Blight broken and not nerfed for 3 years...



  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,215

    I think a problem arises when you combine double speed with the hugtech in a loop - the survivor basically can't do much.

  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699

    Consider the following: run towards the Blight and let him slide past you and disorient himself.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    This is such a huge misconception. Double speed blight going for a hug tech is the most recognizable thing in the game. Know what you do? Either LEAVE THE LOOP or SWING OUT WIDE. It’s that easy.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Yea… with 2k+ hours on blight alone, I know what I’m talking about when it comes to his counterplay. The hug T requires you to look down, and it is easy to recognize when it is happening from the survivor perspective, ESPECIALLY if they are trying to build speed. The WORST thing you can do is sit there and wait to react, which is what most survivors do. Leave the loop as soon as you see the setup for it.

    If you are just going to respond like this, gonna stop the conversation here. No point in continuing if you are just be ignorant about it.

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,215

    Well, thanks everyone for your input. I think there is nothing more I've got to say on this topic. I feel like BHVR's gonna do nothing about this though :'), and we'll just keep getting matches where someone gets downed rapidly fast, and starts killing themself on hook, followed by the rest doing the same. It's the easiest way out of misery, after all.

  • ProHillbillyMain
    ProHillbillyMain Member Posts: 133
    edited September 2023

    Once again you ignored what I said, what kind of counterplay is leaving the loop when all you need is 2 rushes to perform it and then get to a survivor with the other 3, it creates lose to lose situation literally.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    ehm. Shoulder flick? Either the blight is new, or he will get you 100% of times.

    Leave the loop? Against double speed? So you are in the open after his next bump? That's 100% hit for any reasonable blight. Going wide - you won't make it in time. Shoulder flick exists and double speed is just too quick for you to make enough distance (Reasonable blight would 2-3x hit obstacle 4th go for a hit and 5th goes for correction if needed).

    No it's not. 40% increase speed (or even 50% for last hit) is something NO OTHER KILLER has. Take Oni - he has laughable 21% at most - for a power he does not have all the time (him being M1 killer for a considerable time). It's absolutely bonkers. There's very little you can do but hope blight will screw up. I still don't get why it's something so strong in basekit that needs addons like these and Freddy/Billy/Demo that would actually benefit from such a powerful addons have basically none in comparison.

  • ProHillbillyMain
    ProHillbillyMain Member Posts: 133

    It's actually 40%, because the first rush does not increase your movement speed.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    Ok. That's something and my mistake. But still... 40 freaking % quicker. That's more then anyone else can have

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Yes. The best survivors leave the loop as soon as they recognize a hug tech and put another obstacle in between them. Only very experienced blight’s will react properly to this, and nobody here is facing top blight’s over and over. Some tiles won’t even allow you to react to them leaving the tile because of surrounding obstacles. It’s all about game sense.

    Hug tech takes away blight’s view of the survivor momentarily. Leave during this time. And put more objects between yourself and the blight. Yes, going wide is an option for many hug techs AND is also the best counter for flicking around corners. A hug T requires a flick of the camera to slide around many of the tiles, already committing some of your turn angle to the inside, not allowing the blight to fully flick back out if you run it wide.

    I’m telling you, it works.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285
    edited September 2023

    Oh it works only on basic blights. Double speed guarantees you will not make it to next loop in time (provided you don't make him miss - in which case you can move during his CD). If he has 1 speed or just vial, then sure. If loops are very well connected, then it also works. Otherwise there's no chance.

    Again. Good blight will J-flick if you try to run at him. He will basically hit you every time when just going around obstacles. The only thing that is actually working is going behind the corner and running back widely just as he reaches corner if he does not expect it as this hides you for just long enough for blight to actually run far away enough to not be able to flick back. This requires sharp turn and you having enough time to get behind it and back and killer not expecting it (meaning it will work 1 or 2 times) - but him expecting it opens other possibilities (that are at best 50:50 and at worst about as good as 360)

  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699

    How do you shoulder flick a hug tech? Do you even know what a shoulder flick is?

    J flick has been patched out for years now. And even J-flick could be outplayed by going wide. Blight had no correction when J-flicking.

  • OneAutmLeaf
    OneAutmLeaf Member Posts: 102

    I mean if you know how to loop correctly blight really isnt that big of a deal to go against. and hug tech only works if your stupid enough to walk in a straight line against blight. on maps like leerys and even midwich at times he is utterly useless.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    I didn't mean shoulder flick during hug tech. That indeed is not possible because of where blight is looking. I was talking about trying to leave the loop or outplay it when you stay and blight is just "going at it as tightly as possible" without hug-teching (which is a lot of time enough as he can flick so you need to be quite a distance from him to not get hit).

    There's just too few options if blight has super speed from stacked speed addons. He's perfectly fine when he has just 1 speed or some other addons (provided he does not have just 1 speed, because say alchemist ring).

  • If you ask me, I only use it because the majority of other killers are unattractive. They are one of the few killers that are fun to play with and to confront as a survivor.

    If they are going to fix him, they will first adjust the obscure hitboxes on all the maps. I'm not holding my breath though, as in some cases, like Red Forest, reworking it makes it even worse: ......

  • pizzavessel15
    pizzavessel15 Member Posts: 534

    blight is fine. the addons arent. bhvr have said hes on their list

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    YES. Nurse and spirit are absolutely dead. Both of them F-tier /s

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Dpi literally does nothing for blight. I'm sorry otz said it one time but dpi has 0 affect on the killer.

    Base kit blight is the most fair, skillful and interactive killer you can face period. Any hug tech is only beneficial for blight at filler tiles or tiles without collision on 1+ sides. Rush mitigation is another benefit though.

    Yes, the add-ons are broken. A killer being able to obtain a potential 400% increase in downing power is absurd(although not consistent with the 400% add-on set).

    The middle ground you speak of is gutting several of his add-ons. Not nerfing his base-kit which is easily the most interactive killer in the game, or his hug tech which is only beneficial in niche scenarios, killer sided tiles from an m1 PoV or a rush mitigation standpoint which is the only valid one.

    People already love playing vs blight when he is fair, it's just not often you see one not running the op add-ons. Although I do get it, green speed/ alch ring is peak fun in dbd on the killer role, until you realize how unfair it is the face at current dbd.

    I will say is that blight has the most varied counter play in the game by far, it's just so knowledge and scenario based it's asking too much from 99% of the player base, although there are the scenarios with no real counterplay vs blight, it's just there's much more counter than most people know of. What people like about nurse is how different playing each tile is, it's the same with blight. Very few blights are actually good and knowledgeable to a high degree, in order to abuse all facets of this killer you much know everything those few know. Again, unreasonable to ask but still an argument. I implode when a survivor plutos me while playing blight as it's so rare to see even though it's so simple. It might always be at shack because that's all the content creators show but it's still impressive for even good survivors. But with immense knowledge of blight as a survivor you can take it a step further and pluto at any piece of collision you deem consistent enough to use.

    You don't see insane wiggles/spins/ spins-into-wiggles or vice versa against blight ever, just mediocre ones. But almost every blight will fall for those initially when the survivor is out of options. The movement that means nothing vs m1 killers is finally put to use, survivors who try to perfect movement should be so happy to see the majority of blights. Just watched a hens video as he spectated a wall hacking 9k hour blight and that blight still didn't shoulder flick often, the blights you see in pubs won't do it commonly.

    You simply can't put nurse and blight on the same pedestal, as blight has an add-on problem and nurse has a power problem. Only one of those things will likely be fixed by bhvr though.

    Take away the busted add-ons that make randoms play the killer, that's fine. Take away speed and/or the hug tech, you reduce both the skill ceiling and the interactivity of a killer far above any other in either regard. f

  • ProHillbillyMain
    ProHillbillyMain Member Posts: 133

    Well Nurse no longer is as oppressive as she used to be thanks to double recharge / range addons not existing, meaning now when she misses her 2 blinks you have enough distance and spirit is strong but balanced.

    But blight? Nah, 4.6, oppressive power and one of the best mobilities and best addons.

  • Justa335i
    Justa335i Member Posts: 223

    Eh, its just his addons that need to be gutted.

  • 9000OniMain
    9000OniMain Member Posts: 14
    edited September 2023

    I think with blight the higher the prestige the less add ons you can use so atleast its still learner friendly for the new players but p100's etc cant use the ring add on and more op ones

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285
    edited September 2023

    agreed on all points. I would just repeat myself, that I 100% agree basekit blight (even with hug tech) is perfectly fine the way he is. He just needs his 5 OP addons reigned down and he's fine (where double speed is problem only for the fact that they are stacking. Looking at picture above - iri tag and C21 are fine too even though they are strong addons).