Has pc survivors faster vaulting?

As console killer I feel cheated too often when playing agains't pc survivors. They can 360s and deny your hit which would never happen to pc killer... But not only that their vaulting seems faster too.
Me and my brother have been wondering that a lot. We often get hit as survivor when vaulting and some of them seem very questionable hits but when we play killer only perfectly timed hits seem to work agains't pc survivors when they vault. Console survivors on the other hand are lot easier to hit and they can't do crazy spins either.
Best Answers
Well duh, pc is the master race. Of course our vaults are faster. 💅🏼
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The short answer is no, the platform you play on doesn't affect your vaults. Things like that need to be the same across every platform otherwise cross-play wouldn't work.
The longer answer is: Things look different when you're playing Killer than when you're playing Survivor. No matter how good your connection is, it takes time for data to travel from your console and around the world to another person's device. This means you see other people slightly behind where they actually are. In DBD, since Survivors are always running away from the Killer, this typically means that a Survivor sees the Killer further away than they really are, and the Killer sees the Survivor closer than they really are.
The reason why you get hit through a window more as a Survivor isn't because your vaults are different, it's because you're noticing the latency (time it takes for data to get from your console to the other person's). To the Killer, that was a super close hit that they just barely got. When you hit people at a window as the Killer, it looks the same way to them - they might be further from the window than they look on your screen.
We have some tricks in place to minimize that difference in what both people see, but sadly it's not something we can ever remove entirely. It will always take time for data to physically travel around the world.
Nah just a skill issue also resillience.
Who would have thought the that the people limiting their selves with a controller is easier to hit lol
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i swung at someone in the basement and the auto adjustment swing had me aim towards the survivor upstairs instead of the one right infront of me. don't tell me pc players dont get cheated. Yes I was forced to spin 90 degrees and towards the damn ceiling instead of right infront of me.
how this is still a thing is beyond me.
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I'm sorry but quite literally everything here is a skill issue. Yes I'm on PC, but even with a controller I have yet to be spun. Something to keep in mind as well is I don't use controllers ever, I only do so to challenge myself and even then 360's are no problem.
As for PC Survivors vaulting faster, its probably just some one running Resilience
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it's not about the controller. it's the frames
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Certainly it is same thing to use one finger for aiming instead whole hand... In all shooting games you never see controller players completing because they just can't. They have to be much more skilled to do same thing than on pc. K+M is superior.
My friend plays on pc and never misses a hit but on controller it was painful to watch him try to get hit. He used to be console player. He said it so much harder how anyone can play like this.
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Some pc survivors know how to cheat the autoaim to make console player miss a hit. I think it because they can spin even faster than the normal movement speed.
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Its not the same no, but for a game like this you don't really need precise aiming. Getting spun is purely a skill issue
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How then it's never pc killers who get spinned... That precise aim is big advantage.
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Even then I've seen thousands of console killers not get spun and do just fine for the most part. Now am I saying console players aren't at a disadvantage? No, they obviously don't have the precision M&K provides and some killers like Slinger or Trickster are a nightmare to play. But to simply get a normal M1? If you have an issue with that its purely a skill issue. Plain and simple
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Ive spun many PC killers as well, and its usually because they're inexperienced.
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you can outskill the hardware/software disadvantage. yes. still there.
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What do you mean by chosing to limit themselves with a controller? Us consolers have no choice with DBD but to use a controller.
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Some "aim dressing" instances are absolutely so bad all you can do is laugh.
Most of OPs issues are skill based, and auto aim nonsense is present on all platforms, but it is absolutely worse on console (I have both a PSN and Steam account and can personally attest to this). And the lack of controller optimization on console is also a limiting factor.
But as others have said here, you can mitigate these to a large degree by playing a lot learning how to play around them, and just plain old getting better at the game.
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I never said chose so I don't know where you got that from? Me stating that you're limiting yourselves with a controller is true though.
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How is it limiting if we have no option but to use a controller for DBD?
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How is it not limiting? Whether you use a console or not is irrelevant. You're in fact limited by using a controller.
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Ahhh I thought you were talking about the consoles themselves.
I do wish they'd either add M&K support or provide way more setting options for the controllers. Preferably both, but for like six years it's been neither. Playing as a suve it's ok, but so many killers cannot be played anywhere near their full potential with a controller.
If you're on PC I'd recommend borrowing a friend's PS4 or whatever and try some of the killers out. See what it's like for us console killers! 😕