Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Ultimate Weapon shouldn't make you scream if you're inside a locker



  • Member Posts: 1,491
    edited September 2023

    Thank you laaawwwwddd. 💖

    Btw the perk description just says entering terror radius. But you said within here and in-game if you're already in radius you scream immediately. It's kind of confusing.

    Is it suppose to work as "open locker know where everyone is around you immediately" or "open locker and let your radius reveal others as you traverse the map"?

  • Member Posts: 747

    Wouldn't make sense to call it "Ultimate Weapon" if it isn't S-tier, plus it helps M1 killers keep their heads above water and I'm thankful for anything that helps keep the weak killers viable.

  • Member Posts: 1,491

    Well in that logic the perk called Hex:No One Escapes Death should guarantee a 4k every match but some do escape death. 😭

  • Member Posts: 862

    Do you honestly believe they can be consistent? Come on now

  • Member Posts: 855

    First step would be to swap haste values between those two perks

  • Member Posts: 98

    It's a big deal if it gets nerfed because there's quite literally no reason for it to be nerfed. If it's already weak, why nerf it? Something being nerfed inherently indicates that it was too strong beforehand, and Calm Spirit is far from a strong perk.

  • Member Posts: 80

    Calm Spirit is highly situational, Distortion is okay but just that, nothing extraordinary.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    So the insane synergy with DMS is intended. Nice balancing.

  • Member Posts: 1,006

    I'm an OG CS user. But now... I'm meta 🤮

  • Member Posts: 45

    Why do you think a closet would exclude you?

  • Member Posts: 232

    None of those are free in terms of getting objectives done other than maybe Deja Vu and that is more often than not insufficient when one of your teammates are already down within the 1st minute of the map because of Lethal and/or having spawned very close to the killer. And more often than not more than 1 survivor is found and downed very quickly thanks to that perk in my experience. So already early on 1-2 people have to come off gens minimizing the impact of Deja Vu due to the domino effect of Lethal for the remainder of the match. Add the tunneling factor which happens in way over 90% of matches and Deja Vu is worthless once you lose a team mate early. So go tell me another one. Also compare the little Deja Vu does to the damage that a Call of Brine does for simply kicking a damn generator and then tell me this is a great perk. Yeah, I didn't think so.

    Resilience requires you to be injured (which means you're screwed if the killer finds you), so there's a trade off. There is no such trade off with Lethal and the domino effect it has for the rest of the match (plus it extends auras of other perks and add-ons). Not to mention, Resilience is a universal perk in the game & has been in the game since its release. Not like Lethal which came out 5 years after its release and was never intended for this game.

    MFT I don't have or use but I know it requires you to be injured so again it has a trade off. Killers are already faster than survivors PLUS got a buff with bloodlust not that long ago so that more than compensates for any effect of this. Especially if you're playing with Oni, Hillbilly, Huntress, Alien or other ranged killers who can negate movement speed easily or Wraith with his speed boost. I've used it once in a custom match and saw no benefit in it (died just as easily as I would without it).

    Windows of Opportunity? Are you serious? Killers have things like Crowd Control and Claustrophobia which can block windows AND Zanshin Tactics which is the killer version of Windows. Complete non-factor plus it along with most of these perks you listed have existed long before Lethal and/or come with the base game. Knowing where pallets & windows are doesn't get gens done anyway and if you're in an open spot on the map that has no vault spots or on a crap map like Shelter Woods or the new Alien map that has almost no spots of value, it's also worthless there as well. Also its value of course diminishes during the course of the match as more & more pallets have been depleted.

    Bond--another reach. Because survivors aren't supposed to know where each other are. You're completely clueless with what you're saying again. This game NERFED medkits because BHVR wants survivors to heal each other. HOW THE HELL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN IF WE DON'T KNOW WHERE OUR TEAMMATES ARE? At this point, Bond should be a basekit ability with no perk needed, but no. It's ridiculous how we have to use Bond now to get decent heals with medkits in ways BHVR wants us to when they handicap us from knowing where our teammates are. And even then it has a very short range so good luck when you're on the other side of the map from your team mate(s).

    Sprint Burst? You clearly never played survivor have you? Sprint Burst is one of the worst perks and usually wasted and on cooldown because of running that was done to get to a hooked survivor so that if the killer was proxy camping, it's not available.

    Balanced Landing---another non-argument. Survivors are already slowed when dropping down from a height, UNLIKE KILLERS, so the fact that there's a perk that counteracts this inconsistency is bad for you. Oooh look at these survivors, God forbid they have any chance to get away after dropping down instead of getting screwed as the game intends them to in a non-consistent manner. Also what you don't mention is that there's a cooldown since it's an exhaustion perk so any time you're exhausted, you can't use it. Not to mention if you get maps where there are no/minimal drops like pretty much all Autohaven maps, most of Lerys, and the majority of other maps minus Gideon and Midwich, it's good for nothing or will barely help. But do you know what works on all maps? LETHAL PURSUER. Plus if a killer really wants to tunnel, all this will do is delay things a little.

    Lucky Star: You can delete this perk anyday and delete Ultimate Weapon at the same time. But no, you'd never agree to that because you know this is a crap perk in comparison. Good luck hiding in a locker with a killer hot on your butt.

    Boons: Worthless now that Circle of Healing, WHICH WASN'T EVEN GUARANTEED BECAUSE THE KILLER COULD SNUFF THEM OR A SURVIVOR COULD HAVE MATCHES WHERE THEY DON'T FIND A TOTEM, is crap and nobody uses it anymore. Boons are dead and worthless and you know it. Someone can have 20 matches and you'd be lucky if in 1 out of those 20 a team mate brings a boon these days. The incentive with boons was stacking them with CoH and after that got turned into #########, hardly anyone brings them anymore because they're not worth it.

    Botany Knowledge: LMAO. If this isn't reaching, I don't know what is. Self Care was already slow by itself before the last nerf and without this all we would see are survivors healing themselves while 1-2 of their team mates are hooked which would kill the match right there. What you don't complain about is the BS of Sloppy Butcher and how ever since it got buffed 2+ years ago, EVERY DAMN HIT INFLICTS hemhorrage when before all it did was inflict Mangled. So now we get matches against Oni or Legion that are completely one-sided nonsense. PLUS, now it decreases medkit efficiency whereas before it used to boost it so you'd use less of a medkit to heal. So if you have Botany equipped without having Self Care, you couldn't even get a single full heal out of a medkit if you try to heal yourself. Because as we all know without Bond and even with Bond while playing solo queue, you can't count on others to heal you when you need it most. I mean get serious. This is a Claudette perk, one of the earliest characters in the game and a base character included with the game and you're comparing THIS to something that didn't exist until 2 years ago when Lethal and the crap killer it belongs to came out, i.e. 5 YEARS AFTER THE GAME WHICH NEVER HAD LETHAL PURSUER IN IT UNTIL THAT POINT CAME OUT. SMH

    You should go play some survivor in the solo queue especially and come back and see how many holes your arguments have about this list you made. You'd get a real wake up call because you clearly don't play survivor or are relatively new to this game.

  • Member Posts: 232

    Excuse me, but I've played this game well before & after that perk existed and I know how easy it is to find survivors now. I've done the furthest gen rule for a while but sometimes it doesn't work because survivors hide by the time you get there. Especially if you go against better teams. A friend of mine who plays killer generally better than I do was unable to get the Evil Incarnate achievement until after Lethal was a thing whereas I got it before Lethal existed and I had to work for it with a mix of other perks (on the old RPD map of all places where it was easier for survivors to hide). With Tombstone, you have to pretty much fully stalk all 4 survivors, so if there's one who is hiding and evades you, you're going to have trouble getting to Tier 3. That's where Lethal makes it tremendously easy.

    If you don't know this, I'm gonna have to say you don't play a lot of Myers. I haven't seen a tombstone Myers in the past ~2 years who hasn't used Lethal. Why? Because as I said, it makes it ridiculously easy AND it extends other aura perks that are also beneficial to tombstone Myers like Bitter Murmur or any of these new perks like that crap Knight one. Most tombstone Myers players won't slug or hit anyone to activate Infectious Fright because that's just wasting time and you're not always guaranteed to have other survivors in your terror radius (plus Myers has a short TR of 6m already so you'd have to be a fool to use that perk).

    There's a reason why these days a good 60-75% of killers are using Lethal. And who would use Infectious Fright now when Ultimate Weapon is so much stronger (has lingering effects where if someone walks into your terror radius several seconds AFTER you open a locker) and doesn't even require you having to find and injure a survivor? Lethal clearly changes the course of the match and has a domino effect for the remainder of the match otherwise it wouldn't be so much more popular than Infectious Fright or Corrupt Intervention (though some killers I've gone against have used both LP & CI). With the amount of killers who tunnel and/or camp hooks, they will certainly get use of Lethal unless survivors want their team mates to die on hook.

    I'd have no problem if Lethal at least had some merit to it and required killers to achieve bloodlust level(s) to reveal other survivors' locations kind of like Legion when Legion hits someone with their feral frenzy. That would actually live up to the name of the perk and force the killer to pursue to gain bloodlust to find other survivors. That way if a chase is being unfruitful but bloodlust is maintained, the killer can desert the chase and go after someone else. Maybe even grant a like a 45 second haste effect if the killer abandons a chase as incentive to not tunnel a survivor who may have just gotten unhooked & would be easy prey for abuse of the perk.

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,593

    that's likely down to human error I'm afraid - sorry for the confusion.

  • Member Posts: 1,491

    Don't worry it happens. It was kinda obvious it was a bug anyways.🤭

  • Member Posts: 4,156

    So survivors are getting a huge buff in the form of a new anti-camping mechanic, and the killer perk that makes it easier to find a different target to chase is getting a major nerf?

    If the survivors are excessively hiding, and it feels like a waste of time to patrol the map to find someone new to chase, then killers should just continue face camping, regardless of the consequences, because at least they'll know where a survivor is. Yes, I very much would like to leave a hooked survivor to find someone else to chase, but BHVR refuses to give killers any reliable ways to find someone else to chase, because they want survivors to have so much counterplay to killer tracking perks. There's been so many times in the past, where I did try to leave a hooked survivor to patrol the map, and I found zero survivors because they were all hiding, and the survivors got a free unhook while I was away. That is a much worse situation for the killer, than face camping and accepting the consequences.

    I'm afraid killers aren't going to get any compensation for the anti-camping mechanic, that helps killers find someone else to chase, so it doesn't feel as necessary to camp survivors.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    ultimate weapon is amazing tracking perk. how are you not finding survivors with ultimate weapon?

  • Member Posts: 4,156

    I'm finding survivors, that normally like to excessively hide, because they can't block it by hiding in a locker. When the perk gets its upcoming nerf, then excessively hiding survivors will just dodge it using a locker. It will be even worse if I'm against a SWF, and they are using voice comms to tell each other where I am, to make it even easier to hide in a locker if I'm patrolling in their direction.

    So the upcoming anti-camping mechanic will punish killers for staying near a hooked survivor, and the upcoming ultimate weapon nerf will punish killers for leaving a hooked survivor.

  • Member Posts: 98

    It's shown on the wiki that in order to tier up once as Myers, you need 5 total stalk points, and I assume this also includes getting to Tier 3 without any duration addons. Assuming this is the case, Infinite Tombstone Myers requires 400% bonus stalk required to get to Tier 3, which would be 5 stalk points multiplied by 4, resulting in 20, add that up with the initial 5 to get to Tier 2 and the 5 it would have taken to get to Tier 3, that results in 30 total. Now, survivors will always have 40.4 stalk points split evenly across themselves upon the start of the match, meaning that unless a custom game is started with less than 4 survivors, each one has 10.1 stalk points. This means you can get Infinite Tombstone off of just 3 survivors. One survivor could be hiding all game and you could still activate Tier 3.

    My point about Lethal Pursuer wasn't that it isn't strong, it's that it's not necessary to find survivors. If you go to the furthest gen and don't find anyone because they're hiding, oh well, just keep patrolling until you find someone. Not that hard.

  • Member Posts: 98

    Because literally every other instance of something making you scream has you not scream while inside a locker, with the exception of two things, that being Nurse's Anxious Gasp addon and Oni's Iridescent Family Crest. Doctor's Blast and Infectious Fright don't make you scream inside a locker, and neither does Scene Partner. So why should a timer-based perk make you do so, when instant activation things such as Doctor's Blast and Infectious Fright don't?

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