
Good afternoon, I bought characters for gold cells 10/18/2023, they cost 350 gold cells each. Acquired 13 survivors and 15 maniacs, which came out at 4550 (13) and 5250 (15). The next day, on 10/19/2023, the developers took into account the wishes of the players to make a 50% discount for rainbow shards and for golden cells. I was very upset because I had been waiting for a holiday and discounts for a long time. Could purchase 3250(13) and 3750(15) thereby saving 2800. Please consider this problem and help in solving it. Thank you in advance!
login to steam: dimisar2
yes sry)
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tell me where to write about this problem. this is not a bug (
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For players who purchased characters for either shards or AC's after the sale had started and before the prices were correctly implemented, they will receive the refunds of the difference in amounts automatically - we're currently working on this.
However, there's no refunds for anything purchased prior to the sale starting.
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thx 💓