The flashlight killswitch has lead to very chill games.

No need to check for a save : hook and proceed to the next survivor.
So nice.
Me too! I am enjoying this calm immensely :D But don't get too complacent, it will go back to normal in no time.
On a sidenote, the deactivated flashlights have lead to +100% survivor for the whole day and even part of the night, which were always +100% killer territory. I guess the situation at hand let more survivor mains tip their toes in the killer waters, now that they can actually get some hooks in ^_-
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Being complacent is what holidays are for 😁
Here (EU) I had the usual distribution for survivors/killers. It was killer 100% during the night.
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The flashbang user in the corner:
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they tried...
less effective than the swf with boil over that took me to eyrie yesterday... not a great place for dredge.
I think I did good but no 3rd stage
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There were quite a few, true. But they aren't as dangerous for saves as a flashlight can be. (IMHO)
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This! I play both sides but I can't play without lightborn because the flashing makes me sick. I have been having fun trying all kinds of other perks in that slot. Good times.
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me picking up a Survivor knowing lookatawalljutsu:
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hello killer players... im glad that you guys are having fun at the expense of survivor mains not having fun at all. now if only killers stop tunneling and face camping...
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Never going to happen. But then it's the people that do this who cry about bully swf holding them hostage in a game for 45 mins after they artificially inflated their MMR.
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I only play soloq and i have bad aim for using flashlight so its medkits for me... but 99% of my games have always been facecampers and tunnellers...
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I mean even then its not hard to position yourself to prevent a flashlight save
I can count on 1 hand how many times people pull off a FL save on me per week
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Survivors instead do gens. I don't like it.
Playing at night is miserable.
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This game is so boring without flashlights.
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In my opinion this pushes survivors to hump the gens faster. Flashlights and going for saves are one of the few things that give survivors a base-kit side quest that’s actually fun to do for them, which means less people just mashing the gens. Gens go much much much faster now. I miss flashlights on both sides.
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Wait what? How has this been moved to feedback & suggestions?
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Now let's killswitch Blast Mine. Had someone abusing the bug last night, don't know how it got overlooked when flashlights and other chest perks were killswitched.
And as far as I'm aware, you can still glitch inside lockers without the need of a flashlight.
Also, never minded going against solo survivors or SWFs with flashlights. but right now is the perfect time to learn flashbang timing
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Beside, flashbangs are more fun (IMHO)
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what will you do when flashlights come back? go back to being average/below average? lol. flashlights are literally counterable in alot of situations, just look at a wall or check your surroundings.