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Petition to make SPIRIT Phase hits count as special attack

buckk0097 Member Posts: 96
edited October 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Spirit power is as strong as blight or nurse so why does she get a pass ?

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 563

    no, spirit needs her power to get hits in chase and its not on the level of teleporting or doubling your speed. She has enough limitations already (long cooldown, 110%, cant see survivors) that limtiation her perk choice we be a step too far.

  • buckk0097
    buckk0097 Member Posts: 96

    1- She can see scratch marks and hear voices with headphone. even a monkey can know where they survivor is

    2- she has addons of low rarity that literally tells her the exact location of the survivor when near them

    3- she has 2 addons that make her get her power back instantly. either be stuned or break a pallet.

    4- she has a green addon that recovers her power by 40% faster.

    5- she can come out of phase and hit you before you have a chance to dtop the pallet at the correct side

    6- tell me you dont know what you talking about without telling me you dont know what you talking about......

    i dont even know if you are trolling or not. i am assuming you are trolling for our sanity

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,270

    nah spirit does take some skill like blight and nurse but as caipt said she already has downsides built into her power

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    I am in no way opposed to this idea. In fact, a properly learned Spirit will almost never miss its attack. The only thing she cares about is how long it takes to take down a survivor.

    Also, PW does not necessarily require a long cooldown time, it depends on the time spent on PW. Advanced Spirits often mix in short PW to create a checkmate and then attack normally. In this case, the effect of the perk will be applied, so it may be appropriate to request that the two types of attacks be used separately.

    Many will argue that this is a significant nerf. Would you like to talk about it in detail if you like?

  • Emoba
    Emoba Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    Would make no sense.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,846
  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I really think the only problem with Spirit is if you're injured, there is no reliable way to counter her. I never M1 out of phase because if I miss, there is a long cool down, Im always out of phase, look around and take advantage of short speed boost before M1, which would not count as special attack anyway.

  • buckk0097
    buckk0097 Member Posts: 96

    people like you are the reason i made this post. why does one of the most oppressive powers in the game get a pass for reasons like skill or she has cooldown. THE OTHER KILLERS DONT HAVE THAT ???? bruh

    it would be a fair nerf. why does blight/nurse or even huntress have to go for the slow m1 to get value from Devour or Noed. when spirit can do it so freely? i feel like the past nerf kind of blinded people on her still lingering issues. nerf did nothing to how powerful she is hella strong still

  • The reason Nurse's blinks changed to special is she greatly benefitted from Exposed builds. I've never seen any Spirits run Starstruck/Infectious builds.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 563

    1 - scratch marks are delayed and unreliable for exact positioning, something spirit needs anywhere that isnt a deadzone. Good spirits use grunts of pain, which you mentioned.

    2 - cherry blossom is not low rarity, it is purple. Good spirits dont need this addon and in fact find it to be a detriment because they cant use scratch marks to get a general location. Cherry blossom is only useful in deadzones or when the survivor leaves the loop when she starts phasing. Anywhere else and it will not affect typical spirit mindgames.

    3 - Both of those addons are seen as mediocre or bad. Kintusgi is quality of life at best, to regain your power a few seconds quicker when you overextended your phase at a loop and lost the mindgame. In that situation it can be good, but a good spirit should never be overextending to the point that they use their whole phase when playing a simple pallet loop. if it worked like alchemists ring, it would be an issue, but it does not. And the one on stun is pointless because you should be avoiding getting stunned in phase, and most survivors will just predrop or camp the pallet out of confusion.

    4 - the green recharge addon drops her total cooldown from 15 to 9. I dont know how cooldown is calculated when not fully depleted so I won't bring that up here. Thats too powerful of an effect and should be nerfed 30/25%. Still, a 9 second cooldown is sizeable compared to blight and nurse who will have 10 and 6 second cooldowns maximum without addons.

    5 - That ones a skill issue. Spirit is predicated around mindgames. If you accurately predict her then you win the loop and move on. You dont and you get hit. She isnt fast enough to hit you during the drop unless you are playing based on reaction, not prediction. Therefore it stands to reason that you should not be able to deny her power value if you aren't playing around it skillfully.

    6 - This is unclear as I didnt number my original comment, and this response is non specific. I will assume that it is referring to her built in downsides and how I believe limiting her perk choice would be too far. She is a 110% killer, an inherently huge downside considering she isnt a ranged killer. She absolutely requires her power to get downs in any sort of manageable timeframe, especially in this meta. her cooldown is very large, possibly the largest in the game if im not mistaken. Leaving the loop is some of her best counterplay in a lot of situations because if done right, she will use a significant chunk of her power and be on cooldown for a sizeable time; a large downside considering her power is necessary for playability. Unlike blight, you can just use phase for map mobility and play m1 in chase and do an alright enough job. Her being 110% automatically makes that nonviable. And not being able to see survivors is an especially large downside. They cant see her either, but they have a permanent large area in which they can get a general idea of where shes coming from. Aside from relatively unreliable scratch marks, spirit has nothing but prediction and mindgames to hit healthy survivors. And breathing too if you count that, but I won't because thats some god spirit level stuff. She has a massive power spike when survivors are injured, but she is at a disadvantage while trying to get them injured as she cant just follow their sounds. This is why a lot of spirits run sloppy, because it keeps people injured more making her stronger+slowdown. Compared to nurse and blight she has far more built in limitations to cap her strength, which is why they are special and she is basic.

    7 - I think they were referring to starstruck nurse builds, not just regular nurse. I remember before 6.5.0 I heard it was getting removed so naturally I gave it a shot and... its just a free win. Midwich+starstuck build is just a winstreak button. Spirit cannot utilize it the same way, especially due to the aforementioned disadvantage when chasing healthy survivors.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 563

    because its one of if not the longest cooldown in the game while completely removing one of your five senses and forcing you to rely solely on hearing and gamesense. I wouldnt even say its that "oppressive" of a power, its good but oppressive is the wrong word. Powerful yes, but its not like spirit is just downing you with nothing you can do.

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,270

    which many like me dont have yet i play spirit with loud music and friends in my discord call

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,703

    This seems like it would be awkward to implement. While you're not wrong that Spirit can utilize Exposed and other basic attacks perks incredibly well with her power, where do you draw the line between what counts as a special attack and what doesn't? With Nurse this nerf worked because there's a very clear distinguisher - an attack after a blink but before the ensuing fatigue can be considered a special attack, and any attack after the fatigue is a basic attack. But with Spirit, it would have to be a lot more arbitrary because there's no clear transition there that immediately makes sense and so for that reason I don't think the idea really works.

  • buckk0097
    buckk0097 Member Posts: 96

    there is already an event wether the hit was haunt hit or not. just like wraith for example

  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 862
    edited October 2023

    Then you not playing enough because some actually do use starstruck to this day. It just wasnt at the same capacity has nurse at the time because spirit has a 24m default terror radius. But ppl run agitation with starstruck to benefit from it more.