Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Furtive Chase buff completely misses the point why it's not used

The reason isn't that the Terror Radius reduction is too small, the reason why it's not used is because it reduces the Terror Radius in a chase.

You put so much work to not tunnel and hook the different Obsession X times for what? To be sneakier while in a chase when other Survivors can clearly see that their teammate is being chased? This Perk doesn't make sense and I would argue that it's even worse than Beast of Prey, since that at least makes you fully undetectable.

Would it really be too overpowered if you got the reduction in Terror Radius while outside of a chase? Or maybe just permanently? If you fear that it would be too overpowered on some specific Killers (Myers), make it percentage based, each time you hook the obsession it decreases your Terror Radius by 6/8/10% or something like that.


  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,211

    Yeah, it's quite frustrating. The Terror Radius effect is next to useless and slightly increasing it won't add to the perk at all.

  • TheTom20
    TheTom20 Member Posts: 453

    Yeah still never gonna see anyone use this perk

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,042

    same for Background player, both perks are still useless

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,086

    I think Background Player was quite alright even before this buff.

    I think it would be really cool if the Perk didn't give you exhaustion at all and had separate long cooldown, but that maybe too much.

    Or it could active the exhaustion effect only if you save someone from the Killer's grasp, could also be cool, and increase the exhaustion effect to like 60 seconds at tier 3.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    It would be better if the perk made it so when you hook the obsession you gain undetectable until the survivor is unhooked. The undetectable only activates when you’re 24 meters away from the hook. When the survivor unhooks they become the obsession and they gain oblivious for 40/50/60 seconds

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,086

    I think this would be neat, but probably not for this Perk, maybe Insidious could be changed to this instead.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    I made it this way cause of the description. It says “you lurk in the shadows eliminating your victims one by one” and yet the perk isn’t that at all. My buff was to make it more accurate to the description and to make it not a campy perk

  • Phewru
    Phewru Member Posts: 2

    "Furtive Chase is one of the lesser used Killer Perks, providing a way to switch Obsessions throughout the match and reduce your Terror Radius during a chase. To give this Perk a slight boost, we are increasing the Terror Radius reduction for each token to 5 meters (was 4 meters) for a maximum of 20 meters."

    The Obsession swapping is cool but the Terror Radius reduction while in Chase does nothing. You are in Chase. The Survivor knows where you are. The Terror Radius doesn't matter. The only potential useful thing about it is that the other Survivors might have trouble pinpointing where the Chase is taking place but guess what: Aura Reading, using your eyes, being on comms completely negate that potential benefit. This Perk needs another/different effect that actually provides you with an advantage. Reducing the length of your Red Stain for example would be more impactful than the current effect. I'm sure you (devs and community) have a lot of great ideas that could be slapped onto Furtive Chase to make it an actually viable choice.

  • pizzavessel15
    pizzavessel15 Member Posts: 534

    the perk is useless in general. why do you want to decrease your terror radius WHILE IN CHASE? the person you're chasing is hearing loud music lol

  • Chadku
    Chadku Member Posts: 729

    FC needs a rework to the TR effect.

    It could be smth like "your TR is reduced by -25% to -100% for the Obsession"

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,176
    edited September 2023

    both perks should work like this if bvhr is serious about buffing them. who knows, these perk might be healthy perk that promote more fun gameplay.

    Background player:

    You are not usually the centre of attention and in some cases, this can be a good thing.

    When you heal a survivor from dying state to injured state, perform unhook or when the killer picks up a survivor from the dying state, Background Player activates for the next 10 seconds.

    When you start running, break into a sprint at 150 % of your normal Running Movement speed for 5 seconds.

    Furtive chase:

    You lurk in the shadows, eliminating your victims one by one.

    Each time you hook your obsession, you gain 1 token up to a maximum 2/3/4 tokens.

    Reduces your terror radius when not in chase by 4 meter per token.

    Whenever the obsession is rescued from a hook, their rescuer will become the new obsession

    You can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

    Post edited by Devil_hit11 on
  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    The core of Furtive Chase is that you hook the obsession repeadetly to "power up". The obsession switching part it necessary to incentive spreading hooks. The issue is, the current power up of having smaller TR in chase is useless. When it actually should be real powerful given that you have to play pretty much suboptimal (no tunneling or camping, always following the unhooker) to achieve high stacks. Another issue is, that you have to find your obsession at the beginning to even get the ball rolling.

    So first of all, I feel furtive chase should help you find your obsession at the start. Could be a lethal-style aura, or killer instinct, or Whispers-like range indicator. Some range-based indicator could even be expanded to a general effect, that activates whenever you are not chasing anyone but search for your obsession.

    The power up itself should be more meaningful. Having the TR reduction outside chase gets mentioned alot, but I'd rather want to explore the possibilities to buff the chase against the obsession specifically (you should always go for chasing the obession with this perk, anyway). So, what about when chasing the obession, you get steadily faster (1% per stack)? Or your lunge range increases (10% per stack). So you get more and more threatening when chasing the obsession, and will be able to down them faster with every stack. It's like a race against the clock for the survivors: Will they be fast enough to get to end game before the killer powers up too much that they are unstoppable (against the obsession)?

    Oh I would love such a rework so much ^^.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258
    edited September 2023

    for bg player - that's a nerf. I would prefer current version over your version. Why would I want sprint when someone is healed from ground or someone is unhooked? It only causes exhaustion.

    as for furtive chase - that would be beneficial effect, but it would become troublesome with conjuction to M&A - some killers would have no TR. Others would get 8m (16m for wesker) radius - Imagine finding a deathslinger when he's literally 2m behind you? Like GF has no TR - but it's 50% of his whole ability - u want that effect for 1-2 perk slots and 4 hooks?

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,161

    Agreed, the devs need to understand that this perk is worthless. Even if it reduced the terror radius in chase to 0m, it would still be worthless. Why would anyone run this, apart from perk roulettes?

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,176

    on your first comment, i cannot tell if you are serious or joking. in camping scenario's, you are often forced to take a hit with your health-state then unhook someone only to go immediately down. player refer to this scenario as hook trading. with background player, you can unhook someone and potentially run to a nearby pallet after unhooking someone.

  • Boons123
    Boons123 Member Posts: 766

    I think the point of reducing the terror radius is so you can sneak up on other survivors while they think they're safe because their ally was in chase.

    So I think the target is not the The chasing survivor , it's other survivors

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,086

    Yet it still fails in the department since you can just see the Survivor being chased in the HUD, or you can just use your eyes and ears to tell if the Killer is close or not, or you can just use SWF

  • Boons123
    Boons123 Member Posts: 766

    Yes, they will see their ally being chased in the HUD, so I think the idea is that you surprise them with your appearance, especially since your terror radius has become small, so they will think that you are far away while you are in a much closer reality.

    Well, this perk is not the only one that is less useful when playing against SWF

    So I think this is the reason for the increase of one meter, as BHVR thought that the players understood the idea of ​​this perk.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258
    edited September 2023

    That would suggest bg player would also speed up considerably your unhook speed. Bg player will barely have enough time to activate, it would 100% not have enough time to get you to safety (I am totally sure of this). You need desperate measures for this at which case you don't need bg player (also this combo will make chasing after unhooker less good then after unhooked - bringing back PTB version complaints + ruining flash/sabo intent of the perk, because you will be exhausted for no good reason). And the fact that you ask if I am joking not knowing the timings of such a basic interactions tells me you forgot how survivors even play.

    As I said previously - your version is nerf to the perk. It could be buff if you add aditional effects to the perk - at which point I think the perk would do too much. I will gladly take +1s (which is useful for me personally as saboteur and meaningless for everyone else) instead of nerfing this niche perk.

    It would make sense to give the perk general buff useful to other survivor playstyles - which would actually raise the usage rate, but at least do not nerf the perk. It's already considered weak so why nerf it even further?

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,176

    i am not weakening the perk. I am adding more possible functionalities where the perk can activate. the perk retains the ability to be used with flashlight/flashbang/sabo plays. The additional functionalities are that you can use when killer is proxy camping hooks or survivors on the floor to potentially avoid hit/downs.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,959
    edited September 2023

    I think the core idea of Furtive Chase was centered around SoloQ before the survivor HUD was added.

    Before you didn't know another survivor was in chase unless you saw it or you were on comms... and the point of getting your TR low would be if the survivor chased near a gen, you could break off and the other Survivor's would have little time to react.

    This obviously wasn't good back then either because its too situational, relied on a survivor mistake to get value, and only worked on soloQ... but at 4 per stack, it's even worse for that purpose now survivors know what each other are doing...

    However... with the buff the already built in obsession control... it now might actually be situationally useful on say Spirit or Trickster ... a potential 4m terror radius could be pretty screwy on certain tiles... this could actually be OK combined with Dying Light... if you get a strong start 🤔

    If it lingered perhaps for 6 seconds after exiting chase, that could have some situational benefit.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    It does not retain the effect - you will be exhausted when u need it, because you randomly get speed boost when it does nothing. It's a pure nerf. It's a same thing as if IDK pain res randomly activated once gen is finished - you loose token when chances are there's no gen with any progress. Your version is the same principle.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,176

    speed boost is not random. your also not forced to use it as you can walk for 10 seconds to avoid using it. same as you do now.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258
    edited September 2023

    no you can't reliably. If you are already running when it activates, then tough luck. If not - you are forced to walk for 10s (reminds you why sprint burst is actually detrimental in low MMR?).

    But I will ask you this way - why would I ever want bg player to activate on heal or on unhook? It makes 0 sense

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,176

    i think you misunderstood the perk so I tried clean-up description. you are already forced to walk sometimes to avoid triggering the perk in certain instances. "why would I ever want bg player to activate on heal or on unhook? It makes 0 sense" this statement just tells me that you lack understanding of proxy camping. I do not want to go in much detail to explain situations where this is useful. that post is simply my suggestion if I was to improve those perks.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    All I see are occasions where I can get exhausted for 0 reason - making me have to guard against accidental exhaust. I have 0 idea how this could help in case of proxy-camp. If killer finds me soon enough that he hits me before I unhook - I would need to trade (I will go down) with your version or with current version making it 0 difference at all. If I get speed boost on unhook - it means I can just disappear (or walk it off for very easy hits) and proxy-camping killer will have no choice but to tunnel out unhooked guy. When slugged - I will either have to have buckle up (in which case I don't care if killer hits me) or he does not so I actually want to take hit for my teammate.

    So tell me - why would I EVER want to have speed boost when picking someone from ground or when unhooking? All I see is teamplay nerf or perk nerf. There's 0 opportunity where I see it like "yes this change helps" apart from pure luck/RNG when I am being actively chased and someone on other side of map unhooks/pick someone up so that I can gain distance on killer.

    So again - why would I ever consider your version a buff? It sounds just about the same as last pharmacy/calm spirit "buff" - and a reason why I would probably stop using the perk.