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MFT good, Alien bad

Killer players complaining for months about MFT - Okay take your time, we will adjust it after some time...

Alien (that is bugged the whole time) after two weeks - NERF HIM ASAP.

What happend to that "we will take time before making any balance changes to new killers"??

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  • Member Posts: 1,158

    That wasnt the bug.

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    Yeah, but for successful attacks, the Movement Speed change for missed attacks was a nerf, which was essentially reverting it back to how it was in the PTB.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    Btw I love the fact that since the patch I am seeing 0 Aliens and like 4+ Weskers haha.

  • Member Posts: 250

    I mean, it's not like he got a Deathslinger level nerf, when you have to re-learn the killer to be able to perform at half of the previous power, or a Pyramid Head nerf, when they've made him so unpleasant to play you better pick some other killer. The nerf is rather minor, so... Whatever.

  • Member Posts: 1,305

    noooo xeno got a non factor nerf he's literally unplayable!!!1! The only people who think mft is fine are never killer survivor players lol

  • Member Posts: 1,396
    edited September 2023

    I was one of the people who essentially have stopped playing since Alien release (and the influx of Xenomorphs that came with it - which is normal) precisely because of the two things: a big part of counterplay was supposed to be "put turrets in good locations" but smh most "good locations" got blocked and you could either walk around at snail's speed for 1-2 minutes or settle for a suboptimal spot and resign yourself to the turret being a "Geiger counter". And second, when you did inevitably end up in a chase, in which Xeno is in crawler mode, Xeno would just keep poking until they hit you and that was perfectly fine because they didn't lose any distance doing so. You chased like you were in hitting range - just that you were 4m away which made most mindgames, pathing tricks and whatever else useless - safe for the shift-w-godloops.

    This was a significantly different experience than PTB was. The devs, having had two sets of feedback, now rolled the killer back to what it was on PTB and some (turrets). And tbh, maybe the changes are overtuned, given that Xeno was always supposed to slow down after M2 (hit or miss, iirc) but hardly ever (never?) did. I would have liked to see turret placements adjusted and the M2 bug fixed before adding additional slow down to missed M2 attacks (especially one that reads somewhat significant).

    On MFT: I think on PTB it was initially laughed at for the measly 2% - Though, people changed their mind very quicky and it didn't take long until concern was voiced in the PTB feedback threads. Which is why I don't understand how it got to live without any changes. That being said, iirc the reddit AMA indicated that MFT is up for the chopping block sometime soon, along with the quarterly perk balance review (iirc they did want to look at perks for re-balancing purposes on a quarterly basis).

    Which brings me to the last point: It's not about who screams the loudest or who screams for the longest. It's mostly about what fits into the schedule. From previous releases we know that a few weeks after a chapter is released the killer receives some minor tweaks. When a new perk is released (be that a killer or a survivor perk) it stays as is until the next round of rebalancing, except if it's game breaking.

  • Member Posts: 6,150

    We knew a cooldown for missed attacks was coming, not sure why the dramatics

  • Member Posts: 16,696

    Even if this was true - this is the usual reaction, which you also show. Whenever a Killer gets nerfed, it is "gutted". That it might be a nerf which makes sense is never thought about, nono. Only "gutted" and "good", there is nothing in between.

    Xeno is fine. It was fine on the PTB with the punishment on missed attacks and they should not have buffed it and all would have been fine from the start.

  • Member Posts: 1,384
    edited September 2023

    I wish I had that luck. I got three aliens in a row earlier.

  • Member Posts: 564

    I thought they were simply reverting a change made after the PTB. As oppose to needing to redesign the whole perk.

    I agree, they have been slow on Made for this and I would like to see a nerf soon, but they aren't exactly comparable?

  • Member Posts: 564

    There have been plenty of busted perks left for ages in the game?

    Pain resonate

    Old dying light.


    Some of these perks were in the game... for years literal years before they got a redesign. And if killers did not have perks that are objectivly kind of disguising the meta, would not exist. What about Mettle of man? How long should original mettle of man remained in the game before we could agree to nerf it.

    And they nerfed it, with no idea on how to balance, making it close to unusable of years.

    I agree made for this needs a nerf, most of the community agrees. But there is no need to suggest the devs have a secret agenda.

    The devs are not perfect... but seriously there is no conspiracy.

  • Member Posts: 1,922
    edited September 2023

    The bug needed to be fixed and is much quicker to fix than adjusting MfT is. So I can understand why Xeno was changed first, especially when the MfT changes might be more than just bug fixes and simple number changes. And let’s not forget there was a Xeno friendly bug fix as well that removed the turret protection after tunnelling.

    The thing that annoys me though is that they fixed this but STILL haven’t fixed Clown!

  • Member Posts: 560

    You can just dodge him.

    Just move to the side, and he will miss, its not hard, the hit box for an aimed tail hit is tiny. Survivors have 100% got this down.

    Dragging or flicking it is a little different, but this won't be done with forward motion.

    The ability to use the tail hit rapidly was nice for learning the geometry of things, so you could figure out how to hit over something. It was always dumb to use the tail in a straight forward hit, when an M1 would do, and do better.

    He needs help, this, as is, is not okay in my opinion. He might not need what he had pre nerf, but something should be adjusted.

  • Member Posts: 22,851

    Rest in piss 😔💅

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    Way to miss BHVR's intention. It's not that they don't know MfT is strong it's that they want the meta to be chase oriented. Why do you think they released Ultimate Weapon? Not because it counters MfT but because it starts chases. It's also why there are so many screaming perks now. They nerfed stealth for survivors and are forcing interaction between killer and survivor.

    It's really short sighted to not be able to recognize what is it they're going for.

    The strength of Xeno chapter isn't the killer themselves but they perk they brought, Ultimate Weapon. You should be running UW+DMS on most killers now, it's crazy how slow to catch up some people are. BHVR wants the meta to move in a specific direction.

  • Member Posts: 552
    edited September 2023

    Perhaps we will see the nerf mft this week, in ptb.

    They seem to have been unable to fool Eruption for the same long time, which has become quite problematic and almost breaking the game (for solo) since the 6.1.0 update and was weakened only in 6.6.2, I'm just saying that the killers also have similar examples.

    These are completely different aspects of the game and do require different approaches, preferably those that will still leave them useful, I think that all that time (6.1.0 to 6.6.2) they were working on the nerf Eruption, and in the end we got a not the best nerf, but at least not a completely killing perk, I think now exactly that is happening the same is familiar with MFT.

    And someone else's, in my opinion, has only become more difficult to use, not weaker...however, I also don't understand why they didn't wait a week before returning to the values from the ptb

    Post edited by kin on
  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited September 2023

    You pretty much only take the safe shots now and being forced to DS yourself to deal with turrets feels awful.

    it was like that in the PTB. survivor said turrets are ineffective. now they're very effective as passive health-states that never end. you just have to accept the turret type drawback aspect of the power. just another annoying aspect to deal with as killer.

    Post edited by Devil_hit11 on
  • Member Posts: 1,941

    I mean Wesker got a great perk in his arsenal called Ultimate Weapon, so it won't be surprising people go back to him.

  • Member Posts: 658

    Though I'm not a fan of the nerf to Alien, I will say these threads are not helping matters any. Just seems like yet another us vs them post. I'm sorry but this sounds just like what survivors have been crying about over the killswitched flashlights. "Why did the devs killswitch flashlights so fast but left MS bugged and unkillswitched for months." Honestly, all the "us vs them" arguments are getting old. Yeah, I'm not a fan of the nerf to Alien or of MfT.

    In fact, I hate MfT with a passion bc how many times I have to see the damn perk in my lobbies, and every time I lose I have to have to question myself "Did I lose bc of MfT or did I do something wrong." I just wish the game let me know MfT was even in play so I can avoid or drop chase against a dumb MfTer sooner. Lucky thought Dev has confirmed they looking into mft and we might even see a change to it in the next PtB. As for Alien, I did play him two times last night. Tho I would like to see how 2m/s movement speed would have felt, I didnt really mind the new slowdown. The only time I didnt like it was when dealing with turrets. Every time I killed a turret the survivor I wanted to chase was long gone so I just had to give up on that chase and head back into my tunnel. That honestly didnt feel great.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    ...but we know it was a bug tho. Nvm.

  • Member Posts: 6,564
    edited September 2023

    No we did not. We just knew missing tail hits is not slowing him down.

    We did not know what caused it. Bug or they overtuned it.

    Post edited by MikaelaWantsYourBoon on
  • Member Posts: 524

    I guess this person just happens to be genetically enhanced...

    0.2 charge + 0.4 to hit is 0.6s in total, if you can't react in time thats a severe skill issue.

  • Member Posts: 1,720

    Fixing a bug and adjusting a perk of debatable strength are two entirely different things.

    It's not a killers vs survivors thing. Fixing something that isnt working properly is always going to take precedent over adjusting something that is working as intentded.

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