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Ultimate Weapon is absolutely broken

truthserum21 Member Posts: 17
edited September 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

this perk has a 100% uptime. causes survivors to scream and show where they are, which interrupts actions. if they are healing with sloppy in play and are at 90%, by the time the healing can resume it has regressed to about 50%. It also interrupts gens repairs, cleansing, blessing, doors, rescues, everything!! AND its causes blindness which counters every basic players best perks for information. This perk can cripple any non coordinated team at mid to low tier MMR.

It is the ultimate slugging aid, it peels time off hooks states if a player didnt happen to see where their teammate was hooked. I get that there are other things that cause blindness and we are meant to work through them but most of those things require at least a minor effort on the killers part. Since all they have to do is open a locker giving this perk a 100% up time seems a bit excessive.

I get that everyone thinks I dont know anything and Im some day 1 who cries about losing all the time. But the fact is that the game is balanced around the highest level of game play involving 4 player, coordinated, and communicating teams which account for less than 10%(as an educated guess) of all public matches queued. Something has to change because this game is growing increasing unfun for the players who are not "sweats" and I am a "sweat" in a sense.

Having been a solo survivor for a long while now I see why none of my friends who I brought to this game never stayed with it. I don't have the answer to all the things I "complain" about here. I just know that as someone who has played as long as I have both on an organized team and as a solo player I see a lot of things that players on this forum dont since most of you strictly play at high levels. Lets face it, people who come home from work after a long day and play a few games to unwind dont usually have game forum profiles with tens of thousands of posts. And a game like this with 35K+ daily players having 15K+ casuals and maybe 5K competitive level players makes the things I bring up at least worth looking at.


  • KaTo1337
    KaTo1337 Member Posts: 535

    Of course it is.

    Made for this is getting nerfed soon (as planned for months I guess), so the devs needed to make sure there is another hot topic to keep the game in discussions and advertisements.

    "Hey, you heard about this new, broken, perk for (Survivor/Killer)? You must play now."

    6 months later, it gets nerfed and the cycle continues with another one.

    It was Deadhard, PR+old DMS (45sec), then Eruption, then Made for this, now Ultimate Weapon.

    Marketing bro, Marketing.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481
    edited September 2023

    +can trigger it quickly with a locker don't have to accomplish anything

    +the perk follows your radius around and keeps applying

    +activation window is so long you almost always get all 4 survivors to scream

    +applies blindness for a long time which counters perks like woo/bond

    +works even if survivor is hiding in a locker which is very inconsistent with other perk designs

    +it's too oppressive on killers like nurse who can just teleport to a location

    +it completely eliminates the stealth playstyle since killer can find out where you are whenever they please

    +"bring calm spirit" isn't a valid argument dbd isn't a counterpick card game

    +cooldown is irrelevantly low so it usually leads to slugfests

    +constant screams are loud, annoying and over-stimulating

    +its like playing doctor without actually having to play doctor

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800
    edited September 2023

    I'd nerf the blindness part perhaps it's unnecessary.

    also this is probably a bug but it shouldn't make Survivors scream in lockers.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    nice sum-up of all that's wrong with the perk. It's basically strong distortion-countered perk with immunity to distortion. I am just happy that my playstyle does not suffer from this perk so much (I don't mind being discovered).

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,501
  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205
    edited September 2023

    -It has CD, so not 100% uptime...

    -You have to activate it, so not 100% uptime.

    It's an information perk, so what's an issue?

    Blidness was never really strong effect anyway so whatever about that.

    Sorry, I just couldn't care less when there are people who thinks MFT is fine. This is not oppresive effect, it's just help you get to next chase faster, I would say that's a good thing.

    It's basically what I wanted from THWACK!... That was such a missed opportunity, could be really good perk.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,183

    someone uses window of opportunity a lot.

    community is pretty hypersensitive to perks. i thought the game was not competitive.

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    yes i admit lol

    however i personally don't want any nerfs to the perk since i also play killer and love tracking perks but if it was to be nerfed I'd just nerf the blindness

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    Nope. After it expires there's a 30-40 second cooldown. It's not cooling down while it's active, it's after the effect ends.

  • Chaosrider
    Chaosrider Member Posts: 489

    A perk that completely negates stealth gameplay seems totally fine to me. also the perk states a sruviror "entering" the TR while it also trigger while youre already inside. no possibility to counter it. and it even has another totally bs synergy. ... again the devs just didnt make a single second thought after they threw it into the game. dont know if theyre even playtesting anything with players that know about this game.

  • Sadako_Best_Girl
    Sadako_Best_Girl Member Posts: 662

    Yeah I tried running it on Sadako as a meme and found it to be extremely oppresive, like the amount of times it seemingly interrupted survivors about to put a tape was insane.

  • OneAutmLeaf
    OneAutmLeaf Member Posts: 102
    edited September 2023

    Killers get one good perk finally and now everybody is bitching....god I hate low mmr players

    it activates for 30 seconds then goes on cooldown for 30 seconds, at most if you get eveyrone to scream once you wont get to use it for around a minuite, if anything this perk is perfectly fine as it negates the whole run and hide all game playstyle, and its not like it reveals your aura, it makes you scream once and thats it, you can sprint burst, lithe,hide, or just stand still and they will prob walk past you or you can run calm spirit and negate it entirely. but yeah lets just whine saying its op when there are counters for it

  • FeryGEN
    FeryGEN Member Posts: 628

    Gives information on the entire map, but still needs to lose 2 minutes by destroying all the pallets on the map to catch a survivor - broken perk

    The MFT perk gives 3%, giving the survivor an extra circle in the pallet loop and increasing the capture time, giving Endurance when healing survivors - a balanced perk

  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510

    The synergy with DMS is utterly broken on small-to-medium maps, for obvious reasons