DBD is slightly killer sided (and that's great!)

When I say the game is killer sided, I mean specifically at average levels of play. Average kill rates are 53% according to nightlight, meaning killers have a 6 percentage point advantage over survivors on average.

That's great, IMO. As a survivor player I'd even prefer slightly more killer buffs to make escapes slightly more difficult - I like playing the underdog role, which solo queue survivor certainly is, and if the devs want to get back to the ~60% kill rate they've previously stated as their ideal, I have no objections. IMO the ideal DBD is one that is slightly-to-moderately killer sided.

I'll admit, at the absolute top level, with players making the fewest mistakes a player can reasonably be expected to make, the game is survivor sided, where most matches where the survivors are truly sweating they'll win, barring some very specific killer- and map-specific circumstances. Unfortunately it'd be impossible to balance the game for that without making the game unacceptably killer-sided in the average (think 90% kill rates or higher), but there's only a couple dozen survivor players capable of that level of play, so in a game with something like 100k daily players it's acceptable to balance primarily for everyone else.

