3 Knight QoL improvements

So I play a LOT of knight, and I think there are some things on him that could *really* use some touching up to make him feel a little better to play.
1. Map of the Realm should be base kit. Map of the realm opens up a variety of different playstyles for knight, like using guards mid chase outside of just placing them at your current loop and forcing the survivors away from it, using them to sweep an area for survivors, and just generally allowing them to be more effective at the more interactive playstyles knight offers. Playing the knight without map of the realm feels incredibly bad, and essentially forces the knight player to choose between using map of the realm over another addon, or only being able to use their power to patrol generators and putting guards at loops to shut them down.
Two ideas I'd propose for map of the realm since it would now be base kit are "guard movement speed is increased by 2%/3% during a hunt" or "Reveals the aura of hunted survivors for the duration of the hunt." Or you could just make the number smaller of that would work better.
2. Guard AI needs slight improvements. Guards are mostly effective at what they do, but a number of times I've seen them run completely past the survivor they're hunting because they're trying to run around a dropped pallet and the survivor just runs past them while they do so is unfortunate. This can also happen with little to no explaination at all, causing what would have been scenarios where the guard should have hit a misplaying survivor into a free escape from the hunt.
3. Call to Arms should also be base kit, but not as much as map of the realm. Call to Arms is another addon that often feels like a necessity on Knight. While not as completely necessary, Call to Arms is another case where it feels like other options aren't worth it when the base range of summoning guards is a tad lackluster. There are a lot of situations without it where you find yourself saying "if only I could have summoned that guard slightly sooner" and I think that a 5 meter buff to the base summoning range would be a good change.
I think these small quality of life changes would help enable and encourage knight to play in ways that the community finds more fun instead of actively punishing him for trying not to 3 gen or play loops in a way that is unfun for both parties.
I'm afraid they might not tweak him much because of how controversial of a character he will be again if he excels in something. Being an AI killer has always made people dislike him, feel boring to play against and most people don't find him interesting to play as either. At this point I'd expect him to get the Skull Merchant rework treatment at any point in the near future since his design is too flawed and how the AI works in general in this game is pretty questionable (they should have stopped once they released Nemesis and the zombies to this day don't work properly).
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I personally don't think knight’s design is actually fundamentally flawed, just held back by a couple of bad balancing decisions. I have ideas for a minor rework, but I wanted to suggest some smaller tweaks for the time being since I doubt knight is at the front of the rework list. (The main rework idea I had was that the standards could be grabbed by any survivor, and grabbing the standard would end the hunt as well as reward the survivor with a magic sheild that could block guard attacks for when they find themselves in a 2v1 chase with no backup.)
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I think maybe a minor rework might be in order, but I'd hate to see the ai guards be removed from knight’s power since that's a big reason I love him so much in the first place. I think the small tweaks I proposed would do a lot for making him less controversial by making him better at doing things that are more interesting to play against so knight isn't punished for not playing in a way people find unfun
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Will see, I really hope they do something with him at some point because sadly I find him rock bottom in terms of fun for both playing as him and against him. Most things in this game get problematic when something that had not the purpose to do what does, it's found to be extremely powerful in something that was not thought about (if that makes sense?). So they have to be really careful especially with Knight because of the AI issue.