Quiting this game

Sorry to say this but I’m out. My friends and I got hooked on dbd during the pandemic. Since then the game has done nothing but make it impossible for survivors to survive. They did this by huge hit boxes, not fixing camping, over powering killer perks and undermining any survivor perk worth while. It’s not fun, it’s not scary, it’s frustrating and annoying. My friends and I lately have played until one or all of us are so irritated that we can’t possibly play another round. Is this the experience you want dbd? Is this what you think is fun? It’s not. Until we all hear that dbd has changed course all four of us are done with your crap. <3
did you know they broke the record for fastest escape in a random lobby recently? 2:57 seconds. I think that's neat. 3 people out by the 3 minute mark
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This happened?
I want to see...
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Eternal on Hens channel YouTube
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It’s not fun, it’s not scary
So it's fun when you get to escape for you...
But how would any buff for survivors make it scarier? Oh no, it's easy to escape, so scary....
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No terror radius add extra spook
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I highly doubt they are going to escape against that, so no fun...
Ghostface can be scary for sure, but he is just not played much.
DBD is just game of tag against most killers.
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That is a fun watch.
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My killer main soul died watching it.
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The true horror of this game!
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I also like watching Hens on YT... :D
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Imagine logging into DBD after work to try to relax and these are the survivors you get lmao
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It turns out that there will be a little more chances that I will have not completely bad teammates on my soloq. Good one.
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he has some point tho - as a casual gamer who doesn't want to be on a gen every possible second dbd is hard rn ;p
If first chase is bad, your chance to win a game drops down signifacantly.
If we talking 4 good people as surviviors - you almost every time win.
It's miserable to play for casual survivors.
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Nah dude, this proves nothing. Killers are OP and only them have skill issues no matter how legit any of their complains about the game is. Survivors are at an obvious disadvantage and if they doesn't do good is because not everybody is a tournament competitive player and how the game is designed, not that they are not good enough.
Seriously tho, that's impressive gameplay. The sole fact that they can do all 5 gens in less than 3 minutes baffles me.
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DBD was always about the side who wants to win more (use resources) is more likely to win. That's still true, but less than during Mori/key era.
I don't care about what this video proves. That guy wanted to see it, so I showed him a link.
Not really reason to cry about it. They are tournament level players using gen rushing perks. Of course they are going to destroy public games.
Same goes for tournament level killers.
You are not really correct with saying killers are OP. Is trapper OP? Is pig Op? Hell no
You have to be really specific. Otherwise it's just incorrect.
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Some Dev: What if we left the possibility wide open that you can finish gens so fast that there's no contest?
Other Devs: Effing brilliant, make it so!
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You can get similar results on killers. It's easier (one player needed), but less extreme compare to this.
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Moving on from your pointless reply. People like me make up the bulk of the player base. Ignore our feedback and the game goes belly up…. Anyways….
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No need to announce that you are going to stop playing. You can just go play other games. You are not that important to DBD as a whole.
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Another pointless reply… they said they changed everything to make the game scarier. Do you even watch their town halls? My point is that making it easy for the killer with op perks and huge hit boxes does not equate to scarier. Please read whole post before replying.
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This would add fear for sure, but if they do it the they need to eliminate any perk that allows the killer to see auras.
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even 4 good players on comms easily lose to the killer. It’s insane
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Cool story, this has nothing to do with what k said.
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There are people who actually think that and my opinion of most of players is low enough to take it seriously.
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idk who K is... but it does have to do with what you said.
Since then the game has done nothing but make it impossible for survivors to survive.
the escape time record was literally broken. so how is it impossible or even harder than before? and there's several games in the video that show similar times indicating it's consistent.
just gonna say it... you might be dealing with a skill issue.
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What 4 "good" players?
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Not like there is anything specific.
Just rant about dying and saying vague stuff with nothing to back it up.
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What op perks?
What killer perk is stronger than MFT or buckle up/for the people combo?
What survivor perks were nerfed that you think nothing is worth to use? I will be more than happy to prove you wrong.
Give me specific examples, when it's so bad, should be easy for you...
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Yeah, that's the joke...
Again, survivors doesn't have skill issues! Killers are just OP! Survivors don't need to get better at the game, the game should be easier so they don't need to have any skill to begin with!
I don't know how so many people still doesn't get this...
(And yes, I'm obviously joking here again 🤣)
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you're right! I forgor... 😔
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They can lose to a few killers is the correct phrasing. If they can lose to ANY killer they were never good in the first place. Remember not everyone plays Nurse/Blight.
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i wish people who wanna complain about the game specify what their problems are with no bias and a good understanding of the game.
and not just come to the forums to rant like children.
like what are the devs supposed to do with this post you said nothing useful
huge hitboxes? there's no such thing i don't even think you know what hitbox means.
overpowered killer perks? like what? i really don't think killers have any overpowered/problematic perks left nor does Survivors (except mft)
camping is getting nerfed so what's the issue?.
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so what's the issue?
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how are your killer games going?
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Yeah...... that's not even enough time for any killer to adjust their jock strap and really begin
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This post came from a highly emotional state, so there's that.
But to your point, I find most reasonable debate and suggestions come from playing th game competently in both roles to better understand both sides & their issues. That to me is more useful and consistent than a fooook ton of hours, especially in only one role.
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You're kinda using the video as evidence for your claim...but the video and the record are actually not suitable evidence for that claim.
For the record attempt the builds were optimised for gen repair and literally nothing else. The record setting match was against a Legion, who had little going for him to counter genrush (aka hinging on luck). Other matches turned out to be somewhat longer (3-something to 4-something minutes) - and the time got stopped when the first survivor got to match result screen via exit gates, which also shaves off a number of seconds and ignores the fate of the remaining survivors. It was all about getting one person out through the gates ASAP. - Which iirc isn't exactly the outcome people aim for when playing the match.
Idk if someone did a "how long did it take me to down every survivor" video but given the perks and killers that are around I imagine nurses with an aura reading/scream/exposed build will regularly have four slugs 30 seconds into the match, and then it just depends a little on luck how quickly they manage to actually hook them and end the match. Similar results can be expected with spirit or blight. ---- That's about as representative of the overall situation as what hens did with his comp friends though, which is not at all.
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They said it's impossible to escape because they made survivor harder and harder than ever.
So honestly, any video of survivors escaping would be suitable evidence.
Specially when the required gameplay is basically just gen simulator 3000 while 1 person loops good.
In the record the slugged person was at the open gate and the other one was opening the other gate. Which is why I said 3man out around the 3 minute mark. Instead of the exact number.
The wanted outcome depends on who you ask so no point in discussing it.
I once did it in less than a minute because bubba and tinkerer. It was really funny.
But now let's cut to the important part. Please point me to where I said hens represents all or even most of the dbd community?
Op said surviving was impossible, even with comms and good players mind you (which is mind boggling to me). And I said "we are literally breaking records rn so it literally cannot be harder. You are just not as good as you think you are at the game"
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What Hens did is prove the absolute minimum amount of time required to complete the match for the survivor side, something that when playing as a killer you figure out in your first 500 hours or so.
This is something survivors can and always could work to setup on their own, that they don't want to play optimally as a team isn't really the killer's concern.
For a killer to attempt your contrasted example, the survivors would have to either assist the killer, make mistakes, or mob the killer with intent.
These aren't really related. Survivors wanting out fast is a common event. Survivors wanting to present a killer with an easy blob target is very uncommon.
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You seriously want to tell me you don't recognise the figure of speech? Or are you fully aware it is a figure of speech and just chose to take it literally? Well, either way. If you take it literally, then, indeed, every game in which any survivor escapes by any means would counter the argument that escaping is "impossible". If that's the point you want to make: fair enough, you're absolutely correct.
As for the pointing you to where I take the notion of representativeness from: "We" are not breaking records. There was one instance in which a record was broken. The inclusive we, however, suggests at least some degree of representativeness.
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Buff legion and we will be all good
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Story of my life.
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Same for killers. If you face your 2nd type of Survivors every single time with some rare exceptions, its... well, you can imagine
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I take her home
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Have you met a capable Nurse, Blight or Spirit with Lethal, dead set on ending the match asap? At the very least those three don't need the survivors' help to end a match in two-something minutes if they bring the right addons. (Just look at the current 1min53sec blight record, no survivors helping there - just run boy with double iris being fast and insta downing)
That being said: you're absolutely right. These records show the absolute minimum time requirement. Be that on surv or killer. But that is the whole point: just because some individuals had the right combination of build, skill, attitude toward the match and some luck doesn't mean it actually means anything when it comes to the game as a whole, or that it is in any way shape or form representative. - It certainly doesn't mean that anyone who can't keep up with the records automatically has a skill issue.
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He could use "we" as a community. It doesn't have to be "we" as a team, which would be way cooler tho...
I don't really get what you are defending tho. OP said:
even 4 good players on comms easily lose to the killer. It’s insane
Just, really? There has to be different meaning for good, or idk.
If he tried to argue for soloQ buffs, I always supported that (unless it would buff SWF too), so selective... but SWF? I really want to see gameplay of those "good" players. I wish DBD would have proper records, where you can find games just by ID like Dota...
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It's still not "the community". It's to some extent a pet peeve of mine; we is often used to hedge. Try to actually say who "we" is and more often than not you'll struggle to make yourself clear. Though, in this case I'm fairly certain that, at the very least, "we" does not mean people like op.
Not even really defending op either; to me it reads like a vent post because just casually playing while hanging out with friends is not a viable way to play this game anymore.
Now what "good" means in this game is all over the place and extremely subjective, so I won't touch that bit.
I suppose I mostly got irritated by some group of pros setting a world record being framed as saying something about how impossible or not it is to escape as survivor when "impossible" was clearly a figure of speech.
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Yes I have met those people.
Bubba would likely hold the record time.
I do not know the specific Blight match you are referencing, but I doubt the survivors were activity working to prevent such a state of affairs.
Killer players do actively work to prevent a 3-5 minute gen rush.
Both are possible outcomes, one is a common goal of a competitive group, the other is lesser seen and as stated confined to 1/10 or less of the available match possibilities.
The more survivor I play the more I learn to avoid the mistakes that lead to an early failed match.
The more killer I play the more I learn there isn't much to be done when survivors are determined to exit quickly, have practiced to do so, and commit to doing it.