Flashlights need to stop blinding when the light isn't even in view
Considering open-area (ie no walls near) flashlight saves are practically guaranteed now with the buffed background player, can we finally fix flashlights that blind the killer when neither the flashlight nor the survivor using it is even in view?
I prefer if Flashlight be nerf in a different direction, like how it some maps, specifically Dead Dog Saloon; there are completely boarded up windows that for some reason, a Flashlight beam can be shine through it and get the blind despite the fact that there is no visible hole and the survivor is literally not in view of the killer perspective. It usually abusable by swf whom can communicate and go near those down near the boarded walls to give the killer the false sense that it is impossible to be blinded by facing the walls.
I am fine with windows being open or a small holes in which a blind can be done/see through fences. But, a completely boarded window with no visible holes should be impossible to flashlight save from inside or outside.
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They are nowhere near “practically guaranteed”.
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Missed out on the recent tests the community has been doing? Survivor can gain distance insanely fast, more than enough time to get to just about any pick up. In maps like dead dawg, you can literally cross half the map in one sprint.
I heard that MIGHT(?) have been fixed, but the point is pretty much the same. If you cannot actually see the light, then how in the fog is it blinding you?
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~1400 hours last I checked. Naturally, walls are still somewhat safe for pickups, but the amount of pickups while staring directly into a wall and I still got blinded has been way too much. That's why I'm asking, if open-field flashlight saves (I edited my OP to reflect I meant that) are pretty much guaranteed now, at least make positioning yourself to avoid a flashlight more reliable (ie facing a wall).
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Maybe reading comprehension isn't your strong point, so I'll re-state. I'll be staring literally at a wall - just one giant ugly wall texture on the screen, no cracks, no windows, no passage ways, and while this giant wall texture fills the entirety of the screen, a blind will still occur. That's not "being bad at positioning". That's some bad game design that I'm asking to get fixed. Other times, survivors beside you can blind you despite not being on screen whatsoever. That's not bad position, positioning yourself in a way where a survivor is not able to enter your field of view and not flash a light in your field of view is good positioning - yet the blind still occurs.
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No need to be rude. If you’re still getting blinded, you are literally in bad position. I don’t get blinded when I properly face a wall, so why are you? Do you leave a bit of an angle exposed? Are you running shadowborn?
Nobody else seems to be having this issue…. So why are you?
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Flashlights got nerfed so many times. I think the flashlights shouldn't be touched anymore. Maybe you can play Lightborn??
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So we gaslighting people by pretending flashlight blinds don't happen outside of killer FOV?
You can tell the huntress is reasonably facing the wall based on the survivor aura, yet the dude gets the flashlight save from a 160-170 degree angle.
Flashlights shouldn't work if you're outside the killer's Point of VIEW , this blatantly needs to be fixed and adressed.
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Ehhhh that clip isn’t too strong. Huntress wasn’t right up against the wall, and with his positioning being able to be slightly behind the wall she was picking up against, that blind is totally justified.
If he was on the ground level with her, he wouldn’t have gotten the save.
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Again, no. I'm literally flat out facing a wall. Not sure how much more I can break this down. Maybe this is a language barrier issue. If so, I apologize, but im making it as simple as I can with my words.
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Ok, and I’m literally telling you you’re obviously missing something. Properly facing the wall completely prevents you from getting blinded, unless YOU are offering an angle. I don’t know how much more I can break that down.
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Nah I am with the other guy. I had plenty of times where my face is jammed through a wall where they definitely shouldn't be able to flash me but still were. Problem is they partially are able to clip themselves through and still hit you or hit you at a corner of your eye. Either way the collision in these situations are not working. I am willing to bet it does happen to you but you are willing to deny it because you exploit it as a survivor or you don't bother to remember.
Either way shoving my head in a wall isn't good counter play when you don't always down a survivor near a wall and its not hard for them to take you away from one.
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Nope.. it most definitely doesn’t happen to me lol.
When I face the wall, I don’t get blinded. I run shadowborn and STILL don’t allow angles where I can. Y’all must be doing something wrong. Without providing clips of these “exploitation” beam saves, nobody can help you. But beams and angles are working just fine.
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This is an issue I pointed out what? 2 years ago? And for some reason it is still a thing....
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I don't think you play killer or the game at all
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Yeah, sometimes the blinds are coming from an invisible angle. How can Killers protect themselves from invisible blinds.
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And I don’t think you have more than 100 hours. Lol
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169 but sure you can live in your fantasy world survivor main