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Best Character Perks - Dwight Fairfield


Which of this characters perks are the best?

Best Character Perks - Dwight Fairfield 21 votes

The_DaydreamerMarc_go_soloAurelleHalloulleArchol123DepressedlegionTheSingularity 7 votes
Prove Thyself
GibberishxEasizzlingmario4DelusionalHubrisOrangeBearJackZarXDCorvusCorax86D0NN1ED4RK0StarTheBabemisspuffleTommyDorkelson 11 votes
09SHARKBOSSFoempticolAny_Means_Unecessary 3 votes


  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,060

    Prove is overrated, imo. On most occasions it's still way more useful to be on separate gens.

    My personal favourite out of the bunch is Leader; terribly underrated and especially the unhook speed can turn an impossible situation into a possible one (or a fumbled unhook into a successful one) - healing speed is always nice and feeling useful when someone else opens the gate is also a nice feeling ^^

    But. The most useful is probably Bond - especially in SoloQ. Knowing when another surv is approaching in chase, knowing where someone is on a gen when you're in chase, knowing if someone for a reset is near, being able to take a perfectly timed protection hit and knowing if someone else is there for a duo-unhook is invaluable.

  • Any_Means_Unecessary

    I honestly agree with your statement on Leader, Prove is only for gens but Leader can pretty much save time or can shove the win right out of the killers grasp if used right, but Bond could also be useful. Also what if you're solo on a gen? Not much use for Prove there.

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,043
    Prove Thyself

    Is there an edit option here? I picked "prove thyself" as recently I have seen / used it but "Bond" is definitely the most useful and so far has helped me with many coop challenges.

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,157

    i run leader and wake up but if a teammate has leader the exit gate was open 5 egcs ago