The biggest problem in DBD right now as a solo survivor and wondering why it keeps happening

mca240 Member Posts: 456

Matchmaking. SoloQ was never great. But matchmaking has declined by a lot ever since a couple of weeks before Alien came out. If I am matched with other players of my skill level, I win 70-80% of matches. But currently I escape maybe 30-40% of them. I don't mind losing but I do not lose due to my own performance or a killer outplaying me. No, my teammates are just horrendous. They cannot last more than 10 seconds in chase and do not do generators. It feels like there is no SBMM at all anymore. Can someone please offer me an explanation as to why matchmaking has become so bad? And don't say backfiling because that cannot explain everything. Is it because of a lower player count? Did the devs change the matchmaking? Is it bugged?



  • kin
    kin Member Posts: 552
    edited October 2023

    Train your players to play by giving them all the basic information so that they don't miss it...

    No, let's have a nerf killer, although so that he does not pose serious problems, it is enough to know 1 ######### MECHANICS IN HIS POWER (hello old Freddy and now you can attach a new sadako to this, perhaps a singularity with his EMP) 

    And excuse me, where did you notice the insane amount of skills needed for a normal game for survivors? For your information, most of the killers in the game are looping about the same

    What kind of killers do we have there? 

    Pig,Michael,Freddy, Legion, Oni without ability, Singularity+- except for the moments when you are infected, ghostface if he didn't have time to tag you, although even with a tag you just have to play more accurately than short, most of the killers in this game, with the exception of 3-4, have about the same looping tactics, except for some moments, but the base is the same for most

    With the exception of long-range killers who have their own templates and then elements can sometimes be repeated, for example, you can't throw off pallets in front of their face

    The tactics of the game against the xenomorph are similar to the tactics of the game against the clown, nemesis, artist, with the exception of a couple of moments by the type of speed of the xenomorph tail.

    If survivors need to be strengthened, then only to improve their coordination-the rest is mmr and training. What's wrong with having to train to pose a threat to your opponent?

     The killer has to be trained to appear to a survivor who plays well, knows how deceit survavior in constructions, he has to study fakes, a map to close the survivor's path to good constructions because he knows how to use it and he uses it against you, and if his comrades are also repairing generators, you need to finish the chase as soon as possible. 

    Nothing else will help because the survivors most often lose because of the mistakes THEY WILL CONTINUE to MAKE 

    The new fast vault has become a good example for me...Do you know how many times I've seen them in games? about 5 times. Because no one told them that it was possible....only the creators of the content on YouTube, but the game is not. 

    it puts all the basic information in a menu that no one enters....even a brief description of the killer's ability can be skipped...she sucks. This is a fact.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    The entry into survivor is more than killer for sure, but it's not as much as you make it out to be and not everyone needs to play like pros. The truth is just everyone is terrible on both sides and one survivor doing a challenge can solo lose a game.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    Maybe. I feel it is a combination of less players being online at the same time combined with more people playing as premades making the pool of solo survivors smaller. Not everybody has to be equal in skill but the variety I get in matches Is ridiculous. I am now frequently matched with people who last for less than 1 generator against a M1 killer on a map where all pallets are still up. Like, how?

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 944

    I noticed my solo q games are easy when +100% incentive is on killer, I tried over many days and week and i can confirm a pattern I get a lot of weak killers and strong teams

    when +100% is on survivor I get these awful games with 200h teammates vs sweatiest p100 blight, matchmaking is so weird

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,491

    I have 3.4k+ hours in this game and still get matched with Urban Evasion users sliding on the ground that are terrified and hide all match.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    In coordination with randoms aspects*. If I could simply chat "killer is camping, pls do gens, I will stay on hook", AFC mechanic would not be a thing. Without Kindred, its easy to see at least 2 teammates coming to hook, even if they come to acknowledge the camping and go back, survivors already lost at least 1 Gen time.

    No one can ever fix the will of survivors when they want to DC though, its the most toughest part of solos

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    I actually cannot get to any such conclusion, it's completely random. Sometimes I get good days other bad days and they don't really follow any pattern I can pinpoint.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941
    edited October 2023

    Tbh, in that case I would expect them to be matched with better killers no? At least that's what should be happening anyway.

    I would expect escape rate to still be 40% if the game matched you with survivors and killers around your skill-level. But that would be for solos. (escape rate for solos is obviously much lower atm) Obviously for SWF it might be a different number, but that's all the more reason we should not be mixing up SWF stats with solo stats, it's not genuine. There should be more transparency on BHVR's side.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,102

    They've said that playing in a swf can increase your chances of escaping by up to 15%. So if survivors have an escape rate of 40%, and that includes swfs, then I'd put solo at around 25% average escape rate.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Abysmal numbers. They should actually give 300% incentive 24/7 for playing solo survivor. I don't know any PvP games pushing those numbers.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited October 2023

    I dont want to nitpick, but it should be 32.5% for Solos and 47.5% for Swf. Which the gap between them would be 15%.

  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 663

    They nerfed coh and brought sbmm. Solo q has been horrid since. The "buffs" survivor got, borrowed time and acm, are useless while no survivor can just negate slower healing and longer gen times.

    Icons don't help if my teammates don't know the fundamentals.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    It is just very demotivating losing so many matches because of teammates being so bad

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 1,135

    I only play Solo and decided to track my games for a little while. Out of 60 games played, I ended up with a 30% escape rate. So that sounds about right to me.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    I only play killer when it's past 11:00PM and it's 100% on killer. That way matchmaking gives me real humans.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    It is really bad. Just had two games back to back where I matched complete bots. I ran the Ghostface for 3 generators, they lasted 30 seconds or less. I do feel it is dropping players numbers and the system still prioritizing instant queuing times. Would rather wait 5 min

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited October 2023

    Matchmaking never has and never will be able to translate into a consistent gameplay experience. Unless you're at the highest, most sweat-filled 1% and utilising every benefit the game can give you.

    You can 'win' in any number of ways using any number of fair or cheap tactics, and there's no viable way to differentiate between them in a way the game can track and therefore use to inform matchmaking.

    The problem is that MMR, in any form, is so disconnected from actual player behaviour and skill that it has little baring on the game. You can have a pefect MMR match up be entirely one-sided because the killed tunneled or the survivors were a SWF, or you can have a 200 hour matched with a 2000 hour player and have the best game ever.

    All of the work done by SBMM can be completely undone by one side playing 'unfairly' or simply in an unpopular way.

    At what point do we stop blaming 'matchmaking' and accept that the problem is other players playing in ways we don't like, and therefore accept that the real problem is 'us' and our inability to adapt to different players and different playstyles?

    People want this to be a 'casual' game, and yet get triggered when they're eliminated early or lose in any way. If you want to sweat, sweat, and get to the top 5% and enjoy your SWF v Nurse/Blight hell. If you want a casual game, accept that you're going to have a ton of games where you don't win, against a random assortment of varying skill levels.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456
    edited October 2023

    I am sorry but this is nonsense. If I have 3K hours and am matched with people who have 200 hours, something is wrong with the game. If I am matched with people who play the game by doing generators and chases but have no idea how to loop and go down in 10 seconds, they are not of my skill level. There is something very wrong with SBMM and I have personally witnessed it significantly decline in the past two months. Yes, it has always been wonky but never this bad.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,594
    edited October 2023

    There is no mythical top 5% though. People claiming it's real are basing that off of a play session or two where they saw a couple Blights, or content creators trying to generate braindead clicks. A more accurate description would be top 25%, and that's as high as you can possibly climb with SBMM. There's a massive skill gap between the top 10% vs top 25% in any game.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 708

    Seriously! I have 2.1k hours (mostly on killer but I digress) and I'm still getting matched with people playing basic survivors with barely leveled perks.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Is it bad if i don´t know if you are serious or joking?

    I mean, survivors have gotten so many base kit changes in the past, that i don´t know where else the devs could make it any easier for survivors, without making them blatantly OP.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 1,135

    I imagine if you get really, really good by putting in thousands of hours into learning how to play, you're going to break the matchmaking system. This isn't Fortnite. The game has no ranked mode and a relatively small player base.

    So the system is going to struggle to find 4 other players at your level to play with. If it struggles to match up the casual potatoes like me (which is the majority player base skill level), it's got no hope of properly matching highly skilled players. You'd be waiting forever to get into a game because there won't ever be enough queuing up in Solo Q at any given time.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    Why don't you stream on youtube or twitch if you're so good at only 300 hours escaping every game...

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322
    edited October 2023

    This concern/question has been addressed a couple of timtimes a by Peanits. His statements were basically (I’m paraphrasing) the game prioritizes queue times over a more precise placement among skill levels because people complained about long queue times when they used SBMM, skill level availability varies considerably (by time, region, etc), and sometimes there just aren’t enough people within your MMR bracket to place you with people exactly where you are. It’s especially bad for survivors because you need 4 survivors for every 1 killer, so you’d need 4 survivors and 1 killer with identical MMR ratings to create a ‘fair’ matchup. It’s easier to find 1 killer with a specific MMR than 4 survivors, so the game has to expand to find ‘suitable’ pairings. This is done largely by making the matchmaking system somewhat generous when it expands to find teammates. The only way to really fix it without basically blowing up queue times would unbalance the game. You’d really need to bring players up so they’re more stabilized across MMR—especially, especially survivors. On top of that you also have lobbydodging/backfilling messing things up.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,594
    edited October 2023

    I've seen those statements, but I think there's a really bizarre assumption among players and developers that the matchmaking issue is binary: that we have the current near free-for-all or queues that ages for perfect placement. People aren't necessarily asking for the latter. If you parse most of these threads, people are mostly asking to not be thrown into instant queues for garbage quality games. Why can't we wait a minute for a better match? Still not perfect, but not the 10 minute cutscenes solo players are getting way too often. Yes, players said they wanted faster queues. They also know nothing about developing a game or designing a matchmaking system. A doctor typically doesn't just prescribe whatever the patient asks for.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    Amen. This is what I would like as well. I wouldn't mind waiting a couple of minutes more and have a more fair match.

    Currently, this is DBD in a nutshell and the reason the game is going to ######### (and yes, player numbers are dropping fast):

    1. SoloQ: bad matchmaking, potato teammates
    2. SWF: walk in the park, grossly overpowered
    3. Killer: Overpowered SWF's on comms


  • totallynotamegmain
    totallynotamegmain Member Posts: 658

    Me getting matched with a team of players playing their 3rd game ever (this has happened over 30 times today)

  • saym
    saym Member Posts: 82

    I've been playing this game for 9000 hours, and recently I was matched with a player who had only played 15 hours. Do you think this is really the correct matchmaking?

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 775

    At this point I hope BHVR find better matchmaking options or let us see player's MMR.

    Seriously, just because it will scare some people, not letting players see their own/others MMR is a stuipid take.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited October 2023

    They've confirm on several occasions that the 'soft cap' for MMR is set at roughly the top 5%.

    SBMM when working, will make sure that those above the soft cap face others above the soft cap.

    SBMM doesn't always work though, because you'd be waiting for 15+ minutes to get into a game if it didn't give up after a few.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 1,135

    I also wouldn't mind waiting a few minutes for fairer matches. But while you might be joining an instant lobby, the other players could have been waiting a little while for a game to start. So I don't know what they could do to prevent those situations from happening, other than the current solution which is to grab just about anyone to fill the lobby.

    Maybe they could add a feature to turn quick matchmaking off (the same way they do for cross-play)? But I doubt many players would actually want to use it if it meant waiting ages to get in a game.

    I'm pretty eager to hear if hiding Survivor prestige levels has had any positive effects on match making accuracy. I do wonder how many one sided matches are caused by all the lobby dodging that goes on, especially later in the month when players have pips to defend.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    You're not posing a new profound argument.

    They tested several different systems around 18 months ago, that expanded MMR at different rates, with different cut off times.

    The system we have now, is the system that was deemed to work best by players according to feedback.

    That's not to say the game or the playerbase haven't changed since then, and maybe that system is now outdated. But for the few months following the implementation of SBMM, it was objectively an improvement.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    The only thing wrong is your understanding of how the system works.

    After several minutes, if the MMR system can't find a suitable match, it expands parameters until it essentially has no restriction.

    Matching a 3k hr player with a 200hr player isn't "something going wrong", it's the system working as intended, if there happens to be no suitable matches for one or both of those players currently in a queue. You can't match with people who doesn't exists.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    Understanding the simplest things in game makes you pro? Okay, then I'm pro in CS, because I know how to shoot.

    With what part of your body did you read this?

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960

    Recently i keep getting matched with/against 4k hours players

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,882

    Buffing survivors will just make those top players unstoppable, you don't buff things because they are "hard" just as nurse isn't "balanced" just because she is hard to play.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    Yeah, only I keep matching with these “new” survivors within 2 minutes. So no, the game isn’t beyond any threshold where it will expant its parameters.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    "The mass majority of survivors being bad doesnt mean there is a high skill bar, just that those player really are bad."

    Bro, did you hear yourself? 😂

    You mean the survivor role is ONLY for a few (not mass majority) that find it not high skill? Then a) hope to get acknolegement from devs that survivor role is only for top-tier players and b) why killers whine so much that it is so hard, so much "genrushing" and unfair looping?

    Anyway, best comment I've seen so far. Oxymoron manifestation.