Whats everyone's take on the event?

I like it. I like all the rewards, and I like the void even though I know going there throws games, but for the sake of just having a good time and enjoying the event I don't care.
My only real complaint, unless I'm missing something is the lack of bloodpoints. You don't seem to get much more from doing the event stuff. Am I wrong or missing something?
Idk. These short events that break the monotony of the game is the time to juice up the bloodpoints. Make it 2x BP for the event. It's a celebration 🍾
Love the event, it's fun and unique.
Hate the small portion of the community that takes advantage of the fact that people aren't playing serious.
Be it sweaty trash killer players going all tunnel and playing like it's their first 4k (probably is actually) or the SWF groups that burn gens land rush out.
That match should be slower and people should be in the void. When you meet the rare non-terrible killer and get to enjoy the match the event is really cool.
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I have all of the cosmetics already from prior events, and SWF is, moreso than usual, making killer largely insufferable.
So... meh.
BP is nice, that's about the only good thing to say.
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From a lore perspective, i adore this event.
From a gameplay perspective, it can make a killer's life unbearable
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I'm really enjoying it, and yes throwing games is accurate lol 36 survivor games in and I've only escaped 3 times because the killers let me go.
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The event itself is fine, but I wish there was also a separate way to play more serious without the event. Matchmaking seems like it's completely turned off right now and it's not all that enjoyable for me.
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Not that great to play this event for 19 or 20 days long, I wouldn't do event stuff except challenges.
I wish Void only opened when exit gates are powered, killers had enough time to go Void when game isn't going well.
Also, perks shouldn't work (like Bamboozle) in Void and all killers should have 4.6m/s speed there.
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I love the event.
The Void is so much fun. When entering it as a Survivor there’s definitely tension involved. I never know if the Killer will be there or not. Vice versa for the Killer, there is an excitement that happens when finding a Survivor in the Void.
Earning souls while repairing generators is also highly satisfying. The haunts are a fun mechanic. The haste benefit feels worthwhile because of how long it lasts.
The rewards look so great. Meg’s outfit is so cool looking. The colors and shape of the jacket along with the jacket and jacket lapels evoke a heavy autumn comfort. It’s just so cool, with the tie being such a perfect touch. I especially think the tie having stains and frays is such a neat detail.
The Void Collection is now one of my favorite collections. The theme of ghostly horror is always a delight to see visited. The DBD team’s version of this theme works so incredibly well that it has reawoken my interests to the ghostly aspect of horror. To everyone that worked on the colors, thank you so much. The synergy of the color palate is highly satisfying.
Every single new cosmetic is a home run. The skeleton shirts are obviously stylish, the Killer candy weapons definitely succeed in that weird Hansel and Gretel surreal horror. It mixes whimsey with the reality of the existential nightmare the Survivors find themselves. The charms speak for themselves. It’s easy to see how Little Sweetie will be a favorite.
The costumes may be the payoff but the journey to getting them is pleasant. It’s enjoyable that the challenges aren’t taxing and stressful. They can be completed comfortably without an exaggerated effort of skill.
Overall the event is a 10/10 for me. There’s just so much that I love. The Void finally being seen for the first time. The devilishly stylish cosmetics and pleasant challenges. The new gameplay itself creating new strategic opportunities. It’s amazing. Thank you to every single person who poured their heart into this- it shows. As a fan of horror; THANK YOU!!!
PS: The Pumpkins are creepy, I love them. I imagine they chase after you like the metal sphere from the Phantasm. Also, the turquoise and black color pallet used for the event is absolutely perfect.
Post edited by HerInfernalMajesty on1 -
participating is throwing most of the time, so not a good idea unless you are ahead. as survivor it's kind of whatever you are only a quarter of the team but as a losing killer you cannot afford going into the void and spend a minute there. it's an event just have fun but probably your teammate is using resources or even dying on hook while you are down there feeding ghosts, or opposing survivors destroy those gens in 3 minutes so the match isn't fun for anybody.
good amounts of bp tho i like it.
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#########' sucks right now. My games have been nothing to write about.
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Points are good.
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I'm loving the cosmetics and charms, they are absolutely top tier. And I'm sure I'd like the event too, if only I could match with Killers that aren't trying for the world record for the fastest 4K at 5 gens. I'm not making enough void energy to make it worthwhile heading in there in most of my games. Plus, my brain kinda leaves town anytime I have new event mechanics to learn, so that's not helping much either. It looks like I'll be earning most of my cosmetics in my Killer games again, I guess.
My killer games have been a better experience, though. I'm facing tougher opposition than usual, so a lot of 0-2K games. Still, it's been fun. But you know what I like the most? Now I can head into the void to farm extra BP and release some haunts during the end game collapse. Sorry Survivors, but I'm far too busy to come to the gate for my customary teabags goodbye.
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So Survivors should do gens slower with respect to Killers in hopes that the killer won't tunnel them or camp or do anything nasty in survivors rule book.
And Killers should hook everyone, never tunnel and camp to hope Survivors will not take advantage of it and rush gens and tbag at exits or break any other killers rule book.
Well... good luck with that.
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I like the event and almost wish the void was a permanent addition.
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I can only speak for the people I play with, but when we are on a survivor team we do in fact do gens slower.
Two will pop so people have the void energy needed. Then it is off to the void and running around finding loose energy and smashing pumpkins. That takes up a lot of time.
When I play killer, I've been very obvious about my intentions. I try to get two hooks on everyone, giving the nod to teammates to go unhook safely. Then it is off to the void, kick pumpkins and send out ghost. Yes, I've even had a few duels in the void which is super fun. But I let all 4 leave and everyone is headed out between 80 and 100k BPs. Which is ideal.
The only people who need to get 4ks during this event are people with fragile egos or people who just don't get 4ks any other time.
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That last line is ridiculous... wanting to get 4ks as killer is the appeal. Most people play killer to kill. It's fun. Do what you want but you shouldn't be surprised when people play the role as it's intended
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When you can score a massive amount of BPs by not being a sweaty player and needing that 4k, it is absolutely unneeded at the moment. To get a 4k when there is 1 gen left or none left and the void has been opened multiple times, sure go for it. However, that isn't what is happening. There is killer's playing chill so everyone scores and has fun (and they let most if not everyone go) and then there is the people I talked about, they are tunneling from the start which is absolutely pathetic during an event.
This is a perfect chance for people to prestige up another killer or survivor they've had sitting around.
Also, for most people I know who main killer, the appeal is the hunt and fear factor. The actual hooking of the death hook means very little to them, but again those people aren't playing the game to get their ego stroked. They play it for fun.
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Some people would rather just win the game instead of farming BP and i think that's fine.
Playing to win and playing for fun can be the same thing.
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its mid imo
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I hardly ever 4K as Killer anymore. Not unless the team went out of their way to irritate me, anyway. Knowing that I could 4K but chose not to is a good enough win condition for me these days.
Honestly, stop doing this to yourselves. The only reward for a 4K is for the MMR system to match you with more sweats. But if that's you're thing, then 4K away I guess.
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I would love the event if ps4 gameplay wasn't a laggy mess ever since SM rework update.
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Pretty uninteresting event IMO. I'm more intrigued by the whining and reeing on the forums and subreddit. Like, I did all the survivor and neutral challenges while playing normal solo queue, but apparently the average forum poster is so bad they can't do them without the killer being friendly? You just do gens and then click on the thingy and then use the portal to enter the thing and stand by the ghost thing... not hard, people.
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One of the best events. Very unique and fun and makes me hopeful that we might get more mechanics similar to this. The Knight outfit is also amazing.
If you want to experience the void you do have to throw sometimes, but I honestly would prefer that over events like the first Snowmen event or Anniversary where one side got insanely buffed and the other didn’t get much.
Only thing I don’t really like is how weak the Haunts are as traps. The hindered is so pointless and it’s already pretty hard to get someone to trigger them. Otherwise great event!
Not everyone cares about BP though. I know I don’t. I have heaps and can’t be bothered spending it. And not everyone has fun the same way. I don’t care for the “hunt and fear factor”, I play because it’s fun outplaying someone with a cool mind game or pulling of a well timed 99 stalk down with Ghostface. Getting a 4K is way more satisfying to me than getting 8 hooks and letting everyone go.
If people find winning fun, then there’s nothing wrong with that just like there’s nothing wrong with finding BP farming fun. We all have fun in different ways, as long as you aren’t an ######### then play how you want.
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I'm loving it besides the server problems and frequent disconnects this is a big improvement. The void is smaller than I thought but I like chasing there. Cosmetics are nice as well.
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Just got reminded why I don't play on weekends 😂 two games in and killers were very very sweaty. Decided to ignore the event for the next game (against a pretty chill Knight tbh, but I was a bit determined after my previous two games) and just focused on gens, and hey, finally had an escape lol
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Bottom of the barrel garbage.
It barely gives you extra BP, there's almost no incentive to participate if you are playing as the Killer and even as Survivor you are just wasting precious seconds while the Blight/Nurse main is sweating his balls off to tunnel out the first survivor before the first gen is repaired so that they can use their precious little mori to shave off even more time. Unlockable cosmetics are uninspired meh category filler.
The fact that it coincides with the biggest hacker infestation the game has ever seen doesn't help, but technically that's not the event's fault, but the devs. Still, it ruins what little fun you can have.
A crying shame really, the whole void pocket dimension was a fun idea, but unfortunately BHVR is too scared to take chances and shake up the game besides gen repair +10 seconds.
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Waste of time to enter the void as Killer. Survivor gets to waste more time running into the rift and out again since LOS blocker.
Sudden Camera changes (Sadako teleport, Alien coming out of tunnels) is always disorienting and every Killer has to deal with it now.
The Anniversary event was way better.
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Why do people behave like this? We literally did nothing wrong or toxic
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You don't have any hook states, so the optimal play is for the other survivor to get sacrificed before you get placed on a hook, so that you don't have a chance to 4%.
It was unnecessary for the killer to repeatedly hit the hooked survivor, but it was also unnecessary for the hooked survivor to keep hitting their skill checks, because the killer obviously was going to stand there until the hooked survivor gets sacrificed.
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I'm willing to say that this is the best Event we've gotten, it's fun, engaging, and sets a precedent for more interesting events in the future
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Not a fan of the event. Points are barely what a personal double bp offering would achieve. Offerings don´t stack. Event currency is only obtainable through the archives. So after finishing it, most people have to wait for the second week unlock.
All in all little reason to play the actual event.
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I think the event is amazing.
The only thing i wish was different was that the haunts would move around the trial. That'd make them more of a threat and make going into the void realm more worth it.
But otherwise i am very impressed with it and hope to see something similar next year.
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They also nodded at and humped us on the ground before hooking, hence why I'm so close to bleeding out, so i sincerely doubt they were just hitting on hook because they were waiting for her to die. I also never even got hooked, I died from bleed out.
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Then report them for unsportsmanlike play. That kind of gameplay isn't thematic nor sporting.
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It’s interesting/unique and definitely paves the way for future game modes. I havent played much because I’m just uninterested and the games themselves are not that fun (sweaty killers/survivors)
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I'ts cool, but trials somehow feel sweatier than ever. Tunnel and proxy camping significantly increased
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I haven't been playing it very much. Random 30 seconds of Endurance sucks to play against.
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The addition of a zone that connects with the trial is novel for this game. I like the ambiance it provides, and I'm curious if Haunts will have any further implementation into the game. The Broken status effect on Survivors when Injured can act as a visual signal that a Survivor has entered The Void (and also gives an incentive for entering Healthy), item charges on releasing Haunts for Survivors can be nice for item builds (though I don't know how many charges it restores). And Haste+Undetectable on Killer through the event interaction is cool (but somewhat reliant on understanding where you exit the The Void).
But there are some things I don't like about the implementation of the event mechanics:
The layout of the Void could also be improved to give better clarity on where exiting portals will lead to in the Trial. Instead of a box, match the shape of the Void to its given map. And place identifiable landmarks (possibly just floating in the skybox) accordingly, so players can get a better understanding of their surroundings should they exit.
Even with the Haste effect upon interacting with the Unstable Rifts, the interaction itself is more M1 gameplay and feels as though it detracts a bit from the movement you used to reach that Unstable Rift point. I don't think there should be any interaction prompt for the Unstable Rifts, and the player coming into contact with the Void Rift should simply automatically add energy (if they have enough).
Exiting and Entering the Void is mildly annoying. The interaction prompt takes time and isn't well used in chase and feels clunky from the Killer perspective (always slashing at it). I think it would be beneficial to make entering/exiting the void simply be based on walking into the center of the Portal with near instant teleportation. (If you want to add a cooldown, have the portal itself destabilize for a couple seconds.)
Unstable rifts you deposit energy into don't remain, so there is no mark where a portal will open (for you or others). I think a better user experience would be to create an "engorged rift" that signifies that's where a portal will develop when energy is deposited (into other Rifts).
The Portal generation seems like it could be improved. When the Void is opened, no new Portals can be opened. However, it would be nice if there was player agency on creation of additional portals once they have entered The Void, such that for Killer their exit options can be more strategic. It doesn't have to be totally open-ended where they could open a new portal, but it would be nice if instead of releasing the Haunts, you could tether them to a point in the Trial, using them as a new portal.
Even if you have a full bar of energy, you can't deposit it all into one unstable rift, there is a minimum number of unstable rifts that have to be interacted with before they open. I don't like this. It would be nice to be able to perform interactions with an "engorged rift" to open The Void from a single point. Such that in the event that gameplay has necessitated your full interaction for a while, you don't have to spend time running around the map interacting with Rifts if others haven't.
Then there's the Haunts. Not sure what the translucent Haunts in the Trial are for. Surprised you can't run into them to collect more void energy. And the friendly Haunts that you spawn always seem to spawn on the opposite side of the map (that I've seen so far).
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You could report them for being vulgar. Slugging and hitting people on hook is whatever, but being vulgar is unacceptable.
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Eh. Sweaty killers every single game. Not that many BP. Once you complete the challenges there is no progression.
The void thing and the ghost thing could be cool eventually, but definitely nothing of note right now.
If you're having a different experience though, I'm glad you're enjoying it.
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Really like it.
Especially the void ream. It feels new and fresh. Even after the 10th game.
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Don't particularly like it with no real explanation of what you need to do to complete some of the tasks.
How about an explanation box devs?
I spent my first couple of games wandering around and didn't have a clue what I was supposed to do or why the void appeared to open randomly - I know that's not the case now but didn't at time.
Terrible toxic survivors in every game with horrible map offerings that are survivor sided.
And is there a sale on flashlights?
I've seen more flashlights than in a B&Q warehouse.
I usually let survivors do their thing as the event should be fun and everyone leaves happy.
Pity some survivors want to make the game awful for killer and I'm sure the same is the other way round with toxic killers
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The haunts do seem to spawn on the opposite side of the map. I try to do as much of the event objectives as I can and release as many ghosts as I can per match to get the added bloodpoints.
Many matches don't allow it though if the team isn't all doing the same thing. I do notice not alot of survivors go for the spawned ghosts as much as I'd hoped.
This is either because they don't understand it enough to do so or they are more focused on the match itself.
I hardly see killers interact with the fragments either.
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The events get better year after year. I wouldn't have thought I'd still be playing but they keep roping me in with good additions. You'd think it's all about the DLC but the events are just too creamy.
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They just need a different game mode during events. So those who just have to win, can go play in a mode that suits them and people who want to enjoy the event and not have a slugging, tunneling, grind like they've never gotten a 4k killer can play the event and have fun.
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Lmao that's insane
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It's an ambitious event and I appreciate that. I think it requires going too far out of your way from the basic gameplay to engage with, for somewhat okay BP rewards, but it's fun if you don't care about the usual objectives. The new Halloween cosmetics are good too, the Void costumes are cool.
Making a shop with unique event currency is a neat idea, though waiting for the next page of the event tome to open to earn more has been dull.
Tying a Halloween item to buying Auric Cells is scummy.
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Yeah it really is fun. I'm also waiting. I feel like they shouldn't have separated the tomes so far apart. Idk. I'm waiting. The points are amazing if you focus mostly on event objectives over winning
My issue, gen rushing. Survivors who plow through matches in 3 minutes making it to where nobody wins
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I hate it.
It's a total waste of time as a killer when gens can be finished in less than a min by a single survivor to get a hate buff that is halfway gone by the time you use the portal and for horribly placed haunts to slightly slow down survivors. It really makes me wonder if BHVR actually tests this stuff or not. Or just don't care as long as survivors benefit the most. I been playing less of the game as a result.
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It's good if everyone focused on event objectives. I noticed that if we all open the portal a ton we all get so many bloodpoints
Unfortunately not everyone does this. Alot don't in fact. They miss out on points by not doing it
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I love the event, not only because it's the closest to a new mechanic since EGC but also because the "Void Realm" is a perfect example of a possible futur Killer power or unique map mechanic.
A new map could have a similar mechanic built-in: Some kind of "door" leading to a mini-realm that could be used both to hide and/or to cross the "main" map faster. The Nostromo has a unique mechanic with the steam pipe, more maps need interactibles!
A Killer power could send Survivors in a tiny realm to force a "duel" for a while, maybe even send every Survivors inside temporarily to relieve gen pressure in a short "arena match".
There's a lot of potential for interesting new things if done right.