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PC - Milestone Rewards don´t work

Getting event skins don´t count to the milestone rewards.
I am stil at 0 points but I already got 6 skins which means I should get the Void Pumpkin Charm right?
Restarted the game several times and checked streams.
Which skins did you get please? Are they all from this Event not a previous one?
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Yeah, all are from the Milestone page:
Bat Shirt
Open Heart
Celestial Skeleton Shirt
Musical Rib-Cage Shirt
Painted Skeleton Shirt
Buried Candy
Little Sweetie
(Points still show 0)
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The same is happening to me. I've acquired 7 cosmetics total from the collection and have earned zero Milestone points for the rewards and have not unlocked the first 6-point reward.
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I am also experiencing this issue as are other people. I got the Knight's body cosmetic but still have 0 points.
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i have unlocked multiple items within the haunted by daylight event yet the my event points remain zero
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Anyone tried to restart and see if they show up?
Just want to be able to give our team as much info as possible
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Here is a photo. You can see I own the Knight cosmetic "Open Heart" but have 0 points in the top right corner.
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Can you try to restart for me please, to see if they show up then?
(sorry to ask you to do this, but it would really help)
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Restarting has not helped.
Would including game logs be useful?
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I came her for exactly the same reason. I am not getting milestone points either. So far I have collected Knight's body, Dredge's and Skull Merchant's weapon and the Huntress Werewolf charm (4 points).
To help you out Mandy (and us), I completely restarted the game and it did not fix the problem.
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thanks for checking re the restart - yes logs are always good!
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I restarted and still have 0 points.
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thank you for trying, I really appreciate you doing that
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I went in, purchased an event item with Trinkets (no progress added still), and closed out to retrieve this log! Hope it's useful.
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thank you, I've given that to our team who are looking into this <3
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No problem, hope it helps. Here is my log if that helps as well.
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thank you very much <3
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I also tried to restart the game, but I have still 0 progress while already owning 7 pieces from the page (3 charms, 3 skeleton shirts and the body for Meg)
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Same here: I restarted my game twice in a row and still don't get neither my eventpoints nor my void-charme - I should have 8 points as I also unlocked all of the tome-cosmetics and -charmes.
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Same, zero progress.
Got 7.
Steam PC
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Why is the order now different? Your screenshot says Knights Head 21, the others say 6. @Mandy is it bugged too?
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Oh yeah. mine is in a different order, too: My Knight head is the first reward and the void pumpkin is the final reward.
Okay, so after restarting I've noticed the order of my event rewards have changed order.
I also started playing at that early time where the Bloodweb wasn't working until you restarted, either.
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I'm here because I was checking to see if anyone else is having this issue. My points also say zero.
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Posted in another thread, but I’ve gotten 6 items and my milestones aren’t updating. I’m on PS4.
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it's also not working for me on ps5
i've got over 10 items and 0 points, I restarted the game but still nothing
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Yeah, I tried restarting to see if it would work. No luck
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This is the exact reason I’m here. Couldn’t understand why I can’t access the first milestone reward. I have 8/21 of the collection and I’ve tried restarting the game, my console, waiting 2 hours and still nothing. Is this just something that’s effecting PlayStation users? I’m on PS5.
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Same here, on PS5 and have 8 unlocked but no milestone points. Restarting did not help. Just adding mine to the list.
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Same thing here on Xbox Series X, got a whole bunch of trinket cosmetics and yet the Pumpkin charm (the first, needing 6) is not unlocked and it still shows me having 0 points.
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I'm on Steam and have the same problem. Unlocked 2 event items and have 0 points still:
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Steam player here, and yes I can verify that I am having the same issues. I have purchased 6 of the event items (9 if you count those in the tome) and I do not have the Void Pumpkins Charm.
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same problem, restarted and no points. I am sure that they will get this fixed soon and credit us our points :) I am on steam as well and have 7 of the HBD costmetics bought/earned.
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Same here, no points.
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Well I'm glad I'm not the only one not getting points. Hope this gets fixed soon! The void pumpkin charm is cool
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PS5 Same problem, 7 items - 0 points, restarted 3 times.
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It's maybe to late, but got the same issue, here my log; if it can help
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Same; I have eight unlocks but no progress towards milestones. Got the pieces from the first tome chapter: the bat shirt, open heart, little sweetie, buried candy along with stuff bought using Dark Trinkets, including Chewing Blade, Candy Breaker Blade, Huntress Werewolf and Scarecrow Jake.
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Same issue here on Steam. I started playing this morning (I'm from Germany) and I unlocked 4 shirts and the knight and meg body, points still show 0.
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I'm on Switch, I have the same problem everyone else is having. Bought Deathslinger's and Dredge's weapons and Kate's skeleton shirt, and I have completed the first page of the event tome for the cosmetics in there. I have received no milestone points.
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It seems fixed. I just received my milestone points and the first reward.
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How is it possible you have over 10 items? 9 should be the maximum you can get if you complete Level 1 of the event tome. Level 1 of the event tome does not offer enough Dark Trinkets and cosmetics to have unlocked 10, let alone over 10. Even if you bought the 2 charms instead of one 150-trinket cosmetic, you would be left with 125 Trinkets after having completed Level 1.
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UPDATE: My Milestone points and rewards have been updated and received!