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We're going on 5 months that MFT is still unchanged

5 months that this garbage perk is still in the game, unchanged, gifting survivors everywhere a free 3% haste effortlessly. How much longer?


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  • Member Posts: 6,564

    They said they are gonna change it. So at least we know they know the problem. But we all know how slow they are.

  • Member Posts: 249

    WoO is also very heavily used by survivor players yet it's not really a problematic perk. The meta keeps getting shot down so you have to use something. Sloppy butcher seems to be killer meta and I don't see a reason to change that perk

  • Member Posts: 391

    Survivors don't have anything overpowered and nullify killers. How about when survivors have perfect mindgames but killers get a little reaching hand from nowhere that says "I am sorry poor killer you seem to be having a hard time since the survivor is so much better than you, here's a little speed boost (bloodlust) to nullify survivor skill and get rewarded with a down"

    I'm sure you have nothing to say about that.

  • Member Posts: 249

    Bruh if you made the typo don't act like it's out of the question to be mistaken 🤣 moving on to your other points. It sounds like survivors put useful combos to use and that's what you have the issue with. I have been enjoying the stake out/fogwise combo since it gives me awareness of the killer when applicable but can be countered easily by fearmonger and stealth killers. My point being you have counterplay. Also you seem to be using examples exclusively from a vs swf mindset and while I agree that swf is really unfair most of the time it can't be the basis for how the game is balanced. MFT can be reduced by not slugging and if you see that they are forcing an endurance hit in play then you have the option of either tunneling the endurance hit for the down or moving on. Yes I know that many will say "killer can't do this" but in reality you are able to. Some slight pressure on the gens will really keeps survivors off that area. It's not as busy as as you think but I do agree that the endurance effect either needs to be removed or reworked. Having a little extra speed is not a bad thing unless hope is in play during the end game which from what I've seen only makes killers mad since it counters NOED and you can't just get a free down and kill. If you see this in play then either go for someone else and in the event of a swf just loosen up and chase them out (they tend to annoyingly wait at the gate) and move on to the next game. Nerfing is not needed just because you personally can't deal with something as plenty of killers have risen above and killed the MFT survivor many a time

  • Member Posts: 391

    That is so silly. You really think maps are a problem when half of them have huge wide open deadzones that looks like a prairie?

    I didn't say bloodlusting every time because I'm not ever seeing killers have any difficult time whatsoever. But on the one-off chance a survivor outplays the killer for a slightly longer amount of time, then there is an actual mechanic that rewards the killer for being worse skill-wise. Imagine playing another game with "MMR" and you missed the opponent a few times and then the game aims for you and you win because you are just bad at the game? Yeah, that is WRONG!

    Stop inventing excuses for something being unfair and negating skill in a game.

    What kind of band-aid fix was Blight supposed to solve then?

  • Member Posts: 249

    If it's a typo then it's clearly not what I thought you meant but sure I'm the one "hyperfocusing"

    Would the top tier killer at play be otz? No offense and he's a really good player but he also seems like he's biased and easily angered by the mechanics of the game. MFT has some baggage sure but it's not nearly as bad as old dh or even the really old ds that literally granted free escapes for no other reason other than getting off the hook. You act as if killers don't already know the countdown tick to get past endurance. Happens all the time off hook and MFT doesn't protect you from window/generator grabs. Ds does so maybe someone can synergize those for some plays but I personally don't see the point in that. Yes I agree that the endurance should only affect one survivor at a time but it's not nearly as busted by itself as many are saying. Extra speed? Use your base bloodlust to get past that and don't break any pallets and force respect on said pallets. If you see an infinite coming then head for the next one. Dbd is not a game to be this competitive and technical over as by design it is extremely unfair in most cases. Killers cant take a 4 man sweat squad nor can survivors take on a p100 blight that has every corner of every map memorized. MFT is supposed to affect those type of killers and it sucks that everyone else has to take the fall for it but there is little to no counterplay at high levels and unfortunately, this is where the devs see the need to balance. Casuals are left to their own devices. It's not "lacking counterargument" by not agreeing with you :)

  • Member Posts: 291
    edited September 2023


    We can't have common sense in a nerf a perk discussion.

    On a serious note, I completely agree with you that the only thing that needs removed is the endurance. The haste can be dealt with and again, they have to stay injured to get the bonus.

    Oh, and I would agree with others about it stacking with Hope, cause that is kinda insane.

  • Member Posts: 249

    You keep talking about stacks of builds like everyone has them. DH is not used. Y every single survivor that exists nor is it always topped with MFT. From what I can tell you are a p100 blight main which means you've gotten used to just getting kills for the sake of queuing in which is not a mindset to bring when trying to discuss the "health" of the games perks. Also you need to drop this mentality that dbd is a competitive game. It's incredibly luck based and unbalanced as ****. While some players have only this game to play and like to torment themselves by saying "oh I can play dbd is a "tournament" so that makes my word holy writ" that doesn't mean the rest of us have to take in your bias towards builds that counter the really unbalanced killer you choose to play. Blight needs a rework and this has been said for years so as long as he's out and about being the most busted killer (information taken from your "competitive" leaks) you can't complain about MFT. If you were making an argument for any other killer (even the nurse is more applicable) than I would be more inclined to listen but you are giving off the vibe that you personally can't deal with something so that means the rest of us should follow suit. Not a cute look.

    Also let go of the typo and don't act superior because you typed the wrong thing and didn't check yourself before posting. That's not on me

  • Member Posts: 775

    I don’t struggle with MFT because I only play strong killers like Nurse, Spirit since End Transmission.

    I am not a master or pro with killers I play but I never thought MFT is fine.

    Even I suggested the perk shouldn’t come live server without any change in PTB feedback.

    If you can deal with the users, it’s fine.

    But considering how DbD maps are awful in terms of balance and how many killers are M1 simulator without mobility, I don’t think it is hard to notice why the perk is problematic.

  • Member Posts: 524

    Im not implying they are "OP" im stating the obvious.

    Compare a Qnq+head on player vs a sprintburst / lithe / MFT player.

    Nobody is going to claim qnq+Ho is overpowered because theres a fair amount of skill required for the payout, as in, you have to pull off a good mindgame. When this combo is used i just go "damn, that was a nice play"

    Meanwhile SB/lithe/Mft bails the survivor out when the killer catches the survivor off guard / successfully zones him into a bad spot and its just : "wow... he just.... runs faster...."

    The skill required to pull off a SB/Lithe/MFT "play" is significantly lower when compared to its reward.


    Now like the other guy pointed out, distortion just outright deletes aura perks and makes a killer perkless , even IF the killer doesn't bring aura you're able to rule out a vast majority of killer perks because distortion wasn't triggered and decide to clear totems. Same applies to CS.

    DH still allows you up to 2 mistake erases. Messed up the mindgame? Got outplayed? Its all good , just press E for a free rewind.

    Adren and hope essentially guarantee a free escape just because you've reached the 80-90% mark of the match thanks to the speedboosts / free heal.

    Adren on its own encourages you to stay injured and abuse the 9% gen speed from resi , because why bother healing and waste 32 charges worth of time when you can put those charges on the gen and get a free heal?

    There's a reason these perks are meta, and it's not because they are "fair"

  • Member Posts: 1,065
    edited September 2023

    It IS a strong perk, but not as overpowered game-breakingly strong as people claim that needs to be nerfed to oblivion.

    I also agree it could have the endurance removed however.

  • Member Posts: 699

    You're making an awful lot of assumptions about me there. But that's okay.

    DBD is really not that unbalanced anymore. If this was 3-4 years ago, sure. But not so much anymore. There is actually a fair resemblance of balance in DBD, and it can be fine tuned by picking certain maps for certain killers and placing certain limits on perks/addons/items - you know - exactly what comp does.

    Do you have any arguments in defense of MFT specifically or do you just not like me personally?

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