Healthy Alternative to Anti-Camp Change Coming up

I think this change even tho it has good intentions is going to be very un-healthy for the the game, now hear me out before you say dumb killer main bc I play both roles, the main issues ppl have when it comes to killers are Camping/Slugging/Tunneling I think we can all agree to that, well 9/10 when ppl are complaining about said playstyle they arent using any of the perks that counter or punish said playstyle
dont want to be slugged
No Mither
Soul Guard
Expo Boon
Dont want to be tunneled
Run breakdown and lead killer to hook dead zone
Borrowed Time
Off the record
Decisive Strike
New Dead hard
Dont want to be Camped
You may see like 1 survivor have at least one of these perks but then they play really bad at loops and go back down, and to be honest off the record is a unfair perk, its not a anti tunnel perk, I could be cross map and they happen to run into me when im chasing someone else and they get away free bc OTR gave them a 60 second bubble.
why is it ppl refuse to run these perks and then complain about said playstyles instead of counter building?
all this change is going to do is make ppl tunnel way more often, this change is just going to make things worse not better, instead of punishing a killer for playing a certain way maybe look at why the killers feel the need to play that way to begin with could be
Gen rushing
Tbag Taunts
Easy pressure
Lure survivors in for easy injures.
I think a way more healthy option would be making more perks that actually insentivise killers to go awya from hook, aka more perks that function like pop or devour or bbq, perks that actually reward you for leaving a hook bc 9/10times you hook leave to go get another survivor or patrol gens and a gen or 2 pops AND the survivor gens unhooked, instead of taking away killer tools maybe look at the state of the game and that sometimes camping is all you can do bc you're getting demolished by a swf or gen jockeys....
I dont think a anti-camp basekit is going to be it, I think ppl actually running counter perks instead of meta builds would be the thing to do....
a good change would be remove MFT, and make it basekit for when a survivor gets unhooked, like if you get unhooked and are in chase you gain 3% haste until said chase ends, can only occur after being unhooked by someone else. that would be a good change and actually let ppl get distance etc
9/10 killers dont want to camp, but when you get 3 gens popping in the first 30 seconds and you just got your first down what else do you expect us to do devs? roam the map? then still get destroyed? camping is sometimes needed in order to turn a match back around.
and I can definetly assure you we dont want to have to run meta builds or 4 gen perks just to keep up, Id love to do stupid builds but when you play killer you cant really afford to, and ppl seem to forget this is a 1 v 4 game..... killer really dosent have a advantage outside of camping he gets abused very easily by good survivors who know how to loop and use a map right.
Your "healthy" Alternative is what DbD and bHVR has been doing for 7 years, it did not work, Survivors are tired of it.
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? and giving survivors base kit reassurance is a better idea? and you must not be paying attention bc what bhVR HAVE been doing is giving us band-aid fixes in the form of perks, oh gen speeds are way to fast heres gen slow, oh the gen slow is too strong heres gen speed perks.....
Post edited by OneAutmLeaf on2 -
Here are the problems with your statement, and like you said… this is coming from someone who also plays both roles.
1) Survivors shouldn’t be forced or feel obligated to run specific “anti/counter” builds or perks just to have a chance against a camping/tunneling killer. Everyone, survivors and killers alike, should have the freedom to play with whatever builds they choose. Not only that but what happens if you get camped/tunneled in 2 matches, decide to throw on your anti-camping/tunneling build, and then in your third match now you get a killer who is playing fairly and not doing those things? Now you’re trying to be effective in a match where you have multiple useless perks that you’re getting no value out of. That would essentially be the same as someone approaching you with a gun and shooting you, but instead of arresting the criminal who shot you… the police do nothing and just tell you to wear a bullet-proof vest next time. It doesn’t solve the problem or fix anything. A survivor shouldn’t have to run anti-camping/tunneling perks to counter a killer who shouldn’t be playing that way in the first place, just like you shouldn’t have to wear a bullet-proof vest to counter a criminal with a gun who shouldn’t be shooting other people in the first place.
2) I do agree, however, that is idea is absolutely absurd and is not going to prevent camping at all, and will encourage more tunneling. Like you said, I play both roles as well and have looked at the situation subjectively from both perspectives. I personally never camp or tunnel due to my own views on it which I’ll get into momentarily, but I can see the argument for why killers think they have to. So let’s answer that question. Why do killers camp and tunnel? There are two main reasons. One is to guarantee more hook stages and a potential kill. The other reason is to find their next target much easier when someone comes for the save rather than having to patrol the map and spend time looking for another survivor. This anti-camping mechanic that is being added, is just going to make those two issues worse and more prominent, and I’ll prove this in two different scenarios.
2a) Killer is camping hooked survivor, teammates are staying away so hooked survivors unhook meter can fill up. Survivor unhooks themself, then immediately gets tunneled off the hook and put right back on it. You may have wasted another 10-15 seconds of the killer’s time, but he still got multiple hook stages or possibly a kill on the same survivor anyway.
2b) Killer is camping hooked survivor, teammates are nearby trying to go for a rescue. Hooked survivor’s meter doesn’t fill up, so they can’t unhook themselves. If your teammates do get the save, they get hook traded with you. If they don’t get the save, you still go into the next phase. Sometimes even both happens, where they take too long and you go into next phase and THEN they hook trade with you and you still get tunneled even after that. Killer still gets multiple hook stages or potentially one or more kills anyway.
Both of these situations ended the same way as they did before the anti-camping mechanic was implemented, so nothing is different. It’s a completely useless and pointless effort.
3) The real problem that needs to be resolved, is people’s mentality. You say killers NEED to camp/tunnel in order to have a chance of performing well in a match. That is unequivocally and irrevocably incorrect. If you have difficulty downing survivors, getting hook stages or kills, stopping gens from popping, etc… maybe you need to take a moment to re-evaluate your playstyle as a killer, instead of jumping right to criticizing survivors who are fairly out-playing you and you resorting to cheap, dishonorable exploits to make up for your mistakes or lack of skill. If 3 gens pop before you get your first down/hook, that means either YOU weren’t patrolling the gens effectively or YOU spent 3-1/2 minutes chasing one survivor while those gens were being completed. That’s YOUR fault, and doesn’t warrant a survivor being unjustly punished because you made bad decisions and weren’t good enough to end the chase quickly or keep the survivors off the gens. It also comes down to accepting the fact that you’re not going to win every match. Sometimes, you’re going to be matched against survivors who are better than you and beat you. That doesn’t mean you should start camping or tunneling because you’re playing badly or not well enough, and now you’re desperate and greedy for a kill or two… especially over a meaningless video game that means nothing in the real world. Grow up, accept the fact that you lost, and move on to the next match or something else entirely… instead of being toxic and despicable towards others who have done nothing to deserve it, and ruining their experience due to your self-absorption. I never camp or tunnel, under any circumstance… and I know countless others who don’t either, because we’re not obsessed with winning by any means necessary in some irrelevant video game. We have morals and class. We do what’s right and respectable, not what’s easy or distasteful just because it works. We play fairly and honorably, and if we get out-played by better survivors who end up escaping and winning… so be it. They earned it, and we congratulate them before moving on to the next match and trying again. It’s all about respect and courtesy. Treat others the way you want to be treated. You wouldn’t want to get camped or tunneled, so don’t do it to other people.
4) Unfortunately, you’re not going to be able to stop people from having that self-worshipping mentality where they‘re going to make sure they get what they want no matter what it takes despite how pathetic and disgusting it is. If someone only cares about themselves and has no consideration for how they affect others, you can’t fix or change that… but if you honestly want to stop killers from camping and tunneling, there are only two ways of truly accomplishing that.
4a) The first way is to make camping and tunneling ban-able offenses. This will not immediately stop the problem or alleviate it completely, but it will gradually reduce the frequency of it happening quite significantly.
4b) The best way to stop camping, which will legitimately put a complete end to it entirely… is to put in a mechanic that stops the hook progression bar from advancing while the killer is within a close proximity. For example, if the killer is within 5-6 meters of the hooked survivor… the red bar that goes down for them to progress to the next hook phase, stops… completely… just like if a teammate had used Reassurance. If the killer is farther than 5-6 meters but still within 16-20 meters, the hook progression bar will advance… but it does so much slower than normal. If the killer is outside of 16-20 meters, the bar progresses as normal. That will literally put a dead-stop to all camping in the game, because no killer is going to stand there camping a survivor who can hang there forever and never get sacrificed. At best, they would have to stand outside of 16-20 meters and try to come after whoever risks going for the save… but that’s far enough away that it gives the rescuer a chance to get the unhook safely and gives the unhooked survivor a chance to get away or make distance before being tunneled. Plus, all the survivors will know this (giving more value to perks like Kindred) and just leave the hooked survivor there while they pop all the gens… so even if the killer does still decide to camp anyway, they aren’t going to be rewarded with multiple hook stages or kills for it. Now, you could still have the feature disable once the exit gates are powered… but even then the killer is most likely only going to get that one kill, and that’s only if the other survivors decide to just leave instead of taking hits for each other to rescue the hooked survivor who is being camped. That is how you stop camping and eliminate a great deal of toxicity from the game.
4c) As for tunneling, the best way to end it… is to make Decisive Strike base-kit and infinite until another survivor is hooked. For example, let’s say you have Claudette, David, Meg, and Dwight in a match. Killer hooks Dwight first. Once Dwight gets unhooked, he gets Decisive Strike permanently until another survivor is put on a hook. Once another survivor is put on a hook, it deactivates and he can be hooked again. No killer is going to keep trying to tunnel a survivor if they keep getting DS-ed every time they pick the survivor up. It would literally force the killer to go after someone else, and the worst they would be able to do is slug the survivor immediately off the hook but then leave them slugged to go find someone else… and that would at least give the slugged survivor a chance to be picked up by a teammate instead of just being hooked multiple times in a row. Now, just like the other thing… you could still have the feature get disabled once the exit gates were powered or once they became the last survivor alive, so that the killer could still have a chance of getting that kill… but at least that would make it much more reasonable and stop it from being abused by unskilled garbage killers who get out-played by good survivors and then start being cheap and toxic because they’re desperate and greedy.
So to reiterate, if you’re getting destroyed as a killer and frequently have trouble stopping gen progression or getting hooks/kills… that’s your problem, and doesn’t make it right or fair to penalize the survivors for your bad decisions and lack of skill. Experiment with different perks, different add-ons, or even different killers to see what works for you. Play custom matches against bots to practice and get better… and if none of that works, you might have to come to the realization that DbD itself may not be right for you. It’s not meant for everybody. Try finding a different game to play that you have better luck with. It’s okay to be bad at certain things. That’s nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed of, but you have to react accordingly. If you were a bad driver who couldn’t properly operate a vehicle, would you still get on the road and endanger the lives of other people? No. You would either practice somewhere by yourself until you got better, or you just wouldn’t do it. The same concept applies to DbD. If you’re bad at playing killer, either practice in custom matches and get better at it… or do something else. There’s never any need or logical reason to be dishonorable or disrespectful towards others, especially over a game that doesn’t make any difference or matter… and even more so when those others were playing fairly, just trying to enjoy their experience, and weren’t doing anything wrong to deserve it.
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Perks to counter design flaws... brilliant /s. Do you want people to say the same for Killer? Just bring 4 slowdown, 3 intel, 2 anti-exhuastion, and a NOED in a pear tree. Have 10 perk slots dingus, garsh.
M1 framework likely needs some more 6.1 styled buffs, but since that is shared by Blight/Artist/Wesker/Plague/Oni, they likely can't be given too much.
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I agree that the anti camping changes is a bandaid that will artificially make things worse and not attack the REASON for why killers feel like they need to camp. But for players not knowing how to choose perks to counter. To be fair there are ALOT of perks, players who haven't been playing for years won't know how to counter perk their builds in a few seconds before the game starts.
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TL:DR: They essentially said games were fundamentally unimportant and not something to take too seriously, but then applied the concepts of honour and respect to them in an attempt to establish moral superiority over said fundamentally unimportant thing. They also said that Killer players should "grow up," but then went on to call people "toxic," "despicable," and "unskilled garbage killers" who are "desperate and greedy" for playing the aforementioned fundamentally unimportant game in a way they disliked. There were a few bad examples of things, a lot of condescension and numerous bad ideas (read: 4a) with a side order of Them and Us.
Post edited by Raconteurminator on1 -
3 gens can pop in 90s after the start of the match. I've seen it happen multiple times. The problem here is not that the killer does not apply pressure, but the dumb spawns at the start.
Just remember how often you start the match at a Gen...
There is pretty much nothing you can do about it, even if your chase is good.
Yes Corrupt exists, but sometimes it doesn't matter because they still spawn to unblocked gens sometimes or hide for the duration.
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Um wtaf? making camping and tunneling bannable offenses? im not even going to reply to that obvious bait.
What you said: ) The best way to stop camping, which will legitimately put a complete end to it entirely… is to put in a mechanic that stops the hook progression bar from advancing while the killer is within a close proximity
so your fix to camping is to give survivors even more protection for doing literally nothing....
What you said : 4c) As for tunneling, the best way to end it… is to make Decisive Strike base-kit and infinite until another survivor is hooked
ok there is no way you play killer equally with takes like this..... that or you gotta be smoking something strong to thing a basekit DS thats infinite until another guy is hooked is going to be even close to balanced, I legit cant even believe the ######### im reading rn.
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or they could just buff the M1 killers that dont have any mobility like freddy, Ghost face, Myers just bc they need to buff m1 killers dosent mean it needs to be ALL m1 killers. just the ones that have 0 mobility
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to sum it up he said give survivors basekit DS Strike that lasts until someone else gets hooked and also make tunneling and camping a bannable offense, and this is the guy saying he plays both roles equally keep in mind....
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THIS is literally my point Im honestly tired of ppl saying oh 3 gens popped in the first 90 seconds you must be garbage and not know how to patrol gens, like they forget 99% of the time you spawn next to a gen.....
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Something that I think could be fine as a basekit feature (for all Killers) is a pacman styled map traversal (before endgame). If you walk to the edge of the map, you can exit from the outskirts on the opposite side (after a sound cue and decent delay). This would kick you out of power and remove undetectable to do so (so Wraith would have to recloak, Ghosty would have to restealth, and so on), so that way you couldn't cheese a hidden TR. Alternatively a simpler version would allow you to interact with an exit gate to travel to the other gate (with the same audio cues and delay). Rough draft diagram below.
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I think they could do a lot with an idea like this. Imagine seeing more of the entity during the transitions or something.
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So hysterical. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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What they are doing is well needed and as mainly-killer player it's deserved
Plus, the added bonus of being able to rescue people off the hook if their teammates wont
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In Japan, many live player agree that camping is a tactic and can be dealt with.
Most of the people who complain about camping are either novice who can't even exchange onhook, or chickens who are simply afraid of sustaining even the slightest injury.
The above story continues after being evacuated to another location, but survivors should not be forced to respond using the perk, and neither should the killer.
I have two questions.
First of all, it is almost certainly possible to unhook without using perks, but the inability to do so is defined as a flaw in the game system rather than a failure of the survivor.
The second thing is that everyone is ignoring the fact that killers should not be restricted from using perks, but are actually in situations where they have to use perks that don't repair generations.
Particularly regarding the second point, some people may think that Perk is a personal responsibility because it is a free choice and is not forced.
If that is the case, survivors should also realize that if they fail to rescue without possessing Perks, it is their own fault.
Those who disagree with this will argue that it is strange for them to die because it was the other survivor's mistake, not me.
However, as the game design suggests, this should be a collective responsibility of all survivors.
And if you're frustrated by the inexperience of your Survivor allies, you should definitely play Killer!
There are no allies there. You are on your own and it all depends on your play.
Even in a world where camping is no longer possible, don't tunnels, lead to victory you, and enjoy sirvivor is provoking killer.