool in my head.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    That is basically a matchmaking issue, because when you go against a Nurse player who mastered the killer, someone like Knightlight or Alf then you will get trashed, but that's only fair, because those guys have 10k hours in the game and are just that much better, you cannot really expect to win it without 4 good players and probably even communication. Expecting to win otherwise would the same as going against Serral in Sc2 and expecting to win the game when you're not a professional players, the odds are just vastly against you.

    The problem ist that not many killers in the game are viable when everyone is really good, I mean you can be the best Trapper or Legion or whatever in the whole world and a comp team will probably still demolish you rather easily. With really good I don't mean many hours or "high mmr" (which basically does not really exist since matchmaking doesn't work) but basically on a comp level of good. Not many killers are designed in a way that it let's the better player win if he is good enough, because from a certain level of survivor skill some killers are limited by their design. Nurse can totally loose in comp, Spirit and Blight as well.

    People should go against players of similar or equal skill and this just does not work.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,949
    edited September 2023

    Issue is the Nurse is very unique, and people want killers to be varied and unique.

    Any attempts to change Nurse would run a strong risk of removing that uniqueness. You also have to think that because she's hard to play, her kill rate is way below average, and trying to balance around high level play could easily kill her off.

    If you nerf her too much, then you have another Hillbilly, where she's too hard to play well compared to other killers, and not good enough to warrant even trying.

    So its kinda a damned if you, damned if you don't.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 711

    i see where you are coming from but 1 blink nurse would be unplayable. any competent survivor will force the LOS blink, forcing a chain blink. giving her 1 blink would just mean she is incapable of hitting survivors without auras, and even then it could be difficult in some cases.

    they should bring back stun-fatigue for sure, maybe increase fatigue and bring back lightburn. they should add more counterplay without directly nerfing her kit.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,949
    edited September 2023

    As a follow up, if you want to consider something like that would make her easier to play at low level, while limiting her at higher levels, you could do something like this.... but I guarantee any high level Nurse will have to hold back their vomit reading it: -

    • 4.4m/s base movement speed.
    • Each blink has 15 charges.
    • 1 blink that charges normally at current speed 5c/s (or 3s).
    • 2nd blink (and 3rd blink) are charged at a rate 1 c/s (or 15 secs).
    • Blink charging can be accelerated by absorbing the breathe of survivors at a rate of 2c/s (or 7.5s). (Similar to Oni, have vapour trails survivors leave when they run that the Nurse can absorb).
    • Each blink charged after the first slows the Nurse by 0.25m/s.
    • Fatigue from blinking decreased by 50%.
    • For each successive blink, fatigue is increased by 25%.

    The reason to go this route is at low level the Matchbox and Spasmodic Breathe add-ons make her much easier to play, because you can fall back on M1ing to finish the job if a survivor is giving you trouble with juking. This lowers her skill floor significantly...

    However at high level, this would mean you have to make your blinks really count to get value, as you have to charge them by following survivors in chase before you can do it again, massively pulling down her skill ceiling as well making her worse overall. This makes her much more like a normal m1 killer ofc, so the loss of uniqueness is also substantial, and the overly punishing nature of missed blinks means you have to ask why would I play this over Blight?

    Post edited by UndeddJester on
  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    But then you basically remove the line of sight breaking as counterplay because you can just follow and are not forced to blink to catch up with survivors... I don't think this helps in any way...

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,949
    edited September 2023

    That's exactly my point, to make her accessible to low level players, you almost have to kill exactly what makes Nurse unique and interesting.

    The nature of her power means you have to crimp it pretty hard to nerf high level players by basically removing the ability to blink on a survivor and then follow up for free with a second blink (or a third). If you do that however, you then have to water down her kit with basic movement speed and m1 gameplay to allow her to still be able to operate without blinks available and make her easier for low level players. As a low level scrub, I play with Spasmodic Breathe cause it means I only have to accurate 1 time, then I finish my down as an M1 killer using bloodlust if I need, and don't have to fear getting constantly juked.

    I'm sure with enough thought someone could get something that would work OK, but the unique point of the Nurse is she is slower is survivors, but to compensate can blink through walls... this blink is both her general movement, and her gap close for hits... if you remove that, she has to become a normal movement killer to compensate.

    If you want to keep her identity as a character that moves slow and links everywhere, you need to find some way of making that easy to play but not overpowered... and it's one of those where having both is probably not possible... that's why she has her harsh fatigue effect and narrow windows to line up her blinks, because without those, it's really easy to land her stuff.

    Post edited by UndeddJester on
  • Snowball777
    Snowball777 Member Posts: 143


    But that's just who Nurse is, she is a Killer who you can't nerf too much without making her useless or feel awful to play

    She has a relatively high skill ceiling to Nurse stomping Survivors feels rewarding and earned

    I personally think SoloQ getting more QoL changes would be better for the game than nerfing any Killer besides Blight.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,949

    Agreed... I'm gonna be very interested in the next statistics drop from BHVR after the radical changes from 7.0.0 have had time to fester a while.

    I'm hoping we get to see add-on results to get a chance to figure out why Blight's add-ons are still untouched 🤔

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    But you remove the only counterplay she has with that?? Bad players already have the addons that shows where you blink to, I don't think she needs to be much more beginner friendly than that.

  • KaTo1337
    KaTo1337 Member Posts: 605
  • JudithMorel
    JudithMorel Member Posts: 562

    100% overpowered

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member Posts: 5,105

    Let's keep the discussion on-topic, please, and remember that attacks on others, including content creators, are not welcome on this platform. Thank you.