Enduring should work against Power Struggle and Head ON

was running spirit fury, enduring and I downed them and picked them up but then power struggled me, I was stunned for the normal pallet stun duration even tho I had enduring that was hella dumb, power struggle is already annoying asf to go against when they run full builds for it, would be nice if enduring at least worked against the pallet stun on power struggle, and tbh Head on would be nice too, bc on some maps it can downright be op to get head on spammed, Looking at you RPD and Midwich where ppl will sit in lockers to stun you and let there friends get away for free with 0 counter (on those maps) or punishes, would be nice if enduring actually did what it said reduces pallet stun duration....just not against power struggle i guess..... and it would be nice if it was stuns in general, cept DS for obvious reasons.


  • Boons123
    Boons123 Member Posts: 970

    No need for that, you can fake it to make the survivor get out of the locker and also the power struggle, it totally depends on your mistakes so as long as you don't make mistakes you will be fine.

    But if they prepare an entire build for a power struggle, you can just leave them on the ground

    Play smart and don't rely on perks

  • OneAutmLeaf
    OneAutmLeaf Member Posts: 102

    While I do agree head on has good counter play it also dosent when ppl sit lockers and use it to stop you from chasing a injured or death hook survivor. it can be abused very easily on indoor maps sadly, and Yeah pick someone up with spirit fury enduring the power struggle stun is long asf still.

  • OneAutmLeaf
    OneAutmLeaf Member Posts: 102

    um...no thats just no true like at all.... have you run against a swf with power struggle builds or head on builds? it is no mediocre at all....if it was ppl wouldnt be abusing it in a swf

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,491

    And how often do you go against that swf? Not too often but the emotional impact it has on you is more memorable compared to all the solos you go against lol + it's good for the killer if they keep wasting time trying to get stuns instead of doing gens. Also balancing perks around potential swfs is a bad idea.

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    Why do u even need enduring for this terrible perk that needs 2 other perks to work😂


  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,491
    edited September 2023

    This is what I was talking about when I said they don't even work most of the time LOL! Power Struggle always does this and you end up bringing 2 or more perks for nothing. Also Power Struggle sometimes drops you next to the killer instead of the other side of the pallet which means if Enduring worked like how OP wants you could just M1 them immediately before they get to vault to the other side again.

  • Boons123
    Boons123 Member Posts: 970

    This is why you shouldn't play as Élodie if you want to get any value out of the "power struggle."

  • OneAutmLeaf
    OneAutmLeaf Member Posts: 102
    edited September 2023

    i run into a power struggle build every other game.... I never see more then 2 games without it, never said to balance a perk around swfs, now your just putting words in my mouth, the perk is good even in solo q and can be easily abused, know your going to get down let yourself be downed under pallet then get free power struggle escape, idk how ppl dont understand how much of a crutch power struggle is to lean on for bad survivors on maps chalk full of pallets.

    and yeah ppl normally run it with flip flop or unbreakable and get value from it, go run a power struggle build and go to meat packing plant and see how easy you have it.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,491

    Sorry but I really doubt you go against Power Struggle every other game. I have 3.4k~ hours in this game and play Killer regularly. I can count how many times someone brought and got value from Power Struggle against me with one hand. Also perk pickrate is around %1~ on NightLight so it's not likely you keep going against it as often as you claim. If survivor made it apparent they have this perk the solution is to just slug if they're under a pallet and they don't get to use it or make sure you don't down them near a pallet or even if you did pick them up immediately. There are so many counterplays. Simple.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

    I'm kinda conflicted on this one. For consistency's sake, it would make sense. However, the amount of setup/specific circumstances needed to trigger these perks makes me feel they should be guaranteed to give good value if you pull them off.

  • OneAutmLeaf
    OneAutmLeaf Member Posts: 102

    I mean power struggle dosent really need good setup, if you running a power struggle build just go down on the pallet and you get away for free, and head on when ppl sit in a locker for 5 mins till you walk by and stun you out of chase it wasnt really setup it was more hte map is so tight you couldnt avoid it

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    There was a time when I myself suffered from the abuse of power struggles.

    But since he was actually camp to pallet, I realized that just because the murderer was watching, it didn't mean the murderer was camping to he.

    Watching all the time is a fool's errand that wastes time and causes you to lose the game, but watching occasionally gives you a chance to snipe those who come to your rescue.

    Recently, more and more killers are building slug farming factories to accommodate AFC.

    Why not give it a try?

  • OneAutmLeaf
    OneAutmLeaf Member Posts: 102

    ah so bc you have 3-4k hours in game my experience is voided, got it

    there is no way your using nightlight as a argument.... that literally only takes statistics for ppl that have nightlight installed dude. that doesn't account for all the pc players without it and all the console players that doesn't even make sense to bring up nightlight like any of its statistics even matter.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

    Going down on the pallet only gets you an escape if you're also running flip-flop. At that point you're dedicating half your build to it, and it can still be countered by the killer picking you up immediately.

    And people definitely do not just sit in a locker until you happen by. There is teamwork and coordination involved there. There are people going "Hey, are you in that building I'm running the killer to?" "Yeah, I'll get in a locker, try to lead him to the spot I'm at." Or at the very least, a solo queue is seeing someone in a chase, hearing a terror radius and then hiding in a locker. Running head on while solo queueing is a huge gamble anyways too.

  • OneAutmLeaf
    OneAutmLeaf Member Posts: 102

    if they are running a full power struggle build they get the proc even if you pick up instantly. ppl run

    Flip Flop


    Boil Over

    Power Struggle,

    you down them and while stuck in the animation they get to the needed 15% and instantly drop it on you, you legit cant insta pick up against a full power struggle build and they play always near pallets, its like boil over players constantly going to 2nd floor to get downed you cant counter that bs half the time

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,491

    NightLight is a pretty accurate source when it comes to pickrates of perks believe it or not. You'll see top picked perks are very true. I brought it up because you're claiming you're going against power struggle almost every match... instead of admitting you probably went against a SWF that made you have a bad impression of this perk and triggered you to make this discussion.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 711

    enduring has no effect while carrying a survivor, so power struggle doesnt count. even though it really should lol.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,491
    edited September 2023

    That's not true? Flip flop gives you %50 worth of your recovery as wiggle progress and PS needs %15 of progress under a pallet to work which means for what you just described to be real they would have to magically gain %30 percent recovery on the spot when downed. So you claiming you can't even pick them up immediately after they're downed is factually incorrect.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 711

    Nightlight is accurate. Maybe not down to the percent, but the general placement of perks will be accurate. i.e. WoO having a 30% pickrate might not be perfectly accurate, but it shows that WoO is easily one of the most popular perks appearing multiple times a game which is true.