Something needs to be done about all the survivors that give up in the first 2 minutes.

Disco Member Posts: 73
edited October 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I've played about 10 survivor games today and in at least 3 of them 1 or more survivors will either dc or kill themselves on hook. I'm okay with them dcing because at least i'll get a bot survivor that is often more useful than a human survivor but what really grinds my gears is when they kill their self on their first hook because then the game is 100% lost.

I'm fairly sure the survivors that die on hook do it to avoid the queue penalty from disconnecting so please do something about this.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • MeowMeow93
    MeowMeow93 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 60

    Just simple bans like for disconnects 5 mins and more would be a nice treat to that type of players

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,064

    I noticed more killers give up during the event because of genrush.

    The last two were both Singularity.

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,064

    I'm not. 😁

    One of them gave up when I smacked a pallet in his face. 😎

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,633

    I can't stand that behavior when these are in my team, they ruin the match.

    If a survivor has given up against me (and been saved nonetheless) I usually slug him for the rest of the game. It doesn't happen that often though.

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,583

    A luxury Killers have is, they don't have team mates who can ruin things and mess things up for you, and some do it on purpose as well, esp if you are solo in a swf match, is like yeah gee thanks team for leaving me on a hook, not bothering to help and just ruining things, I am all for having fun etc, but comes a point at times that survs take the piss, I miss my swf squad!

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,633

    Playing with a bad team is one thing.

    But from where I stand, most of these cases are players who go down first and pretty quickly. (And usually have high "prestige".)

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Well it's the upside to the downside of having to do everything yourself and splitting your non stop attention between 4 adversaries, aka why some people, me included, say that the killer is more stressful.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    I'd imagine it's fairly easy to track which players die on their first hook within the first few minutes of a match at a much higher frequency than other players. Same with d/cers. Put them in their own queue and let them play with each other.

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,583

    Killer is more stressful you are right, but playing with team mates is fustrating, well can be.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,176

    Bruh, I invite you to watch my streams and see for yourself how "insanely killersided" my matches are. Sure, sometimes the game throws me a potate lobby, but every killer would have eaten them up. Most of the time, tough, its though and sweaty match after tough and sweaty match.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    I never do that with the hook, I always stay even when it's ridiculous. Several times I looped the killer for more than 5 gens to be done.

    One was done, I was like what are you all doin? I have bond, so I could see, crouching, hiding in lockers, walking around. I'm on my p100 (I've four) mind you, so this isn't exactly newbie land. Idgi.

    I just face palm and I'm like really, really people? After that I just focus on gens, and often times I am the only one who escapes.

  • Alinpazz
    Alinpazz Member Posts: 11

    I'm kinda split on this one. It's not uncommon for dieing on 1st hook from teammates just plain ignoring me. It's bad enough when this happens without a punishment, but I do understand your point. Perhaps something like a hidden idle timer; idle for to long before the hook. Something like that.

  • Wowie
    Wowie Member Posts: 575

    Especially with bugged vaults atm. I don't condone it but I do understand it in a broader sense.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592
    edited October 2023

    something needs to be done about the bum teammates who let their teammates die on the first hook first before we can even address the situation on why people gave up.

    did they give up because they went second stage and no one made a single effort to save them until they went second stage? if so then the team doesn't deserve a bot. if my team ain't going to help me until that point then, i don't feel the need as to why I should stay and help them. I'm going next.

    if my team just can't get the save I understand that. But a lot of games you just see 3 people on gens and don't make an effort until the killer pushes them off a gen or you go second. or you know they don't even try even at second and just let you die on hook.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,862

    I feel the only reason kill rates are roughly 60% is because the amount of free killers killers get from survivors giving up right out of gate. XD

  • Disco
    Disco Member Posts: 73

    This is what makes me play killer sometimes. But then I've become good enough on killer that I often face strong swf which are 10 times better than the survivors I get on my team when I play survivor.

  • Disco
    Disco Member Posts: 73

    Bro that never happens in my games both as killer and survivor. It's way more likely that 3 people will try to save 1 person than no one will come for the unhook.

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 618

    Considering all the invincibility effects virtually carrying survivors at the moment, I have to disagree.

  • ironligma
    ironligma Member Posts: 119

    Sorry to say but like if I have one hour and I want to wind down playing survivor, and I don't want to deal with that killer, I'm not gonna waste my time and stick around.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 597

    thats like the main reason I play killer more than survivor. everything that happens is dependant on me vs them, not me vs them vs my teammates. Theres way fewer things that are 100% out of your control on the killer side of things for the most part. I.E. I can always just leave chase if they go to main building, whereas I cant just get off the hook if my teammates arent saving me. is so much less frustrating.

  • GloomySpooks
    GloomySpooks Member Posts: 40

    Get rid of DC penalties, you can get a bot instead to play. Is it ideal? No. But neither is getting tunneled at 5 gens, which is usually why I've been giving up lately.

    Killers want to camp and tunnel, what's the point of staying? Teammates want to meme or try to bully killer instead of progressing the game? Sorry I gtg get my next challenge. Teammates insta save in front of the killer? Nah I'll probably just wait here, to be downed again in 10 seconds 😂.

    You give a person a penalty for leaving a pointless game, so they get out the only way allowed, as an easy kill for the killer.

    So really, ask yourself what YOU could've done differently to avoid other people giving up. Or just accept that some people get annoyed and would rather not stick around for more. Can't get too in your feels about it when you don't know what the other person was thinking when they did it.

    As a survivor main, I see these early DCs for 2 main reasons. 1) killer is proxy camping for a potential tunnel/hook trade - while not a game-ender, if this is what you have to look forward to all match and no one is doing gens, you look out from your hook and see three crouched aura across the map from you, or no gens have been touched and they all come for the insta-save instead of having used your chase/hook time wisely (TO DO GENS!), well that starts to feel like it's not gonna end well anyway so why not just go? Lol and 2) Their initial chase was embarrassingly short-lived, the killer is just too good, what's the point? MMR is fickle. Team should just get to concede lol. I personally LOVE getting rolled by a P100 Blight at 5 gens /sarcasm.

    When playing killer, it's usually Mikey, and quitters are on indoor maps, when teammates are too scared to touch a gen. I understand this. It's annoying for me too because then I just have to stumble upon the survivors because they're all just hiding lol and the match takes forever. Did the quitter know I was going to let them all escape? No. But how boring to only ever find the same surv doing 1 gen while everyone else hides lol I understand why they'd just give up.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Then some killer player can never play a match: Blight, Spirit, Nurse, SM etc....

  • StarTheBabe
    StarTheBabe Member Posts: 6

    The only time I give up in beginning is if it's skull Merchant or the killer comes back to hook to tunnel at all. If someone wants to be stinky at 5 gens then I would rather go next. Trading hooks or watching people get tunneled is boring. Not worth anyone's time. Idk if that's the case but there are so many reasons as to why the players don't feel the match is worth their time. I don't feel like anyone should be forced to stay in a match that isn't worth their time. Also it's a free kill for the killer.

  • Foempticol
    Foempticol Member Posts: 232

    Let's be real, they'll never remove the DC penalty. Now what they could do is reduce the matchmaking ban time. I feel like 30 minutes is plenty of time for players to take a breather, anything over an hour is just excessive and unnecessary, and matches for the most part usually last 10-15 minutes.

  • Karth
    Karth Member Posts: 190

    They better do something about this trash system that is MMR because the moment i do something i inmidiately get sweat killer 9000 with 9 billion mmr, god forbid i escape

  • jondalfthejrey
    jondalfthejrey Member Posts: 8

    Came to the forums to suggest this. It should be limited to one or two. Maybe one outright blacklist and one prefer not to play against but still might have to sometimes.

    IF a certain killer can't get any matches, then that's a great indicator that the design is broken and ruining the game for the people they play against. I.e., if a killer gets blacklisted by all, then the devs can take it off and rework it so it's better. Democracy in action.

    It seems as though people have different preferences on that, probably based on their playstyle. I can tolerate the doctor, the shape, the blight, but I will DC immediately when the wraith shows up. Hell no. I don't need that stress.

  • kreeper124
    kreeper124 Member Posts: 492

    This annoys the hell outta me when I play survivor, so when I play killer I be sure to slug that survivor the whole game until they bleed out. ######### over your team you deserve some kind of punishment

  • ironligma
    ironligma Member Posts: 119

    I would love that idea actually I don't like a few killer but the ones I don't like it's by design so not much the player themselves can do, but this would bypass it.

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 758
    edited October 2023

    If you are one of those who are trying to take any early giveups granted because of "Against this killer, it is impossible to survive.", "I hate this killer.", please go play other games because you will never be happy here and don't harm other players experience. Thank you.

  • Disco
    Disco Member Posts: 73

    I'd allow it if the killers get to ban an equal amount of perks that the survivors aren't allowed to use against him

  • Disco
    Disco Member Posts: 73

    Consider you are the killer and just hooked someone and 10s after you hook someone before you catch sight of anyone else the survivor gets unhooked... It'd be really stupid not to return to the hook cus you could spend over a minute looking for the other 2 survivors or return to the hook in 10s and find 2.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    OK can I choose then if I don't want to go against Nea, Feng or Steve? They are often so toxic. Or can I opt out of 3man and 4mans? Or 4 toolboxes?

    You saying that a blacklist would show the Devs that said killers are too "strong" or "unfun", but this is not true. You would screw with matchmaking. Also people who are just doing their daily are punished by this.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Yeah. If people complain about me tunneling it is usually because they asked for it by shoving their DS into my face or because they unhook before I leave.

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,583

    Even after the disgusting game I had yesterday I never gave the pleasure of I went against ALL team mates and then the Killer who basically came together to well, cant think of another word but bully me, now sure at the start, me and a Vitto was tea bagging one another, pointing etc, even saving another Claud I fake pulled her off the hook a couple of times, I very much thought oh were having a lil fun as others were. No. I kept getting pointed at, so okay, rescued the Claud, Vitto blocked me, shook his head a lot that I couldn't heal Claud and btw I had we'll make it and also a sodding challenge to do, then someone else came and pointed, shaking and blocked me from healing her, I think was a Nea. Anyway these twits, constantly blew up the gen on purpose I was working on, brought the Killer to me who teamed up with them, was Alien, I was pointed at to be downed and hit while they were there. I was on a hook, and the Nea made it so I couldn't pull myself off the hook as I knew now was no farming, she did it so I then hit struggle were they then left me til I died, with them all nodding and pointing at me. When I knew from the no no of not healing a tea mate, I very much then wished to play the game normal as I could and well just get the gens done and out, but noooo. I reported them, have it saved, but will out get done? I don't think so.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    I had a match against a Piggy a while ago who supposedly wanted to farm, but because I did not instantly booped the snoot, she repeadetly downed me and gave me traps while she was doing some kind of crouch in the line game with the others. I had a daily to unhook so I was getting mad at her for mistreating me like that even after I joined her little game.

    After 10min of doing nothing I decided to just finish the last 2 gens (which were 99ed) but before I could finish both Piggy was on top of me. And then a "teammate" finished the last Gen only for me to get the juicy Rancor notification.

    Then I DCed.

    Sorry Piggy, but I ain't playing your stupid game.

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,583

    I very much tried to not give them the satisfaction of this bully squad, but it's no wonder people do DC because of stuff like that, and sorry to hear that though no fun at all :(

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    I also try to not give them the satisfaction, but doing this ######### during an event is just very toxic.

    I would not have said anything, but I had to go through 3 out of her 4 traps. Sorry but she can mori a bot for all I care.

    The only real reason I might DC (besides the servers or the game crashing) is when I have a cheating teammate and they want to let it seem that I was cheating too. This is the only way to show the killer you are not in it.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    If there are 1 or more people giving up on hook or DC I usually play really chill, 2-hook everyone let them do some gens, do some chases and then practice hug-tech if I am Wesker or just do funny stuff like opening lockers etc. I let them go unless they want to die.

    Good to know that you can report people like this.

  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 381


    if I let go it's usually after my team establishes that we are not escaping or at least I have no chance because I'm on hook and can see 1 guy running around cleansing dull totems or just hiding while the others don't do gens, hide, ######### about, etc.

    I think at some point it's clear you're dead and there's not much you can do about it (besides loop killer for five gens) so I just call it quits

    this is just a normal solo experience tbh

  • surv43
    surv43 Member Posts: 331

    The problem was detected correctly.

    There is also a problem with the survivor emblem, in order to obtain it, the survivor must find and run after the maniac for several minutes of the match.

    Add to this that now the balance in the game does not allow survivors to escape through the gates, we get the general picture of the situation.

    If you are caught first, you will probably lose your last emblem, if after that you do not start running after the maniac, then you will lose another emblem and you will go into the minus in rank as a result of the match. That is, whether you play for ten minutes or die on the first hook, the result is the same loss of rank. Why then waste time on a obviously losing match.

    If on top of this there is inaction in the game by the rest of the team or blocking by the body in the first couple of minutes, it is better to leave this match at the very first hook and look for a new match with more adequate players.

    I am also very annoyed by another player deliberately unhooking me in front of a maniac or an unjustified exchange when it definitely could have been done safely, and if I hang again I would rather give up than finish a match that I lost in rank.

    I tried to answer why players go to death on a hook.

  • StarTheBabe
    StarTheBabe Member Posts: 6

    I guess I'm a stupid killer then... I play ghostface usually so I go for gen grabs and gen pressure in between hooks. Returning to hook for free downs is boring to me.

  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 242

    I guess they can remove the unhook yourself chance option unless you have a perk that allows you to do it or the camping bar fills. It would allow a killer more time to find the last survivor too since most just kill themselves so the other gets the hatch. I get theres allot of situations where there is no other option but 9 time out of 10 you just flop n die anyway. Its 10x more often to be used for suicide these days, and to watch kates tits bounce