Would you rather want to have OG-Freddy back or current Freddy with Buffs?

KaTo1337 Member Posts: 536
edited September 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions


I would love to know your opinion on the state of my boy. Would you rather see a return of OG Freddy with some QoL-Changes in addition of a little Buff to the current Freddy like Snares/Pallets Basekit?

After playing current Freddy for hundreds of hours while watching every single OG-Freddy-Video I could find, I am very convinced:

I would LOVE to see a return of OG Freddy with Adjustments.

To be honest, the only thing that hurts my eyes was watching Self-Care-Wake-Ups all the time and being powerless in the endgame.

So my conclusion would be: Survivors are asleep when Exit Gates are opened (or powered) and cannot wake up and for the Dream Transition, just make Survivors Incapacitated while falling asleep.

Thats it. OG Freddy would not be A-Tier, but fun and strategic.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    I rememeber everyone back in the old days including me wished for Freddy rework because he was F tier Killer. He was powerless in end game, and you had to run the same addons to make Survivors fall asleep from far away and faster. I quess he was more unique than the current Freddy, but he was weak too.

  • KaTo1337
    KaTo1337 Member Posts: 536

    As I mentioned: Survivors are asleep in the Endgame and Incapacitated in Dream Transition, so they cannot finish the gen in front of you while you watch them doing it.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,485

    OG Freddy

    Ill take fun and unique gameplay over something boring just so its viable.

  • saintjimmy456
    saintjimmy456 Member Posts: 185
    edited September 2023

    Call my cynical, but with DLC killers, I feel like they release them at their most powerful, get everybody to buy them, then nerf them and get ready to release the new DLC killer with the poweful perks and abilities, and so on.

    So will they ever make Freddy as powerful as he used to be when everybody used to play him? Not if people aren't gonna pay for it.

    Xeno will get nerfed before the next DLC killer is available I predict.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Old Freddy ofcourse.

    I hated the day they reworked him.

  • oreoslurpee
    oreoslurpee Member Posts: 288

    i'd rather have current freddy. as much as i would love old freddy bc of how lore accurate it is, but for the actual health of the killer he needs his current kit with a bunch of tweaks. the tweaks should be as such;

    • Dream Pallets and Dream Snares are basekit, their respective charges are on the left and right corners of the Dream Demon icon (Pallets being the left, Snares being the right)
    • Holding the Dream Snares ability no longer slows freddy to 4.0m/s
    • Whenever freddy is in a chase with a survivor, they fall asleep 50% faster
    • All survivors start the trial in dream world basekit

    also he needs a respective addon pass, reworking every single addon he has as every single one of them are useless.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,647

    Old Freddy. That one was at least a faithful adaptation. He was unique and, from what I've read other people say about him, fun. Sadly, I was not around to experience this version of Freddy.

    Current Freddy has nothing to do with the actual movies. I mean Dream Snares?! Come on, BHVR. Surely you can do better than that.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,853
    edited September 2023

    No, never again do i want to see Old Freddy, i genuinely hope he stays buried and dead.

    I much rather want current Freddy to get some well needed QOL changes.

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    OG Freddy but with changes to make his kit not miserable to vs in modern DBD

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,177

    I would say OG Freddy but Self Care hard countered them and I rather not have Self Care rise in usage in my SoloQ games.

  • D0NN1ED4RK0
    D0NN1ED4RK0 Member Posts: 803

    Honestly idk how to feel about OG Freddy cause I’ve never played against him due to that I joined this game a month after his rework but I’m personally not a fan of the whole “start the trial without the survivors seeing you and then put them to sleep so you can attack them” and the whole “7 seconds of iframes before you can attack them” thing still makes me feel like he won’t really be a fun to play as killer but current Freddy isn’t fun either

    this might sound abit controversial but I think they should just rework Freddy and give him better “fun” abilities and even if its the 2010 Freddy it wouldn’t hurt for him to have a little “humorish” Robert Englund Freddy attacking style

    I could be still wrong about my take on this and I would also love to hear other peoples takes on this as well!

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,261

    I would much rather have OG Freddy.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,971

    OG Freddy all the way. His kit wasn't very strong but with a few tweaks I think he could be a good beginner killer with a fun and immersive mechanic.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,318
    edited September 2023

    i mean they could legit just combine old freddy and new freddy.

    For example, they can just make him a stance character where if you press control, you lose the ability to m1 but you can pull people into dream world from a distance by clicking m1. M2 allows you to teleport to gens. Pressing control again brings you back to regular freddy with snares and m1.

    after that, just revert some of changes.

    such as terror radius reduced from 32 -> 24 meters.

    -lullaby is only present outside of dream world.

    -survivors aura reading is shown when outside terror radius.

    -freddy snares no longer slow him down to 100%. he maintains 115% m/s.

    bring back some of old pre-reworked freddy add-on's.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,323

    Freddy released as the weakest killer BHVR could ever come up with. What are you talking about?

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,017
    edited September 2023

    I feel true nirvana lies somewhere in the middle personally.

    The uniqueness of Old Freddy was:

    • Being a truly invisible stealth killer with a non durectional lullaby.
    • He cannot be interacted with or interrupted by awake survivors. He in turn couldn't interact or stop awake survivors until dream transitioning them.
    • Monstrous levels of slowdown for Survivors he managed to keep in the dream state, and ofc the ability to track them at all times.

    Modern Freddy is rather generic... kinda like some weird mashup of Clown and Sadako but not as good as either respectively. He gets to attack awake survivors and have pressure off the get go as a teleporting m1 killer... his dream world hides his TR and is otherwise gives him some basic anti loop.

    I feel there is some combination between the 2 that can work. I want the stealth aspect and fear of the dream world of old Freddy back... but I also want the passive slowdown of micro sleep and thecdrean pallets from modern Freddy.

    I like the idea of old Freddy, but I'd tweak it to some idea like: -

    • Instead of Freddy transitioning a survivor to sleep, survivors build micro sleep.
    • Survivors can not see their micro sleep timer, and conspicuous actions accelerate it. They are not pulled into the dream world when full.
    • When micro-sleep is full Freddy can be seen like the dream transition phase. Loud noise notifications will pull them into the dream world (missed skill checks, unhooks, vaults or fast lockers, etc).
    • Freddy immediately becomes fully visible during a basic attack. Hitting a basic attack on a survivor will pull them into the dream world. If their micro sleep timer is full, they are also wounded.
    • Freddy can channel for 1.5 secs to mark a nearby pallet. If that pallet is thrown by an asleep survivor or transitions that survivor into the dream world, it functions as a Dream Pallet. Only 4 pallets can be marked at any time, removing the oldest.
    • Instead of permanent aura read, survivors who transition into the dream state have their aura revealed for 10 seconds, and survivors performing a conspicuous action are also revealed outside of Freddy's TR.
    • Remove failed skillchecks as a means of waking up. Keep the alarm clock. Alerted survivors cannot be dream transitioned with basic attacks. This gives a race to the clock kind of mini game.

    Something like that. People smarter than me can probably do a better job, but you get the idea.

    Post edited by UndeddJester on
  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,830

    OG Freddy. I miss my old main :(

  • Alinpazz
    Alinpazz Member Posts: 11

    Didn't care for the og or current. I'd give his power an overhaul that makes him more viable and more sense for his lore. While I think it would be balanced, im sure survivers would hate it XD

  • Why don't we just make a brown addon OG Freddy? It'd be easy to get and you wouldn't really have to change anything.

    Other than the coding nightmare it'd be that is.

  • KaTo1337
    KaTo1337 Member Posts: 536
    edited September 2023

    Nah. The devs can see that this Rework was not a success.

    Yes, Dream Snares are better than nothing, but boring.

    Dream Projection (especially Fakes) is his best part. Blocking Gens with DMS still makes me fun, however:

    OG Freddy is what most of the people, including my friend @GeneralV wants to see. (With Adjustments!)

    SADLY, he once again has to suffer because of a failure called SM which obviously got prioritized. Just deactivate her, no one cares about her.