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Kindred still broken

Cant see killer immediately after he hooks (due to black bubble). Cant see killer with Kindred when I am the one who is hooked and I have kindred.
I'm having the same problem.
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They actually confirmed in an older bug report that the black bubble blocking the killer aura is actually by design, surprisingly. Not being able to see the killer when you are on the hook though, that is new, but it would actually match up with the perk description. It says only that the killer is revealed to all other survivors, presumably other meaning not you.
I don't mean to invalidate you or anything, i'm just saying it might be possible that the changes are intentional to make it work as they intended it to. Even if it's a bit weird to get rid of seeing the killer whilst you are on the hook.
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Kindred still broken
Nice that I found this thread instead of opening a new one
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I would hope the bubble thing to go away, since fast killers can just swing away from hook, so basically I can't even see them... as for the other thing, i hope it's not by design....because that helps me plan where to escape to if unhooked.
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The bubble thing has always been this way, I've used Kindred for at least 2 years now every single match and that's always been an annoying thing but "normal".
But not being able to see Killer aura when you're on the hook is new, and hopefully it's a bug. Anyway happening to me too on PC / Steam.
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The bubble thing needs to go, makes it pointless imho.
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please revert the hook bubble where it shows auras through it its so silly being this way now
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bubble has never been this way until dredge patch it used to be transparent for auras you could actually see them through it
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Agreed - fast killers can just move away so fast, which doesn't even give you a chance to determine in which direction they went.
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I am suprised that this bug still exist after a year, or two maybe?
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they didnt wanna fix it then called it a feauture
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Just make the hook bubble transparent, here is an image that I came up with
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this is how it used to be back in the day like why would they even need to change it in the first place idk
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Please. It's been two months. Kindred keeps breaking and it's one of the few things that makes solo queue even half bearable.
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The bug report has been acknowleged and a discussion is underway wiht our design team for the correct interaction with Kindred.
It should definitely not show the aura through the bubble and that is not going to change.
However the aura of the killer being shown to the hooked survivor is under discussion, the wording of the perk does state that the killer aura should be shown to OTHER survivors (not the hooked survivor), which it does correctly. It remains to be seen if the aura will be shown to the hooked survivor or if the text on the perk will be made clearer.
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I'm sorry, Mandy, but that response is very confusing to me. The wording on the perk explicitly says "the killer's aura is revealed to you and all other survivors."
The wording clearly says that the killer's aura should be revealed to you.
All instances where the killer's aura revealed explicitly say "to you."
Post edited by ArcT on7 -
that's exactly what I mean by making the text clearer - the important part on where you're looking at is that it says at the beginning of the paragraph "when a survivor other than you is on the hook" If you notice the bug report is asking about when you are hooked (you being the person with Kindred). This is why the decision is with the designers to make it clear what the intention is with the perk and showing the killers aura.
This was the wording on the perk when the bug report was made
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I don't understand what the issue with the second paragraph is. Everything in the situation where a survivor other than you is hooked is working as the wording there indicates as far as I'm aware. Is that being changed? Or discussed being changed?
The first paragraph is where the bug is. You say:
"the aura of the killer being shown to the hooked survivor is under discussion"
Why is this under discussion? In every instance where the killer's aura is being revealed, it says that it is being revealed to you, whether you are on the hook (first paragraph) or someone else is on the hook (second paragraph). You said:
" the wording of the perk does state that the killer aura should be shown to OTHER survivors (not the hooked survivor)"
Can you quote to me specifically where it is ambiguous about who the killer's aura is revealed to? What is the situation where the killer's aura should be revealed by Kindred, but not to you?
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Why its under discussion? Kindred is such an important perk for solo queue, whats the point of nerfing it? Its very important for the hooked survivor to see the killer's aura as well. We have a meta of killers making survivors blind, countering Kindred. Also, sure I might know if the killer is camping me considering I can see the "anti-camp" bar filling up, but should I free myself from the hook and run directly towards the killer because I don't know which direction they are standing? Not even counting situations of the basement that the killer can stand right by the entrance and the "anti-camp" bar is not gonna fill up in time to save myself?
Seriously, just keep the killer's aura visible anytime for the Kindred user. Nerfing this perk is just a slap in the face of survivors.
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If I'm understanding this correctly:
Kindred was incorrectly revealing the killer's aura to the survivor when they were on the hook because it said "all other survivors." This incorrect behavior has been in place for years. This was fixed in the early October patch, but undocumented in patch notes.
People then reported this as a bug, and it acting in a different way than previously was acknowledged here as a bug.
The wording was then changed to instead say "you and all other survivors," again undocumented in patch notes, but the October change was not reverted, and there are discussions to go through with the original 'fix', revert the wording back to what it was previously, and keep the current behavior (not revealing the killer's aura to the hooked survivor with Kindred).
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So you are seriously saying that after 6 years remaining transparent and nobody had problem with it, suddenly it was decided that it should be blocking auras? But like why? it felt right being transparent for auras and nobody likes how it is now
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Exactly, it should be revealed in both cases.