Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Distortion is an unhealthy Perk and needs a change

Member Posts: 999
edited October 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hey everyone and the developers,

I love use play Auraperks because they are more fun instead of slowdown or regression perks. However, nearly every second match I have at least round about two Distortion players, which is - in my opinion - really unhealthy and I want to explain why:

  1.  It gives some Killer players the feeling that Auraperks are not reliable and they rather play regression perks. Ultimate Wapon is a very common perk because it is much more reliable in finding other survivors (don't get me wrong I think UW needs some changes but the topic is not about this perk).
  2. In my opinion Distorion makes Killers more likely to tunnel a survivor out of the match. The reason is that many Distortion players like to hide and play really carefully which is a big waste of time for the killers to seek for a survivor that is sitting in the corner of the map. In addition, when you give a Distortion player the opportunity to run away after they get hooked, you will never ever see them again. Overall, there are little reasons to chase a Distortion player (if they have zero hookstages) because it is boring. Yes, you could say "Distortion protects you from tunnling because the killer cannot see you". Yes, but OTR does the same with much more value.
  3. Distortion players often play really bad. Of cause, this is my own feeling but I feel that Distortion players are bad at chase because they rather hide instead of trying to improve and take chases and when you find them, they get down in like 5 seconds and choose really akward paths. Of cause not every player but many of them.

Overall, I think Distortion is an unhealthy perk and need a change in someway (g.e. you get one tokenper Generator back; back to total 5 token and nothing more). I see the point that Distortion is useful, especially in SWF, but it is somehow unhealthy and I'm looking forward to your opinions, maybe I see it differently than some other players.

Post edited by HolyDarky on

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  • Member Posts: 5,785
    edited October 2023

    Honestly it might be a healthy change for distortion to start with no tokens, as its somewhat of a buff as well to overall gameplay if the killer goes for someone with distortion and they start building tokens then get hooked the killer will have a harder time applying pressure to the survivor again meaning they take some pressure from the team but are likely to still stick around as opposed to current distortion which the survivor might only be hooked once at the end of the game and it plays more like a 3v1

  • Member Posts: 4,162

    The tokens shouldn't replenish at all. Or if they need to replenish, they should only replenish in chase, to encourage survivors to eventually interact with the killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,235

    oh wow, I never noticed that Distortion has tokens, thus telling an SWF team that I have Lethal Pursuer at the start of the match, and then telling them I have BBQ after the first hook. I thought it just hid your aura for the whole match or something.

  • Member Posts: 4,162

    The perk deserves this nerf because it's currently over buffed. Players that excessively hide, should not get token rewards for excessively hiding. They should be encouraged to eventually interact with the killer.

    Survivors excessively hiding is one of the game's biggest problems. It's frustrating for both sides of the game. Why would survivors want teammates that excessively hide? It encourages killers to tunnel the other survivors, because the other survivors are easier to fine. And it's not fun to be on the same team with survivors that don't want to do their fair share of chases, and instead just want their teammates to carry them the entire game. If I was given a choice to have 3 teammates that are good at chases, or 3 teammates that are good at hiding, then I'd obviously pick the 3 teammates that are good at chases.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    when your on death hook, you do not want to interact with the killer. you want hide the entire game...

    If I was given a choice to have 3 teammates that are good at chases, or 3 teammates that are good at hiding, then I'd obviously pick the 3 teammates that are good at chases.

    i mean if they're good at doing gens, then them hiding is good. they hide and do generators. Also if they're hiding, you should be hiding as survivor. the killer walks around mindlessly while you progress gens. free wins on survivor.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    There is interaction, but it is one-sided for the most part, just like stealth at large. The problem is it is very annoying to fail at finding someone as Killer, but colossally rewarding to rotate the tree and the rock to avoid the Killer as Survivor. Since that is at the very heart of the design of the game, I can't quite say stealth's removal (and by extension Distortion's removal) would be good.

    I do remember they were saying that when Distortion came out, aura reads were much more rare, but then look at Blight's aura add-on. I would think Distortion would work better if it blocked 2 sources of aura reads, instead of the aura reads themselves. That way anyone dedicating their build to auras isn't countered, but an only Lethal User or Blight add-on would be countered. At the same time, that could hurt Ghosty Iri Cam and Floods users disproportionately. Overall I think Distortion is fine as is, as it gets the job done, but anyone dedicated to auras can 'burn through' the tokens easy enough.

    The other suggestion earlier in the thread of not gaining tokens mid-chase is probably the healthiest change for it, if it needs a nerf at all.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    stealth for survivor is one of least utilized mechanics for survivor. so in many ways, i would like see more stealth on survivor. there is just one problem with dbd and stealth. that problem is that stealth is unlimited in the game. What i mean by that is that you can hold game hostage with stealth. I sort of equate 3 gen with old overcharge+cob+eruption** as same problem that stealth has for survivor. If there is only two survivor remaining, both survivor can just hide forever and somewhat hold the hostage where killer cannot find anyone. In many ways, I would like see stealth buffed but be less unlimited so that holding game hostage through stealth is less annoying. to put simply, nobody enjoys looking for survivors 20-30 minutes at the very end of the game. Luckily, this is very rare you encounter this problem but it is still not a fun gameplay experience.

    stealth to avoid killer to do generators tactically is fair strategy. stealth to prologue game is unfun. nobody has interesting in playing 50 minute skull merchant games just as killer has no interest in playing 20-30 minutes of hide & seek in the end game. at same time, I am not sure what they could do to fix that problem beyond make it that if there two survivor remaining, maybe killer can get a crow notification after 2 minutes of gameplay. in exchange, perhaps survivor could have like 20% base-kit faster walking & crouching m/s or something along those lines to slightly improve stealth.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    The day has come when people complain about Distortion.

    Kinda funny if you think about it.

    To be honest, if you play swf, having someone in your group using Distortion is quite nice as you have no indicator about Aura perks or addons being used besides the mental stretch that the killer might have XXX because he knew exactly where I was after doing YYY.

    I don't think it needs a huge nerf, maybe it just needs a larger time to regen tokens or the duration of 1 token needs to be reduced (so more tokens are burnt more quickly).

    I for myself prefer to use Object instead. It also tells you what stuff the killer has but you also get additional information during perks like Lethal Pursuer or BBQ (which direction is the killer going). And Aura addons turn into an UNO reverse card. The only problem with Object is, that it triggers automatically every 30s which screws you once you are alone or in a moment you don't want to be seen. If that would be fixed, Object would be a valid alternative.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    If I use Aura perks I like to use Lethal too, so I exactly know if there is any Distortion gamer. Then I try to "read" the auras to determine who it is and that I need not to trust anything when I kick a Gen with NTH for example. Also a great combination is NTH and UW. You kick a Gen, see nothing, then open a locker and if nothing screams, they are either in another locker or not there. But it usually works well.

  • Member Posts: 1,393

    I'll just go ahead and out myself as someone who feels literally naked without Distortion. It's been present in 90%+ of my matches since 6.1.

    I'll also go ahead and out myself as someone who feels a lot of contempt for players with distortion when I play killer. Cause I'm in the habit of two hooking everyone before sacrificing anyone and omg, distortion is such a pain.

    Now, that being said, let me tell you why I use Distortion so much:

    In the majority of matches it is a great info perk, especially in swf.

    But in a portion of matches it is absolutely neccessary to not just die. Lethal+NTH(+All Ears/Darkness Revealed) Nurse/Blight/Wesker/Demo/Executioner and Aura-Huntress are the usual cuprits.

    And lastly, to address the points op made:

    I don't think having an aura perk means you're entitled to get the aura read. - The first aura-reading perks were few and far in between and had rather easy to tell triggers so you could deduce for yourself if a killer had an aura perk and adjust. At this point there are so many ways for aura reading that safe for Lethal and BBQ it's near impossible to tell if/which aura reading is in place and adapt to it. Some perks are explicitly there to enable a strategy or counter a strategy of the opponent. Distortion is there to enable stealth and counter full aura-reading builds. Just like it's on a Distortion player to somehow manage if they get found and chased, it's on a killer player to manage if they can't read all auras everytime and still manage to find survivors.

    Survivors who don't take the killer seriously and run right into them for chase are bad. Survivors who take the killer seriously and try to avoid the killer are bad. --- This is mostly something where different people have different tastes. By the sound of it you enjoy engaging chases - but there are plenty people who would beg to differ.

    Which also is the bottom line: If you consider chase the central aspect of the game then I can see how Distortion seems off; it doesn't usually support that aspect ("usually" because a Distortion player can very well show themselves and take chase in a strategic manner; start chase on their terms and not get jumped by the killer). However, stealth is a strategy that's explicitly meant to be employed. Recent aura reading perk additions have made it near impossible to actually employ that strategy with the surv basekit though, so if you at all want to play with stealth in mind Distortion is pretty much obligatory.

  • Member Posts: 1,491

    No, thank you. We got actually problematic perks to focus on instead.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited October 2023

    Distortion was always valuable. What triggered it's buff was the introduction of Lethal Pursuer which depleted 2 tokens right at the start of the match.

    And aura perks are very strong, I'd hesitate to nerf Distortion too much. But I could see the scratchmarks part going.

    I tend to use multiple arua perks on stealth killers. Not only do I know where survivors are before they know where I am, but it depletes Distortion tokens quickly and they don't recharge much if at all.

    If they didn't recharge in chase, then the perk would be useless against stealth killers. If anything they should only recharge in chase, so that you're rewarding killer engagement with stealthiness later in the game.

  • Member Posts: 4,162

    "Free wins on survivor" sounds like a major game problem that needs to be solved. In solo q, excessively hiding survivors messes up the team's overall chances of survival. It's unhealthy for solo q, it's not fun for killers.

  • Member Posts: 862

    I've never heard any survivor main who said holding m1 on a gen is boring then complain about tunneling. Because those same people are comp streamers that thrive off chases and look for the killer as soon as they spawn in the map. They don't care about being tunneled.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    I would avoid touching walking speed, as some people have found ways to break chase by walking after a vault. Crouch speed and maybe even a fake dying state to lie down perhaps though, maybe at the cost of AFK crows while laying down at double the normal rate.

  • Member Posts: 7,232

    I would start by making it not regenerate while being chased (and only while in the terror radius without being chased like how Diversion works) and see what happens. Right now the token system is irrelevant in 95% of games because you simply never run out of tokens. It's fine to have perks that block auras but none of them should be infinite or without limits and Distortion almost always is unlimited in its current state. You only ever run out of tokens against stealth killers or those with a small terror radius (like Huntress). Against most killers you rarely ever run out even if they have a full aura-reading build.

  • Member Posts: 21

    Overall I think you just want to able to see survivors 100% of the game so you can get easy kills. Distortion is THE LAST GOOD PERK we have and you want them to take it away because you can't see everyone! Go cry to your pillow because it killers like you who making this game worse and worse. Not to mention the constant tunneling that the devs have yet to do anything about. Every new killer they always give yall aura reading perk. So IMO get better at the game and quit crying. Distortion is fine needs no change we only get 3 tokens with it anyway and if someone brings UW BBQ and NC that's all three tokens used you cry baby.

  • Member Posts: 41

    Basically if you don't like distortion, get better with T1 Mikey. Usually eats my tokens in the first 2 minutes and I never get them back. Other than that, nah so many killers run lethal for that easy first down, so distortion is needed at the start too. I think it's a great perk but yeah it really annoys me when my swf all decide to wear it. I personally only wear it if I have a challenge to survive all game or something similar. Someone said distortion players are usually bad and that's exactly it. If you hide all game, you're never going to be able to survive if the killer finds you because you never bothered to learn looping. Honestly most annoyed at how many times a bad teammate has gotten hatch because they would hide at every whiff of the terror radius and was too worried about being seen to do gens.

    If you have too much misfortune with aura reading, try things that give notifications instead of aura (or replace at least one aura-reading perk with like discordance or rancor or something).

    Survivor perks are to negate killer perks and vice versa. You're bound to run into teams specifically avoiding the killer and it's annoying but just play casual and move on to the next match, don't request every survivor perk that actually works be gutted lol.

  • Member Posts: 999

    I agree with you! Distortion does not need a huge nerf that it becomes useless (was never the point like some other suggest) and your suggestion or the suggestions from @Tatariu, @Coffeecrashing, @sizzlingmario4 or @Seraphor could be perfect. Like mention in my topic, I also agree that Distortion is good in SWF which is nice. And yes, Object should get a buff, it's a cool one but kinda outdated.

    The issue is then that you have an active 1vs3 instead of a 1vs4, which is not good.

    Yes, this is true and I don't deny it. However, just because there are other issues, does not mean we can't talk about other potencial problems. In addition, there are plenty of discussion that already talk about these other (bigger problems).

    I've never mention that I hate Distortion. All I say is that Distortion is in my opinion an unhealthy perk for both sides. I also use other infoperks such as UW and GH, never said anything else but could made it clearer, tbf.

    I've never said that I want nerf Distortion to the ground. It is true that Distortion is useless when the killer runs no auraperk but in my opinion the perk is unhealthy if the killer runs auraperks and this unhealthy aspect is bad for both sides.

    I guess nearly everyone agrees with you that the death-on-hook-survivors must hide because a survivor that does little is better than a dead survivor. However, if we think that way, OTR would do this job much better.

    I share this opinion with Simfeliz, @Quizzy

    "Easy first down" -> the start of the game is the hardest part for the killer because every pallet is up, the killer player does not know the layout for the map (g.e. where and how are the tiles, whats up with filler pallets and windows), and where exectly the survivors are. Lethal helps with this issue (like Corrupt does it by making the map temporaly smaller and force the survivors to either wait the two mintues out or to go to the killer).

    You get my third point that Distortion players (not all of them, can only judge from my experiences) don't good at chase and miss the opportunity by using Distortion.

    In the topic I've said that I love to run auraperks but I also run other information perks and due to this I relize the unhealthy issue in Disturtion. Of cause, other inforperks have their own drawback or have a bad design (g.e. Discordance is useless if the survivor play smart which is not to group up on generators, while Rancor is such an unhealthy perk too (you can instandly kill one survivor because the rng says you are the obssesion - but I get offtopic).

    I've never said that every survivor perk should be gutted, that I play competitive, can't move on.

  • Member Posts: 1,491

    The thing is: I get it, Distortion counters your aura build... but this doesn't make Distortion "unhealthy" for the game.

    The Plague just existing counters all healing perks and medkits but nobody is going to complain about her being unhealthy for the game or that she should be nerfed. There are so many perks, powers and builds that counter eachother in this game and each time you load up in a match it's a gamble. Sometimes it's just best to accept this and move on. Especially when Distortion isn't even a top-picked perk nor does it make you infinitely aura-proof.

  • Member Posts: 999

    No, you didn't get it. It's not about my aurabuilds, it's about the health of the metagame and how Distortion seems to hurt it (the three points in my startpost).

    Year you're right that there are perks, powers, maps, or something else that counter eachother and we have to accept it, when we play the game - the game cannot become perfect over night. However, that does not mean we have to completly accept it forever and move on - there is the option to talk about things and how the devs could change these things to make them better/healthier/balanced for the game. In addition, even if one thing is not popular, that does not mean it's healthy or bad (low pickrate does not always mean its healthy/bad, while high usage not always mean it's unhealthy/godlike or something else).

  • Member Posts: 325
    edited October 2023

    Survivors risk a killer not having any aura reading when they bring distortion. The killer risk a survivor bringing distortion when bringing an aura reading perk. No need to change them just for a few players that are annoyed that their perks are less useful. Same with some people think light born should be removed because it ruins their fun to flashlight blind a killer. Every game is going to be different. That's the fun in it. If you change every perk to make it the same thing every game it's going to get stale very fast.

  • Member Posts: 647

    I started using Ultimate Weapon since I noticed a high uses of Distortion gamers, including my self.

    There less people I face with Calm Spirit so it works for me. 😁

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    It depends in how much player stealth's. If it is like new player that just doesn't know how to loop and is just afraid of chase/TR, then yeah that kind of stuff that happens at lower-level of play for survivor will hurt team's chances to escape. I am not talking about new player stealth. I am talking stealth in the form of a killer patrolling generators, seeing a generator being worked on and nobody being there so killer tries to look around and finds nobody. It is the type of stealth where you are wasting the killer's time without using any resources.

    it's not fun for killers.

    I understand that it may not be fun for you to play against stealth as killer but that is what tracking perks are for. Just don't be surprised if the tracking perk is countered by survivor's perks.

    I do not really see survivor walking in chase when I am chasing with killer. I am not saying you cannot walk in chase as survivor because you definitely can in some situations but I think walking in chase and the killer losing you is more killer inexperience. The fake dying state to go into dying state is already new perk. That new perk is called Plot Twist. It is one of newer perks that came out with Nicolas Cage DLC. The perk allow you to put yourself in dying state then recover at full health. This is not what I am talking about.

    What i am talking about is when there 2-3 generator remaining and both survivors just play stealthy because neither of two survivors want to take chase because both of them know that finishing 3 gens is not possible. As a result, you get prologue end games where killer can might spend an unreasonable amount of time to finish the game because survivor are playing excessively stealthy. Games can also be extended by the killer if the killer finds one survivor and slug them because of hatch mechanic. End game stealth and end-game slugging when two people are left are not fun mechanics in the game.

    This is why I suggested something like when 2 survivors remain, after 2 minutes passes, the killer gets loud noise notification every 30 seconds so that this prologue stealth does not hold the game hostage. A change like this somewhat feels like a nerf to the survivor stealth but it is just that this type gameplay mechanic is not healthy for dbd. The end games being drawn out accomplish very little in term of gameplay. It is better if the match just ended faster. There needs to be a more smoother way to transition to the EGC where last survivor finds hatch, Killer closes the hatch or survivor opens exit gate. That is why I just suggested small buff to try to make stealth a bit more relevant in survivor gameplay which was 20% faster base-walking speed and 20% faster crouching speed as some sort of counter-balance to erasing end game stealth. I do not think this will suddenly make survivors into ghosts. It is just survivor barely makes an effort to stealth in current dbd ever since post 6.1.0 patch where Iron will & Spine chill got weakened. More often than not, the survivors tend to play hyper aggressive with looping.

  • Member Posts: 426

    "the start of the game is the hardest part for the killer because every pallet is up, the killer player does not know the layout for the map (g.e. where and how are the tiles, whats up with filler pallets and windows), and where exectly the survivors are. Lethal helps with this issue"

    True, the start of the game is the hardest part for killer but you must learn to use this weakness to your advantage. First of all maps always have many fixed item, building, windows and pallets, not 100% is random so learn the maps. Then 99% survivors spawn in the opposite side of where you are mean you almost always know where to go at the beginning. Sure they have all the resources available but this gives them a false sense of security. Start making them use pallets and create dead zones, force them to burn god pallets (shack for example) and create pressure. Don't rely too much on your perks and power, they can and will certainly be countered. They can certainly help you and can often make you win but, when they don't work, if you don't know how to move even though your perks/powers aren't working, then you will surely lose

    Aura perks are fun and greats perks too but they don't (and shouldn't) give you victory, you have to earn it especially if those perks don't work

    You just need to gain experience and probably using these perks that help you too much makes you too dependent on them. Play a few games without the aura perk, use only audio and sight to locate the survivors, learn their movements, force them to make mistakes or consume resources, memorize the maps and then add the perks that can help you when you already know how to move

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    I don't think I was clear about a fake dying state. Games have frequently had Stand/Crouch/Prone. I just want Prone to be a base movement option. I used the term 'fake dying state' to essentially say they could re-use the idea of being on the ground like the dying state, but it would instead be a prone stance.

    The 2 Survivor stealth circumstance I largely view as a non-issue. It almost only punishes players who tunnel early and often, and only in terms of inconvenience. It also punishes players who bring only slowdown perks, and neglect intel or lethality. Lethality would keep them injured, and audible, and intel would make them hiding not matter, as the Killer player can find them. Again, only punishing people for mistakes, or undesired gameplay. Once those players give up the crutch of winning through attrition with 4 slowdown, they will actually learn to play the game, learn how to find people, and learn how to down people. It serves their best interest to keep the status quo, as they will either stagnate in their incompetence or learn to thrive. Failing in the present encourages learning how to succeed for the future. That's how I improved at the game, recognizing a mistake, whether it be a macro mistake (I need to protect/pop that gen next match) or a micro mistake (I need to watch/hide the red stain at loops of this length).

    As far as making stealth more viable, I think countering Killer information is the only way. Sadly that leaves us with the current Distortion against auras, and Calm Spirit against crows/screams. Neither of those can really be countered by a base number tweak. That's why I'd want a prone state to function as a silencer and maybe aura/scream preventor, at the cost of taking 5-10s (healthy/injured) to stand (hard channel, no 99'ing, like totems), and the Killer being able to hard pick up, bypassing the health states remaining.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    It also punishes players who bring only slowdown perks, and neglect intel or lethality. Lethality would keep them injured, and audible, and intel would make them hiding not matter, as the Killer player can find them. Again, only punishing people for mistakes, or undesired gameplay.

    why exactly is killer suppose to be punished for running their choice of build? perks are suppose to provide optional bonuses, not be mandatory effects that if you don't bring them, you risk having 20+ minutes of hide & seek.

    The 2 Survivor stealth circumstance I largely view as a non-issue.

    I view as somewhat of major problem, Both on the killer side and playing survivor side. When there are two survivors left, the killer is in winning position and killer objective is to close out the game so that the player can move on to next game. between 3k's and 4k's, I would view killer winning by 3k and 4k as exact same win. Having drawn out end game because killer is slugging for 4k's or survivor is hiding excessively i.e both player cannot be found is not fun for the killer. these are just bad game mechanics and killer should not have to run perk tax to fix bad game mechanics.

    As far as making stealth more viable, I think countering Killer information is the only way.

    calm spirit and distortion are counter perks to counter killer perks. they're not stealth itself. I was more refering to improving stealth itself a base-kit. nothing to do with perk themselves.

    Games have frequently had Stand/Crouch/Prone

    Yes, dbd has Standing, Crouching and Dying state. Tenacity is a perk to make less noise on the floor. I believe plot twist does something similar. I don't agree. it should not be base option. it has too many random benefits to be base option. it is should be perk and it is a perk.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    'Unfun for me unfun for thee'. It promotes healthier behavior than tunneling people out ASAP, or winning a boring attrition match. Just as we saw people 'hold Skull Merchants hostage' back, the same can be true against a 4 slowdown attrition build.

    I'm not sure how this is a major problem, because if you are playing Killer in a manner that is uncouth, people act uncouth back. I have had little to no problems dealing with a final 2 Survivors because I either win normally, or someone tries to be the 5 gen hero for the other person to pump all the gens. Essentially everyone plays nice in my matches as Killer (for 99%+ of matches), so I'm curious if this might be a self-report.

    As far as the 3rd and 4th sections, I find it interesting you mention improving stealth as basekit instead of requiring perks in section 3, then recommend perks instead of improving stealth basekit in section 4. Maybe that's just my interpretation, but it seems like you are speaking out of both sides of your mouth here at the end. Maybe I was unclear, I want to add a prone button essentially, to allow someone to crawl on command regardless of perk pre-reqs, regardless of health state, with stealth benefits at a lethality and timesink cost.

  • Member Posts: 483
    edited October 2023

    I agree with the sentiment that Distortion is unhealthy.

    I don't mind the effects of the perk and I don't think it's particularly strong on its own - I really like the idea of a passive stealth perk.

    ...But getting a token every 30 seconds? In what scenario does a killer trigger more than 3 aura effects in less than a minute? Most killers have one, maybe two aura-reading perks or addons at a time and even when there's more, they really do not trigger on any one singular survivor more than 3 times a minute.

    You get tokens back literally faster than you can possibly use them in almost every practical scenario. Why have a Token system at all at that rate? Just permanently hide auras at this point.

    This Perk blasts other tracking-obfuscating perks like Boon: Shadow Step out of the water in terms of usefulness, and it will never not be active.

  • Member Posts: 937


  • Member Posts: 4,162
    edited October 2023

    1) "it's not fun for killers"

    2) "That's what tracking perks are for"

    3) "Don't be surprised if survivors counter the tracking perks"

    Wow, did you really just type those words? So basically, if a survivor wants to excessively hide, and they bring anti-tracking perks, then the killer should just "not be surprised"? How does that help anyone?

    Post edited by Coffeecrashing on

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