DREDGE UNFAIR If you have eyesight problems

Davinki Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 13
edited October 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

this killer is bull and discriminatory I have eyesight problems can play the game perfectly despite being colourblind and wear glasses but only with this killer I can’t see nothing and really hinders gameplay I feel bad for any gamers with worse eyesight than me playing against this killer dumb design and yeah I have the heat best setting on dosnt mean nothing if I can’t see where I’m going just reduce the darkness of night fall or ADD A BRIGHTNESS SETTING

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Davinki
    Davinki Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 13

    R u serious just accept “killers” no mate it’s broken and I unfair I can’t see what I’m doing that’s broken but we are supposed to just accept it nah

  • Davinki
    Davinki Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 13

    Tried that does nothing colour blindness aside with bad eyesight I still can’t see what I’m doing if u litterally can’t see objects walls and fens how the hell r u supposed to play just wait it out when I’m this game time is everything nah mate

  • Too much of an eyestrain for long periods. Especially when characters and the HUD are bright against darkness. I don't even bother on some maps. Not worth the strain.

    It's funny how once upon a time old blind screens were white screens but now we have the opposite of that.

  • Davinki
    Davinki Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 13

    Dude all of this aside objectively looking at this killer he has one to many powers anyway not to mention i have been going against nothing but dredges this entire week he is very meta rn he is too strong needs adjustment and the nightfall needs to be looked at at the very least marginalising a portion of ur player base i litterally can’t play the game right now because all I’m going against is dredges and it’s not fair and waiting out the darkness is just dangerous since behaviour has needed things survivor gen healing speed ect

  • Davinki
    Davinki Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 13

    Completely disagree and if that’s the design philosophy then it’s completely fundamentally flawed and really dumb I’m not a fan of killers that use no skill passives to close the gap there’s no counter play if he catches u during nightfall uR done and very little I can do personally as I CANT SEE and memeorising all the loops maps most of the time is not possible like come on

  • Davinki
    Davinki Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 13

    Dude a killer that can do this and teleport like is broken hands down ur not gunna change my mind like it’s so oppressive

  • Davinki
    Davinki Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 13

    All the people saying that’s just the dredges is just his thing deal with it that dosnt make it not broken keep it constructive give suggestions and reasons not it’s just the way it is well it’s just op broken and oppressive

  • Davinki
    Davinki Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 13
    edited October 2023

    just under 1000 love how it’s all the killers to chime in

  • Davinki
    Davinki Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 13

    Completely disagree and how isn’t that constructive I said add a brightness setting or adjust the killer operative word being OR killers coming to white night an ability, killers are so strong rn again maybe it’s not so much my colour blindness (tried the filters didn’t do nothing and the heart beat setting I have on) and more my eyesight but I just don’t think it’s fair to play against and it’s all the time everyone is playing him the game isn’t fun against him and I’m just supposed to put up with it no it’s not fair and again need to be looked at why I put this in GENERAL

  • Davinki
    Davinki Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 13

    Also I feel like there should be counter play a way to stop or prevent this.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,869

    There is a counter: don't get hit, don't be injured and don't get hooked. Just getting nightfall through teleporting takes ages and is borderline throwing.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I really think the dark overlay doesnt have to be that dark, just a bit of it to show the effect, the most important part is the black fog that limit LoS. The whole screen gets really dark stress my eyes

  • Dogma_loki
    Dogma_loki Member Posts: 436

    If there was something equivalent that survivors could do to killers (like obscure their vision) they would be throwing fits and demanding nerfs.

    But since it’s the other way around, it’s totally fine as evidenced by all the mental gymnastics on display in this thread.

    This community is insufferable.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,666

    Are you going to tell me, that it would be fine if survivors had perks or other tools to use a killer's power?

    That is a hot take. Dredge was designed with this in mind. Survivors weren't. That is the main difference. Imagine if Oni suddenly had Trapper's power on top of his own for the cost of a perk slot. That would be absolutely ridiculous. Is that because Trapper is so strong? No, but you can't just add random things on random base kits and expect it to work out.

  • kin
    kin Member Posts: 552
    edited October 2023


    No matter how annoying it is, it still shouldn't stop interfering with the killer under any settings, for example, flashlights, they annoy every killer who plays this game. Me for sure, but no matter how to change it, their aspects interfering with the killer should remain, because that this is the purpose of this item.

    This is the essence of our discussion.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481

    I'm not sure if this discussion is about "Accessibility" or "Nerf Dredge". The lines are very blurred here even though they are two very different topics.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    I'm really dissapointed in the lack of empathy here. The amount of taunting and toxic replies is really depressing.

    I'm not color blind, but I got lasik and have very bad dry eyes now and can't see well on most days. But this isn't about me, just relating a little to vision problems.

    I absolutely hate nightfall, I just assumed it's supposed to be scary by not letting us see much. However, I do empathize with color blind folks, and I hope something is added to make it tolerable.

    Just keep in mind I believe it's purpose is to make us feel lost and engulfed in darkness. One of my color blind friends just sneaks around until it's over.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,183

    There is a rather unknown Haddie perk called Residual Manifest. It ain't meta, but blinding the killer to gens, hooks and their own items is surprisingly disorienting and I am quite happy that no more people are running this perk. But nerfing such a low-pick, low-power perk or throwing a fit about it? Naah.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,340

    First of all, im sorry for your handicap. That being said, you cant demand that a game is designed or balanced around your handicap. Also, its really rare that i run into Dredge.

  • CoolerBleend
    CoolerBleend Member Posts: 76

    Nightfall is meant to be scary, but all it is is an accessibility nightmare.

    I have short sightedness and astigmatisms and the darkness literally makes it impossible to distinguish between things in the environment whatsoever.

    Also the audio that plays during Nightfall is just overwhelming. It's not even scary its just the constant moaning that gets louder as nightfall progresses just makes me feel drained. And with the addition of Dredge's loud passive audio from his body it just becomes too much.

    Just because something is meant to hinder you, it shouldnt make it almost impossible for people with sight problems/ auditory problems to play against

  • Dogma_loki
    Dogma_loki Member Posts: 436

    Are you seriously trying to compare Residual Manifest to Nightfall?


  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,449

    If you make nightfall more visible you might as well remove it as shown how useless ptb nightfall was against people with semi-decent game sense. Dredge would need a full overhaul because without nightfall he is not a good killer.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,604

    The thing that's supposed to make things hard to see actually makes things hard to see.

    Sounds like it's working as intended.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,183

    ""If there was something equivalent that survivors could do to killers (like obscure their vision) they would be throwing fits and demanding nerfs.

    But since it’s the other way around, it’s totally fine as evidenced by all the mental gymnastics on display in this thread.

    This community is insufferable.""

    Ma man proposed that killers would throw a fit if there awas an option that "like obscure their vision" and that "they would be throwing fits", yet displays their own mental gymnastics when Residual Manifest isn't obscuring enough. Of course Residual Manifest isn't the same to Nightfall (hint: nothing in the game is, its Dredges unique thing), but it obscures a killers vision and takes valuable information away.

    BTW, do you know what 100% obscures a killers vision and has been in the game from basically day 1? Thats right, Flashlights! Crazy, ain't it? There are even chainblinds and extra long blinds, but I guess I am also conducting some mental gymnastics, to liken flashlight blinds to Nightfall. Under this definition of yours, obviously nothing would satisfy your demand, as anythign that would legitly blind the killer for 30s would basically win the survivors the game then and there.

    Nightfall is supposed to be scary, some players actually try to sit this time out in a corner and cower in fear, just like in a movie. Many say that Dredge is the only killer that remotely tickels their horror vibes and scares them from time to time.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    He really strains the hell out of my eyes, so I usually just sit in a locker for the duration of Nightfall.

    Better to possibly die than to hurt my eyes, ya know?

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member, Mod Posts: 5,046

    Closing this here, between comments from those in the thread becoming argumentative, and some unnecessary comments regarding players with impairments. This thread has also been moved to Feedback & Suggestions, where these kind of threads should go so they are not lost in General Discussions.

    Please remember to keep comments civil and respectful. Even if you are upset, even if you greatly disagree... stay calm, civil, and constructive with your comments & responses. Thank you.

This discussion has been closed.