Ultimate Weapon needs a rework badly.

The cooldown needs to be longer and it should have a max of 3 tokens. It is being used to camp hooks and is becoming exhausting to go against especially in solo queue. If my first recommendations are too harsh make it so he can't be around a hooked survivor to open a locker atleast. It should activate on people in his terror radius after opening a locker and the killer shouldn't be able to move around to get people to scream. If no one is around a token won't be lost or the cooldown is reduced. Maybe making it a Scourge Hook that gives max tokens like Pain Res might be a good idea. Make them work for it also.


  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,487

    I'm so tired of reading this "... used to camp" crap, every single thing in the game helps camping and tunneling, if believe posts like this.

    So, killer know where survivors are, what's now? Are you becoming unable to get a surv off the hook because of that? Or what?

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,985

    See that would be true if the effect didn't linger on the killer, but since it does, the Killer can also know that noone is nearby, and for the next 30s they can find anyone coming in, push them off coming for the unhook and blind them as well, so you can't even use Kindred to try and play around the camp.

    So for the 60s of the survivor dying on hook 30s of those are basically defended for free... and tbh anyone with a brain will use a locker after a few seconds, not immediately, so that number is realistically more like 45 seconds.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Then the killer chases that person. I do not have seen this perk for camping so far. It is a new, decent killer perk in a while now. If you are so bothered by it then equip Calm Spirit.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481

    They made such a valid point and your only argument was "well then use calm spirit"... Really?... Yeah because we all know countering x problem with y perk has been such a healthy bandaid fix for the balance of this game for years...

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,487

    You don't even need 2 survivor to unhook now, lol. Just make a trade on hook if killer refuse to leave it and now you have a killer who did nothing a whole minute. 80% of survivors don't even understand such a simple things. And I still don't understand where is perk value here.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,985
    edited September 2023

    Yes ofc the killer chases, but it's a proximity radar my guy, they don't have to catch to be getting value. Usually 1 person goes for the unhook while others stay on gens, and getting found as you come in for the unhook is really bad as you either lose a hook stage on the hooked player, or you have to trade. However you are guaranteed found vs. UW... so you have to send 2, which is a big deal already.

    Thing is if the Killer has one affected with UW, pushes them away, the other tries to move around for the unhook, but they can't see the TR... they can't even hear the TR before they get hit... and then they get found too, so they can't go for the unhook without at least a trade either.... and I stress... AT LEAST a trade. That's fine once... but you can do it repeatedly cause its so easy to use UW. There is no limiting condition.

    This is one scenario... I'm a killer sided player man... and Calm Mind is not a good perk to be forced to take to deal with UW. This perk is extremely verstaile and is useful in so many scenarios. It's not a decent perk, it's extremely strong... and if you value any other detection perk over it, then you're just objectively wrong.

    It's bad for the game dude... if you have ever compained about Dead Hard or Decisive Strike or MFT, you don't get to say this perk is fine without your bias clearly on display.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    That was the same back in the day when more aura perks were implemented (Distortion was niche use and bad) or when Infectious got added (people thought that it promotes slugging). All were complaining about it but all died down eventually.

    I am sick of people who just complain about everything first and don't try to deal with it themselves.

    The only time you loose when the killer has this perk is if you are the last survivor and you need to open an exit gate. But so are Tapper, SM, Artist, Knight or the perk NWO.

    If the killer chars someone when they have UW they are occupied. If they swap targets then the person who was chased cen get the unhook as they already screamed.

    And yes, even if Calm Spirit is "bad" it is a viable counter against anything that makes you scream. Not only UW, but also Eruption, IF, (Jolt), SH:PR and Doc.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481

    I can be sick of certain things too but my feelings or emotions don't change the fact that some people might have valid points or concerns about things on here.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,985
    edited September 2023

    I play both as well, though I tend to lean killer side... You have a lot more experience me, I can't claim that I know better... however...

    Dead Hard was a problem because it was an extremely strong perk that bought a lot of time for survivors, that was very popular and so prevelant that it forced Killers to play in an inefficient way (faking swings, and taking gambles on whether they could swing or not in close chases) just because of the threat that it might be in the Survivors loadout.

    Ultimate Weapon is also an extremely strong perk that cuts down a lot of time for killers, that a not insignificant number of people ( who are better informed than me), would say is stronger than any other tracking perk in the game. I have no doubt it will become very prevelant on killers, and as such will force survivors to play in an inefficient way (stacking up on Calm Spirit and possibly even Counterforce to deal with hex perks) just because of the threat that it might be in the Killers loadout.

    Even people defending it say it's a strong perk that Killers need with the upcoming anti-camp and anti-3-gen mechanisms coming to the game... You yourself said in order to to deal with it, just take Calm Spirit so it's fine... I don't think the comparison to Dead Hard is completely unjusitified.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    DH could extend loops for ages. UW helps you find people like with BBQ or Lethal or other info perks. It does not shorten the actual chase in any way (or does it auto break pallets, locks windows or insta downs?) so it cannot be as strong as DH. It does not stall gens either. I would say it is on a similar level as WoO. It is just information but a powerful one.

    I will deal with UW as I dealt with aura perks back in the day: I learn how to play around it. Distortion was on similar use as Calm Spirit now. Nobody used it. Now many use it because Aura perks are popular. Of course killers will swap to a perk that is not countered by Distortion. It is how it goes.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Like I said: how about trying to work around the perk for some time before complaining?

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481
    edited September 2023

    Well it's a game forum so anyone is free to complain and express their opinions.

    We can agree to disagree on this topic I guess! βœŒοΈπŸ’•

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Chickenchop
    Chickenchop Member Posts: 1

    Frankly I am seeing people drop aura reads for Ultimate Weapon, which creates opportunities to bring Calm Spirit back into builds. My main issues with this are the oppressive slowdowns Calm Spirit was saddled with, and the fact that the blind is not tied to the scream condition.

    I read this as, people scream in your radius, those survivors who scream and reveal themselves are blinded. People with calm spirit don't scream, therefore should not be blinded. Otherwise it should be re-worded. In the interests of counterplay though, it seems unreasonable to allow this ability to hinder people who bring a perk to specifically counter it, as it's still a free 30s blind.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179
    edited September 2023

    I think that would be best.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    Why do people always act like gen rushing when the killer is camping guarantees a loss for the killer? I don't think this works consistently in SFW, let alone in solo queue. If you are playing solo, there's barely any gen perks and the best toolbox in the lobby is usually a brown one with no add-ons. Half the time, survivors can't find the gens, which wastes time. Not to mention that a player being face camped/abused on the hook is unlikely to want to hang there for three minutes whilst gens are completed.

    The ability to gen rush in solo queue is pretty much a myth. The odds of your team having the necssary perks and items needed to blitz gens is about 1%. The reality of hook camping against a solo queue team is that when done to the first survivor you find, pretty much guarantees a 3K.

  • Pavel_Ch
    Pavel_Ch Member Posts: 241

    MTH and UW have no cooldown. It's funny. Even Distortion has tokens, and these perks should gain tokens by chasing or capturing a survivor. They need a nerf, even Plague perk is much weaker.

  • CrimsonMothKing
    CrimsonMothKing Member Posts: 416

    It does have a cooldown. UW lasts for 30 seconds and then goes on a 40/35/30 second cooldown.

  • random1543
    random1543 Member Posts: 14
    edited October 2023

    BBQ you have to hook someone and it's only people a certain distance away.

    Letal you have get it ONCE at the start of the game.

    UW you can basically use it whenever you want, it intrupts actions like totems, gens. You can open a locker and teleport around the whole map with some killers and it's bullshit. You shouldn't be able to just get it for free by opening a locker then be able to walk around the whole map and just reveal everyone.

    UW encourages people to tunnel as it is not countered by Off the record or perks that hide you from killer so they can't tunnel you.

    This perk needs a rework and anyone defending it obviously only plays killer or dosen't verse competent killers.

    It wither needs to have a shorter usage time (5 seconds at most) or have it work on a token based system (eg. once a generator is completed you gain 2 tokens )

  • Chaogod
    Chaogod Member Posts: 135

    Only if they rework made for this, adrenline, and windows of oppertunity.

    Game is 100% right now in survivors favor and yall still want more.

  • random1543
    random1543 Member Posts: 14
    edited October 2023

    Game is definitely not survivor sided. It's killer sided.

    If you losing cause of windows it's on you.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    I have over 6.5k hrs on both sides combined and play more survivor.

    There are 2 more perks who let you scream which also interrupt anything: Infectious and Face The Darkness. Eruption only let's you scream on a Gen. (BTW Whispers let's you find people at the start and the end reliably and NO COUNTER exists!)

    Those perks also have no protection against besides Calm Spirit, which is fine imo. After some time playing around with UW I think that it should a) deactivate once there is only 1 survivor left standing as you have no warning about it being active or not and it is an ez way to find the last person, b) it should also get a higher CD (like 60-90s) and c) people who did not scream should not get blinded.

    Maybe a little debuff icon should also be added to show that it's active and you can hide in a locker (which stops the screaming part).

    I am always very cautious when people scream for nerfs so early on, because I experienced the downfall of MoM. A completely op perk which players complained about even before it was out. It got burned to ashes 2 weeks after launch and it never recovered.

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 636

    If only I could list the number of times killer players were told to use specific perk just counter one survivor perk.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481

    And were those perks as useless as Calm Spirit? Btw this post is older than a month LOL.

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    As someone who has been running Calm Spirit for the last two years, I can confidently say that Ultimate Weapon sucks. Clearly a skill issue πŸ•Ί

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481
  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    If you have a perk that counters UW, use it. If you don't want to get the perk, counter it with your own skills. It is nonsense to deny both.

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    I have some sensory issues,

    and sound is the worst for me. I played my first match against Doctor, got a ton of noise blasted into my head, and at that point I said never again. Since then CS and I have been inseparable πŸ‘―

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481

    I totally get that... All this screaming is very overstimulating since everything makes you scream in this game now, super annoying. It sucks that you have to equip a perk to deal with all the constant loud screaming and enjoy the game.πŸ˜•

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    It's tier three that I can't deal with. It's this tiny loop of sounds that repeats ad nauseum and it's really loud. It's even worse with headphones on. It feels like having multiple people around you at close range, all shouting at the same time. I hate it.