Everyone leaving DBD!?!



  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,956

    I somewhat agree with that last part. But I must say I am not entirely convinced that that is a good idea.

    SWFs are way stronger than solo survivors. That is a known fact. Balancing around that would require further killer buffs. However, how exactly would you buff killers like Trapper, Myers, Freddy, Clown, Pig and about 15 others without making them an absolute nightmare to play against? Buff their chase potential and you basically can't do anything other than hiding from them. Buff their 1v4 and you end up in a situation similar to Skull Merchant where it is an abolute slog to play around them.

    Don't get me wrong, I'd love for solo queue to be a more enjoyable experience but this will have consequences, that might actually make the game less fun than it is now. For both sides.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    The stats don't even line up with the reality y'all are presenting that killer is too easy and that the game is being pushed in a killer centric or even high efficiency survivor play. The stats that we have been given over the years have been very consistent with a near 50/50 split of Kills and Escapes. The most "out of balance" it's ever been overall is about 60/40 which is stated as within margin for the devs are looking to see.

    Per killer stats usually have most killers around the 40-60% killrate range across all mmr. High efficiency strats are being heavily mitigated on the killer side by additional system mechanics and target killer changes. While for survivor side high efficiency somewhat discouraged through the addition of perks that encourage survivors to engage with anything other than gens. Survivors just choose to steamroll their objective though and the devs have done nothing to forcibly limit survivor efficiency the same way they are approaching killer balance.

    Killer is easier than it used to be, but that's only true for about 10 killers out of 30. Most are either slightly worse off than in the past or relatively the same as in the past. The ones who are really bad off have pretty much always been bad due to fundamental design flaws. Solo Q seems worst than it was in the past, but that is because matchmaking is worse overall and Solo Q in almost every game is bad compared to playing with a dedicated groups. The only difference is that 7 years of being propped up by unbalanced solo healing and gen efficiency has greatly affected how bad the experience actually has been this entire time.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    like to see it too wont happen because it can't happen

    I play solo I do fine and killer is not easy.

    when it come to winning in this game on killer or survivor side is random that how this game works


  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    thing makes solo hard is normally one or two survivors not playing right or troll I sometime feel survivors are better killer then the killer is.

    like I played a where I tried get my self off hook and got to 2nd stat but was still hitting the skill check because I saw someone coming well the survivor who came just kept doing the unhooking animation but not unhooking me kept doing till I die and as they did that the killer was getting everyone else

    they was anther survivor watching as it was happen I PM them they acted like I was in the wrong because I try get my self off hook

    anyway that just one but they soo many thing survivor do to other survivor that throws the game make it not fun

    survivors blocking other survivors so they killer can get them or so that survivor can't move.

    survivors who wont go for save or heal(I had a game where I heal someone and after they run away when I'm still injured or I saved everyone in the game when I finally get hooked no comes fun times)

    I had survivors open locks I'm in because they know I'm in there for some odd reason mostly to let the killer know I'm in they(and no I never hide in locks the whole time tho there survivors who do or miss skill check over and over again and going in and out of windows.

    I bet most unfair survivor death are from other survivors not the killer.

  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329

    I also have 10k hrs and i stopped playing dbd,

    and I have to disagree! Yes! dbd is NOT a comp game but also not a damn casual game! The fact that the meta was changed is ok and good... but this back and forth and lies from bhvr are simply unbearable, for example: bhvr says they don't want meta but are making new meta and even buffing perks that are already meta more, maps which no one asked for, bhvr has almost no idea about the game, but they still go their own way and don't listen to people who have a clue (thousands of hours, example: Otz, Ohtofo, TheKller etc. hours in dbd) Hit vaildation for years and much more, but what the end meant for me, the bad MM, when I queue in the solo q, then of course I want to get people in who are roughly at my level or at least people who can do gens and not die within 10 seconds... no thanks bhvr! As long as the game at least doesn't have matchmaking, I'll stay away, cs2 is very nice, we've added a new matchmaking which is really noice, unfortunately the only thing missing is content, but everything is better than the current dbd :D

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Can somebody explain me, why we are talking about a competetive ballancing? So.. just only for the pro players? Even in comp, killer gets most of the time a 4K. Feel free to watch DBDLeague.

    So no, the game is not Killer sided on regular bases, it is killer sided on all levels at this point.

    So lets talk about Made for this!

  • patronsaintofpizza
    patronsaintofpizza Member Posts: 127

    Lot of folks saying that killers are tunneling a lot more nowadays. I personally haven’t noticed it being much different than years past when I play solo queue. But if this is truly happening, then I think killers are tunneling a lot more and tunneling earlier in matches because of the regression perk nerfs BHVR did after SM released. Players don’t really have any good perks now to slow down gen progress, so they just resort to tunneling early and often. You can scream get good at folks, but no one wants to practice thousands of hours to become good at killer, so they will take the easiest route to win. Before, they could’ve used meta slowdown builds. Now they just tunnel. Which is worse?

    But if there really is a large amount of people quitting, I think it’s mainly because the game is getting stale, and BHVR really needs to come up with new gameplay modes. I personally don’t play as much anymore because the game has just gotten so repetitive, both on killer and survivor. I was so hopeful that Xeno would renew my love of the game, but sadly, it just feels like more of the same.

  • Chaosrider
    Chaosrider Member Posts: 489

    Nah, i could show you some guy having over 14k hours and still struggling though being killer main for years. some people are just bad, and thats the main part of this playerbase. And esp the killer community is fast on whining about anything that doesnt guarantee an easy 4k.

  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 451

    That's roughly 8 matches a day if we assume 100 contributors.

    Going off SteamCharts alone, DBD has at least 50k active players. And this doesn't count epic or other platforms.

    So yes, "like 20 players". Or in other words, a drop in a bucket.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    bhvr says they don't want meta but are making new meta 

    can you link me the source where they said they don’t want meta please? That for sure is a big lie if true!

    maps which no one asked for

    what do you mean with that? People are pretty much always asking for new maps.. and if you mean map reworks - those are even more asked for especially the ones we get

    (now I would agree if you said BHVR makes new maps/map reworks unbalanced/frustrating that I would agree with)

  • sickdeathfiend
    sickdeathfiend Member Posts: 156

    We don't need voice chat, although I think it's very amusing with proximity chat for anyone who played Friday the 13th it was wild, but I think DBD needs a communication wheel like Evil Dead the game has.

  • HamsterEnjoyer
    HamsterEnjoyer Member Posts: 786

    Theres a lot of reasons why I play this game barely even once a week now

    1. Toxicity - My number one reason. Every killer tunnel camps and head nods while every survivor just tea bags and flashlight clicks it makes losing feel so painful to the point I hate even trying out new killers. I havent touched Xeno outside of 2 games because they're just so insanely unfun since unless I can 4k I just know the survivors will treat me like trash
    2. Killer nerfs - They've nerfed every single killer I enjoy to the point of making them trash. Skull Merchant, Hag, Spirit, no killers are around atm that I find fun and the ones I find fun are weak as hell which I wouldn't mind if Reason 1 didn't exist.
    3. Aesthetic - Nothing in DBD has been interesting to me. I like to be immersed and sometimes when Im in the mood I like creating stories in my head. I LOVE TCM for this very reason its very easy to immerse yourself in it and play it like a horror movie but DBD its near impossible to do so because the game revolves around silly chase + the maps are hideous and unimmersive.
    4. Lack of interesting content - I hate sci fi horror. Truly. Its not horror to me and its boring as hell that coupled with how UGLY all the sci fi chapters we've been getting are (Toba landing, Nostromo crash site, and really the entire End Of Transmission chapter tbh)
  • HamsterEnjoyer
    HamsterEnjoyer Member Posts: 786

    I wanna add this. Spirit isn't bad per say. Solid B-A tier but i can't practice with the new Spirit because if I try I lose and in other games this is fine but in DBD its so painful because EVERY opponent rubs salt in the wounds no matter how you play.

  • mecca
    mecca Member Posts: 392

    If you played both sides and watch both sides play it is pretty clear, very clear that survivors are weaker (killers overpowered).

    How do you explain killers having huge winstreaks? Survivors can't do that.

    Experienced survivors really can't do much because experienced killers slaughter them with no contest.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,142
    edited October 2023

    I haven't noticed an increase in tunnelling either, but if there is one it's not because of gen regression nerfs. We had several months of the gen kick meta (Eruption - CoB - Overcharge etc) and tunnelling was still one of the biggest complaints from survivors during that time. I've played for a few years now and while I'm not bothered by tunnelling, it has *always* been one of the bigger complaints I've seen from players. The gen kick meta, arguably the easiest time killers have had in this game with regard to halting gen speeds, did not stop tunnelling at all.

  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329

    no Matchmaking! simply, dbd is the only game I know (that is famous) and it has such bad matchmaking that anything is possible, look: whether you believe me (I have 10k+ hrs in dbd) or not, I don't care :D But if the game had matchmaking, all killers who do a lot of kills would eventually reach a real high mmr and meet people who hit them so hard against the wall that they only play Nurse, Blight, because otherwise they have no chance, but the win -streaks are ONLY possible because dbd doesn't have matchmaking, it's also logical thinking, because if it had matchmaking, it wouldn't be possible because you often get good opponents, the priority for bhvr is: short queues over longer waits but quality games

    the proof that the killers make a high win streak is not = killer is op

    One question: why don't we say (according to bhvrs stats) Plague, Dreadge and Wesker are better than Nurse and Blight, because why else do they have a higher win rate-kill rate? "That can only be because the three and other killers are much stronger than Nurse, Blight" no! of course not! someone who has no idea about the game would go by the stats and, which is understandable, would follow them, but the reality is that Nurse alone would be better than a killer who would have Wesker's dash + Plagues infaktion + Dreadges loose ports, the killer would have everything, but not at all because he would still be stopped by pallets :)) Not Nurse!

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324

    People might have just gone to play other games until new updates come to DBD. Same happened to me. I still play DBD, mostly survivor and i'm having ok games in soloQ. I've taken the attitude that you cannot escape 100% and its fine.

    New games came out lately too which might be the reason that playerbase went down. TCM, Cyberpunk got a DLC, Starfield, Mortal Combat. I myself am enjoying Cyberpunk atm and other RPGs :)

  • Gylfie
    Gylfie Member Posts: 646

    I quit the game not because I didn't enjoy it anymore but because the rift takes too much commitment for me to complete and being the perfectionist that I am, I can't play the game a little bit knowing that I won't complete the rift. It's all or nothing, sadly.

    Having quit though, I must say it's refreshing how much time has freed up, which allows me to enjoy other games I never had the time for.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited October 2023

    I am not sure what you are saying here, but if i understand you right, the matchmaking is bad because killer only run into bad survivors. Or a group with survivors with one or two weaklings, right? Or am i misunderstand this?

    If this is true, this would not explain 200+ wins in a row (at this point with more or less any killer) by any means. Assuming, that 200 games in a row is full of bad survivors on the highest MMR is extremly unlikely - i would even say impossible. While you might say that it is true, it is just a different form of saying "Get good, survivors" or "killer are the superior players".

    The next thing is the comp scene. I am following this quite a bit and i know the rules. There are some restrictions to comp, for both sides equaly, but i have noticed, that even on comp, killer is way above average killrate. 3 kills on average seems to be very realistic. I might be wrong and i may do some statistics for that, but from what i have seen during the whole season, killer have the clear upper hand.

    To top this all off: The record on any comp team is 200 games in pubic matches (3 escapes). And the best comp teams had games against top tier killer with no restriction and lost.

    Post edited by xEa on
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Comp szene has usually high restrictions for survivors. Like no repeated perks. Meanwhile killers usually camp and tunnel hard in comp matches. I wonder how those comp matches would go if every survivor could take perks without restrictions and killers would be "forced" to not tunnel/camp.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I am not denying the correct fact you came up. In comp camping and tunneling is standard. Besides the Blight (Alchemist Ring and Compound just rolls over every team) and Nurse games, camping is mandatory.

    But camping and tunneling is also not uncoming besides those tryhard matches, right? When we assume the killer is not camping and tunneling, we would ballance around the mercy of the killer. That might be in fact the case that many killers play nice in public, still - they manage to win even by that a large portion of games.

  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329

    really ? is that so? omg :O then let's quickly forget that Otz used to be "op" as survivors and were much stronger than the killers, but Otz the beast still managed a 100+ 4k streak with Plague and many other 50+ streaks, btw In the past, people didn't do streaks, Otz was one of the few, which is why there are a lot more of them these days, plus Otz, with his current level of knowledge, would also be able to do a 1k streak sooner (because he is of course much more experienced than he used to be), Question: are Otz's 100+ streaks worth less because they were earlier? Didn't he do that at a time when DH for distenc, DS 5sec, Med kits were op, IW (100%), Spine Chill (all stealth things were aniled) + Resillianc, exsested? Many builds in the "red ranks" looked like this: DH+IW+SpineChill+Resil, against swf 4x gl :)), but Otz the Beast still managed a 100+ 4k streak

    Now its your turn! what was the matter this time? Killer was already op back then? or cause in that time, there was no “MMR” in? tell me, or that all happen, cause there is no matchmaking in dbd,

    The only time when the streaks didn't exist was when MMR was freshly made, there weren't that many bad players in the pool, neither Otz or any pRo comp player tried it, that was also the best time for that Personally, a lot of "comp" Nurse and Blight players, we often won or drew against them & I played crossplay off with other comp players against comp killer for years... also I've played against more comp players than you've looked at comp games, so I can tell if your great "comp pros "If you lose to a killer other than Nurse, Blight, Spirit, then I'm sorry to tell you this, but they're just bad! :/ And just because someone calls themselves a comp player doesn't mean they're good, but that's the sad reality for you, how do you become a comp player? you have friends, you make a team and sign up for tournaments, BOOM! Congratulations you are a good player! According to your definition, trust me, most comp players are not so good as you think, ofc there are very good players in the comp scene, but most realy good players, you don't hear much from them caus most of them don't stream and the people you see on the internet are just people who are with Play with friends, there are also many good players who neither stream nor play comp

  • Shirtless_Myers
    Shirtless_Myers Member Posts: 383

    The game isn't fun at all. They haven't addressed blatant issues with the game for years. The balance is nightmarishly one-sided in most games as they allow problem killers, perks, and add-ons to exist untouched for years to sell DLC. Anything in S tier should be nerfed down to A tier. To add to that, the game is just blatantly boring on the survivor side. The majority of survivors in solo-queue play worse than bots. They're nothing more than skins with little reason to exist outside of cosmetic variety.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited October 2023

    MMR makes a difference, so yes - if you are up against random people as it used to be, it was more likely to get a 4K. Obviously.

    Because MMR is in play, 4K or win streaks should actually be now harder then it used to be. The opposite is the case. Talking about a 50 or 100 wins in a row from a kaliber like Otz on killer in the past - now every random dude apparently can pull this of.

    While it should be harder to pull those streaks off as mentioned, we see now 200, 500 or even 1000 wins in a row on killer. Logically speaking, this can only mean 1 thing.

    It became more easy to do for killer. Interestingly enough, Survivor streakes peaked years ago.

    And no, your statement that in the past people did not try streakes is simply wrong. Unless we are talking 2016.

    Or am i missing somthing?

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    You play Killer without perks regularly and win almost all your matches? I have significant doubts about this. Probably one the few who do since this forum is mostly a pro-Survivor echo chamber with plenty of cognitive dissonance in the air.

    Makes me think of a neon-hair Nea behind a Trapper mask saying how easy Killer is.

  • Dogma_loki
    Dogma_loki Member Posts: 436

    You new here or just gas lighting?

    The vast majority of people posting here are killers.

    Don't believe me? Go look at how many "NERF MFT NOW OMG" posts there have been since its release. Before that is was COH and DH for years.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
  • patronsaintofpizza
    patronsaintofpizza Member Posts: 127

    Yeah, any time I see these “Omg killer is so easy. I get 4ks every match while blindfolded!!” I just straight up assume they’re lying. It’s the internet, so unless you’ve got receipts, I don’t believe you.

    And if they are telling the truth, they are a survivor main who plays killer once a year and goes against baby survivors.

  • patronsaintofpizza
    patronsaintofpizza Member Posts: 127

    The majority of the player base consists of survivors, so, yes it’s safe to assume most of the people in the forum are people who mostly just play survivor.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I can provide you with the meme you are searching for.

    Btw, i really find it ironic, how everyone instantly started to bash you, for claiming the forum is a survivor echo chamber and thus proved your point.

  • patronsaintofpizza
    patronsaintofpizza Member Posts: 127

    Lol. “You are wrong but I’m not going to provide any substantive evidence as to why.”

  • patronsaintofpizza
    patronsaintofpizza Member Posts: 127

    Do true killer mains even exist in DBD? I feel like most people who play killer a lot, also play a decent amount of survivor. While there truly are survivor mains who have never even played a single killer game and yet claim “KIlLer Is sO EAzy”

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Ideally everyone would play both sides equally. Which would result in everyone having a bit more compassion for the players they play with.

    But yes, i´ve seen some forum comments claiming that killer is so easy, because they see streamers that win 99% of their matches (actual quote) perkless... and that the game is boring because of that.

    Its a 4vs1 game or as solo a 1vs1vs1vs1vs1. So it will never be perfectly balanced. But sometimes i really think that people complain when they can´t 1vs1 the killer for 5 gens or get a 4k at 5 gens like their favorite streamer.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,123
    edited October 2023

    Over 2000 hours in DBD. I'm a mostly friendly killer, as in I'll try to avoid double hooking, won't facecamp unless EGC, and typically play the underdogs such as ghostie. Myers, and pig.

    All I ever see is the moment survivors complain about something, BHVR will trip over themselves to nerf killers, but if killers have legitimate concerns, BHVR just takes a nap. The game has become more and more survivor sided over the past updates, and they continue to make weak killers even weaker by doing global nerfs across the board which ironically don't usually affect the strong killers, at all. Made for This has almost pushed me into retiring from DBD entirely, as it guts the weak m1 killers. If the anti-facecamp goes live by affecting multiple floors, then that's the straw that will break the camel's back. I'll be walking away from DBD forever.

    The game has changed to the survivors being the power role, and killers are becoming required to follow the survivor's rules. You can literally create squads that just make a joke out of the killer and bully them. How is that even a thing? It's becoming ridiculous. The killer isn't something to be feared or avoided anymore. You have survivors literally fighting over each other to run to the killer as fast as possible to get the killer's attention. The game has gone from a horror game to a comedy.

    I mean, look at this. Why is this even remotely possible and acceptable? Squad entirely was bullying and wasting the killer's time for teh lulz, and there's nothing the killer can do about it.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,010

    "Killer is the easiest it's ever been" is a dismissive and nonsense buzzword that's thrown around because people don't actually want to discuss problems honestly, they just want to dunk on the other side as payback for whatever nerf/buff happened in whatever patch whenever ago.

    And even if it was true? It doesn't matter, because it's not about being easy, it's about being fun.

    I've been playing less than a year and the game has gotten dull. The meta is awful. The matchmaking is broken. The maps are terrible. The playerbase is hateful and miserable. BHVR does nothing to address any of this. I don't like the direction the game design is going in. Playing killer sucks. Playing survivor sucks somewhat less, even in SoloQ, but it can still suck really bad. There's nothing fun to look forward to because any potential fun is throttled by the mountain of unaddressed problems that pile up higher and higher with every update.

    I'll play the Halloween event but I don't know if the game will hold my attention for much longer afterwards.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923
    edited October 2023

    I am not saying killer has no issues or that is super easy. Both sides have problems.

    But killer indeed is miles better than years ago, at least for me. And survivor is much worse since last year.

    I feel roles reversed, many people who main killer won't admit this but if you look at all the changes and compare them it is not shocking to think this imo.

    And then again, maybe some people didn't experience dbd in 2018 or earlier.

  • MrDrMedicman
    MrDrMedicman Member Posts: 303

    Every match has turned into, hit survivor and they disappear halfway across the map, chase them down, and profit as the whole rest of the team fails to coordinate to get them free

    Or it's against a bully squad

    There's very little in-between, and neither is fun to play

  • Melinko
    Melinko Member Posts: 291

    The only thing that is damaging DBD is the playerbase.

    Every PvP game has it happen. The community becomes more and more toxic and the casuals and people who made it fun or took it lightly move on.

    Left is a small portion of die hard fans of the game, some trolls, a few hackers who like to annoy people, some streamers who have too much input on the game due to a group of grown people worshiping them and a bunch of people who just have to be the best at everything, if they lose it was a hack or someone else's fault or this perk is OP or etc, etc...

    That gets old.

  • Pennywise
    Pennywise Member Posts: 258

    I don't think there is anything drastically wrong with DBD balance wise, the gameplay is still fun and engaging. I think the issue is live services are on a decline and this is why players don't stick around like they used to. Most live services want to monopolize 100% of our free time and most people with commitments don't have enough time to do more than one live service game. Even if you stick with just one live service you can reach burn out quickly, especially with a game like this.

    My DBD habit changed not long after they introduced the rifts. Even back then I found them too time consuming, now with the deep rift DBD is almost a part time job. This way of holding onto player time can take the fun out of it, it can turn gameplay into a grind. There is an expectation that you have to log in and play a few hours every day of you want all the rewards and soon enough you will question why you are even playing.