A weapon for survivors would be fun

It might just be me, but I’ve wished to be able to fight back against the killer. I think it’d be fun to give the survivors a perk that’s an actual weapon and doesn’t just stun the killer.
“Widdle Me This”: A perk that gives the survivor a wooden stake after repairing a generator that they can use to inflict bleeding on the killer.
It would have a one time use like Deliverance, but could be used to get killers to drop survivors they’re carrying. Or get away if they find you on a generator. All the killer would have to do is mend themselves (takes 5 seconds) or else it’ll drastically slow them down.
It would be a way to reward survivors for working on generators and add a bit more pressure for killers. Anyone have thoughts about it?
A couple of things 1) The word you're looking for is whittle, not widdle,
2) Absolutely not. Never. The killer's time is already stretched thin as it is, and you want to slow them down more? 5 seconds of mending on a killer is worth 20 seconds of survivor time, and that's not including the time it took them to chase someone, only to then lose all the progress they made during that chase because of that park, and it doesn't include the time they go before they mend. If all 4 survivors bring it, that's a minimum of 80 seconds of survivor time, which is almost enough time to get a gen done. Do you have any idea how utterly broken a perk like that would be?
The last thing killers need is more pressure when they're already under an insanely strict time crunch.
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I mean this really isn't that much different than flashbangs or a flashlight. Though you say It does more than just stun the killer but basically that is all that is happening here.
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Please... why.
Just no.
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Just imagine a perk like that, stacked with DS. Oh god.
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Did you miss this part?
"All the killer would have to do is mend themselves (takes 5 seconds) or else it’ll drastically slow them down."
Stunning the killer with a flashlight blinds them but it doesn't slap them with a persistent speed penalty that they need to drop chase in order to fix.
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What if instead of a stake we had something that could inflict a status effect on the Killer that they'd want to avoid. Instead of bleeding, how about blinding them? You probably wouldn't even need to tie it to a perk, just make it an item you can see in the pregame lobby, with add-ons for how long you can use it, how fast it blinds and for how long the blindness last.
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so you hit a button and the killer stand still for 5 seconds. thats besically a stun or blind we already have,
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Good idea. More items in the weapons category would be great as we already have Flash lights, fireworks and the perk flashbang, so why not add some new variety. Your idea would be basically be an alternate Decisive Strike which would be nice actually. Could be a pipe or something from the generator that's not needed anymore when repaired. But it would be a perk. I think we should have new actual ITEMS with addon potential like the flashlight.
A few ideas;
1 .Pallet Wood-Planks/Baseball-bats. Green tier: wood plank(From a broken pallet so would have the same aesthetic), Purple tier: Wooden baseball bat.
The broken wood plank would never appear in a chest, but would have a very low % chance to spawn at broken pallets. The effect would be a single use melee attack on the killer that stuns them for a few seconds. Ideally used for Saves or at the right moment to help teammates in a chase. Would be too slow and interrupted if faced to face with a killer attack however. Baseball bat variation would simply break after 2 hits.
- Addons for the Woodplank/Bat: 1. Barb wire : extra stun time. 2. Nails : Extra Stun time. 3. Grip Wraps: Faster swing/windup
2. Molotov-Cocktail. Purple tier.
Would work mechanically the same as the flashlight in how you aim by holding down right MB. The main difference is that there is a delay for the survivor to light the Molotov with a lighter. Throwing the Molotov with a direct hit on the killer would stun + blind combination. Hitting close to the killer would cause a short blind if they are in its AOE. Some skill would be required for the survivor player to properly aim and hit the killer, it would arc in the air similar to a Huntress Hatchet.
- Addons for the Molotov Cocktail: 1. kerosene Wick : Shorter light time. 2. Napalm Mixture : Extra Stun time. 3. Gas Mixture : Extra Blind time.
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I think adding ways to physically attack the killer is not a healthy thing. Plus I do not want to just be randomly stabbed in the back when I am carrying a guy to then lose my rightfully earned hook.
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flashlights and fireworks/flashbangs already exist so...
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You are not physically attacking the killer though. It is way different having some nerd in glasses click a light in your face vs carrying a survivor and just getting randomly stabbed with a stake and dropping your prey.
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If you don't mind if Survivor's matching wait time increases by another 30 minutes.
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That's how re resistance is and to this day it's by far my favorite asymmetrical survival horror game.
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lmao, good joke
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As an aside, DS should pull out a knife, sharp rock, piece of glass or something.
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And that game has how many players still? Probably shouldn't incorporate parts of a failed game.
But that aside just please no. Survivors dont need more ways to annoy killers. Effectiveness aside can we not feed griefer teams more ways to just piss of people?
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...is dropping giant 2 metre tall slabs of wood on their face not enough?
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Is this a troll post I can' tell? Players physically attack killers with pallets and Decisive strike......................... Hello?
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Back then, DS was an actuall weapon sorta, it was shitshow. Just no.
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Remember how well V.H.S. went?
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Quite a lot! I wait less than a minute for my matches, still play it daily :) I love how we can heal ourselves, status effects, and just like survival horror, run out of resources and time out.
It's so much more fun, I don't ever feel frustrated when playing resistance. I wish capcom continued it. It's a wonderful game. I like fighting against a timer then kiting a boss for a whole match. Much more intense. Kiting is boring, I can do it for five gens and its the same thing every match.
And yeah I'm sorry but stunning ALIEN with a piece of wood is just goofy. It should be real weapons, and you can't count lolturrets as those are stationary.
In no world should Alien be stunned or stopped by windows and pieces of wood lol. But ok. Didn't Ellen have to jettison it out in space or burning all of it? Idr. But it wasn't with a pallet..
And yah in TCM is fun to be able to fight back. I'd do it irl, Claire, Leon, JILL with her rocket launcher would mess up most of the killers in this game.
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It would be fun to find random items on the map that survivors could use like this. It would add more flavor to the game.
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An unconditional free wiggle-out Perk wouldn't be a good idea for the game.
I say unconditional because its only condition is the main survivor objective in the first place: repairing and finishing gens.
There would be no gameplay deviation apart from the high chance that you now get to wiggle out once per match, which can be extremely powerful based on location and Killer.
Regarding weapons to 'fight back' against the Killer, I don't think that's a great idea either. A lack of agency against the Killer when the Killer is on a Survivor is a good thing for this game, it means that Survivors should try to avoid the Killer. If you start adding in more ways to directly fight the Killer when they're on top of you, that threat is made even smaller.
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I mean with a weapon in hand, my point is getting stabbed randomly whilst carrying someone and dropping them with 0 counter play is not fun.
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No weapon in hand? Semantics. Flashlights/fireworks/flashbang/decisive strike are a weapon that is carried by the survivor, so I still can't tell if you trolling or just want to argue because you hate change of any kind. Who said there wouldn't be counter play? That's like saying flashlights and pallets have no counter play.
I think the game would be greatly improved by adding some new survivor weapons to vary it up and add some spice. We have only had flashlights, flashbangs, decisive and pallets for forever. Lets add something new. The flame turrets were a good addition as far as survivor weapons but it's tied to one particular killer.
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ok, when survivor want hit killer but killer attack too, the survivor will be executed, instant.
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I love change, I just dont want a repeat of no counterplay stuns etc (like when you could get a flashlight save at any point in the pickup animation for example).