Q&A | Ask your questions on Chapter 11

Here you can ask your question on the Chapter 11 for our next Q&A (Date to be confirmed)
- One question per person
- Short and Sweet question (don't write a paragraph)
- Spamming is not allowed
- Troll/off-topic questions will be deleted
- Be polite
Why will you be changing the aura reading of infectious fright to a much less useful location bubble that isnt as helpful?
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What was the hardest part to make in this chapter?
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What are some other perks you considered for both killer and survivor?
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Will you be giving perks like Resilience or This Is Not Happening some love since Thanatophobia got a buff (which is definitely much appreciated, btw)?
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Why is the 2-Token reward on Devour Hope still the equivalent of getting no reward?
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Was this chapter one of the more "favorable" ones to make out of the previous chapters?
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When was Plague in development did you consider making her Corrupt purge based on getting set amount of stacks from each corrupt fountain insted of timer ?
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Can the inscription on the gold tablet in the Temple be deciphered to create something intelligible that makes sense or were the five repeating glyphs chosen at random?
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Can " Fully sick " survivor have reduced repair, healing speed ?
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When making corrupt intervention what was the reasoning behind making it active at the start of a match versus a shorter timer activated by hooking a survivor?
Post edited by DemonDaddy on0 -
Are Adiris's voice lines when attacking and performing the memento mori animation based on a real language, or are they just gibberish?
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How come there are no add ons that give the Plague exhaustion, blindness, hindrance, or repair speed debuffs?
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When making survivor concepts, what made Jane come into mind? How is she relevant to the theme of this chapter?
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There were multiple threads on the forum wanting the new survivor to be hispanic, woman, middle aged or older and with a different body size. Is it a coincidence that we got a survivor like Jane or did you actually designed the new survivor around these features that community wanted?
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Does the Plague still worship the same gods, or has she started worshiping the entity? OR was the entity who she worshiped in the first place??? PLEASE PUT MY MIND TO REST
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How would the Plague interact with the rest of the Killer cast? This is assuming that killers meet like how the Nurse and Wraith have met (Assuming THAT wasn't just fanservice).
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What was the inspiration for Adiris, and why did you specifically choose to go with the sickness idea for her power?
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Are you planning to add more chapters that are in the past (as in B.C.)?
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how many chapters will we see for the next year?
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Did you look into any other time periods when making the killer?
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What was the reasoning for placing the temple in the Red Forest? Was this the intent all along?
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Why did you choose to create Jane, how did you came up with her backstory?
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Is plague being played as you intended? Or are people using strategies that you didn't think of?
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Why did you nerf Spies From the Shadows and Fire Up?
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Does Adiris speak the Entity's language? and what does she say during her mori? :)
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But the plate in the temple is Sumerian, not Akkadian. Also, check the Lore sub-forum, there's already a thread there on the subject of the Plague's language.
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Its very hard to use ds with only 60 seconds, what about increase the timer? If im being tunneled and for a miracle i reach a pallet i wanna be able to use it
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Dear Developers. Firstable I wanna say this chapter is amazing. My Question is: It is intentional that enduring no longer affects the stun timer of DS/Head on? If no, will you guys still wanna adjust the stun timer?
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Why is there only a main building in the Red forest Plague Map, Why not more?
(Keep it short, please, kthx - Luzi)
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on1 -
The prayer Adiris says during her mori, what does it mean in English?
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Are the changes to the emblem system final?
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how comes that you decided to put a talking killer into the game? i thought we wouldnt see the killers talk... is it because the killer is very religious?
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It seems that in Plague's mori she says something in a different language. If The Plague is able to speak then why do Huntress and Freddy hum their songs rather than sing them?
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Sorry if this comes across as rude, but are you really happy with The Plague's addons? I feel like compared to some of Spirit's and especially reworked Wraith's addons they are very bland.
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How come the Babylonian temple was put into red forest?
For the past 2 chapters each killer had their own realm, I'm just curious why Plague didn't get one.
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What made you decide to actually come up with the puking as the way to spread disease instead of biting or scratching (I'm very glad you went with the puke though)
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Were the ranking changes mean to be so dramatic? I think I agree that ranking up needed to be harder, but the amount that they were changed is just appalling. It also makes no sense to specifically make Killer Emblems harder, too.
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Recently, you have updated the ranking system in patch 2.6.0 which made pips harder to obtain. With pips being harder to obtain, are you going to add rank rewards soon or are you going keep making changes until you're satisfied with the current rank system (then adding rank rewards)?
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Hiw long does puke last on gens pallets ect?
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Are there changes planned for "THE PLAGUE" before its release? I think he has some problems.
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Any plans on removing the Insta-heal off the Plauges power? I feel it's the right buff she needs to help make her a little bit stronger.
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Will there be other Plagues from the Egyptian era?
Thanks and great work.
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What newly discovered bugs have been noticed and/or changes do y'all plan to implement after receiving feedback from the PTB so far?
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Is the chaser category going to be looked at? Currently killers who can down survivors faster with their powers are not ranking up as fast compared to the killers that don't.
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Adiris shares any relation with Anna? besides being the only 2 killers with range attack, they share the same map in the same location.
the entity locating Annas house and Adiris temple in the same place is just a mere coincidence or has some actual thought put into it?
Post edited by Theluckyboi on2 -
What drives The Plague to kill?
Judging by her lore she wanted to help her people rather than kill them, was it some kind of a deal, a "promise", torture, etc?
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Because this killer is from another time period, will we be seeing another killer from a different time as well?
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What was the motivation with the pip change?
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My question is this, With the Changes you have made to the ranking system. if your making it so hard to rank up why are you making us new mid teir killers?
Dont get me wrong please i love the concept of the new killer and survivor but at the end of the day if your making it this hard to rank up and stay there then we need more top tier killers. other wise all we will see if games of none stop billys/nurses and huntresses.
I love the new DLC content btw and props for the concept i love how unique it is.
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Is The Plague the singular oldest Killer in Dead By Daylight of all time, including future chapters? Or is she only the oldest Killer as of current?
Post edited by Judgement on0