What happens about Made For this?

I've seen that devs rework Skull merchant but I don't read anything in the patch notes about this annoying perk.
Don't worry, it's Survivor meta perk, meaning it will take like 2-3x times longer to solve, nothing unusual.
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because it's not ready yet??
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I was really being sarcastic..the devs changed the skull merchant in months, while other survivor perks haven't changed since their release.
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Remove the effect resistance and adding exhaustion doesn't require much work.
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Sometimes a couple of years. It only gets worse before it gets better. Expect a more disgusting version of MfT before it gets reworked, is still almost as strong as before and then gents nerfed. Just takes around 5 to 6 years.
Jokes beside, I'm looking forward to seeing it less in my games. Whenever this will be.
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This would make sense, but is too easy. They will probably leave the Perk for a few more months and then destroy it.
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Remove Endurance and have it cause Exhaustion.
That's all it needs.
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I would presume whatever changes it's potentially getting aren't ready yet.
There's no reason to fast-track a solution like with Skull Merchant since it's not having anywhere near as negative an effect on the game. It could use a nerf, but it's just a perk that's a little bit too strong, not something as damaging to the game's health as holding matches hostage for an hour.
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IMO just need to remove the endurance status effect.
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This game not are design to make a survivor run faster indefinitely this perk should be nerf immediately.
I would like developers to take both sides with equal urgency.
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"While other survivor perks haven't changed since their release."
That's because newly released survivors perks are usually terrible. They are either Weak, extremely situational, nerfed versions of existing ones or have a wall of restrictions.
Seriously, Survivors get like ONE perk A YEAR that can climb to the meta and it gets hundreds of forum posts demanding nerfs.
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I have no problem with MFT.
When I'm playing Nurse.
Jokes aside, it makes me kind of sad how many survivor and killer perks are awful. And a lot of them just need some number buffs!
Absolutely no one but the most entitled players would complain if they massively buffed the 10 least used killer and survivor perks in a single patch.
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Xeno: Nerf in 2 weeks
Broken Survivor-Perk: survived the 2nd midchapter since existence.
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Chess Merchant released 3 months earlier than MFT, so does it not make sense that they'd have been working on her changes for slightly longer than MFT?
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And some sound effect
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the patch notes said they changed "a handful of perks" but in the patch notes its just two perks lmao is this the "handful" of perks? Also, the devs said in a Q&A MFT is getting changed soon. when is soon
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"Diversion: Now gain token
for each token, you can launch one pebble, to a maximum off ten"
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Remove Speed Boost and have it cause Exhaustion.
That's all it needs.
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Maybe they were disappointed with End Transmission DLC sales and decided to earn more money.
Funny how they released MfT on Shrine.
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They most likely have backed down like with Windows of Opportunity, whose nerf was listed in other languages, but not in English. These devs are too afraid of Twitter backslash.
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Made for this - While not in chase you get 40 sec exhausted, remove endurance effect.
Come on do it!
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the devs had said before it released they had a change for it ready incase its a problem. there is no excuse. theyre just trying to prolong it
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This would at least let M1-Killers no longer suffee more than M2-Highspeed-Killers.
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Reworking Killer power and changing one perk is two totaly different spaces of very different scale mind you.
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Reworking a killer power and creating a (hopefully) entirely new perk that's still relatively balanced still take time, and particularly when one was in the works before the other that's the one I'd expect them to focus on instead of dropping everything and leaving 3 genning in the game for even longer.
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I somewhat feel your pain, but MFT isn't just "one more strong survivor perk", its breaking DBD fundamentals on so many levels. But just now BHVR released an equally busted killer perk with Ultimate Weapon.
I have the lurking suspicion, that this is part of BHVRs plan to make the game more fun, again. A lot was done in the last year to make the game more "balanced", and while we succeeded with that, we all felt the pangs of the aftermath: killers without OP regression felt they needed to tunnel, and tunneled survivors without DH felt the need to slam gens like their live depended on it (which it frankly does. Duh!), instead of memeing around or going for a brisk stroll around the grounds, leading to both sides tunneling and slamming away like its no ones business.
MFT, while severely hated by the killer community, was the ray of hope that a lot of survivors had hoped for: a new, slightly overtuned (maybe OP, maybe not) chase perk that let them reenact their favorite sketch from the Benny Hill Show.
And low and behold, next chapter killers got Ultimate Weapon and Rapid Brutality, two perks that counter sneaky survivors hard and gave crafty and deft killers a 10s window to shut down those pesky MFT users.
Basically both killers and survivors got unbalanced, overtunend (maybe OP, maybe not) new tools that they love and the other side hates and that breathed a bit of fresh air into the stale DBD formula. Games are allowed to be fun again, both sides now have something to fight the more frustrating elements of the game and we all get more chases that are winnable for both sides, something that we all dearly craved, yet harshly missed.
Our constant yelling and whining got the game pretty balanced, but this balancing act also optimised the fun out of the game and players used the last screw they could tighten (tunneling and slamming gens) to their full extend, tightening it as fast as they could. I guess asymetric games NEED to be a little bit unbalanced and swing both ways, allowing for dumb and hilarious misplays and spectacular triumphs. What we need now is a means for killers to be rewarded for hooks and punished for early kills, while not shooting themselves in the foot for letting a survivor on death hook getting away in favor of a non-hooked conpatriot.
Not sounding dramatic, but DBD is at a turning point right now: BHVR must get it back in line and bring the fun back into the game, or else we will be left with a dedicated playerbase thats too stubborn to stop playing the game, while turning more and more bitter and resentful and making the game impossible to grow a new audiance.
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That's bhvr failing at communication.. why only mention 1 perk if you have a "handful" of changes? what is the point then? baiting the community? Put all changes that you will throw on the ptb dont try to "sell" the ptb.. it's optional and not everyone plays on the ptb server..
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We aren't trying to kill perks.
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I guess the nerf wasn’t ready in time for the midchapter since they did say it was getting changed (but tbf they didn’t say when other than it would be soon).
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I blame the SM. Not specifically for the delay to MFT getting changed, but for everything.
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No, we are trying to remove stupidly broken effects that should've never made out of the brainstorming room
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Considering that SM has been in the game longer than MFT then your statement makes as much sense as BHVR not nerfing Blight’s busted add ons after 3 frikin years.
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And yet, the perk isn't causing Survivors to just escape.
Perk is good. Strong, but not OP. Remove the Endurance, add Exhaustion.
Perk is just like Hyperfocus.
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so a pick up perk that only work on yourself and cause exhaustion. Buckle up exist
you probably trolling but it hard to tell on the forums
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I don't get the endurance nerf requests
I use MFT but rarely get the value from that part of the perk, how often are people really dealing with the endurance part???
very situational imo? Wouldn't impact my matches in one way or the other if that gets axed, personally. I imagine if that's the route they choose that people would still call for another nerf to the speed aspect
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Handful. That was funny. But you never know. Maybe thry didnt reveal everything. Maybe the rest will be in the dev notes tomorrow. If there is more
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i'm sure at this point they are purposefully keeping it the way it is. god knows why, but might be this:
to be honest, as broken and bs as old hatch was, i kinda miss old hatch escapes as survivor. i never brought a key but ran my looting build a lot, and finding a key and plotting a multiple people hatch escape was one of the most fun experiences for me in this game.
or bhvr is building a chase meta, where we have very strong chase and info perks.
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Thing is a "chase meta" would be fundamentally unhealthy because it would force everyone to run it or just auto lose.
Already MFT+resi+windows vs a pure M1 like myers, pig, ghostface , etc just puts the killer on a losing battle from the get go.
We don't want survivors uncatchable or killers undodgeable.
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you mean just remove endurance? lol how would mft work if it CAUSES you to be exhausted? its designed as a static perk and currently doesnt work if exhausted. the only way i can see the perk working as another exhaustion perk is if they made it give a set amount of seconds of 3% haste in exchange for exhaustion.
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true. i'm not defending it by any means, keeping mft and adjusting killers/releasing perks accordingly would be the worst idea.
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they're not dealing with it. they're requesting a pointless change because the actual part that killer are complaining about is first part of the perk. that very same part is also same part that survivor don't want changed because there not many good survivor perks that grant game-changing effect. bvhr has habit of always leaving at least one questionable strong perk for survivor. The rest of the perks they keep tame though they might several other perks with average value on them.
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Just remove the speed boost, that's the main reason it's too strong.
Removing the endurance, while I understand is because it doesn't need both effects, won't do much. It'll still be ran every game.
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The enduring effect is quite strong, but kinda part of the normal game.
For me it's the 3% hast effect, that's braking the game. Nearly all the loops in the game are balanced and designed around the normal speed dynamics between the two rolls, and MFT breakd this in twain. Especially the situations were you can only mindlessly chase a survivor around an unmindgamable piece of junk or so and its a lose lose situation: t wounded survivor is right there, but due to MFT and the hitbox discrepancy you would have to Bloodlust 3 it. Or you abandon the chase and go for another survivor, who might have the perk, all the while doing nothing to further your cause, ie not even getting a palette out of the way. It's so frustrating.
But it's okay if they leave Ultimate Weapon untouched >:) Give everyone overtuned tools and let the game derail a bit, after we optimised the fun out of it in the last 2 ys
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If only rapid brutality lasted like 20 or even 15s and this allowed you a bit more leeway to catch up and transform your hit into a down, then things would be much more bearable for poor M1 killers. Or imagine if Rapid Brutality set the killers speed to "survivors speed +20%", thus giving every killer a 10s window to strike the killing blow, before that opportunity slips away. This would offer much more interesting options.
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You know, I don't like these Us vs Them comments but that is true.
Survivor perks are monitored for quite a bit before they get nerfed. Meanwhile, Skull Merchant already got her 2nd rework and Xeno's PTB buff was reverted. When we never actually saw the PTB buff in action.
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You know my friend, MFT is just the most used, OP and broken survivor's perl, why dev have to rework it ? Maybe in 6 years they'll reduce the speed bonus from 3% to 2,9%.
God forbid BHVR doin something against those little poor souls
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i want to know how you say this perk is just like hyperfocus bc frankly that makes 0 sense how you compare a perk that is always game breaking with no effort required vs a perk that actually requires some skill (and some luck as well) to make it worth using
if you are not equipping MFT in your build as a survivor, that means you dont mind being at a disadvantage on purpose just like not equipping an exhaustion perk on purpose. nobody cares if you pick empathy over bond but people care if you pick joke/niche perk over MFT because it isn't debatable which one actually matters
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At their theoretical best, both perks are OP.
in all practicality, they don't get that sort of usage. People love to throw out the "20% more distance" number as if that's something that really happens.
People are freaking out over a strong perk. I've seen it happen for years now, sometimes they're onto something, sometimes they arent.
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Using MFT as survivor and going against it a lot as killer, I've never had the endurance effect benefit me or the survivor I was chasing. The 3% haste is the main and only issue with the perk, and the only reason for running it. The endurance is just gravy in case it ever is useful.
Remove or leave the endurance, it won't change the reason it's ran by survivors or the issues it causes killers at all.
MFT and Ultimate Weapon should have never been put in the game. Both perks are the top perk issues both sides are having. Both should be completely overhauled, because even though they're both way overtuned/OP, I'd doubt BHVR would seriously consider removing them completely.