Stop Incentivising Sweaty Play

PAntWill Member Posts: 19
edited October 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Another DBD event where the survivors have to gen rush and killers incentivised to tunnel. Hard.

So disappointed in this event as instead people getting into the spirit it’s just camp and tunnel and gen rush - because of BHVR’s direction of the game.

so far I’ve had many killers where they’ve not used the portals for their actual purpose but just because you can use it to camp.

survivors are just gen rushing because this is essentially the only way to get anything.

in conclusion - this event now sucks - sweaty gameplay encouraged by toxic no fun devs.

fun is not sweating for the kill or the escape. Fun is the experience and it ain’t this.

it would have been a sick event too

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't all of the cosmetics completely unconnected from the event mechanics this time around, because you unlock them with that new currency gained from doing challenges?

    This is the least you've ever had to sweat to do things in an event, you straight up don't have to escape or get kills to get the new cosmetics. If explicitly optional cool mechanics that you don't have to win the game to benefit from counts as incentivising sweaty play, I don't think any event ever could avoid that.

  • PAntWill
    PAntWill Member Posts: 19

    You can’t do the tome challenges without gaining energy which is gained by the main objective. I don’t care about escaping or 4k. The issue is the sweat that is happening which is incentivised by the devs choosing the main objective being the only way. Matches are over pretty quickly. Also today I’ve had countless killers using the portals to camp. It’s just sweaty man which negates all fun.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,372

    you also get energy by kicking pumpkins or running around the map collecting orbs

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,476
    edited October 2023

    This hasn't been my experience at all. My games have all been so chill. I'm really enjoying the event.

    Edit: spoke too soon. Just had a P100 Blight playing like his life was at stake. But 1/9 survivor games, still not bad.

    Post edited by Nazzzak on
  • Wowie
    Wowie Member Posts: 576

    stunning the killer in any way and kicking pumpkins are also ways to gain energy

    main objective is just the easiest for surv

    killer i guess just kicking pumpkins and hooking survs? does kicking a gen give energy? how does a killer gain energy?

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    You get the void energy stuff from generator repairs, yes, but also those little orbs floating around, from smashing pumpkins, and from stunning the killer. You also don't have to finish the generator, let alone all five, to get energy.

    This event is the least sweaty play has ever been encouraged. It does incentivise playing the game, you can't completely ignore the core gameplay loop, but the event itself actually encourages not rushing the generators or trying to get kills asap, because that way you won't get to engage with the actual new mechanics- unlike previous events where the mechanics were pretty straightforward and the cosmetics were all people wanted, encouraging them to get out of the trial ASAP.

    If you're seeing people playing sweaty, that's the players, not the event. There's not much more this event could do to prevent those players from playing that way.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    I started playing the event yesterday as a killer. I had fun.

    Switch to survivor today. What an unfun experience to say the least. Every game is a S-tier killer that camps and tunnels.

    I am already over this event. I will play the tomes to get the cosmetics and then exit.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,688

    The event should make the event mechanics useful, beyond tome rewards. If a killer spends time in the void realm, but zero survivors are there because they are busy repairing generators, then the killer just threw the match, because releasing a spirit is so useless for the killer that it’s not worth the time spent in the void realm.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    That doesn't really have anything to do with what I'm saying here...?

    Though, to answer it anyway, I think the idea was that both parties would want to be in the void anyway, so the killer would be there to contest the survivors wanting to capture the ghosty thing. If the survivors don't care about it in your match, there's minimal reason to do it as killer beyond bloodpoints- though to be fair you do get a fair amount of those.

    Plus, y'know, it is a pretty huge speed boost from the awakened spirit guy. It's not nothing.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    Every event it is the same. People come back and play at their most dickish just to ruin other people's experience. And with a developing team that seems fine with the amount of unsportsmanlike behaviour that is available in this game, they are successful at it. I mean, a large chunk of the player base including myself are not excited anymore for events because of how other people keep ruining your games. How sad is that?

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Then you did not play in 2018. There survivors literally let themselves die after they got serum. In 2019 you had to escape. Guess what happened: Survivors just equipped bnps and monster toolboxes to genrush and the killer brought moris

  • catfam05
    catfam05 Member Posts: 15

    Our experience yesterday was awful. Every killer we had camped at a safe distance and came right back to the hook. When our perks made it so they couldn't get the double hook or death we were all slugged. I couldn't collect hardly anything at all was a waste of time to play. Why does the game have to end so fast on either side. We like to extend play as long as we can sabo, help carried survivor wiggle out, one person staying on gens. Makes for a longer game but typically end up slugged. Would love it if they added something where the killer cannot drop you anymore. Like if they drop you instead of laying on the ground you are able to hit the ground running. Or if I am completely healed and get pulled off a pallet and you drop me or I wiggle out why am injured you never hit me just grabbed me. Not saying it is a perfect idea just a thought.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    Because the developers refuse to balance out their game, despite the majority of players wanting them to. There is no reason camping, tunneling, excessive slugging and generator rushing are still a thing. Idealy, every one gets a fair amount of gaming time.

  • chibizodo
    chibizodo Member Posts: 162

    I wanted to enjoy the event yesterday but was met with sweaty killers playing like their life depended on it; it got so bad I switched to friendly killer bc I wasn’t having fun at all; I understand the event isn’t suppose to be easy, but I just wanted to see what the portals did and got killed immediately by doing so, I just wanted to see. It sucks that the event mechanics aren’t in customs so I can see what everything is without fear of my game ending very early at 4-5 gens bc the players want to be #########

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,688

    You said there wasn’t much else BHVR could do to make the event less sweaty.

    If the event actually gave game advantages worth the time and effort to do the event, then it would make the games less sweaty. Because right now, the optimum strategy is “try to ignore the event more than your opponents are ignoring the event”

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    I mean, if they gave heavier game advantages, wouldn't that just be a different kind of sweaty?

    At a certain point, if you don't want to engage with the mechanics unless they heavily improve your chance of winning, that's on you and not on the event, right?

    Not to say I don't think there could be improvements, mind you, I do think there could be a bit more encouragement for both parties to enter the void portals so that little contesting-the-ghost minigame is more frequent, but the ultimate reason for engaging should be for the fun of doing so (and to finish challenges for the cosmetics, naturally) more than to try and win.

    Even so, I also think it's very, very worth mentioning that previous events were significantly worse than this for actually encouraging sweaty play. The worst you could say about this one is that it's neutral, the previous ones actually encouraged genrushing to get out ASAP so you didn't lose out on getting cosmetics that match. This event is a gigantic improvement over those.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,688

    This year’s anniversary event is an example of a perfect event. I felt like it was worth the time and effort to collect the anniversary event objects, regardless if I was killer or survivor, because the event powers were good enough to be worth the time sink to get the event powers.

    The reward killers get for releasing spirits is such a bad joke, and isn’t worth the time and effort. And the fact that survivors get the most powerful survivor status effect (endurance), but killers only get undetectable (instead of inflicting exposed), is also a bad joke.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    "Bad joke"? Dude, it's nowhere near that bad. I agree it could use some improvements for next year, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here- it's still a fun and impressive event with very neat new mechanics.

    You still get Haste and Undetectable for bothering to awaken the spirit guy. I agree the time efficiency isn't quite there, that should be improved, but I think you're being way too quick to write this off as a failure when it's really just a little flawed.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,688

    How is this event fun for killers? “The time efficiency isn’t there” is just a nice way of saying “complete waste of time”.

    And killers needing to deal with even more additional health states (endurance) is the supreme opposite of fun.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    The time efficiency isn't there unless the survivors are already there, is what I should've said. Then killers get to benefit and have fun with the new mechanics. Entering a void with no survivors in it probably isn't worth your time unless you really have a plan, and that is something that could be improved, but it hardly makes this event a failure for the killer side. I mean, there's still the overworld deposits which are worth your time and provide a benefit that outstrips their time investment, if nothing else.

    I agree Endurance shouldn't be part of this, but it's not as though it's omnipresent or as though killers get nothing. That is, again, a flaw, not a reason for considering it a failure.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,688

    The other reason why I think this event is a failure is because my survivor queue times are extra super awful this event. My survivor queue times are so bad this event that it’s clear that many other players agree this event wasn’t balanced well at all.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    Once I started getting a little better at DBD, I heard the term "tryhard" and "sweaty". So weird, especially since I wasn't trying that hard. Apparently, I win a lot of my games because the other team isn't trying hard. Which makes no sense considering how upset they get when they lose. I'm not the one trying the wrong amount.

    You're not the main character in every trial. You earn that or you're not. In my games, it's probably me, but not always. You guys need to stop thinking it's always. Sometimes you're the red-shirt, you had the balls to sign up for it, you have to take it with those same balls.

    If a killer has to be truly malicious, I couldn't be killer. I'm not a mean-spirited person at all, wouldn't enjoy it, wouldn't be here. I just don't take joy in meanness. Even with the bullies, I'm not trying to make anyone sad or ruin anything for anyone. I hate the idea of ruining the game for others. Even Steves. Don't uninstall, Steve, I want to kill you again and again.

    I'm just saying that you guys are just looking at a lot of this wrong, you're thinking with your emotions. The game is exciting, that means you feel the losses. The excitement is only exciting because it can be taken away. It's great that you feel that, that's draama, that's why you come back to DBD.

    But you have to compartmentalize that, be able to enjoy it while reminding yourself it doesn't matter at all, you can play again right after it's over.

    I'm gonna become a famous DBD youtuber, I'll be known as the killer that loses the best. People will say "Who's the best killer?" and argue about guys like Otz, Tofu... , but they'll have to specify "Do you mean best AT WINNING? B-Dredge is hands-down, the best killer in DBD when it comes to losing!" Everyone will agree, I'll get rich because everyone will be ironically wearing my merch. I'll hook you guys up, though.

    You guys really need to get your head on right with how you see the game. Embrace the challenge, enjoy the competition, then just play again. Doesn't matter who won. I know I talk a lot of BS, but I am one of the best killers when it comes to having fun. There's no time when I get frustrated or upset or burnt out. I love horror movies and I love playing DBD, there's nothing else to it.

    You get on a rollercoaster to be scared, once you're off it, you don't stay scared, you're not upset. Play with your entire soul, but when it's over, recognize it. Whatever excited emotion you're feeling was triggered by pretend, you have to remember that.

    That's all I'm saying. Also buy my merch, but not now, later when I have merch and am famous.

  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 338

    Yeh, i've not had a great time on this game lately. I'm playing with my friend while she has time until she has her baby then im probably going to stop playing all together.

    All i get in games is; load in, first survivor chased, then hooked, then the survivor is unhooked and killer comes straight back to the hook to tunnel them (bearing in mind we've probs done one gen if that).

    I don't expect to escape every game but its so boring now as killers sweat like their life depends on them getting the 4K and so because of that survivors have to try and rush gens which just creates a boring situation.

    But yeh as Matt famously said "Go play something else" so yeh...

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    Not coming back to tunnel, coming back because we know that instead of doing the obvious thing, you'll just heal right there. That's not tunneling anyway, but that's not the point.

    Since you know killers always come back there, why stay?

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    I agree. It encourages unhealthy game play and mentality. How did this get past development?

  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675
  • Amshnock
    Amshnock Member Posts: 51

    This even is not good for the game. Ask killer you cant do it they just gen rush and bypass the event.

    As survivor the killers just camp from a distance and tunnel hard with gen perks.

    The only time I get to enjoy it is I have to get two players out asap and slug the others and bring them to the portal and swing at it to let them know thats what I want. If the under stand they will 99 a gen let me kick and we do it.

    and if they dont understand you get slugged and lay there while I do it.

    I truly dont care about the win. give me a good chase without hacks and I will let you go.

    My last game I played night and it was a four man bully squad lvl 70 and up. they got 2 gens dont and all for ended up in the basement. I felt bad because it happen so fast with the bodyblocking and flashlights. So I face camped so they could get off. after that it was respect. I like the bully squads I enjoy shutting them down really fast.

    Its the toxic players ruining the game for everyone else.

  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 338

    If survivors heal then they're not doing gens so wouldn't it be most optimal to go to the gen being worked on. Also 9 times out of 10 I try and get away from hook but sometimes the other survivor just leaves, I don't use self care so then I'm stuck injured if I've already used my med kit

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    Most the time I don't know which one that is. I'll check them all, right after I check under the hook.

    You can be mad at the killer for coming back, but you should do so from somewhere else. That's alls I'm saying.

  • sickdeathfiend
    sickdeathfiend Member Posts: 139

    it's been a miserable experience as survivor. WIll play just enough to finish event tome maybe.