Future of Distortion and Calm Spirit
So, down the line its obvious we're gonna get more Screaming perks as seen with the new Ultimate Weapon perk, to the point that screams will likely become viable as an alternative to auras.
While Distortion is MOSTLY fine, it needs one particular nerf, which is not getting tokens in chase, since that alone can essentially give you permanent invulnerability to auras unless youre facing stealth killers, or a heavy Aura build, with that, the perk would be fine.
Now regarding Calm Spirit, if screams do become more common, i feel the perk could use some tweaks, since having permanent invulnerability will likely make the perk too good, specially when we consider theres a killer that heavily relays on screams (Doctor).
Suggestions: there could add some form of CD, similar to what Distortion has, after the first blocked scream for some secs after you will be immune to further screams, or they could borrow the whole Token system the perk Distortion has, and each scream block costs a token, but its hard to say due to the rarity of screams and how less frequent they are compared to auras.
Obviously to compensate, the Debuff Speed on opening chests or cleansing totems should be removed.
Since it was brought up, we do have to talk about Ultimate Weapon, yeah... its too strong, for starters its bugged since it makes survivors scream even when they're inside lockers (And yes it was recently confirmed to be a bug), a shorter duration should be considered, since this perk potentially became the best info perk for killers, surpassing all of the aura ones.
Calm Spirits Nerf was to do exactly that
they hid it as a "buff" but they just wanted less people to run it
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I've already mentioned it in a similar thread, but here it goes.
Perks being able to essentially delete another players build is fundamentally unhealthy.
If you bring distortion you're able to just fully delete Lethal and BBQ, and mitigate every other aura perk unless the killer brings a 4th perk or addon dedicated to token burning like Gearhead , Plague's iri addon, Tricksters purple addon, etc etc.
Calm spirit is even worse because theres absolutely no tokens to burn trough and you get get your scream perk / Build fully deleted the entire game rendering you perkless.
The only solution to this would be to make them both token based, BUT the only way to get tokens is to either be *IN chase* OR only when you're in the TR but *OUT of chase* that way survivors would still get the effects a good portion of the time and killer also gets to use his perks a good portion of time.
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killer also gets to use his perks a good portion of time.
killer get to use the perk a good portion of the time = ineffective perk. the perk are not doing what you expect them to be countering. there is no point in using the perk if your not protected from very things that your equipping the perk in the first place.
your not entitled to get 100% value on every single time the perk triggers, sometimes survivor gets to counter your perk and your forced to try to win without that perk.
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At most, Distortion and Calm spirit should have 3 tokens that never regenerate. The whole idea that these perks could theoretically counter every usage of a killer perk the entire game, is terrible. And the crow immunity should be removed from Calm spirit, or also placed on a token system that doesn't regenerate.
Stealth perks should be more like Off the record, where it has a clear limited uptime, so that it has anti-tunnel value, but not "can be used to excessively hide for long periods of time" value.
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And in the same token you're also not entitled to fully delete an entire killer's build / Perks, so where do we stand?
Obviously the only viable solution is to split the difference and go with my original suggestion, Token based perks and tokens only regen either in chase or out of chase inside the TR.
Survivors get value from their perks, killer gets value out of his perks.
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yes they are if your entire build consist on tracking perks and nothing else. you put all your egg in one basket. there is nothing to change, you have to learn to play killer without tracking perks.
in some sense, survivors are countering your crutch tracking perks if you cannot win without them.
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Thats an interesting idea, only generating perks while in chase, which i think fits better tbh, you use the tokens to avoid getting found, and to recover them you eventually have to engage with the killer.
Its also "healthier" since its common for survivors who dont use either to get tunneled out since the once that do use it are rarely ever found by the killer.
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TLDR: neither Distortion or Calm Mind are overpowered or problem perks. They are a gamble that might give survivor a useless perk for the benefit of really not wanting to deal with a certain effect.
Long form version:
The problem with this suggestion/argument is that is it assuming that survivors will run Calm Mind to counter screams, but doesn't take stock of the fact survivors do not know for sure they are going up against screams.
Doctor isn't really countered by Calm Spirit because noone gets to go "Oh its Doctor, I'll take Calm Spirit". If the killer doesn't run a scream perk, this perk is a dead slot that literally does nothing. That's why the versatile exhaustion perks are more common, because they are ALWAYS useful.
You are however correct that having overtuned screams perks like Ultimate Weapon, DOES hurt Doctor, because the power of this perk makes it more commonly picked, and thus Calm Spirit becomes more of a requirement/common addition to builds... but Calm Spirit is not the problem perk in this example, UW is, since its a way better tracking perk than any other option available.
It's the same thing with Distortion, if the killer has no aura read, the perk does literally nothing, and the Killer has access to uncounterable tracking perks like Discordance, Surveillance, Call of Brine and Tinkerer, not to mention other pseudo tracking perks like Deadlock and Pain Res that point you where survivors likely are based on the gens that are getting hit by your perks. I do agree Distortion probably shouldn't charge in chase, as surely staying undetected is the point of the perk, so it shouldn't be benefitting from failing to do that... but I digress.
My point is, you don't need aura perks or scream perks to find survivors, you have plenty of options to find them with uncounterable detection perks, and in a lot of killer cases, basekit Killer Instinct is also there to help you. Even without that you can still fall back on general game sense. A Generator you know kicked that has stopped regressing tells you someone is close.
Your perks are there to help you out on killer, and yes with these perks can be countered by these survivkr perks, but as I've stated before in other threads, you never see these perks used in every survivor build, even in SWFs. Your perk will never be 100% countered in any game.
In some ways, this actually helps you, because you can find the same survivors that aren't running Calm Spirit or Distortion and keep pressure on those survivors, without getting distracted pursuing the one survivor you haven't hooked yet.
So at the risk of sounding a a-hole, I have to say if you can't find survivors, get good.
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Leave them alone... you're forcing survivors to run nothing but mft adrenaline sprint burst...
If anything UW is problematic and calm spirit needs a buff to not make you handicapped when you run it...
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Killer brings an aura build... survivors think they are entitled to delete it with distortion...
Killers bring gen regression, yall complain about being 3 genned....
Killer brings anti-heal, yall demand sloppy gets nerfed...
Be real here, what perks are killers allowed to play with anymore?
These takes of " haha i deserve to be able to make you perkless!!!" Are sickeningly biased.
A legitimately healthy suggestion that lets both players use their perks gets shutdown by resident survivor mains that cannot fathom that the killer should also get to use the perks he brought into the match.
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No way we're doing calm spirit nerf threads now.. you're done with mft ?
by the way ultimate weapon is so broken that you can still see survivor bubble even with calm spirit equipped and it works in locker, that perk has effectively zero counter... only thing needed is a ultimate weapon hard nerf
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You could also say that survivors running highly reliable aura / scream counter perks forces (well, I'd rather say encourages) killers to run the good ol' slowdown / regression. That gives time to find survivors the old fashioned way.
Maybe that is what we want, but I'm personally always happy to find semi-viable alternatives to stacking the boring generator-perks.
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If anything UW should have a token system. You get the Doctor's strongest ability for the cost of one perk. That's one hell of a crutch. You're not entitled to be told exact where players are just cos you run one perk if there's no solid counter to it.
A token system would completely gut CS, and players know this. You guys just don't want anyone to run the perk, so you can play EZ mode.
Also, stop calling CS "unhealthy". What you mean is, there's a niche perk that counters a new perk BHVR released that makes your matches a hell of a lot easier and you want less people to run it.
That fact that CS is now a perk that needs to be destroyed shows just how stupid UW is. CS is not the problem, UW is.
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Please Make a valid argument as to how a perk that showcases the *general direction* the survivors are once upon activation is "overpowered".
Also please come up with a valid argument as to why allowing perks to full on permanently delete another players build/Perks is fair and balanced.
Also please suggest a killer build that doesn't include Any tracking(Aura/Screams) / Gen Regression and is on the same strength level of MFT+Resi+WOO+Hope/Adren, Surprise me with viable builds for a couple of characters.
I'll wait.